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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/19 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    they release a new single every 3-4 months ...
  2. 3 points

    Gulu Gulu

    Will post a fully digested live report sometime in the next few days, but after seeing these guys play I'm fully sold. I think they are very fucking good. (and Lanju is 😍)
  3. 3 points
  4. 2 points

    random thoughts thread

    kinda wish i knew other vkei fans in real life yall
  5. 2 points
    The new look, bigger: Individual photos (Mitsuki is Ruki now):
  6. 2 points
    It was announced in the end of the video B. P. records uploaded today.
  7. 2 points

    Failed or Forgotten Solo/side projects

    I think it was supposed to be a limited time thing from the start since live events were named after the apostles. Afaik he's still doing this from time to time when touring Europe. Minus the ugly hat. I remember Show (ex. Vaastu) announcing his new project but all I know is that they released one PV and disappeared.
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
    sleepy coffee


    https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/kizu/1394472148 didnt notice it before but all of Kizu's stuff is available on itunes now just in case u need a reasonable affordable way of supporting them also i thought ganshin records was putting their stuff up on spotify but i cant seem to find anything about that
  10. 2 points
    ppl out here gonna act like 90s band names like ✝Le+Rêve:DuCroissanT✝ are fine but a band using latin terms as album titles is too pretentious
  11. 2 points
    Sukekiyo upload the audios for 猥雑 & ただ、まだ、私。 You can listen to them on their official Youtube. Both are promotion Edit ver. Also the Music Video Teaser
  12. 1 point
    Kiryu will release a new single titled 「手纏ノ端無キガ如シ」(Tamaki no hashina kigagotoshi) on 2019.07.10 in four types. Type A Limited Edition (CD+DVD) 1,800 yen (+taxes) CD 1.手纏ノ端無キガ如シ 2. DVD -MV of「手纏ノ端無キガ如シ」 - Making-of video All Type Privilege Purchase: Application ticket "A" and application postcard Type B Limited Edition CD+DVD 1,800 yen (+taxes) CD 1.手纏ノ端無キガ如シ 2. DVD - MV of「手纏ノ端無キガ如シ」 - マルチアングルMV (Multiangle(s) MV) All Type Privilege Purchase: Application ticket "B" Type C Regular Edition 1,500 yen (+taxes) CD 1.手纏ノ端無キガ如シ 2. 3. 4.手纏ノ端無キガ如シ(inst) 5.(inst) 6.(inst) All Type Privilege Purchase: Application ticket "C" Type D Regular Edition 1,500 yen (+taxes) CD 1.手纏ノ端無キガ如シ 2. 3. 4.手纏ノ端無キガ如シ(inst) 5.(inst) 6.(inst) All Type Privilege Purchase: Application ticket "D"
  13. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    Reminds me when marilyn manson said he wanted to make a ' tinder but for s*xy kids called Kinder'
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point

    Game of Thrones

  16. 1 point

    What video games are you currently playing?

    I'm Brunnera Mulu'mi on Luisoix. 😄
  17. 1 point
    They drive me crazy too and I am a western DEG fan. haha. I guess I didn't have any problem with them until about six months ago when I saw them in London, got the VIP pass and oh my god..... I have never been so cringed out in all my life. They literally were acting like little kids who have never been to a gig or met a band in their entire lives, running from room to room so they could be there "first" and constantly screaming, trying to tell security how to do their jobs and generally were being a complete rabble of idiots. Obviously, this isn't everyone, but there were a LOT of people like this. Also those people who literally everything they are wearing or is attached to them is Dir merch, dir shirt, dir trousers, dir bag, dir tie, dir underwear probably.... etc... Not that there is anything wrong with band merch, but that is a little OTT and just looks lame. Oh and I can't forget the one girl who stood in front of me (with her backpack on the floor....moron) texting a mate on whatsapp asking her mate "how can I declare my love for Kaoru from the second row" and bad mouthing his wife simply because she's his wife. It was pathetic. Last point is how the audience were screaming and shouting the entire way through the gig, like they have some slow, pretty melancholic songs and these people are just screaming every chance they get, like, c'mon absorb the vibes here, do you actually feel Dir's music at all? Safe to say I would never do a VIP experience for a Japanese band again, not because of the arrangements or lack of content but just the other fans totally ruined it. Sticking to the topic: Bands I can't really stand are JIGSAW, actually were really cool to watch live but don't enjoy their studio work at all and have given it plenty of chance. And same as some of you guys already mentioned, any band that have that overly colourful look and are just pop basically, like Vivarush for example. Only exception to this is The Raid, not all their stuff though, only things I own by them are when they've gone for a darker sound such as Omen and 弟切草. Also, any band that has the Versailles, hyper, power metal style vibe, makes me wanna throw-up. haha.
  18. 1 point
    These albums were so great!!! The newer compositions are amazing.
  19. 1 point
    I find their music so... 😴 I only liked them around the time of Yami ni chiru sakura. Such potential with that style.
  20. 1 point

    Hi all!

    Hey, i'm pretty bad at introducing myself but thanks for having me here I started liking vk about 9 years ago and recently started to get back and dug deeper into it, and would like to talk about everything that's related(and more!) to the genre. I mostly like old vk bands but a few newer ones too. My top favorites are: -Malice Mizer -Luna Sea -Raphael -Dir en Grey -Grieva -The Piass Hope to see y'all around!
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    They will hold their first anniversary one-man live at Shinjuku Ruido K4 on 2019.10.03.
  23. 1 point
    Boye did NOT breakup Warugaki after 6 weeks for this disrespect
  24. 1 point

    Far East Dizain will disband

    it's not a rumor. it came out of Aggys mouths omebody summarized the MC at O-East. I forgot where it is exactly but I showed it to a bunch of friends via copy paste. Lol here's the text. Yall can judge. DELUHI解散理由についてのMC @55gojappe 𓍿𓇌 𓎡𓄿 Shared to login users only 199views 1favs 2019-04-19 23:58:17 O-EASTアンコールにてAggyから脱退とDELUHI解散の理由が説明されました。短文の一部のみをRTされると誤解を招くためベッターにまとめます。 みんな俺が脱退した理由知らないでしょ?そりゃそうだよな話してないもんね。 俺が脱退した理由は2つ。細かいこと言えばもっとあるけど。 1つはレコーディングで俺のベースの音が差し替えられたこと。もう1つはJuriの声が出なくなって活休してる間にJuriを切って新しいボーカルを入れようってなったとき。もうついていけないって思った。 俺が脱退するせいで解散するって話になって、俺どの面下げて解散ツアー回ればいいんだよって。 でもあのツアーが本当に楽しくて、LedaがMCで「誰か一人でも欠けたらDELUHIじゃない」って言ったじゃん?あ、これ、俺がCCレモンホールで「やっぱ脱退やーめた」って言えばこのまま続けられんじゃねぇかって。それは直前までずっと考えた。 解散した後Juriはボーカル辞めて。 LedaとSujkがやってるFEDのワンマンに遊びに行ったのね。俺は2日目に行ったんだけど初日にJuriが行ってて。そこでLedaからJuriがまたステージに立ちたがってるみたいだから連絡してみたらって言われて。でもJuriは自分がクビ切られそうだったなんて知らないし、わざわざ俺から話すことでもないし。Juriからしたら俺なんか自分が大切にしてたバンド壊した張本人のクソヤローじゃん。それでもAggyと一緒にやりたいって言ってくれて嬉しかった。 今回復活の話もらって断ろうと思ったけど、Juriが、辛い目にもあってきたJuriがそれでもLedaのことリスペクトしてるから。 赤坂でLedaが言った「誰か一人でも欠けたらDELUHIじゃない」は今度は嘘じゃないなって。俺だけじゃなくJuriのことも含めて心から言ってると思えた。 4人で集まって音出して今こうして楽しくライブできて、もしあの頃今みたいな4人だったらあのまま続いてたんだろうなって思うよ。 ************* 思い出せる限りで。なるべくニュアンスも伝えたくて箇条書きでなく話してくれた言葉を書いています。 AggyのMCを受けてLedaも当時の自分は子供で自分がやりたいことにメンバーがついてこれてないことに腹を立てていたと話してくれました。 CCレモンホールのライブで「自分の力だけではどうにもならないことがある」って言ったけど、当時の自分のビジョンとして会社を創ってDELUHIだけでメンバーやスタッフを支えられるようにしたいという目標があった。でもそんなに簡単にできることではなく、Juriが自分の歌を歌いこなせていなかったりメンバーの技術が追いついていなかったりでステージにギター置いて帰ったりしたし、楽屋で殴り合いの喧嘩したり。かと思えば一緒にバスケしに行ったり、本当に学校みたいで。今大人になってあの頃の自分は子供だったなと思います。 so ummmmmmm what i could garner here is pretty much Ledas a dick lol. But everyone's a dick anyway so this also sheds light onto what has gone on FED a bit. If you've seen tweets around the DLH reunion, keita felt a need to deny his bad feels or whatever to the fans that he's salty they had to do a DLH live and be all "I love deluhi people, i support them" and Leda was like "bh and fed should challenge deluhi as a band" like the high and mighty mf he is lmao. Compare it to the disband comments that Sujk and Leda are too busy... sometimes I ask myself "really guys? are you middle school girls?" but also im just basing off comments. take it w a grain of salt. But Aggy's comment about the dickery they wanted to do to Juri? That made me believe that well, bye DELUHI. who know tho
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    At the moment im currently re playing resident evil games because i finished the resi 2 remake every game i play i just feel o l d 🤣
  27. 1 point
    but the frequent use of butchered French/English is ok?
  28. 1 point

    new band "Rumbless." has formed

    This is some of the most bland, cookie-cutter, inoffensive piece of copy-paste djenty-hip yawnfest I've heard in some time. A ghostwriter is making hella money somewhere producing all these weirdly similar bands with weirdly similar (and somehow totally unremarkable) songs.
  29. 1 point

    new band "Rumbless." has formed

    Hate the synth be the rest of the song is good !
  30. 1 point

    new band "Rumbless." has formed

    I feel like most visual kei is like that these days. I hate the overabundance of synths in vkei. It generally turns me off immediately from a band. Especially overly glossy music videos and overproduced songs.
  31. 1 point
    Watching a performance from someone who recorded it with a phone and actually being there and living the show is very different, also it was just the beginning. Sometimes it takes some time for the band and the audience to warm up, I've seen them live and it was one of my favorite concert ever, although I found the members not very close to the audience compared to their shows in Japan, they just do their thing and leave. It'll be worth going if you really like the band and their music or if you like to headbang and jump around a lot cause they play their more heavy stuff during the world tour. That was my two cents, hope it helps !
  32. 1 point
    It goes with the topic of the song: torment and torture of a twisted 'love'. In this case, I also think it's a mildly political statement on the current suicide rate and state of mental health, but how most people still seem to completely turn a blind eye to it/refuse to acknowledge it. THE GALLO isn't a stranger to political themes in their music (WWI/II are common topics throughout lyrics, and also the lyrics of 帝都四号魔水路 and ZIZ). Just my thought though ( :
  33. 1 point

    [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros

    Pode crer kkkkkkkkkk
  34. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    #makeupgoals #eyelinergoals #werk
  35. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    Honk, honk
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point

    Far East Dizain will disband

    Someone translate this into Japanese so Leda can read it.
  38. 1 point

    Far East Dizain will disband

    So get a new bassist. I don't believe in that "Aggy is DELUHI" crap when we all know Leda is DELUHI.
  39. 1 point

    Far East Dizain will disband

    Are we in agreement that the one good song they had was Inhale? 😂
  40. 1 point

    Far East Dizain will disband

    Honestly, I thought they disbanded ages ago...
  41. 1 point
    sleepy coffee

    How can I support VK bands?

    My guess is that they're not familiar with the price jump compared to most cds out here in the west
  42. 1 point
    Yura from Puela had a short lived solo project. She retired after a few releases though.
  43. 1 point
    https://fairuse.stanford.edu/overview/fair-use/what-is-fair-use/ no
  44. 1 point
    Welcome to the 3rd annual most notable VK looks presented by yours truly, The Reverend. As usual, we're here to celebrate the 'Visual' in Visual Kei. Suggest your favorite or least favorite or weirdest looks from the past year in the comments below! Thanks to the ORZ team for helping out and contributing, and especially @platy for making like five banners for me and letting me choose which one I liked best. マーブルヘッド (Marblehead) ユメリープ (Yumeleep) キズ (Kizu) lynch. BRATBAX the Raid. vocalist 星七 (Sena) SHiSHi guitarist お花 (Ohana) MEIDARA Virge Dillinger
  45. 1 point
    Progressive vegetarian grindcore
  46. 1 point

    Madmans Esprit

    I am currently listening to the album, and I can see where the people who generally do not swerve towards western metal can find this innovative or refreshing, as it is different from your usual visual kei oeuvre. But when especially black metal (they're selling it as black metal, right?) is your daily consumption, this feels like it is nothing more than entry level gothic/black names like Cradle of Filth and late Dimmu Borgir esque releases, lacking originality and creativity, and pandering to the masses with a more approachable sound. So perhaps it is a matter of perspective. To one they can sound like a completely new thing, and to others it may indeed appear as what is almost a parody-band. Very enjoyable as a visual kei release, not so much as a metal release.
  47. 0 points
    MEIDARA will enter hiatus following their oneman on July 23 at Higashi-Koenji 20000V https://twitter.com/MEIDARA_INFO/status/1123947275775041544
  48. 0 points
    蘭図 (rands) Dr.和樹-kazuki- will depart after their live at Shinjuku LOFT on May 24 due to personal reasons. The band will continue activities.
  49. 0 points
    These 2 recent albums are so nostalgic. Throws me back to their activity before Alpha. I'm just in awe with how they have implemented all they have learned these 15 years and made each of their compositions better.
  50. 0 points
    Peace Heavy mk II

    new band "Rumbless." has formed

    It was okay, but I’ve already bought Verxina’s album
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