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Senedjem last won the day on May 5 2014

Senedjem had the most liked content!


About Senedjem

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  • Birthday 11/05/1993

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  • Interests
    reading the ban list, kote kote, painting

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  1. my parting words 4 MH: i meant it that time i said ick

  2. could be a cool tune if it was produced with like, any degree of competency whatsoever
  3. Senedjem

    What yall are doing takes me back to the first 2-3 years of getting into vk in a way i can't really articulate, its real nice
  4. Senedjem

    What happened to these guys between forcroix and now? who'd they piss off lmao
  5. lmaooo that kagerou rip is so egregious that i cant really be mad
  6. Senedjem

    killa must be so excited about having a competent vocalist
  7. now thats what i call cover art
  8. Senedjem

    Guilty as charged lmao ✌️
  9. Senedjem

    Ayyyy really cute stuff
  10. Senedjem

  11. Senedjem

    they're having fun, and I'm having fun by proxy
  12. love it when people are just like, look how many genres i can do fairly competently
  13. Senedjem

    tfw you tour with choke and youre like hmmm lipstick
  14. love this dude sitting in his own wee corner of the scene making good shit
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