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yomii last won the day on June 12 2019

yomii had the most liked content!

About yomii

  • Rank
    Gackt's Hair Stylist
  • Birthday May 22

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  1. Happy b-day!

  2. what's with that naming? if it does mean something i hope it's rebranding after change of the label or something anyway the vid and look, despite being a 30 seconds vid and a pic where you can see nothing, look like the essence of diaura-ness so whatever it will be i think it will be good
  3. just saw that movie about demon hunters and vampires and werewolves all looking goth and cool and i have to admit i'm genuinely disappointed with reality

  4. yomii

    i'll be more than happy if it turned out like that~
  5. yomii

    so one of the few good vk bands is left without its half huh what's next, surprise me
  6. yomii

    can't sleep because of another amnesia bad ending...the game is creepy
  7. nice pop song maybe koichi and genki should've done something like this if they wanted to finish with vk
  8. unmei kousaten style isn't particularly my thing but must admit vocals are impressive and the whole vibe reminded me of raidou kuzunoha games ❤️

  9. yomii

    oh. rest in peace.
  10. two guys ex-killaneth and ex-morrigan will perform for our free local japan education fair(wut), hope we're going to get two new sanas instead of the old one

    1. Show previous comments  6 more


      /that moment when it was strictly confidential sht just a few days ago... WELL/

    3. Komorebi


      Wait, it was confidential? lol



      Few days ago friend told me that they're going to russia this autumn, and it will be their "business trip", and asked not to tell anyone about it bc they're still negotiating xD it seems it's not a secret anymore 

  11. im so happy rena is back with such a strong lineup ive stopped the vid after 5 seconds just so i cant get disappointed
  12. yomii

    still can't believe this is kyohei lmao they are so good ❤️
  13. yomii

    bad news...hope he'll be alright and kebyo'll find a good bassist too. but i'll miss him, i love them all already :c
  14. happy birthday ( ˊᵕˋ ) wishing you a wonderful year ahead!

    1. Komorebi


      Thank you so much!

  15. just found out watanuki from kebyo and vurny vo kyohei is the same person and im shook!!!!! i was vurny fan back then and i do remember kyohei's voice and what's with that drastic character shift...and i didn't recognize hina either.....

    this is such a step up, i'm so proud of them now!

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