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ChaoticEnding last won the day on February 27 2020

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About ChaoticEnding

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  • Birthday 12/06/1990

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  1. ChaoticEnding

    KuroHana é excelente viu, esse novo single esta ótimo. Nem sabia, então vamos lá novamente. Tenho dois HD's de 1 tera que preciso liberar espaço urgentemente, talvez seja melhor esvaziar lá. kkkkkk
  2. ChaoticEnding

    E sobre o fim do MH é sério isso mesmo ou é só mais um drama aleatório que ta rolando por ai? Esses outros sites que comentaram eu achei ambos sem graça, por um tempo fiquei nesse discord, mas meu foco sempre foi baixar as paradas e descobrir onde eu posso comprar algumas coisas, isso era melhor aqui quando o lunático do Trombe ainda existia. Mas enfim, vida que segue.
  3. ChaoticEnding

    Saiu novo single do Kurohana
  4. 30 years old


  5. ChaoticEnding

    E uma notícia boa... A banda KuroHana anunciou que esta de volta. https://www.instagram.com/kurohana_br/ https://www.facebook.com/KuroHanaBand Novo single sai ainda em Dezembro
  6. FFXV Windows Edition have so many problems with bugs, thats sucks., becouse the game is amazing. I hope FFXVI have some good system to PC /Windows on the future.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 123Sandman321


      I haven't encountered any bugs, but the cancellation of the remaining DLCs was just downright criminal and something I hope won't be repeated.


      I'm hoping for a great story, which manages to tie up all the loose ends all by itself, that's it.

    3. seys


      Does it? I have ~140 hours on it and never really encountered any bugs aside from the lighting being kinda weird in some buildings. Though the last time I played was when the Ardyn DLC came out, so maybe something changed.

    4. ChaoticEnding


      Yes, I have a powerful gaming machine, it supports the game easily, but I found several problems, in addition to the small crashes, at times my character got stuck inside the car or on the wall, the lighting is another strange thing too.

  7. Perhaps soon we will see the end of a nation. I hope it's not mine. A great weekend everyone.

    1. Himeaimichu


      Nations come and go, but the people remain. Vietnam went from Xich Quy, to Nam Viet, Giao Chi, Giao Chau, Dai Viet, Dai Nam, etc. I'm sure all the super power nations will have their day someday

    2. ChaoticEnding
  8. ChaoticEnding

    Sounds great!!!
  9. Hi!!  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  10. ChaoticEnding

    the Raid. goes major.... the raid.... goes... major... something are wrong on this world.
  11. ChaoticEnding

    Interessante, saudade de quando tinha aquela tal de Radio Blast e fazia algo do tipo, mas de uma maneira mais trash. kkkkk
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