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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/19 in Posts

  1. 6 points

    Rich people in vk?

    all jrockers are rich in std's, and life experience.....
  2. 3 points

    Unpopular Opinion

    Alcohol and drugs, recreational or not are for the emotionally and mentally weak and are just a crutch and outside of the real medicinal benefits of marijuana, it's all just a way to desensitize yourself from the world and dull the experience that is living because people aren't happy with their lives for one reason or another. This is why I'm straight edge after having experienced both of them and opting out of the social trends of getting drunk and high as the means of having fun has helped me live a more fulfilling and genuine life.
  3. 2 points
    SHIVA new single "東京ゲルニカ (Tokyo Guernica)" will be released at 2019/11/27.
  4. 2 points
    BabyKingdom will release their new single, "MUDDY CANDLE", on 2019.10.16 in four types. They will hold their tour final at Shinjuku Blaze on 2019.12.21. Type A (Limited Edition) - 1,800 yen - Two songs, DVD "MUDDY CANDLE" MV, and making-of Type B (Limited Edition) - 1,800 yen - Two songs, DVD "MUDDY CANDLE" MV, and multi-angle MV Type C (Regular Edition) - 1,500 yen - Two songs, one bonus tracks, three instrumental songs Type D (Regular Edition) - 1,500 yen - Two songs, one bonus tracks, three instrumental songs
  5. 2 points

    30 Day Challenges

    I've done two exercise challenges this year. Both involve doing 100 reps of an exercise that targets a specific muscle group every day for a month. In January it was abs and more recently it was glutes. The ab one helped me gain a lot of core strength and I can keep up an exercise routine much more easily now.
  6. 2 points
    First live confirmed https://youtu.be/SsbU9dhrR_I Whole schedule added
  7. 2 points
    We don't even have previews yet, but I already have a feeling it's gonna sound not even half as good as they did back when they were called アリス九號.
  8. 2 points

    random thoughts thread

    japanese parents actually have a sense of embarrassment for their children, and if little brats don't know how to behave they get put on ritalin and everyone lives a normal life again.
  9. 2 points
    God this makes me so nostalgic. I was a hardcore Alice Nine back in the day (started listening to them in 2008). Back then I would be considered a “stan” by today’s lingo haha. I stopped listening to them since Supernova because I just didn’t like the direction they were going at all. Hoping this change name brings them closer to their indie roots, which in my opinion are still timeless.
  10. 1 point


    Minimalism has become a bit of a trend in the United States with the rise of Marie Kondo's Netflix series about helping Americans tidy up their homes, several years after she took off in Japan with her two books and Fumio Sasaki's hit book Goodbye Things as well as the Minimalists documentary on Netflix as well. I've watched Marie's shows, watched the documentary, listened to the audio book and read Goodbye Things as well as the two Minimalists books, their podcast, Matt D'Avella' s YouTube channel and podcast (he directed the minimalist documentary and their sequel that's coming out next year.) as well as several Japanese youtubers like Shibu, Takeru, SHOPPIN, MIYOSHI and more. Along the way I've gotten rid of hundreds of DVDs, CDs, at least fifty items of clothing, a few game consoles and all kinds of games and more and I've begun to read a lot more, listen to a lot more podcasts, movies and other things that I used to not have the patience for, so I suppose you could say to take a phrase from Jordan Peterson, I "cleaned my room" and my mind cleaned up with it. It makes sense because it's a proven fact that clutter can make you depressed, and over the course of several months my girlfriend and I have gotten rid of plenty of things we don't need, constructed a whole new cleaning routine and are enjoying each other's company and appreciating it more. I still have hiccups from time to time, but I haven't purchased a video game in probably six months, only splurged once on CDs, but I have had a few impulse buys; but it's a process. Over time I've also learned that you don't have to throw everything away because the point is to get rid of what doesn't have any meaning or value to life and replacing it with things you actually care about and bring joy and meaning to your life. Minimalism isn't the solution, it's a game plan and a template to becoming a happier, more fulfilled, and content version of yourself. Minimalist isn't your identity, just like your objects are not your identity either. The whole point is to find out who you really are when things are stripped bare and you remove all of these things that you THINK make you who you are. 😊 -I've attached a talk that Fumio Sasaki did for the New York City Japan Society in 2017 where he talked about his journey and his book.
  11. 1 point
    Dr.殺 (Ayame) has joined ゼツ (Zetu). their new single "この音源を聞いたら死にます。(Kono Ongen wo Kiitara Shinimasu.)" will be released in 2019/10, although further details have not yet been announced.
  12. 1 point

    30 Day Challenges

    About two years ago, I told myself I wasn't gonna have any extra salt on my dinner if I could help it because overly salty/greasy food had been giving me chest pains. To this day, that rule actually just became a background part of my life and I have never - and I mean never - had extra salt on my dinner since then; no exceptions. I don't even recognise the difference and it really doesn't feel like two years.
  13. 1 point

    蜉蝣 (Kagerou)

    Since I'm always listening to throwback albums, I wanted to listen to their first album again this weekend since we now have a remastered version of it from that new "Best-Of" Collection. I gotta say, unless my nostalgia goggles are on, this entire album sounds brand fucking new to my ears. Almost like I never listened to this album at all before, and that insults me just typing it out, I'm that serious. No surprise to me, I sat through the entire first-listen, it was so good. So good actually, that I had to replay it all over again just to be sure I wasn't dreaming and that it sounds no different to the originals haha. This is well worth the money for anyone trying to get it. I'm on their second album right now because I just like what I'm hearing so much. "XII Dizzy" sounds like it took a time machine to yesterday to get recorded haha I hope that doesn't sound off cuz that's the only way to put it into words. Definitely gonna use these newer versions to make an Artist Intro playlist for sure. Just really gonna be tough picking only a few of them lol.
  14. 1 point

    Unpopular Opinion

    I'm saying that it tastes awful, not getting into some pissing contest about how well alcohol absorbs into the blood stream. 🙄
  15. 1 point

    Unpopular Opinion

    I can't imagine how much fun it must be to do stupid shit while causing liver damage. Alcohol is shit anyway, regardless of if it gives you a buzz or what have you.
  16. 1 point

    Unpopular Opinion

    the ultimate cope of not having anyone who wants to go drinking with you lmao
  17. 1 point
    Excited! That mini album was good
  18. 1 point

    Unpopular Opinion

    May not sound unpopular but sort of an opinion of mine. People should stop hopping the bandwagon and actually try something out for once. Don’t just hate it cause millions of people hate it, actually give it a shot and heck maybe you’ll like it yourself
  19. 1 point
    can't wait - their first minialbum was to my surprise pure AWESOMENESS in every single way - really love these guys! also that new look is just great!
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point

    Unpopular Opinion

    Yeah, aside from those w/ Asperger's, some ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), or a handful of other issues (anxiety, etc.), I tend to look poorly on those who can't "read the mood". While that can be alleviated via improved social skills (and empathy), the real damaging thing is when that individual doesn't take the effects/criticism constructively and warps those characteristics into their personality. Either evolve into edgy at lv. 25 or use the Dusk Stone to evolve into full neckbeard incel. As a reminder, just because you're contrarian doesn't make you some elevated being (as the undersized trilby gently falls from the sky and graces his/her head.) I get that not everything is "clear-cut" and people can be real douchebags, but it's not like life was fair to begin with. You either roll with what you have or take the time and effort to become a better person. Just don't expect things to fall into your lap when you don't make the effort yourself.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Karma’s Hat

    Rich people in vk?

    Good indicator is that the richer you are, the less you release and tour. With that said the list goes: X, Luna Sea and L'arc, Glay and other bands dads listen to. These days you can't make the same money as in the 90's and early 2000's but some bandmen still make due for even if they have to tour constantly to get it. Ruki and Kyo for example are most likely not poor and starving when they sell clothes and other shit on the side in addition to fronting the two biggest bands of the generation that are still actively touring, and a guy like Sena from Raido has so much expensive stuff according to IG that if it isn't his then at least his gya are rich.
  24. 1 point

    What did you dream about last night?

    WooOOooOOoo boy. It's going to be a long one. So the dream started with me my fellow operatives making final checkups on our new, underwater lifts (leading to the top-secret underwater facility duh) before the higher ups came for official presentation. Of course those appeared before we were done and were not impressed, until we told them that these lifts can also serve as air-tight escape pods, at which point they just nodded their heads and left. Fast forward to us leaving the facility whose exit lead, for some bizarre reason, into a huge mall. The mall that just happened to be extremely packed with people. We decided to disperse and just try to get through the crowd. I got stuck in line going up multiple flights of stairs. At one point I realised that every single person in that line was dressed in different shades of green and they were all obviously waiting to enter some kind of venue. The line was moving at a snail pace until some commotion started half a flight up, which as a Trained Professional™ I decided to check up on. I elbow my way through the agitated crowd, look down the railing and there a few stories down, in kind of a narrow street alley, walks an African American singer , dressed in green, and you know, singing, and a bunch of people around her are dancing. I figure that's the person all of these people are here to see, and she decided to come down to the masses instead of making them all wait. I decide to jump through the railing, like, multiple floors down, and land suavely in a crouch between the dancing people. Hell yeah XD I notice they're not all dressed green so I flick some magic at them and they're all in green now. The entire alley looks like a Disney movie set with the singer singing, the crowd dancing some choreographed moves and everyone's obnoxiously happy. BUT THEN the song comes to an end and the singer runs away like a fucking Cindarella at midnight. I run after her, up some cobblestone stairs leading to a dilapidated castle. When I catch up to her, she's in fact wearing the Cindarella dress and mournfully singing some Disney tune. But since the dress is obviously blue, I once again use my magic to turn it green and I stand there with tears in my eyes because the whole scene is so beautiful and heartbreaking. BUT THEN SHE RUNS AGAIN, through some old, mossy bridge leading to a huge meadow with a lake in the middle and some more castle ruins. I go to follow her, but I notice a guy holding a huge hammer, trying to follow her also. So I knock out the guy, take the hammer, and catch up to her. She's kneeling near the lake, tears streaming down her face, and trying to destroy a hammer just like the one I'm holding. She notices me and startles. I tell her that I'm not here to hurt her, but the hammer she's trying to destroy is a fake and destroying it is not going to free her. I point to the one I'm holding and tell her it's the real deal and I'll help her destroy it. I also call her Aurora, which is obviously the wrong Disney princess but whatever. BuUuUuT then, some creepy old man walks up to us, with a THIRD hammer in hand, and tells us that this one is the real one, and tries to take the one I'm holding from me. I call bullshit because I can feel the magic in the one in my hand and he gets pissed. He throws away the hammer and starts weaving some dark magic. The whole meadow is getting covered with black smoke, at which point Aurora goes to hide somewhere in the bushes, and I try to counter the smoke with my own magic. Soon the entire place is full with black and white smoke as I attempt to suppress the spread of the dark magic. After a drawn out battle, I manage to lock all the black smoke into a ball hanging in the air over the lake, but the combined energies are so intense the thing explodes and knocks us all back. I lay in the grass, the evil sorcerer defeated. The magic explosion turned the whole sky gorgeous sunset orange and everything sparkles for some reason. Aurora gets out of the bushes, looks down at me with a smile, with that fucking sparkling, sunset-y backdrop and I'm like "god you're cute" and I pass out. THE END phew, congrats if you've gone through the whole thing, it's a monster ^^;;;
  25. 1 point
    I'm constantly pining for their Vulgar/WtD sound to come back. Something like Filth or Child Prey would be fucking immense but I know it would never happen. It's funny that they're so hellbent on being heavy now and yet even the last Gazette album is heavier than what they're putting out. Hell, most bog standard VK bands are now. I feel like they were at the forefront with TMOAB but now they're just...there.
  26. 1 point

    Rich people in vk?

    I agree. My mind instantly goes to X-Japan, Luna Sea, and L'arc members. Maybe Buck Tick too? Especially the members who wrote songs for the band the most. Cos they get more money from those writing royalties than other members. There was an article long time ago, of a magazine showing Hyde's L'arc apartment. Like, he actually owned the whole floor, wtf. But that is when he was still single. He probably have moved since he got married. Probably even bigger mansion. Also, this is Yoshiki house. Not sure if he still live there but here you go
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    Or maybe メーデー stands for "merde", a French word for “shit”.
  29. 1 point
    don't butcher my screen name spelling ty
  30. 1 point
    I’ve followed them since 2006, so I’m glad they get back to the name that brought them initial success. In the end, music is the thing that is the most important. I hope they continue to pump out music like the last 2 remake albums! Their refined skills+old compositions was so great and nostalgic.
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    Maybe they'd finally go dance metal, taking example from MUCC, girugamesh, and BABY METAL Wouldn't mind a more aggressive version of FILTH or child prey kind of sounds. What they did lately just same old shit, though I enjoyed it, but I need them to try Industrial Metal again.
  33. 1 point

    New Band Ashmaze. has formed

    this is the 2nd PV of this week accidentally re-using that trademark lynch. guitar riff from like 2004 did VK suddenly wake up to hazuki's BDE or what omg shitty intro aside, this sounds cute.
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point

    new band "Denial of Living" has formed

    we stan a character development ☝️ I hope their first single is creatively titled 『NIHIRISM』
  37. 1 point


    I guess it might be THIS... versus THIS?
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point

    蜉蝣 (Kagerou)

    i fucking love kagerou, everything they did, they did incredibly well. im happy they released so much music before their end, they had a great run. i wish they kept going past kurohata, im really curious as to what sound they would have donned for that release. also kusatta umi is probably my second favourite song of all time (only behind chain wandering deeply by envy). i can't express in words how much i love everything about that song, it just takes my breath away every single time (its been a 100+ times let me tell ya that) kagerou wrote the best ballads, especially towards the end of their career, sabishisa to nemure, kusatta umi, ragan, shizumu sora FUCK ITS ALL SO GOOD
  41. 0 points

    30 Day Challenges

    30 days is a long time to go without something you're either addicted to, accustomed to, or is just something you really like. I've been a fan of Matt D'Avella's videos this year where he's given up sugar for a 30 days, nothing but cold showers, meditating every day for 30 days, waking up at five am for 30 days, journaling every day for 30 days, giving up social media for 30 days and the latest one, no caffeine for 30 days. So, my questions are, have you ever challenged yourself to give up something for a month, if so what was it, would you give up something for a month, if so, what, and why and if not, why not?
  42. 0 points

    Paperback vs Hardcover

    I like the ease of carrying paperbacks, especially bunko-hon. It's nice that you're able to read them easily even standing up on a crowded metro. On the other hand, it takes time for new books to be released as paperbacks if they are even released in that format so I have a few books that I had to buy in hardcover. The reading experience between the two feels kind of different for me, like I'm more likely to have longer reading sessions for hardcover books. It's kind of hard to compare the two since the types of books I have for each are pretty different (novels for paperback and nonfiction for hardcover). If I had the choice I'd probably just buy paperback though.
  43. 0 points

    Vercia Gu.鬼丸 (Onimaru) will depart

    Gu.鬼丸(Onimaru) announced on August 6 that he will not appear on August 20 at his last performance, so since that day he no longer belongs to the band.
  44. 0 points
  45. 0 points

    What did you dream about last night?

    I had watched the episode of the Twilight Zone called "Living Doll" last night and subsequently dreamed about a doll akin to Annabelle with the murderous intent and powers of Chucky. That fucking sucked and I just remember ripping out her heart after crushing her head and burning it on the stove top while there was evil little girl laughter and I woke up.
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