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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/19 in Posts

  1. 4 points


    DEG did it for years. Maybe Dimlim will eventually go back and re-record the Issei stuff so it doesn’t sound like everyone in the band fell down a tin foil staircase while they were playing
  2. 3 points

    Show Yourself (again)

    Why not, so y'all can put a face to a username I guess. :'P Here's me normal mode and VK mode lol everyday look serving lewks (at the GazettE concert in Dallas)
  3. 2 points
    Hey, I live in Sweden, that would be pretty inconvenient if he's playing in France.
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
    Shinya looks like a single mom who reluctantly has to go to bring her kids to church this morning. She classed herself up a bit, but refuses to stand and sing.
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
    Glad to hear that JoJo's back at it with that Bibidi bobbidi boo lyric. Really excited for this. JoJo's been quoting official tweets with the video URL in it, asking repeatedly if people have seen it.
  11. 2 points
    Anne Claire

    Show Yourself (again)

    It's been awhile, eh? Welp, got a new haircut two weeks ago.
  12. 2 points
    Me and my homie Ai from gulu gulu
  13. 1 point

    Schwarz Stein to perform in Chile

    Schwarz Stein will perform in Chile in November. Details to be announced...
  14. 1 point
    Thank you for the translation! Sui seems to be really desperate I wonder if he will reach his goal
  15. 1 point

    City Pop (シティーポップ) Thread

    To me, city-pop is just an extension of the old-school r&b/soul/funk stuff that I was raised on - everything from motown to Earth, Wind & Fire, and more. Basically, stuff that my parents used to listen to that's still dope to this day. So naturally, I enjoy this style of music. I'll give a shout-out to HITOMITOI (一十三十一), who's a more recent artist than some of the names mentioned so far. She started off making some pretty quirky jpop in the early to mid 00's, but I don't think she's ever been particularly well-known...or at least I've never really seen her talked about much among overseas fans. Anyways, here last few albums have taken on city-poppish direction, and I think she's worth a mention!
  16. 1 point

    Favourite demo tapes?

    La Rêve du Fleur - pride of sorrow
  17. 1 point

    What did you dream about last night?

    Hoo, boy. Had two really weird ones last night. In the first one, I started dating this beautiful man and when his birthday came, he received a card from Beyonce. The right side of it was written normally with all the "To X, happy birthday, lots of love from blah blah blah" kinda stuff but the left side was filled with a very strongly-worded paragraph about how much she hated him. She wrote in beautiful cursive with a gold gel pen. In the second one, I went to McDonald's to get some fries and nuggets. Already, this dream was strange because the real me would order an good ol' unhealthy Big Mac in a vain attempt to add some meat to my noodle arms. Anyways, the box of fries had Sizna's face printed on the front which was weird, but not as weird as the fact that his face was also printed on the nuggets. Not the box; the nuggets.
  18. 1 point
    ok can i do like £11 since thats the amount of money i have on my desk next to me right now lol? if you want more thats no big deal i dont wanna be too cheeky abt this
  19. 1 point
    OMG 😱 they’re always killing it with their suite-looks … LOVE IT
  20. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    mixed feelings™
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

    Must you rub salt into the wound 😑
  23. 1 point


    OZ and their incomplete complete best would like to speak to you
  24. 1 point
    Karma’s Hat


    I just read on MH somewhere that this never happens, so probably a fake setlist
  25. 1 point


    Right, yeah! Thanks ^^ forgot about this one~ Still just a guess tho
  26. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    does shinya literally have some contractual clause that states he doesn't ever have to bother with changing his looks? it's so goddamn boring
  27. 1 point
    Didn't know that two of them are just support members! I liked their last release, so looking forward to this too!
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    I liked him when he wore dreads if I recall correctly. I like his hair now tho. Very cute. I found Kyo to be my favourite when it comes to current fashion. There’s actually someone on Instagram I follow who cosplay’s Kyo and by cosplay I mean like he literally looks like him.
  30. 1 point

    What did you dream about last night?

    I dreamed that I had to take a plane to return from visiting family in another country (for context, I’m terrified of flying), and so I tried to wake myself up but found myself in a similar situation, and after a few times I was perfectly aware that I was dreaming, but still could neither control the dream nor wake myself up. Every time I tried to avoid the plane or wake up, it would repeat itself. Let’s just say I welcomed the alarm when it finally rang.
  31. 1 point
    gurl what the actual Fuck is this yass i can finally make sui sing about cocks and stuff
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
    Love the new look, Toshiya looks stunning ✨ Also, Kyo kinda reminds me of gulu gulu's first single artwork 🤔
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
    Splendor of beauty

    Sex Songs

  36. 1 point
    Vo. アスカ (Asuka) Ba.翔磨 (Shoma) Gt. Natsu Dr. 水希(Mizuki) Also, apparently, Shoma designed their new logo ^^
  37. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    toshiya finally looking snatchedT again
  38. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    Is Toshiya returning to his 'band-whore' looks?💜💜💜
  39. 1 point
    Mandatory song
  40. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    Weekends have mysteriously been the most full of anxiety for a few months now, and it's trickled over into weekdays. I guess I'm officially in a worse place again, without proper reasons why. Woosh, feelings of being useless and aimless. Screw you irrational feelings that won't be swayed by logic.
  41. 1 point

    Hello from R/O!

    Why hello~! Hope you enjoy your stay ^^ If you're still getting into things, I'm curious, which band was it that brought you to the dark side?
  42. 1 point

    Hello!! :)

    My favorite band is... LEZARD, BULL ZEICHEN88, the Raid, An Cafe, ARCHEMI., breakin holiday, DaizyStripper, JILUKA, CODOMO DRAGON, ROYZ, DARRELL, dexcore, DIMLIM, DOG InThe PWO I like many other bands!
  43. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    if u want to listen to dir en grey, but actually good? why, just listen to deftones..........
  44. 1 point


    Not going to lie, despite all the negative feedback from other people here I actually really like this album. But then again, I've been into "extreme metal" long before VK so maybe that's why. But there are a lot of nice riffs, some catchy rhythm changes and each song generally has some good twists going on in it that makes it standout a bit from the others. So yeah, generally I like it, have played it a fair few times since receiving it. So what I'm saying is, if you're in two minds about whether to get the album or not then get it and make your own mind up. ; )
  45. 1 point
    suddenly the tour name makes sense
  46. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

  47. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

    we didn't take a single photo during the anime convention lol but my bff insisted that I at least send her the photo of my outfit so here I am, after 13 hours on foot with no AC X'D
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

    remember me as the young girl you see in the photo cuz i have final exams tomorrow so its very likely ill age 40 years in a single night
  50. 1 point


    I'd really just like to find more VK bands in this vein. Their melodic side really does feel like mid-era Diru to me, but it melds really well with the style they're doing overall. Doesn't make me feel like I should just "go listen to another djent band" because the music is actually different and appeals to different things that I like. Furthermore, I just like that they're stylistically committed. I know when I put this on I'm getting a heavy album, not an album with 6 metalcore tracks and 6 tracks of wonky circus VK.
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