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About gret

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    Kiwamu's Bitch

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  1. Rakugaki will release their third single on 13th Dec 2020, which is their last day before going on hiatus. Tracklist: 01.ROCK'N'ROLLは右脳を破壊する 02.Good bye 03.地球外生命体2020
  2. I think Chamu is supposed to be 37 now? So he is approaching middle age lol
  3. Some gya posted a chamu nude on tanuki in 2017 lol
  4. More information is coming out https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/efb36c125f80e468cd3f27355eedcf34c1b1526a Translation of above article by codomo dragon spain: https://codomodragonspain.blogspot.com/2020/11/codomo-dragon-special-translation-to.html Some notes: There is some discrepancy between the machine translation/my interpretation and the translation by codomo dragon spain. I don't think Kana has contacted anyone from Codora since 2018. Rather, it was his "bandmen friends" (who are not from Codora) who suggested that he hold a live in the future. (From here: バンドマンの友だちに連絡をとったら、『ちゃんとファンの前で公表したほうがいい』『ライブを一度やったほうがいいんじゃないか』と言われました。 and this: 仲の良かったコドモドラゴンのメンバーたちとも会えていない。 ) Their profit split was originally 50:50 between the band and company but the band had to take a smaller cut due to a 2017 scandal. (Chamu pls) Tweet from CEO of BForest/BPrecords saying he will refrain from further comments on this matter. Fun fact: Kana's attorney composed a song for HKT48 lol
  5. Link to post: https://kana-gt.com/to-everyone20201118/ What I got via machine translation is that he had adjustment disorder, and president of B' FOREST fired him. Also he sued the president for unpaid remuneration of roughly 3 million yen and power harassment. ^Seems to mean that his former labelmates are still going unpaid? Someone with actual japanese knowledge please summarize this.
  6. RAKUGAKI will suspend its activities after their one man live on 13 December.
  7. gret

    You can try Minyami: https://github.com/Last-Order/Minyami Otherwise you can try youtube-dl: https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl There's full instructions here for minyami:
  8. Oh right, sorry! Changed it now. Thanks for telling me!
  9. Full translation of the departure here: https://crimsonlotus.eu/rands-departure-of-the-guitarist-and-the-bassist What's with bandomen and chronic diseases, seriously
  10. Oof hayato is sounding pretty rough in yesterday's live. It almost seems as if he's out of breath?


    1. platy


      there seems to be a sore throat problem going around vk

    2. gret


      @platy ? my first thought is covid-19 lol but I seriously hope bandomen don't catch it, considering that a lot of them smoke (including hayato)

    3. platy


      I hope fucking not otherwise we have a whole lot of good bandmen going down after yesterday's live...

  11. I forgot my boys codomo dragon were doing a live today


    Please tell me someone archived it ?

    1. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      Hayato sounded a bit rough on it :( but the new song was nice

    2. gret


       yeah, imo his voice has been getting worse since last year? Hopefully this situation will let him rest his voice. 


      What else did they play?


      (I have no idea how to tag people lmao)


  12. gret

    アメノイロ。also did an audience-less live. I have no idea who they are, but they appeared on my yt recs so.
  13. gret

    Ari will release previously recorded lives of certain songs over the next few weeks. That was the main one, they did a talk and then the second live over at ains channel
  14. gret

    Rakugaki has a second live right now over at Ains channel
  15. gret

    Rakugaki is having a live at 7pm JST. Since they specified live and talk separately, I'm assuming they'll be playing. They are asking if there's any songs you want to see live: https://gamp.ameblo.jp/sick2-official/entry-12586661628.html? Grimoire, REIGN and 感染2 will also have a free live on icolony youtube channel starting from 5pm JST.
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