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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/19 in all areas

  1. 9 points

    Sexiest Visual Kei outfits

  2. 6 points
    ha! ฅ(•ㅅ•❀)ฅ its me, fantasy kun! this is all about visual kei music and people with sexy and gorgeous music taste, like the girl from the sublords i want to be stark for the best of both of us all -laughs in japanese kaomoji- you should be busy taking your own lifes and there will be topics more intersesting than a newcomer trying not to hide lurking anymore. im fantasy kun/adrian, im a vk fan originally from spain but im living now on england and ive been into vk music and asian music in general since i was 14 more or less that was on 2011.......... my first and favourite band to be discovered were my lovelies oldies as malice mizer, shazna, dir en grey (theyre coming to england in a few something!!!!!!111) buck-tick (shiki vibesss) alice nine idk i remember a lot of song i usually forget their group but they're golden nineties........ also i got soooo interested in modern vk style of clothing as penicillin and arlequin, dadaroma (and swedish vk rock i now remember seremedys looks but i kinda know they're like disgraceful for a lot of vk fans????) -shut up, fantasy- errrrrllll amongs that i like a lot of things, i like manga, anime, fashion, and internet in general lol ok idk, so, well, and ive been in forums since i started getting along with the internet lol those crazy teen years but theyre not a big thing anymore and i usually dislike discord kik facevook whatsapp etc groups so i was unable to make friends from my zone related to tastes in visual kei............ hope to find anyone here! see you this lovely japanese glam rock wave is getting us! love you all xxx -yawns-
  3. 4 points
    I’d probably beat up gackt hes horny on main about 99.9% of the time he’d probably enjoy it tho now thinking about it....oh god
  4. 3 points
    BABYMETAL 3rd Album "METAL GALAXY" will be released at 2019/10/11. Riho Sayashi (ex.Morning Musume) and Kano Fujihira (Sakura Gakuin) have supported the band lately.
  5. 3 points
    Any oshare kei bandmen
  6. 3 points
    I'd pit the three silent Ms (Mana, Meto and Minpha) against each other just to see if they remain silent as they beat the shite out of each other. One would get eliminated, then whoever won out of the two remaining guys would have to catch my fists of fury.
  7. 2 points

    Sexiest Visual Kei outfits

    Hizaki can be pretty sexy when he wants to be As can Yuki
  8. 2 points

    Sexiest Visual Kei outfits

    Fixer's Jey with this thing
  9. 2 points
    thank u @inartistic for making me aware of this video because i have never been so confused in my life #blessedTsatsuki
  10. 2 points
    i would love to have a monster truck death match against Mana
  11. 1 point
    10 years after his band disbanded, 廃-sutari- (ex-螺旋錠 (La;Cen-zhow.)) is currently recruiting a guitarist and a drummer for his new band (he already has a bassist) which will be formed in Nagoya. They must submit a demo track with original music.
  12. 1 point
    Their twelfth album will be released on 2019.10.23. Two days ago, the band released a preview of their new clip called 「心臓が止まるまでは」(Shinzou ga tomaru made wa)
  13. 1 point
    The Piass

    LAVANS will disband

    The band will disband on 2019.08.30. http://lavans.main.jp/※lavansより大切なお知らせ/
  14. 1 point
    MIYAVI is releasing his latest album NO SLEEP TILL TOKYO on 7/24. Jackets for both versions of the album were illustrated by Sui Ishida, the manga artist behind the Tokyo Ghoul series. Buying the version from the Universal Music webshop nets you a t-shirt. https://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2019/06/13-1/tokyo-ghoul-manga-author-draws-jacket-illustrations-for-japanese-guitarist-miyavis-new-album https://www.universal-music.co.jp/miyavi/news/2019-06-13/ He's touring North America after the album release too. 7/25(木)Vancouver | Vogue 7/26(金)Seattle | Neptune’s 7/27(土)Portland | Crystal Ballroom 7/29(月)San Francisco | Slim’s 7/30(火)Santa Ana | Observatory 8/3(土)Tucson | El Rialto Theatre 8/5(月)Dallas | Trees 8/6(火)Houston | Scout Bar 8/7(水)Austin | Come and Take It Live 8/9(金)Mexico City | Sala Puebla 8/11(日)San Antonio | Vibes Event Center 8/13(火)Chicago | House of Blues 8/15(木)Detroit | El Club 8/16(金)Toronto | Queen Elizabeth Theatre 8/17(土)Montreal | Otakuthon Festival 8/19(月)New York | Sony Music Hall 8/24(土)Atlanta | The Masquerade https://www.universal-music.co.jp/miyavi/news/2019-05-29-2/
  15. 1 point
    Original Saku

    New Trade-off format / Sub-forum

    I think this idea was floated at some point back when I was staff... but just stay with me for a second. I propose a change up to how trade offs are delivered and executed. Instead of the private one on one affair that they have been up to this point, we take the same setup and premise of the event and make it more of thing everybody on the forum can enjoy even people who do not want to actually participate in the event itself. Basically I think we should make a subforum in the DL section just for mix tapes and require participants in the tradeoff to post their mixes for the public to check out as well as their trade off partners. We would basically have a thread for each tradeoff and that thread would be solely to index the mixes for each event and where people can offer their thoughts on particular mix they checked out. I'm thinking something along these lines; Run the sign up thread just like normal in the general sub forum where it's always been When all participants have been matched with a respective partner open a hidden thread in the new subforum (new rule; when the participant sends their mix off to their partner also have them send a copy to the trade-off organizer) This way the organizer can start compiling a master post in the thread with each mix. once all mixes have been sent and received and compiled in hidden thread, unlock the thread and release into the world Partners will still review their respective mixes in the same sign up thread in general subforum as always while everyone else can do their own reviews/feed back in the DL thread (or we can have it all in one place, but this might need some brainstorming considering some people are really quick and might be done before the last person receives their mix...) This format will ideally accomplish several things; Increase buzz and awareness for the trade-off events themselves Give the forum a dedicated place to post mixtapes with DL links freely Encourage and foster the creation and sharing of mixtapes and new music with people lead to new and exciting evolution of the trade-off event we have come to love so much. lead to other music sharing/reviewing events on the forum (possibly user organized events instead of staff) I don't think the way we are running the trade-off currently makes much sense anymore, sure at one point it did, but we've been doing these for how long now? We need to innovate it a little IMO and make it interesting for the usual suspects as well new prospects. This will do nothing but good and promote the sharing of good music and the art of mixtape creation. @CAT5 @Zeus @Shir0 @Seimeisen @platy @paradoxal @YuyoDrift @Ito Hit me up, I'm down to flesh this out some more and really make something awesome and worthwhile out of this. Peace I'm out.
  16. 1 point
    Their singer デイブ(Dave) was arrested because he did not pay for his meal at McDonald's. He is suspended indefinitely. As a result, the band will go on hiatus. Both lives on 09/16 and 10/14 are cancelled. However, I still have trouble with this sentence : 本国に強制送還されました
  17. 1 point
    Havent played much butit's great, but I'm in PC so I dont have any issues with the game so far
  18. 1 point
    Took him 10 years to get fed up getting screamed at by salarymen at his part time job at family mart x
  19. 1 point
    In a way this is a great idea @Original Saku. I voted for you testing these waters however muahahaha. In the past I've wanted to listen to some of the mixtapes created by others, under themes I'd be interested in (even though I was not participating in the Trade-Off itself). Rather than go out and request a copy for myself to listen to (I am too embarrassed, busy at the time, or I receive no reply), I can simply go into this section of the Trade-Off and download the mixtape since it's free to listen to and Ok'ed to be shared by the creator. The only simpler way to share the tapes would be to just add a spoiler tag under the list of partners, and then populate it with all the links (titled most likely) once the organizer receives them. It does create extra work for the organizer however, and so I'm not too sure if its gonna be more of a hassle than it already is. Having said that though, I think the extra effort is worth it if it means allowing potentially new Trade-Off participants to sign up on the next one since they can sample a mixtape. Not sure how we can organize the user's feedback outside the Trade-Off Thread however. I guess a separate thread would be OK, and then link it somewhere in the Trade-Off's OP.
  20. 1 point
    I’d take all of them these hands rated E for Everyone!
  21. 1 point

    Sexiest Visual Kei outfits

    idk if it’s true but i read somewhere that when he was a teenager, his parents kicked him out of his house so he stood outside in the rain naked for hours until they let him back in. 😂 he’s a strange one. i’d believe it.
  22. 1 point

    Sexiest Visual Kei outfits

    I'd say these uniforms Dir En Grey wore during their early days in 1997. Kyo looks hella hot especially in the Ash video. Also Phantamasgoria looks really beautiful and I really think it fits the bands sound. Riku is probably the best looking one IMO EDIT: Also, Shinya dressed up as Audrey Hepburn. Just...wow. kiss me
  23. 1 point
    Welcome. Nice to see another Diru fan on here! I would DIE (hehe) to see them live! What’s your favourite album?
  24. 1 point
    Two last songs are Gossip songs.
  25. 1 point

    Sexiest Visual Kei outfits

    p much all of kyo’s outfits, tbh. the way that man moves is unreal, the thing he does with his torso where it looks kinda like a snake? 😱😩
  26. 1 point

    New Trade-off format / Sub-forum

    Love it. I don't have any new ideas to add, I think it's a great idea as you presented it!
  27. 1 point
    those are some of my all time favs too :') cool cool! I like Kizu too, I think they're doing some pretty cool stuff. I'll have to check out the other two. if you like old school vk you may like AZALEA. earliest band of vocal Hina (hurts, schwein, etc). hurts were an UNDER CODE band, so if you like phantasmagoria and megaromania you'd probably like them too! that's what my profile pic is from, hurts' single gankyuu x needle. I always loved anything Hina was in, idk why but I really love his voice. I think he's doing some really underground solo stuff nowadays. he looks exactly the same even tho he's like in his 40s lmao. if you're familiar with D'elsquel i'm sure you know about 9GOATS BLACK OUT, but just in case you don't, I 1000% percent recommend them. It was vocal Ryo's band for a while and to this day they're one of my favorite vk bands of all time. Ryo is an absolute genius imo, and I think his work with that band is still one of the most unique projects in vk. I've always been really in love with his voice too, it has such a unique quality to it and his range is really interesting. he was a graphic designer or something, like i think he did that as his job, designing jacket art for other bands for the years between Gullet disbanding before randomly jumping back into the scene and shocking everyone (lol) with 9goats and how ridiculously good they were. anyway he designed all the jacket art and art design for 9goats and I believe he was the main songwriter. he's fucking amazing and I can't recommend 9goats enough! i'll leave you with those for now and if you're still interested i definitely have more haha. It sounds like you have a pretty wide taste so i'm sure there are a lot of bands you'll like. I hope you like these!
  28. 1 point

    Sexiest Visual Kei outfits

    whore lycaon takes the cake
  29. 1 point

    Sexiest Visual Kei outfits

    Sexiest? Hmm, anything Yuuki and Zero wore in Lycaon. Was also a huge fan of this outfit from Lay (Fatima)... ...and Hitomi from Moran's Barairo No Jigoku look, because who can resist a beautiful man in a feathery hat who sings jazz-rock? I also love their hair/makeup in both pics. If I think of any more, I shall return with more pictures of hot men. ETA: Just remembered this, how the fuck did I forget
  30. 1 point
    Just not miku from an cafe thanks skskskkskskskk
  31. 1 point

    Shopping Service 2019/2020

    If you're going rare hunting, please let me know should you find anything from indies Dir en grey (1997-1999) like VHS tapes, cassettes, as well as the band member's former bands. I can give you a list if you don't know them. Also, please be on the lookout for the magazine "Vi:lletté". Thank you!
  32. 1 point

    Shopping Service 2019/2020

    Hey, just saw this thread. If you're going rare hunting and run into SPUN!'s Starry Night, the Vambie.'s round&loop, or MIMIC's first two mini-albums; I would gladly throw money at you.
  33. 1 point

    Shopping Service 2019/2020

    Thanks a lot, I'm more than likely going to drop the kagekui, and I'm in contact with cdjapan to get a quote from them as far as Lüstzöe goes, so I'll see what they say and let you know. As far as DĂLLE, well, I'll find a picture and get back to you via pm. 🙏
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point


  36. 1 point


    This was reuploaded two days ago for some reason.
  37. 1 point

    Which band members could you take on a fight

    Anyone who's shorter than me and doesn't lift, so I have a chance.
  38. 1 point

    Which band members could you take on a fight

    As a small person, I dislike this comment. I hope Kyo puts up a fight 😄
  39. 1 point

    Which band members could you take on a fight

    i'd face sakurai as an excuse to get beaten by him
  40. 1 point
    KISAKI. The way I'd wail on his ass.
  41. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    - gulu gulu - 変なメリーゴーランド 【TYPE B】 - 己龍 - 己龍 単独巡業-千秋楽-「転生輪廻」〜2018年12月21日【東京】TOKYO DOME CITY HALL 〜 【DVD】 - ギャロ - DEATHTOPIA - ヴァージュ - Gracia-ガラシャ- 【TYPE B】 - SEXPOT MAGAZINE vol.36
  42. 1 point
    when your McNugget urge is strong. How the hell do you get fired/deported for not paying for your meal? How the hell do you even get your meal without paying?
  43. 1 point
    VISUAL IS DEAD Wait, wrong band. Also -- that flyer says that only the first single is live limited. The second is a two-type maxi-single, and the last is a web-shop only release.
  44. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    Final Fantasy IV OSV and Final Fantasy V OSV Both firstpress editions
  45. 1 point
    Unexpected, but very cool!
  46. 1 point
  47. 1 point
    Bitches love tophats
  48. 1 point

    Lycaon new album & limited single release

    why all of a sudden these guys are so horny after they lost a member? Erotic album? How is that any different from just an album? I guess it's a themed album?
  49. 1 point
    fix'd And I really couldn't care less anymore. Bet they ain't even gonna include any of their decent sounding songs in those 8 already released tracks. Sad. Please disband. Thank you. Why would they disband when they're making more money than ever? Stay pressed!
  50. 1 point
    To be fair though, Yuuki usually looks like a cheap slut.
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