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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/19 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Tonight's setlist from "ALL TOMORROW'S PARTY 2019" at 名古屋BOTTOM LINE: 01. please god 02. 溺れる魚 (Oboreru sakana) 03. 受刑者の日記 (Jukeisha no nikki) 04. 盲目の羽根と星を手に (Moumoku no hane to hoshi wo te ni) 05. follow the night light 06. 桜と雨 (Sakura to ame) 07. imp 08. lunch box 09. quo vadis 10. re:make 11. 蟻塚 (Arizuka) deadman's back y'all~ ♥ Also, the remastered 2nd press of "SiteOfScafFold" can now be ordered from zoisite shop: https://zoisite.shop-pro.jp/?pid=143796168 They seem to have re-stocked their 2004 mini album "701125" too: https://zoisite.shop-pro.jp/?pid=34236311
  2. 6 points
    I prefer to say complementary. There are things one gender is good at or can do that the other can't, and we need each other to survive. I think we've reached the tipping point and we're on our way back to the middle, but this can take years. I don't think we'll see actionable change until people of all walks of life can complain and be heard without banshees screeching in the night about how "it's their turn".
  3. 5 points

    [Band Battle] キズ (Kizu) vs. DIMLIM

    It's been a while since I cranked a Band Battle thread, but I thought this would make for an interesting match up! I've seen both Kizu and DIMLIM referred to as saviors of modern VK, but which band is MH REALLY feelin' the most? So, as always - which band do you prefer, and why? キズ (Kizu) Samples: VS DIMLIM Samples: hajime!!!
  4. 3 points
    Whenever an extreme view/movement exists, the opposite extreme appears very soon. And this applies to everything, not just machismo and feminism.
  5. 3 points


    People shouldn’t watch the dubbed version in the first place.
  6. 3 points
    This. That’s why women who were raped or who was impregnated by a family member should not give birth. The emotional trauma will ensue and will end up leaving the mother depressed. I don’t want any women living with something they don’t want.
  7. 2 points
    Bräymen new album "No.9~Ultimate~" will be released at 2019/09/04 (2916yen) [tentative tracklist] No.9 Quintet Duology Suicide Drop 最低な今日に花束を (Saiteina Kyou ni Hanataba wo) MIST ユララユラ (Yurarayura) LOSER'S EDEN
  8. 2 points
    Um...so feminists are now saying that it's inequality because the men's line to the restroom is shorter than women's and that women need more space. 😅 -I'd appreciate a concrete rule for current events in the event that I make a topic of something that may be recent, but it's not exactly current events. As always, if this is in the wrong place, please feel free to put it where applicable.
  9. 2 points
    This General section, specifically Current events is about what's going on in the world. General on the Japanese Rock is about VK. Intellectual discussions and open debate are useful and healthy.
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. 2 points
    that's really interesting what you said,and definitely something to ponder deeply. i didn't mean that i wanted these labels to be necessarily erased.as you said,they create a sense of community,and till that it's ok. but the current scenario isn't good.these group of people or communities doesn't seem to be satisfied purely as a community most of them became edgy people,trying to spread their worldview to the masses,sometimes pushing it down your throat,by trying to create laws that puts in danger your freedom of speech,disrespecting and mockering those who don't agree with them.they're promoting the segregation of society with the excuse that it's a fight for rights and equallity.
  13. 2 points
    no money after christmas celebration, so everyone got onto the internet xD
  14. 2 points
  15. 2 points
    why exactly are we talking about abortion in this topic? take that somewhere else @Manji 卍 @Gesu
  16. 2 points
    But who owns their lives if they're not even alive yet?
  17. 2 points
    @Manji 卍 Technically, the foetus doesn't have any form of sentience until about the third trimester (maybe a bit before). I think the lesser of two evils in that situation would be to abort, because it's more fair to let the woman live a happy life than to force her to give birth to a baby she doesn't even want. That's physically and emotionally traumatising. If she does the latter, she could end up severely depressed and the baby most likely wouldn't have a great life anyways. Also, just giving it to an adoption centre leads to overcrowding and kids who were already there not getting adopted, so nobody really wins in that situation.
  18. 2 points
    I'm not sure if anyone's really influenced my hair, but I've noticed it's kinda similar to Masashi from Versailles'. My makeup sometimes changes, but not drastically. I just like studying VK makeup and finding things I like by accident... and even then, my makeup's not really that VK, anyways. Rip. Oh, well. At least I always make sure to put that obligatory pale stripe down the bridge of my nose. As for my clothes, I want to be a tanbi kei goth-loli. I have a big wish list on Lolitashow, but my bank account says "no" at the moment. Right now, I'd say I'm closer to otome kei than anything. My hair's kinda VK, but everything else just screams "otome". Not that I mind. If I play otoge, I may as well look otokei. Also, I know you can't see it in that picture, but there's a massive black bow on the back of my head, just as there always is. Just the way I like it.
  19. 1 point
    ヴァージュ (Virge) has revealed a new look!
  20. 1 point
    The fact this is a thing is ridiculous and it all started with this which spawned this. A scanning of everywhere from reddit to gamefaqs (yes they're still around) and other places, there is no gamer outrage, this is literally perpetuating the myth that games are sexist and only care about sex appeal in video games and that the superior intellectual game journalists have to explain what's wrong, why and talk down to the people who actually play and love games. /rant
  21. 1 point

    Feminism and Video Games

  22. 1 point
    Some Japanese Otaku are at the very least un-nerving.
  23. 1 point

    Feminism and Video Games

    no to every one of these
  24. 1 point
    I’m tired of these kinds of discussions. Can we just get back to VK plz
  25. 1 point
    Also over her thighs being "less thicc" lolol Favorite joke regarding FF cup size: https://mobile.twitter.com/LVGHSTmusic/status/1141740190656077825
  26. 1 point

    What are you reading?

    Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give that a shot.
  27. 1 point
    I've tried several times to get into DIMLIM, it's not happening. Their songs are all over the place imo and they just end up sounding like noise to me. Kizu on the other hand are very well put together. Their songs are either really energetic or have just the right amount of emotion driving them. I have like maybe one Kizu song I don't care for. So it's easily going to be Kizu for me.
  28. 1 point
    Lines are longer because women take 10 extra minutes to piss, then stop at the mirror to touch up make up and hair. I've given up and gone to the men's toilet a couple times.
  29. 1 point
    "Feminists" say this, "feminists" do that... You won't believe what a feminist did, click here!!!1!1
  30. 1 point

    8P-SB new album, "future past" release

    Agreed. Other than that, didn't like roadster and fireworks, so here's hoping the rerecordings will sound better
  31. 1 point


    Isn't the series redubbed simply because it was the only way to actually get it released in English because of licensing issues and so forth? So they had to take a choice: 1) Not release it. 2) Release it without no (English) dub at all. 3) Redub it so they can have a (English) dub. Would it really have been better if they had gone with either of the two first options? PS: Anime dubs suck major fucking ass no matter what and are, unless you are a kid or have some kind of dyslexia, a retarded fucking way to watch anime. You're really gonna blame Netflix for what director Yoshiharu Ashino and writer Eugene Son?
  32. 1 point

    [Band Battle] キズ (Kizu) vs. DIMLIM

    You are correct in that Kizu targets females as they do a lot of instores and interact with fans, like most vk bands. I don't think DIMLIM particularly targets males, though. Rather they just don't really do instores or interact with fans that much cause they're all awkward af. Not doing instores/eigyou is a no-go for a lot of bangya. In addition, they don't play often (1-3 times a month), they manage themselves, they don't really have money or a lot of connections, Sho doesn't use SNS and the others are bad at it (another turn off for bangya as well as overseas fans), and they're not consistent with releases. The quality of their releases post-Issei have been top notch, but in the past year they've only put out a 10 song/2 SE album and a two song single with a 10 month gap between them. Also I don't think they would achieve more if they dropped VK (tbh they're barely vk as it is). There's no money in metal in Japan unless you make it big and very few bands do. I like both bands a lot, but I stan DIMLIM (no surprise there) They're kinda clueless and not very consistent about certain things, but they're doing their best with their limited resources and I really respect/appreciate that, and their improvement post-Issei is honestly incredible. I love Kizu's music and they put on great shows. I had a lot of good times seeing them in 2017, but there were so many crazy/desperate/violent people at their liquidroom oneman last year. My friends and I were being kicked by the people in front of us for 90% of the time🙄 I haven't gone since because I don't want to deal with that crap anymore. It's a real shame they have such terrible fans cause the guys really are good at what they do. As for DIMLIM's lives, they are a lot more chill.
  33. 1 point
    I just thought of a crazy idea that actually would sound cool. The Lucky Star opening theme, but in the style of 2002 DEViL KiTTY
  34. 1 point

    [Band Battle] キズ (Kizu) vs. DIMLIM

    I prefer Dimlim, but they will never be as popular as Kizu. Kizu already pull crowds that Dimlim can only dream of. I think it might have something to do with Kizu targeting female audience specifically, whereas Dimlim's music are more suited for males. Personally, I believe that Dimlim would have achieven more in Japan had they dropped of the visual kei look.
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    Apologies for reviving this thread, but if I'm reading this right, people have been inviting the vocalist to events for female idols only?!
  37. 1 point
    exactly this, tho. genetic superiority sounds a lil too close to race supremacy tbh. 😱
  38. 1 point

    Child Abuse in Japan

    Hoo, boy. I could go on about stuff like this for days. I want to be a paediatric therapist in the future and, if possible, an activist for children's rights, so I'm always interested in things like this. Anyways, I find it interesting that he said this kind of thing is pretty much non-existent in Europe, because from what I've seen, it's really not. In the UK (excluding Wales), it's still legal to smack your child as long as you don't leave a lasting injury, which leads to parents being able to exploit a number of loopholes and employ/promote bad parenting techniques. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/mar/25/smacking-children-to-be-banned-in-wales Moreover, people barely even care about crimes committed against children. I have an example - just about the most valid one I could provide as it's a very extreme case of abuse, therefore deserves the harshest sentence - but in case you don't want to read it as it is very disturbing, two mothers were given just six years and four months in prison each for severely neglecting their daughter. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/lesbian-mothers-whose-skinny-and-dirty-daughter-two-starved-to-death-in-their-filthy-lice-infested-flat-that-was-filled-with-empty-pot-noodle-cartons-are-jailed-for-six-years-each-after-admitting-neglect/ar-BBSpQBN?ocid=spartandhp I know those examples aren't Japanese, but I thought they were worth mentioning because I think it's important to realise that this kind of thing is in no way exclusive to Japan. I might just be being biased because of how strongly I feel about such issues, but either way, I think it's worth discussing. That, and I'm not too sure if there's anything I could add to that insightful video regarding Japan.
  39. 1 point
    i agree with you,sincerely. and that was exactly what i used to say to defend my pro abortion position. think about how many kids are living in poverty right now,getting neglected or mistreated...it would be so much better if none of them were brought to this world.but there is the right to live and it is a decision that only the owners of their own lives can make.
  40. 1 point
    i’m not sure the labels are the issue? trans women of color aren’t being murdered, beaten, etc bc of the label itself. it’s not the labels causing problems, but probably more so that it’s human nature to judge and categorize, at least at the very core. there’s obviously other contributing factors. labeling is also part of human nature. our brains automatically categorize things to try and understand them. groups exist to create a sense of community. considering all the bullshit i see in comments on articles about trans folk (as an example), finding a place where you’re accepted for being who you are without any question (community) is important. erasing labels is idealistic, but not even close to realistic.
  41. 1 point
    @secret_no_03 GZUS,i'm not saying that the murderers were feminists declared,nor @Euronymous said so. we pointed that all these things are,indeed,related to each other. @Gesu i was always pro abortion.but after multiple researchers and videos about the subject i changed my opinion. abortion is murder.your body is yours,but from the moment that there's another living creature inside of your,it's no longer your decision whether the kid has to live or not.The fetus/kid is depending on you,but it's not you,you don't have the right. Even at the most horrible cases like raping,the mother must bear with it for the sake of the baby,and if she wants to,give it to the adoption when it's born.
  42. 1 point
    Right. I'm still upset we didn't hear UNFINISHED though. Would have made more sense to replace Tomorrow Never Dies with it since UNFINISHED is on the album they're touring for lol. If I can hear "Nausea & Shudder", "Baretta", or "Taion" live just once I can die happy. Maybe "Shadow VI II I" too.
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point

    VK grandma represent \o/

    Hey y'all! Visual Kei Oyaji here as well! I'll be 30 next year, and i'll be damned if i stop listening to the bands that I stan (Plastic Tree, Dir en grey, sukekiyo, THE NOVEMBERS).
  45. 1 point
    It's maybe about the budokan drama, they were supposed to play there for this live but were not allowed to so they played at makuhari messe instead
  46. 1 point

    What are you listening to 2?

    I've been in a very vocaloidy mood for the past couple days.
  47. 1 point
    Aie has announced new goods and re-edition of album "SiteOfScafFold"
  48. 1 point
    Can't say I know of any productions that were specifically made for VK, but as referencing goes, I can think of a few animations that have brought in VK characters or small references. (Just about everything I know in films has already been mentioned) -The manga Skip Beat (follows show business) has a character named Reino who's in a visual kei band. -The anime Sket Dance has a visual kei character named Dante. He's voiced by Gackt (lol). -And I remember a friend of mine once showed me some Naruto mini where one of the characters was imagining the worst possible boyfriend scenario a girl could have and it was a visual kei dude (lol again). Needless to say, most of the portrayals are actually kind of negative. The character Gackt voices is stereotypical but also pretty comical, so that one isn't too bad. Also I think a few anime and video game characters have been modeled after Kiyoharu, but I don't know any specific names. Also not VK related, but I remember Kyan Yutaka was in a movie a few years ago. I think he's trying to make it as an actor. And if we count Onegai Versailles, then Golden Bomber also made their own movie a long time ago called Sorinokoshita Natsu. It was special, to put it nicely.
  49. 1 point
    Wow That was fast Leaving even before the start of band activities Looks like a four-member curse for young bands nowadays
  50. 1 point
    Peace Heavy mk II


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