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Manji 卍

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Manji 卍 last won the day on April 4 2019

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About Manji 卍

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  1. I hope you are doing well. I hope you are sane.

  2. Let's get our asses ready for more Chinese plagues.This time:swarm of giant locusts.

    1. diryangrey


      it's not a chinese plague; rather china was the first to identify it

  3. google should make instant suicide available for download instead of those useless helplines.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. platy


      Those helplines are helpful to some. 

    3. saishuu


      thanks for filling in today's edgy quota!!

    4. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      Based and red pilled

  4. Fuck covid-19,fuck politics,fuck the four horses,fuck the entire universe. 

  5. Hail Corona.

    1. saishuu


      we have an edgy one here, boys

    2. suji


      eh i'd try it but beer isn't my thing 😕

    3. sixblacknine


      "Interests: Suicide"

      lmao, cringe. 

  6. sincerely,i don't know what the argentines have in their minds.If they wanna get fucked up,hope they do it alone.

  7. Sometimes depression is like the Devil.If you don't believe it exist,it doesn't.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      Yea,I can imagine...But 15 years? That's a lot.its been few years since I've been diagnosed with depression, however i can't imagine myself living like this for the rest of my life, or for more several years like u did.we kinda lose our faith sometimes,but deep inside we just wanna be ok, nobody likes to feel like shit 24/7. It's not exactly a tip,but why don't you try to contact with people who overcame depression? Just to make a "before & after" comparison... sometimes I do this on YouTube.Watching people talking about their own experiences with mental illness kinda gives me a light in the dark.

    3. spockitty


      Ohwell, it may seem like it? but i, on the other hand, been diagnosed with BPD; been through months & months of therapy, numerous medications and honestly at this point, I've enough tools (not all of them healthy i admit) to deal with my brain's bullshit and come out not too worse for wear.

      it's a bit different with bpd, I don't expect it to ever "end". 


      Seeing people who were dealing with the same issues as me though, was a fucking turning point in my therapy tbh, so if these videos help you also? Awesome.

      at the risk of sounding way too preachy, I can't recommend cognitive behavioural therapy enough or any group therapy for that matter. if you're up for therapy at all, check it out. I know it's not for everyone.


      aaaaand i'll sign out before getting this status discussion way too heavy ^.~  

    4. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      Your sense is right lol, better stop it for now,from here on the conversation would only get darker. There will always have pm tho.

  8. Manji 卍

    Sorry,bro.religious and Illuminati shit gives me fuckin phobia,I really fear these topics, should've never come across it.
  9. Manji 卍

    i watched a video in my language explaning that ceremony part by part.usually i don't pay attention to sensationalist religious shit,but in that case,it made a lot of sense to me.all of those images,symbols, all of that has a specific meaning and can be linked to many occultist satanic shit,and things preached by the christians,muslims,etc.like i already said in this thread,i don't know which religion is 100% true,but these things exist.take a look around you,everything works perfectly for the life of man,the weather,the sun,natural resources the fruits of the earth,etc.When someone tells me that it all emerged by some random explosion it doesn't look less absurd than if you say that some almighty creature did it all.It just look like something miraculous. Atheists are just scared because they know that if they give it a serious try,their brains will be able to assimilate how serious that shit is.I did,and now i'm almost shitting my pants,sometimes i go to sleep thinking about how grisly and darkened the 20's are going to be.according to many videos i saw speaking on illuminati/new world order stuff,the 20's is basically the last decade with the world the way we know. there will be the WW lll,the bomb,and then the new order with 6/7 of population already gone,so this way it will be easier to install the mass control with the world divided in colonies with it's respective functions.
  10. countries like mine,with a huge quantity of natural resources,will always be poor and obsolete countries."they" need these countries at their feet.

  11. Manji 卍

    yea,but like she said,whats the problem with it? i doubt that any guy cares about that shit.
  12. Manji 卍

    ooh... that requires a lot of experience. lol
  13. Manji 卍

    just out of curiosity,how do you know when an anus is bleached or not?
  14. Manji 卍

    yea...all that these type of girls needed,easy money without necessarily being a whore.
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