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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/20 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    v. weird mood to come back to your transparently obvious joke thread only to find people taking it seriously
  2. 3 points

    SATSUKI best album "ROCIEL" release

    ngl I really want one of his last genuine current stans to throw a 2004 ReS PV mash-up over one of those talented-brilliant-incredible-amazing.gif trap beats and @ him on twitter but it must be done unironically to convey the energy
  3. 3 points
    Karma’s Hat

    SATSUKI best album "ROCIEL" release

    My favorite thing in this is his half commitment into making these dance moves.
  4. 3 points
    Its totally not racist guyz theyre just cosplaying the actual apostles of David
  5. 2 points
    S I K E you just got PRANKED
  6. 2 points
    - postponing another announcement of the album postponement? OR - launching his "la vie bleue compte" fragrances? OR - debuting an autobiographic slash fanfiction hide tribute manga? what would the capitalist fiend do in this timeline?????
  7. 2 points
    Gt.ドッペルげんたー(Doppel Genta) (ex.ZeroCre -あぷしゅ (Appush)-) has joined. Currently the support bassist (and appears in the new look) is ba.徹(Toru) (fesFE[M]).
  8. 2 points
    We're just that racist around here ✌️
  9. 2 points
    Never thought apostles were ganguro...
  10. 2 points
    Acid Black Cherry「Greed Greed Greed」🐓
  11. 2 points

    Show Your Music Player!

    I've been working on this one for a few months now, adding whatever feature I felt I needed. It's a never ending work in progress, but I'm pretty happy with how it is now~
  12. 1 point
    Their 1st single called "Swallowtail Butterfly" will be avaliable on digital platforms tomorrow.
  13. 1 point
    キズ (Kizu) new live DVD "ONEMAN TOUR FINAL 消滅 2020年2月11日EX THEATER ROPPONGI" will be released at 2020/08/19 (2 types) Limited edition (7800yen) will include live DVD and 36-page photo booklet Regular edition (4800yen) will inlcude live DVD only [tracklist] 01. ステロイド 02. ELISE 03. 蛙-Kawazu- 04. 十五 05. 銃声 06. 黒い雨 07. 平成 08. 豚 09. ヒューマンエラー 10. 傷痕 11. 0 12. おしまい 13. ラブソング 14. 十七 15. 十九 16. へのへのもへじ 17. 息のできる死骸
  14. 1 point

    OUTERHAVEN Vo. 憂 (Yuu) has departed

    their digital single "躯" (Mukuro) has been released at 2020/06/18 with mysterious new Vo.
  15. 1 point
    I hope it's an update on the current travel path of his scarf.
  16. 1 point

    [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros

    Entendi, esses CD's do Pysgai eu já tenho também rsrs Sim posso, assim que tiver tempo eu te mando por PM. Essas demos eu peguei de uma antiga conta no 4shared que achei por acaso, tem as faixas instumentais do Enigma e Maboroshi no Niwa, três músicas gravadas ao vivo (Kazen na tenin, Decadence e Enigma) e outras duas faixas que nem lembro do que se tratam. xD Quando possível te envio.
  17. 1 point
    I know it's a joke thread but while on the subject I always wondered if something happened behind the scenes for Kizu when they first revealed 0 cause they all had black face as their promo image and then weeks later they all removed it (besides kyonosuke but even his was more toned down). I doubt they got much backlash that forced them to change it but just found it strange. In case anyone forgot here it is To a couple weeks later
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    1st Single 「愚図、明ケル。」 (2 songs) Release: 2020/08/05 TrackList: 1.愚図、明ケル。 2.ニンゲンジャナイ Live-Limited Single 「蠢進」 (1 song + DVD) Release: 2020/08/04 TrackList: 蠢進
  20. 1 point
    Nicolas will be streaming their final live (of the Umbra Tour) on 4th July at 6pm (Japan Time).
  21. 1 point

    SATSUKI best album "ROCIEL" release

    furitsuke has changed......
  22. 1 point

    Artists you wish had alter-egos

    Crazy Shampoo ---> Sane Conditioner what more is there to say.
  23. 1 point

    Artists you wish had alter-egos

    As the title suggests, what are some artists you wish had alter-ego groups? As well as that What genre of music would they play? What would their name be? Would members swap instruments? Would it even have all the same members? My first pick would be 'Develop One's Faculties' under the guise of 'Undeveloped Facilities'. They would play a pretty raw and heavy mix of punk/metal, I'd keep the members the same given Yuuya knows how to shout/scream decently and Johannes is one hell of a drummer
  24. 1 point
    I mean if Ariana Grande can get away with this exact look scot free then idk why Yasu shouldn't get a pass
  25. 1 point
    Since we are ironically hacking @Tokage's joke thread: Not sure why these guys' faces are painted black, but this song is great
  26. 1 point
    I'm so excited to see Jolyne in action. I can only hope she's better than all the female characters I've seen so far up to part 4 lol Araki sucks at writing women
  27. 1 point
    It depends. If it's about pure numbers, my collection is not that big. I basically just have all regular albums and singles and then some other stuff. But there's people who collect not only music, but also magazines, tour goodies etc., those collections easily outnumber mine. I've seen some on Facebook that have entire shelves full of magazines the members appeared in, their fanclub magazine etc. But I don't really collect those, so of course collectors like that have more physical stuff than I do. But if it comes to rarity, then yeah, I've yet to see someone who can outdo mine in that aspect. I do know two or three others who have the GAUZE LP, though. But I don't know anybody else who has some of the tapes I have, for example. And then there's all those tereko that most fans don't have, of course. But I think I said so elsewhere: It's not that hard to do if you're willing to spend money on it. GAUZE LP used to be this holy grail, but I've seen so many for sale in the last three years only, it's not really thaaat special. Now, VULGAR LP on the other hand... So obviously, there are people who have stuff that's more rare than mine, but they don't post it online, sadly. 😕
  28. 1 point

    SATSUKI best album "ROCIEL" release

    Imagine how tired we are. Imagine how tired we are of it.
  29. 1 point
    Undeux - studio live Adabito Wo Kogaranu Vivarush 無観客LIVE03 emmurée, BACTERIA & about tess jealkb - Sign ~remote sesssion~
  30. 1 point

    SATSUKI best album "ROCIEL" release

    me: i wanna see miyavi mom: we have miyavi at home miyavi at home:
  31. 1 point

    卍-Aesthetics Bands Showdown

    I used a manji sign with the swastika to the left as opposed to the right which the Nazis used, but the question still stands. I personally can't pick between ROSENFELD, MEIN KAMPF and DANGERZONE.
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point

    卍-Aesthetics Bands Showdown

    The staff has seen this topic and have decided to let it stay open. For now. Visual kei has taken inspiration from Nazi-era symbolism time and time again, for better or for worse. To ignore that would be feigning ignorance. We see no harm in simple discussion of the bands and the (very small) scene related to that. We have had similar topics in the past with no repercussions. However, the current era and political climate is a different story. Discussion on this topic may or may not be possible. We will end up locking this topic if it proves to be a breeding ground for incels on the forum.
  34. 1 point

    卍-Aesthetics Bands Showdown

    Oh wow. That song is really good. A 卍 band I've been listening recently to is marry an blood. They didn't have the aesthetic going on all the time though, and it was mostly the singer who wore the uniform. Also UnsraW had the nazi thing going on with all the members for a while.
  35. 1 point

    卍-Aesthetics Bands Showdown

    I'm not a huge fan of the aesthetic either way because of the implications (no matter how much Mein Kampf writes songs about driving fast and no matter how much Rommel writes songs about zombies), but I find Rommel to be the best band from a musical point of view because they had Shu who is an amazing technical guitarist. (Although I hope that it doesn't need to be said, I would like to say that I'm not a Nazi, nor do I sympathise with the Nazi cause. As far as I know, these bands used the Nazi image for edgy shock value, not because they supported a genocide.)
  36. 1 point

    卍-Aesthetics Bands Showdown

    Hard to choose as I really like them all but I picked Rommel, been listening to them a lot Lately.
  37. 1 point
    Sivy (dishes are scheming) is doing some sort of birthday session live currently at CHOP:
  38. 1 point


    When you have such an amazing drummer like that, the minimum is to make him record his drums parts on a good e-drums. Even if they go to a recording studio, i'm sure in 4 hours rent he would finish an album. But this kind of drums sound they did became the new standard. It's boring because all the metalhead seems crazy for this overcompressed and inhuman kind of drums sound
  39. 1 point

    Old Japanese rock download sites

    When I mean old school I mean bands from 1998 - 2007 max Mainly because vk bands are using the same cord progressions and have shitty lyrics
  40. 1 point
    Waru Chibi

    Waru's art stuff

    I normally don't paint anymore I rather create doll clothing, which means i am sewing a lot most stuff is commission work, so when I post it's sold already because someone asked me to sew that thing ^^ Also I paint my dolls....i think my most impressive work are kyo's (Dir en grey) Tattoos on my dolli, and yes he has all expect the new one on his ear and the one on his leg, because i just did not have time for the second mentioned, and i won't do the facial one...cause i dont like it! Well, I'll also start with Kyo I think... maybe I'll add some clothing things....depends how interessted you are in my stuff XDDD thanks for watching
  41. 0 points
    but its still funny that you cannot paint your face black as a white person, even if you don't mean to be a racist people see it as hell as racism.... while you also can do it because you think black people need more attention because they are also beautiful persons.... But nope you are a freaking racist...
  42. 0 points
    These random ganguro stans, I guess?
  43. 0 points
    I mean, it's the exact opposite of "tasteful", but the MV for UCHUSENTAI:NOIZ's "Deadman's Rodeo Revolver" makes me uncomfortable for so many different reasons...
  44. 0 points

    卍-Aesthetics Bands Showdown

    btw i sent screenshots of all the posts ITT to your employers hope they'll think twice about hiring nazi supporters x
  45. 0 points
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