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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/19 in Posts

  1. 3 points

    Show Yourself (again)

    "It's not summer if your tongue isn't blue"
  2. 3 points


    u aren't a real diru tribute act until your sanger is hissing through a collapsed, ruined inside out voice box what r u all talking about
  3. 3 points
    By the way they also announced a small tour today: tour2019 -twilight- 2019/12/09(月) 渋谷クラブクアトロ (Shibuya Club Quattro) OPEN 18:00/START 19:00 2019/12/16(月) 名古屋クラブクアトロ (Nagoya Club Quattro) OPEN 18:00/START 19:00 2019/12/17(火) 梅田クラブクアトロ (Umeda Club Quattro) OPEN 18:00/START 19:00 (source)
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points


  6. 2 points

    Honest opinions on K POP?

    Shinee is the one kpop group I listen to. Tried others, but can't get into it. Key's solo album is great! their overall image is a little bland for me though. Vk is just a close relative of kpop tbh (remember when dbsk had visual kei hairstyles? lol) Ignoring my shinee bias, I prefer deep resounding voices generally and kpop doesn't really provide for that
  7. 2 points

    Honest opinions on K POP?

    I like bts and black pink enough but I cannot stand the fandom. I also never got the flaunting the wealth of their stars, not like the fans are benefiting from it.
  8. 2 points


    I tried listening to vanitas - white- and just burst out laughing in public. Some parts were really nice, but this is weird. I'm scrapping my fantasy of having Sho whisper in my ear.
  9. 1 point

    What are you listening to 2?

    Love the asthetics
  10. 1 point
    Official merch. So, yeah, maybe it will help you somehow.
  11. 1 point

    Unpopular Opinion

    I really don't like to waste my time on things I don't like, but I can't resist myself from saying how much I don't like this guy Kiyoharu . Seriously, hearing his voice just makes me sick and looking at his face is even worse. He's so creepy that if I would meet him on the street I would just like to vomit. He should do a favour for humanity and put a bag on his head and a socks in his mouth. Sorry, not sorry.
  12. 1 point
    SET-LIST at 2019/09/09: Strawberry[Coma] 罪と罰のステロイド 「右手にメス」を「左手に絶望」を Undermine 死二躰サドマゾ症候群 解剖イデオロギー 診断オペリズム Medi-Go-Round 赤いミックスジュース 結合症オーバードーズ ドラスティック-STU- 面会謝絶 微熱に融けるリフレイン 患者サンコチラ、手ノ鳴ル方へ vo.直祈(Naoki) gt.ライチ(Raichi) Ba.ごう(Goh) dr.あゆと(Ayuto)
  13. 1 point

    [Off-topic] bandmen brothers

    No problem, always happy when I can help a little. Only now I can't stop thinking what it would be like if Hinata would be still a part of the music scene. Maybe one day they would record something together.
  14. 1 point

    [Off-topic] bandmen brothers

    Thank you for this picture, I've been looking for pics with them together but there are few that actually exist or atleast I havent looked hard enough.
  15. 1 point

    [Off-topic] bandmen brothers

    I saw that too, but I thought that it's something like senpai and kouhai, but lately I was cleaning my ameba and found that I was following Habaki and saw some old entry https://ameblo.jp/straydog9/entry-11635332139.html where again he was refering to Hinata as a brother. And just looking at them, similar noses and hands... And the last tweet of Habaki about birthday and two bands. Of course it can't be confirmed with 100% that's why I wrote that it looks like. Pity that Hinata deleted his twitter and ameba maybe I could find something more.
  16. 1 point
    tbh im just curious how edgy the lyrics could be a song literally titled Holocaust so i figured id ask and maybe we can get an english translation for it
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Good setlist, but seeing how deadman only has perfect songs, it would be hard to make a bad live set.
  20. 1 point

    BlacK TeaR Gu.YU-TA will depart

    BlacK TeaR Gu.YU-TA will depart at the end of 2019/12.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    inb4 all the deadman stans flock over here just to be disappointed 🤣
  23. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    I go a little bit crazy when I don't get to listen to my own music the whole day >.>
  24. 1 point

    [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros

    Acabei de criar cadastro neste fórum (com o mesmo nick que usava na época, inclusive), só pra quotar esse texto recheado de nostalgia. Se rolar um papo desses que você diz que atualmente não cabe, pelo menos terá mais um pra bater papo, hahaha!
  25. 1 point

    ベルベット (Velbet) one-day revival

  26. 1 point

    Unpopular Opinion

    I share your view, and perhaps am a little more militant with it. Allow me to explain... I almost always dislike the way people act when they're under the influence. They aren't being their natural selves because substances alter their most natural state of mind and body. You cannot truly connect with someone's heart when they are under the influence. There's also the fact that often times, alcohol and various drugs will destroy people from the inside. The severity varies of course, but I've known people with rotted teeth, destroyed skin, damaged hair, rotting fingernails, bad breath and a general stink caused by their substance abuse. This is just the external effects as well, nevermind the rotting of the brain and various organs. Heroin, meth, cocaine, alcohol, tobacco...it doesn't matter. It all has the same general effect in the end and I've spent my life watching my own parents rot away due to their addictions. Human strength is cultivated by our eternal struggles. We can only grow through self discipline, knowledge and willpower. I believe any problem can be worked through this way. I say this from the perspective of someone with severe depression, anxiety and agoraphobia. Sometimes things can be very difficult for me. But I've always managed to push through because I try to be disciplined. It is not as easy as sitting down with a needle or a bottle and forgetting about whatever my hardship is at that time. But in the end, I feel better off, and I learn how to deal with things for the future. So I don't believe that people need it to get through the ups and downs of life, as they won't truly resolve anything through substance abuse. To me, this is what makes a person weak. I have also known many people who say they cannot truly live without their vices. "I only like music when I'm high", "I'm only creative when I'm high", "I'm only social when I drink" etc. I think when someone reaches this stage, they've lost the ability to truly connect with things and accept/appreciate them as they are, most importantly themselves. If instead of working to heal their mental condition and to enjoy things simply, and instead lives a life where they are controlled by vices, they are living dishonestly and dishonorably. So I cannot respect them.
  27. 1 point

    Honest opinions on K POP?

    There's no originality in it. It's just American pop music made 2 years after the fact, and sung by 8 guys with pink bowl cuts. It's an imitation of soulless music.
  28. 1 point


  29. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

    🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ I was actually having a laughing fit during the shooting but somehow one of the pictures turned out kinda okay??
  30. 1 point

    BatAAr will disband

    ...is way more better than most of the vk newbie vocalists, no need to discuss
  31. 1 point
    So basically I asked the band if it was ok, to post a translation below their youtube videos and I got their ok! 😁 I want to do the new song once I have some time, as it is really funny! I love the cheapo-ways and super-budget poor bandomen lifestyle is really my thing. 😂😂😂😂😂 "I love the bangya gifts, so I can eat gummies for breakfast!"
  32. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

    My Madeth gray'll shirt came in today. Just in time for the first day of school
  33. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

    Sorry for big image lol Grettings from Chile!
  34. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

    I take selfies like once a year maybe so might as well share this rare occasion lol
  35. 1 point
    Ro plz

    Unpopular Opinion

    Giving the internet the "ability" to air out their unpopular opinions was a mistake.
  36. 1 point

    Honest opinions on K POP?

    I hate the haircuts, I hate dancing, and it all sounds the same to me.
  37. 1 point
    Nighttime Jae

    [Off-topic] bandmen brothers

    Here I am with another piece of information only I can be bothered with contribute with probably. Ex-EVE Takeru (and now CLACK inc.) has two twin brothers (named Yuu and Kaname) who are also vocalists. They're currently a pop-rock duo called TWiN PARADOX, but they've been in several indie rock bands in the Osaka scene, such as 80/TRACK, which had a techno/dance/rock sound and somewhat a vk-ish aesthetic. They opened for EVE a couple times, even though they of course used to deny their relationship (not fooling anyone most likely since they look like a triplet almost lol) Here's the three brothers back in the EVE/80/TRACK DAYS: And them in their most recent picture:
  38. 1 point


    Please keep doing so, submitting them to setlist.fm would be a good idea as well if you have time. This band is going places and it's good to document as much of the early history as possible.
  39. 1 point

    new band "lua'N jihād" has formed

    that band name omg
  40. 1 point


    Anyone who likes LUNA SEA but dislikes Limit / Rouage / Metamorphosis / I'll stay with you / Lost world, needs to logout from MH and never log back in again.
  41. 1 point


    This is so true, I love that about that song too. Glad to see someone appreciate it as well <3 LUNA SEA is my favourite band, so I had to read this thread from page 1 all over again and enjoyed all the stuff you'all had to say about the band. I don't know why A WILL is underrated though, I loved that album, more than SHINE at least LOL. So, moving on to actual news, I assume you'all know that they are gonna release their new album on December 20th? It's called LUV... the name is a bit tacky, but hopefully it'll be a worthy addition to their discography. EDIT: I just remembered something I really hated from A WILL... Why, oh WHY did they felt the need to auto tune Ryuichi's voice on Metamorphosis??? Auto tuning Ryuichi's voice is like taking the most beautiful girl of the class and cover her face with a BALZAC paper bag wtf. Worst moment of their discography, gotta say :C
  42. 0 points


    Just as a side note, I love the fact that crossover bands like dimlim and deviloof can play metal shows and have videos taken of their performances, and no one gives a shit. Call it a “VK show” and replace most of the dudes with girls/women, and suddenly it’s “so disrespectful” to take photos/videos.
  43. 0 points

    What video games are you currently playing?

    Played "love thyself- a horatio story" - an april's fool joke that turned real. If you want to play a short dating sim where you, a clone, get together with other clones of you, this is for you. ...that aside, the endless series of strategy games are great (endless legend, endless space etc)
  44. 0 points
    tried to make me go to rehab but I wont go go go
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