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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/19 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    VITCH... ah, so close, yet so far.
  2. 4 points
    Love that this is probably meant to be cvlt for "witch" but in Japanese it's perfectly viable to pronounce it like "BITCH"
  3. 3 points
    ギャロ (THE GALLO) will release a new single titled 『VITCH』on 2019.08.28 for 1,500 yen.
  4. 3 points

    Bands that get a lot of undeserving hate?

    I swear we have 3 threads about the same topic
  5. 3 points

    Bands that get a lot of undeserving hate?

    can we stop discussing this lmao
  6. 3 points

    the GazettE

    Yeah, it was wonderful and the whole atmosphere was insane. I still can't move my neck properly or even talk loudly It made up for all the organizational errors.
  7. 3 points
    their new maxi-single "The world of mercy" will be released at 2019/09/18 (4 types) Limited edition CD+Blu-Ray (5500yen) Limited edition 1 CD+DVD (4500yen) Limited edition 2 CD+DVD (1800yen) Regular edition CD (1200yen)
  8. 3 points

    the GazettE

    The gig in Munich has been amazing!!! The crowd was wild and the setlist was very good! I loved how Kai apologized for the little hiccup made by him during 'Ugly' ("Sorry, my mistake!"), made my entire week! 😂 (Even TOMORROW NEVER DIES is enjoyable live!)
  9. 3 points
    Waru Chibi

    Waru's art stuff

    it was Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. I just checked it XDDD And here is a picture of Yuhma Doll I took it before my trip to Japan, currently he has pink hair but I don't have a picture XDD
  10. 3 points

    Bands that get a lot of undeserving hate?

  11. 3 points

    Far East Dizain will disband

    Leda: you guys sucked, Im out
  12. 3 points
    Waru Chibi

    Waru's art stuff

    @secret_no_03 ah kokoro is right here ^^ I already made him one outfit...buuut the real one asked for the previous outfit and I also want to make the new one... Much work XDDD
  13. 2 points
    I'd very much like to translate the second song from the 離人-single (肉腫と繁殖と不快感) but only lyrics to 離人 are around on various sites. Just the kanji is enough ♡ Or even just a legible picture It's notable I would use the lyrics to put them and my translation into a video for my youtube linking the source, and would also post the translation itself in this thread EDIT: https://rocklyric.jp/lyric.php?sid=1754945 <- in works right now for rocklyric EDIT 2: 11/7 - posted on rocklyric! I'll do it for tonight and post translation+video here
  14. 2 points

    Undesire - VK inspired band from Chile

    I love how we got video game protagonists dabbling in vk now
  15. 2 points

    MORE will be on hiatus

    More will release a digital single, "SOL ET LUNA" for their 4th anniversary on 6/25 for 250 yen.
  16. 2 points

    Visual kei among friends

    in high school, i used to make mix cds of vk bands and pass them out to my friends, acquaintances, and some random people. i also used to show people pics of bandmen, but it was just entrapment to see their faces when i told them that whoever it was is a guy. i was in this class called digital storytelling where you had to put presentations together using photoshop and premiere, and most of those were about vk bands too. i’m sure my classmates loved me. 😅
  17. 2 points

    Visual kei among friends

    Same thing for me :). Online is more easier to discuss VK than irl .
  18. 2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. 1 point

    Undesire - VK inspired band from Chile

    The band formed in 2017 and their music is inspired by Malice Mizer, which they cover often at lives. Lineup: Vo.: Dante Gt.: Sora Gt.: Atma Ba.: Azazel Dr.: Karu Their releases are available on Spotify: 「Eventide」(12.22.2017) 「Inner Demon」(01.25.2019)
  21. 1 point
    BAROQUE's new album "PUER ET PUELLA" (boy & girl in latin) will be released on 2019.07.30. More details will be announced at a later date The tracklist of their "VISIONS OF // PEP" live gives an idea of the album's tracklist:
  22. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    Jealous as hell here, Michael always skips the Netherlands. I did have the opportunity to see L.A. Guns with Phil and Tracii last year though! Still waiting for Sebastian to come back here too. He’s played close to me a few times but without me realising while my room used to basically bathe in Baz, obviously. I had the biggest crush on him. Skid Row... I don’t see it happening (Rachel please). Tom Keifer C̶i̶n̶d̶e̶r̶e̶l̶l̶a̶ is still on my wishlist, but a girl can dream. Would also love to see some bands like Poison or Ratt, but I doubt they’ll ever tour Europe.
  23. 1 point
    Not my favorite vocalist, but I like Eventide
  24. 1 point


    You can listen to ideal (new single) on youtube https://youtu.be/Vl4z4Yx2MRw
  25. 1 point

    Waru's art stuff

    Oh, okay, also hard as hell and that's cool.
  26. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    emptiness after graduation? priceless feeling
  27. 1 point

    VK grandma represent \o/

    *shakes cane* welcome to MH fellow senior citizen. Theses young whipper snappers with their snapcats and instagrammars don't understand our ways sometimes but these youngins are good kids, they just have a young/hate relationship with "shipping" . I'm soon to be 39
  28. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    MERRY - Nonsense Market tour final [limited edition] The Ghost Inside of Me - Scenario Soiree The Best of Johnny Cash Synthetic 16 - Your Water
  29. 1 point
    UGH they are just amazing!!
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
    Waru Chibi

    Waru's art stuff

    he's posting a lot on his private twitter also doing a lot of q and a there. i follow him but you have to send a request and it takes him months to accept xD he was out with siki and a meidara member for shisha and he's doing twitcasts when he's playing videogames. pretty funny. but luvi siki and kosuke don't want to play in a band right now. i can post yuhma later since he has 2 outfits xD *spoiled kid :p* i started korey's argentum outfit and stopped half through. my Russian friend currently sews something for Jey because i've little time. but i decided to redo miniasagis tightrope outfit. bad idea really ~ he's so tiny xD
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
    Ehhh??? Which ones? I have downloaded most of them.... I think it was the furitsuke videos.... 😑 they decided to upload it only on their furitsuke twitter channel, the songs are mostly there still. https://twitter.com/kaitoufurituke?s=09 This is really annoying.... I liked to have them on youtube, but you can't do anything about it.... They also deleted some stupid dork videos like Masato teaching people how to do facial treatment and face massage. 😂 I have a lot saved on my phone though.
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point

    General KPOP Thread

    NO WAY THIS IS A THREAD THAT EXISTS HERE?????! HELLOOOOO~ YESSS GOOD, kinda wish they continued in a darker direction but it's a summer wave so I guess it can't be helped. THAT WILD ELECTRO SLAPS THO <3<3 never heard of them, they new? lacks some power behind it imo, but hey potential is there!
  37. 1 point

    General KPOP Thread

    News MVs : I like this song :). Before drug's scandal : Others MVs : MVs from today The title of this MV is really funny 🤣. The song is nice. I love this MV and this song very much 😍. This is really interessing. I love the ending from the MV 😍.
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. 1 point
    These guys are so fucking good, need more fans tho ahhh
  42. 1 point
    Thank you @Himeaimichu for linking me to this purchase! I’m actually in love this, now to get a VHS player and equipment to rip it to my laptop and I can share it with you all!
  43. 1 point


    I have to rescind my statement. ADORATIO is better live. Mania no Shikan was amazing.
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point
    I think he does sometimes and cleans up. Lol. Nothing serious. This is about how lovers, mitsu and tsunagari should behave and how it's impossible for a bangya to do this. Don't drop hints on sns, don't go to lives, walk with 5m distance to bandomen etc.
  46. 1 point
  47. 1 point

    Far East Dizain will disband

    From what I understand based on the tweets of the Japanese fans - at the DELUHI reunion it was said that: - JURI, back around Deluhi's disbandment time, was having problems with his throat/vocal cords and needed treatment (which he eventually got, but it took time - thankfully he seems ok now!). At that point however singing was challenging/painful... - LEDA wanted to replace Juri because of Juri's problems with his voice and started looking to recruit a new vocalist with the intention of firing Juri from the band WITHOUT telling Juri any of the above or discussing it with him. Leda intended to keep Aggy and Sujk. - AGGY did not agree with Leda's approach of going behind Juri's back and it also seems they had some disagreements about Aggy's bass sounds being replaced so Aggy announced that he would quit. At this point ALL MY RESPECT GOES TO AGGY - he took the blame of disbanding on himself, did not discuss any of this "dirt" in public or create negativity around Leda in any way, and he apparently did not tell Juri either of Leda's plans to fire Juri. It looks like Juri found out about this much later and apparently Juri has flat out refused to do a reunion a couple of years in a row when approached by Abe-san and Leda. It is said that he had eventually forgiven Leda and agreed to do the reunion & Aggy agreed too. Ultimately the amount of mean comments addressed to Aggy all these years is unbelievable!! He was blamed for ruining Deluhi and what not...when it wasn't even his fault... - SUJK - not sure what his position was regarding all this, but he has always seemed to get along well with both Juri and Aggy. The pics & videos of him and Juri posted by Abe-san around the reunion are super cute!! And there's also a pic of Sujk wearing a breakin' holiday bracelet with Aggy. DELUHI - though they have all grown up, I personally do not believe Deluhi is coming back... I dearly love their music, but to me Leda has ruined the trust between the memebers - not blaming him in any way... just saying.. he was young and made a mistake.. we all do... it seems he does regret it but nothing can be done at this point. With FED he got a new vocalist and a new bassist - they had potential but imho Leda has carried over some of his leadership attitudes and he also had a ton of side projects diverting his focus from the band. As for BREAKIN'HOLIDAY - after the Deluhi reunion both Juri and Aggy have posted a tweet clearly stating that though they are grateful to Deluhi, they are now to be considered Juri and Aggy of breakin'holiday. I personally find the band very enjoyable, Juri's voice is wonderful, they are experimenting with their sound and style, it's interesting to watch them grow as a band. They are super active social media and post a ton of off-shot stuff. In the end, I wish them all success, to all ex-Deluhi members, to all soon to be ex-FED members and to current breakin' holiday members. I truly believe they all have their strengths and talents but they are also all people and people do mess up sometimes.... That's all I had to say - just wanted this to be out there.
  48. 1 point
    Do you not remember their iconic feud with マチルダ?I'd say they're pretty douchey.
  49. 1 point
    because dexcore sounds like tons of other western bands who probably do it better? although i think they are okay, i personally am here for more "visual kei" sound
  50. 1 point
    ugh this is such a sad reminder that dexcore technically outperform both but no one cares about them on the kizu levels of stanning OT i'm surprised that the new track almost sounds decent, if only they could get a better vocalist! oversanging falsetto queen sounds grating a.f.
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