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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/18 in Posts

  1. 7 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    All the photos prove (granted by my own interpretation) is 1. the woman definitely knew and had some sort of relationship with Kisaki thatw ent wrong, 2. that the woman was definitely injured, 3. that Kisaki at the very least doesn't know how to handle a child/respect a child's physical boundaries, 4. that Riku doesn't trust Kisaki, and 5. that Kisaki ran some kind of Y!JA price-boosting scam. Many of these reflect really poorly on him anyway: 4 and 5 completely match his known behaviors, and the 3rd one is a big ass red flag that would seriously worry me even if the other allegations were somehow proven 100% false tomorrow. But there is still room for being critical of the claims as they've been presented without assuming that anyone doing so is caping for Kisaki/bandmen everywhere so try to keep your heads screwed on when it comes to throwing around words like 'innocence'. I know there's a difference in the quality and detail of evidence provided. I also know that Kisaki is a proven dickhead with a literal rap sheet and that people will understandably weigh that into their judgments. But there are translated assault/rape allegations ostensibly from multiple people against Kyo & Daisuke in this same subforum that have been treated with kid gloves comparatively. I have my own assumptions about Kisaki's guilt like anyone else but it's been annoying me to see not strictly MH members, but off-site people who have jumped on this story as undeniable fact but also decrying tanuki/anonymous sources when it comes to bandmen they actually like because ???. Unless this manifests as an arrest or court case, I'm leaning towards thinking the woman deleted the account because of tanuki scrutiny or regret for posting the pictures of the child. A lot of the posts I read were quite harsh on the mother for taking pictures of her kid looking distressed, and for posting them on social media. I'd also seen some throwaway accounts reply to to her last tweet about deleting the pictures of the kid and criticizing her for originally only deleting a portion. ^^ @Chi I was just searching and a user posted a DM convo they had with the account OP who said that multiple people supposedly helped report him and also said she believes it will lead to an arrest. I hope she's right and that it does go to a court...
  2. 7 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    I'm half and half with this. I'm sure there are people who would love to bring Kisaki down and bandmen are surrounded by women as malicious as them sometimes. But on the other hand, Kisaki has shown over and over that he's scum and I don't wanna doubt the pictures and accusations, especially when Japan's credibility on women who need help in abusive situations is minuscule. I'm more on her side and hope there can be an investigation and she and the kid can get help and go as far away from him as possible.
  3. 6 points
  4. 6 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    It's worrying to me that some peoples first thought is 'oh noh muh music!!!!!' do you not have any sympathy for this little girl?? or her mother? or any other people he's mistreated?? I've always hated Kisaki, thought he was an overdramatic attention seeker; but knowing he does this is shocking he's disgusting and I hope he rots in prison.
  5. 6 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    Development: The account was deleted. Not really surprising considering the seriousness of the allegations, the amount of tanuki attention it attracted and the fact that the police are reportedly involved. I might screencap the archive I saved of the account for posterity?
  6. 5 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    (Thank you to @ricchubunny for posting about this in a status, which led to @Chi linking it to me!) An account on Twitter, @KISAKI54175241, has begun to make some fairly serious claims against Kisaki, so here we are in the rumors section yet again. At the time of this posting the account has 66 tweets and multiple images. I saved an archive of the page at it is at this moment in case anything happens to it, so please let me know and I will post that somewhere. Disclaimer: What follows is a translation of allegations made by twitter user KISAKI54175241. I neither endorse nor deny any of the claims made below, and I made a conscious effort to avoid sensationalizing anything in my translations... If you have any questions or feedback in that regard please let me know. More importantly some of the content below is disturbing. There are mentions of domestic violence and child sexual abuse. Please read at your own discretion or skip to the summary below if you would like to know what happened without getting into explicit detail. KISAKI54175241's posts (oldest to newest, although sometimes self-retweets that reordered her twitter timeline will cause discrepancies) The translation as the account stands at 2:28 PM -6:00 GMT is complete. This picture provided by @colorfuljinsei (originally from Kisaki's official twitter?) can serve as a tattoo placement/design reference if you would like to do any comparisons. In summary, Kisaki has been accused of: -Inappropriate sexual contact with a young child -Domestic violence -Being a habitual benzo seeker/user -Being suicidal and using this as a manipulation tactic -Astroturfing tanuki, working to have critical articles and twitters suspended Allegedly, these matters have been brought to police.
  7. 5 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    Literally just now hearing about rape allegations towards Kyo and Daisuke, but I do remember someone talking about a select group of dudes (Kyo, Daisuke, Tatsurou, a few others) that participated in questionable behavior. But there’s no doubt people just have it out for Kisaki. Of course his tax evasion bullshit and overall garbage approach to making money warrants the negative attention. But a few months back there was a “bad boys of VK poll/thread” and last I remember Kisaki was coming out on top over dudes that assaulted women. At the time, all we knew was about Kisaki’s poor business practices, but somehow he was getting more bad boy votes than Wataru, a guy that straight up fucking choked a woman. That has to be a case of serious blind fanaticism when assualt doesn’t register on your radar.
  8. 5 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    people are willing to stoop to surprising levels of selective obliviousness when it comes to defending their kawaii jrockers
  9. 5 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    think about this: if this al turns out to be legit, there -must- be some artists or people who have worked closely with Kisaki in some form who actually knew about this shit to some extent, i don't feel like it's the kind of thing that would just be easy to hide
  10. 5 points
    The Moon

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    this is so fucking disgusting. those pictures are horrifying. my heart breaks for the child & her mother who got caught up in kisaki's abuse. i hope she gets justice.
  11. 4 points
    The bassist 大和-yamato- has joined the band as of 2018.09.11. https://lineblog.me/labaiser/archives/1261186.html His Twitter : https://twitter.com/yamato_LABAISER
  12. 4 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    Kudos for the mother finally stepping up for her child! I really don't get how you can let other people do this to a child....
  13. 3 points
    Peace Heavy mk II

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    Pulling this quote out for emphasis. Something like what is described in this thread, as well as the various other ones mentioned above, are horrible and should be treated with the same amount of outrage regardless of who did it. It's unfortunate that a scene that could allow for so much creativity and expression, both visually and audibly, attracts all sorts of scummy people because the target audience is vulnerable and impressionable.
  14. 3 points
    Peace Heavy mk II

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    Considering a lot of his old bandmates / friends don't ever seem to hang out or work with him anymore (any member of Lin that wasn't Riku, D, any member of Phantasmagoria + Kisaki project (Jun didn't even do anything for UCP closing, nor did JUI iirc), and Diru / Merry just pretend they were never involved with him ever), it makes me wonder if this was all a sort of secret thing people found out about after they were already involved with him professionally + contractually, and how much of it is either ignored or played down (e.g.: Rame and Riku working with him, defending him on Twitter, or providing him gigs, etc). My guess is that the guys in Mirage and the various big-name support members they, and at some point Lin + a couple other Kisaki sessions, got (like Shazna's guitarist and Kuroyume's guitarist and bassist) probably didn't really speak with him much since the mid-90's and might not have known he was that bad, but going forward they and no one else would not, and should not, want anything to do with him.
  15. 3 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    I am aware that you are referring to me, but why do you want my opinion so badly? What exactly do you want me to say that will rile up your sensationalism about this? I’m not going to speak of the subject because I am emotionally drained about this enough as we speak. Please keep these jokes in your thoughts, I’ll just have none of them.
  16. 3 points
    The Piass

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    He was to appear on 2018.11.17 at 目黒鹿鳴館 (Meguro Rokumeikan) but it was cancelled.
  17. 3 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    ^ you're riiiiigghhhhhtttttt of course, but at the same time idt anyone expects this situation to de-escalate from now (I know who does expect that exactly and God knows how many papercranes they're gonna be folding while fresh tea arrives because I don't see their opinion on the subject yet.) also somewhat off-the-topic but how/where do you get a fun benzo RX in japan, Ksk is clearly not in the income bracket to afford smuggled xan
  18. 3 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    https://imgur.com/a/Xroy0eN Here's an album with some pictures that were deleted before I ever saw the account but collected from tanuki. One of them is a capture of a quote tweet where the 🐔🐔鶏肉てゃん🐔🐔‏ @_Lv114514_ 20h asks "Isn't she laughing?" in response to a pic of the child inside of a large storage container. The KISAKI暴露‏ @KISAKI54175241 tweet quoted says "The crying child was also forcibly trapped in his costume case". I also included screencaps from the original twitter feed as it was when I did the original translation, minus a few of the beginning tweets because I fucked up my screencaps (oops).
  19. 3 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    ^ yessss thank you so much for this @cvltic 🙌 your work is definitely appreciated! 👍
  20. 3 points
    Karma’s Hat

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    In a way Kisaki is the ultimate bandman constantly hustling abuses both women and children betraying bandmates evading taxes breaks the law been around for way too long and there's no signs of him stopping
  21. 3 points
    New Look 25th Anniversary Mana Közi Yu~ki
  22. 2 points
    "dark fantasy storyteller" Asagi is shaking
  23. 2 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    Every time I think Kisaki has reached peak shitty person level, he sets the bar a little higher. This time, much higher ugh. Also re: having this woman list CDs/merch for him, could she have been the one selling behind that Yahoo!Auction acct that was selling rarez from his previous bands re: that whole conspiracy thing?
  24. 2 points
    The bassist is Ba.大和-yamato- (ex-Noize knot(遥-haruka-)-->VAN9ISH(弓月-yuzuki-)) that previously was his support.
  25. 2 points


    'K, so my friend went to one of their lives and still has to give me a full report, but she says it's not something she wants to see again. It appears this whole project live is mostly based on weird MCs, fanservicing of some sorts and Genki's pretty awkward the whole time. The new songs are nothing special, nothing new, same genre as what we've already heard. They weren't bad per se, according to her. She was a HUGE Mejibray stan and even she admits that following this just because it's Koichi and Genki is a waste of time. I'm still waiting for a full report from her.
  26. 2 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    Keep the dragging to just Kisaki please. I don't want to have to give out warnings because of this topic.
  27. 2 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    This is sickening... and not in the good way. I hope he finally gets what he deserves, for the little girl's sake.
  28. 2 points
    Karma’s Hat

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    Went google translatin' on his twitter and there's already mentions of pedophilia and retirement by the japanese leaving tweets, so even if this woman drops charges and disappears as they often do in the west, Kisaki is still most likely more or less finished in the biz. Then again even Woody Allen and Polanski are still around so who knows what really matters to me tho are all the pedo puns I can make with phantasmagoria songs !!
  29. 2 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    You can look at those photos and think he's innocent?? 🤔
  30. 2 points
  31. 2 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    Thanks for archiving and translating this, cvltic.
  32. 2 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    nowhere in the post it says any of that. the OP says shes trying to get police to do something about it.
  33. 2 points

    Glad to be back!

    Hello! I've been a fan of Visual Kei for more than 10 years now. My love for Visual Kei really started with Alice Nine. They were my favorite band for the majority of my teen years, I even had a Twitter account simply dedicated to them (@AliceNineWorld for anyone that might remember!). I would also try to discover new bands daily, listen to VK 24/7 and just emerge myself in anything Visual Kei. However back in 2014, my interest for it just slowly started to fade and left the scene all together. I just felt Iike major bands were experimenting with sounds I did not enjoy and newer bands all sounded the same to me. You could say VK died for me that year. But occasionally, I would go back and check up on bands that I still had some interest in, such as Dir en Grey, Diaura, BUCK-TICK, and sometimes A9. Fortunately, this summer my love for Visual Kei resurged once again. Coming back into it and trying to catch up with everything I missed in the past four years has been overwhelming haha. The amount of older bands that have disbanded has come as a complete shock, but the newer bands that are starting out have seriously brought in new life to Visual Kei that I personally think really needed. In my opinion, I think we might be reaching a renaissance of Visual Kei, and that absolutely excites me! All in all, I joined this forum because I wanted to be part of a community in which I could keep up with news and talk with other fellow fans. Visual Kei has always been a huge part of my life growing up, so coming back into it almost feels like coming back home.
  34. 2 points
  35. 2 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    well, the authorities still have to take the word of a WOMAN and we all know how that goes in most cases, so I wouldn't be certain about that...
  36. 2 points
    Karma’s Hat


    You can only see tzk's back because they can't show that he's crying
  37. 1 point
    MASK, who had recently restarted live activities, were supposed to celebrate their 15th anniversary this year. However, that's been postponed as guitarist and leader Michiru had fallen ill on March 5. However, the performance has been moved to March 3, 2019 at Tsutaya O-EAST. As for Michiru, he had gotten so sick that he collapsed and went into a coma for three days, nearly dying as a result. Thankfully, he survived, and he talks about it in this interview here. In summary, he had been hospitalized for three months due to an undisclosed illness which Michiru describes as "rare and hard to treat", and he is still continuing treatment and regaining his physical strength.
  38. 1 point
    Their new single 「ラブレター」(Love letter) will be released on 2018.12.05. To celebrate their fourth anniversary, an one-man live called 「雨の日」(Ame no hi)will occur on 2018.12.25 at Shibuya WWW. If I am right, a live DVD of this one-man live will be released later on. A mini tour called 『甘く暴れた雨』(Amaku abareta ame) with 甘い暴力(Amai Bouryoku) will begin on 2018.11.03 and will end on 2018.11.24. Dates : 2018年11月3日(土)名古屋HeartLand 2018年11月4日(日)大阪 LIVEHOUSE Rumio 2018年11月23日(金・祝)仙台enn 3rd 2018年11月24日(土)新宿RUIDO K4
  39. 1 point
    this is so sad alexa play metis gretel
  40. 1 point
    Yo-hey confirmed that "獣声" is read as "Juusei." The Starwave dudes are surprisingly responsive / friendly whenever I ask for clarity on how to read their more obscure titles. I like the sample. It reminds me of late-career Megaromania.
  41. 1 point
    man they're really going the extra mile in plagiarising Grimoire I hope they find someone new soon because I do actually like these guys.
  42. 1 point

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    i cant believe yall worried about VK
  43. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    We've got to canonize Shinya for being the true savior of this band; get your prayer candles ready for Our Good Sis of Drums and Makeup~
  44. 1 point

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    Kisaki's drama was all fun when it was only some tax fraud and stolen pictures, now it's just too serious. If these allegations are true I will never support him again, ever
  45. 1 point
    Shuuji really rocked dat dramatic vintage Tetsu vibe~
  46. 1 point
    Artists should refrain from talking about what their new album is going to sound like, because most of the time they’re full of shit.
  47. 1 point

    THE BLACK SWAN will disband

    And yet yall still won't shut up about them x btw Jin stated that this project will be done on the side while he continues band activities
  48. 1 point
    I couldn't possibly be any more erect right now
  49. 1 point


    They are on drugs. What the fuck are they doing. Fuck this band. Give me Mejibray. What are they doing. I’m so mad. I’m also drunk.
  50. 1 point

    5 Things I Love About VK

    This, so much this. Most Chileans complain about going to lives in Japan and how everyone is so "boring" and they can't "just run to the front", and they never understand why I don't like going to gigs in my country anymore.
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