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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/17 in Posts

  1. 4 points

    MEJIBRAY will go on hiatus

    can't help but feel that this whole debate is much ado about nothing if you're living in japan and regularly go to lives then you're entitled to give your opinion on their lives. if you're an international fan who voraciously gobbles up all their releases (legally or not) then you're entitled to evaluate the quality of their recorded music. the problem only arises when this discussion bleeds into the neighboring terrain of 'how does one objectively judge a band's quality?' or 'what's the proper way of enjoying a band?'--which never fails to generate 5 pages of same old thing that impresses no one in particular... then there's the question of how much instrumental value you are actually of to the band, which is related but entirely separable from the first. it's def true that the actual impact of someone ordering a 3000 yen album from CDJapan on the band is probably a lot less than they think, but that doesn't reduce the weight of their opinion on the band's recorded music. critics all over the world are paid to do exactly that: to give their opinions while remaining pretty much monetarily irrelevant.
  2. 3 points

    MEJIBRAY will go on hiatus

    lmao you're literally sitting here implying people's opinions aren't credible because they aren't ~part of the scene~ and you don't seem to understand why they're getting salty with you? Here's the thing YOU seem confused about. You seem to be confusing "your consumption and interaction with the band are financially irrelevant" to "your opinion is irrelevant and no one should care about it." Let's, for a moment, humor whoever it was in this thread who said vk is "art." Here's the thing about art - once it's produced and released into the world, in whatever form it may be in, it's out of the artists' hands, and it becomes a matter of opinion and interpretation for whoever is consuming it in whatever manner they see fit. You don't get to sit here and tell people the ~correct~ way to consume it (i.e. attending lives in Japan) and you don't get to sit here and tell them their opinions are invalid because they're not consuming it in the way it was "intended" or in the way that is most financially profitable for the band. If Miley Cyrus owns literally thousands of hip hop CDs then I imagine she has her reasons for having her opinions, and while obviously no one is obligated to take her opinion seriously, that doesn't mean it's baseless. In fact, let's rework that last sentence in the context of this thread and see what happens: "It's kind of like [a foreign visual kei fan] wanting people to care about her opinion on [visual kei]. She's free to do so, but nobody's going to giving it much weight, irrelevant of how much she may or may not be a fan of [visual kei], how many CDs she owns, etc. because it's not based on anything credible."
  3. 2 points

    MEJIBRAY will go on hiatus

    There is one actually (first song is Agitato Grimoire)
  4. 2 points
    I wonder if The Piass are producing it because it's just never happening?!?!?
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
    Yumeleep is alson a clone of GRIMOIRE.
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points

    Show Yourself (again)

    is this hairstyle cool again? I see people wearing it.
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. 2 points
    single details [limited edition](CD+DVD) 2000yen tax out [CD] 1.Fallin' Night 2.VOICE [DVD] 「Fallin' Night」(MUSIC CLIP) [CD ONLY ] 1500yen tax out 1.Fallin' Night 2.VOICE 3.KARERU
  13. 2 points
    Y'all suffering from PTSD over Satsuki really bad? YIKES. Can't relate. Maybe i'm reading this wrong but it's almost like y'all want this shit to be bad lmaooo First song sounds like it'll be pretty nice too but im still hella stoked for the second one.
  14. 2 points

    Bad visual kei vocalists

    SO MUCH DEBAUCHERY IN THIS TOPIC. How anyone can say Kousei (GHOST), Kirito (PIERROT), Sui (MEGAROMANIA, check out that vibrato, bro), Kouki (D=OUT), Tatsurou (MUCC), Shou (Alice Nine, he has improved tremendously since Givuss!) are bad!? *head explodes*
  15. 1 point
    new band "厨二溺レ死ヌ。" (chunioboresinu.) has formed in March and they have had their first live on April 9 at Kagurazaka Trash Up. Vo.スザク (suzaku) Gt.jack (ex-リゼ (Lize) (as Ba.わこ (wako)) Ba.アマリ (amari) Twitter OHP
  16. 1 point
    ビバラッシュ (Vivarush) Vo.るいまる (ruimaru) has been hospitalized on May 16 after complaining of back pain after a concert. The band will still perform in Tokyo on May 17 as scheduled, but Ruimaru will be absent; they will not give ticket refunds.
  17. 1 point

    New Band CieLGraVE has formed

    Ah okay. Good to know haha. I was kinda confused and didn't read every post about them tho. Thanks or the info.
  18. 1 point
    I call it, the curse of mejibray Resurrect vk cuz they're literally killing vk 😂
  19. 1 point
    Something tells me that these Dir stans and VK stans have never ever even touched acts outside of their comfort zone a la akin to Rurutia, Haco etc. @Ro plzsaid it well: guys, your kneejerk reactions should be defo toned down or we'll reach the point where these guys are not allowed to do effing anything Just what exactly would be "not cringey" according to your standpoints, hm?
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    tr*mbe dis you?? I like his hair because it looks like my hair
  22. 1 point
    If it's just the same Mama that's on Immortalis with Gara's voice pasted over it that'll be lame as fuck.
  23. 1 point
    ironic, kiyoharu as your avatar as i was just going to say that im still waiting for collaboration with kiyoharu. maybe that's one of the end games ?
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    I am pretty sure he's singing over a backing track and everyone else is just miming
  26. 1 point
    His one-coin single "琥珀の花" (Kohaku no Hana), will be released on 6/3. 収録曲: 1.琥珀の花 2.琥珀の花(Instrumental) 取り扱い:ライカエジソン東京店、ライカエジソン通販、オフィシャル通販
  27. 1 point

    The Bad Boys of Visual Kei

    Yeah, some other guys who could qualify for the next topic: Yuuga (Devil Kitty) Yayoi (Rockstar Records) Noah (Avanchick) Saki (Bloom) Yuuta (Serah) Some of them has a little less dirt on them but all of them are kusomen. I've never bothered looking into luna sea drama but I'm sure those guys has some juicy stuff as well. At least Sugizo's daughter (Luna)'s mom was originally a groupie who Sugizo just fucked with. Until she got pregnant and decided to keep the baby and he decided to marry her.
  28. 1 point

    Chanty Gu.shia. has been arrested

    So much this. But they don't even need to go artkei with him. SIZNA is so talented he could only propel them further.
  29. 1 point
    release date is 2017年5月31日 price 2800yen (tax included) tracklist: 01.《 - 曲天烈園児の雇用 - 》 02.Family Fuck'in Marbly Mart 凸 03.MOUTH IN THE SHOTGUN 04.【噂と情報】週刊めろちゃすたそ♡【マガジン!】 05.《 - 曲天烈園児の接客 - 》 06.イジメ自殺リストカット中学高校女子の代弁者Visual Rock 07 ※-好き勝手暴れて下さい宜しくどうぞ- 08.《 - 曲天烈園児の退勤 - 》
  30. 1 point
    I guess Mama is going to be a Kyo/Gara duet. So many soaked fangirl panties.
  31. 1 point

    SuG new EP "AGAKU" + Budokan overseas sale

    So excited about this new EP, I can't wait to listen to it! I wonder if they're gonna perform the 3 songs at their Budokan live. Here is the preview of the MV: http://sagudesu.tumblr.com/post/160654871294/preview-agaku
  32. 1 point

    MEJIBRAY will go on hiatus

    Well, i dont know what size of band we are talking about. But i would say 90% of the bands discussed here have no idea/dont care if their CDs are bought overseas. Their income comes mostly from tickets/merchandise (Cheki, cheki, cheki).. Also, surely everyone can write band xy sucks or xy is so amazing, while their bandpicture is pure photoshop, their CD recording is done by session musicians, writing by ghostwriters, etc. The oversea fans then are critizising something totally different from the actual band. But well, thats how it is. I actually dont want to sound like some elitism shit here, just raise awarness maybe, idk. Everyone critize/like/hate how they want, when you visit the actual live you notice how it doesnt matter.
  33. 1 point
    Nice new look! Nao
  34. 1 point
    Great thread, I like hearing the little things that are memorable at shows! - During Morrigan's set at Ikebukuro Cyber. During RIP (which is two minutes on CD but about 15 during their shows) they do the whatever it's called when the front row of girls lay over the bar/stage and the rest of the crowd takes turns slamming into them on the fourth beats. Anyway, during that the vocalist went out into the crowd to start dragging people forward who weren't participating (even going into the venue's stairwell, haha). When he sauntered over near where I was standing I could see the surprise in his face to run into a giant white dude amidst the crowd of tiny girls and instead of attempting to drag me into the melee he gave me a high-five. - I wrote about this one during a 君は鋭く。set here. A middle-aged woman in the crowd approached me between bands and asked what band I was at the show to see. When I told her 君は鋭く she got really excited and grabbed a wrist band off their merch table and gave it to me. I will continue to believe she was someone in the band's mother until proven otherwise.
  35. 1 point

    MEJIBRAY will go on hiatus

    no, not really they've been stagnating and losing sales (and fans?) since 2014 http://www.oricon.co.jp/prof/542980/rank/single/ sadie was a way bigger/more recognizable name before the hiatus, despite having less possessed demonic weaboonetgya
  36. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

  37. 1 point
    Dr.蒐-shu- has departed at 2017/5/12.
  38. 1 point
    So I'm guessing millennial means vocalists that were active around 2005-present? Here are a few memorable ones for me that are lesser known. Saki (active 2004-2010) Bands: Clorican, ClearVeil While he's not the best screamer, and may sometimes make you wonder: does this dude even know how to scream? (but ironically makes him memorable), his clean vocals are to die for. And even more, when he reaches those higher notes. I miss him so much and want him back. Raya (active 2004-present) Bands: L'eprica, ANGRAYSE, D'efend Chroma, Sierra de Cobre If you like art-kei vocals, Raya is not to be missed. He's currently back with L'eprica members and plays with bands Emmuree, DISH, and Sioux, but still no sign of them releasing any new material. Still, I can only hope. Amonn (active 2001-present?, but probably only became well-known with the band MELLO in 2006) Bands: Diod'honneur, MELLO, Trompe l'oeil Another art-kei vocalist that shouldn't be missed. Very deep and powerful vocals with amazing delivery. I haven't heard anything from his recent band Trompe l'oeil, but I hope they didn't completely disappear and are still active and planning something new. Oh, and I voted for Ryoga. I don't know much about the other ones, but I'm growing to like Kazuki. I favor Tora over Ryuga so I didn't vote him. They're both great vocalists, but I've always thought Tora was more compelling and emotive.
  39. 1 point
    Ro plz

    Show Yourself (again)

    I just felt like contributing.
  40. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

    This is me by ex-Phantasmagoria Iori There's some other pics too. 1 2
  41. 1 point

    Worst Jrock CD Cover

    It played Gazette for me. i'm personally more triggered by this. : |
  42. 1 point

    Worst Jrock CD Cover

    LMAO. Autoplayed music on blogs? What year is this, 2005? Myspace and Friendster doesn't even do that anymore.
  43. 1 point
    游彩(Yusai) is their new band and they began on 2017.01.01. A first single will be released on 2017.03.01. It is called 『アイラク偽心』 (Airaku Nise Kokoro). TYPE A : 1944 yens CD : 1.アイラク偽心 (Airaku Nise Kokoro) 2.色暮 (Shoku Kure) DVD : 1.アイラク偽心(Airaku Nise Kokoro) TYPE B : 1620 yens CD : 1.アイラク偽心 (Airaku Nise Kokoro) 2.色暮 (Shoku Kure) 3.地団駄序曲地団駄序曲 (Jidanda Jokyoku) Here is their website : http://yusai-web.net/
  44. 1 point

    Trombe has disbanded

  45. 1 point

    Trombe has disbanded

    if you literally gave half as much of a shit about the bands you stan then you'd know where to find relevant news about them yourself anyway lmao being ''the news guy'' shouldn't be an excuse to just go around breaking the rules, insulting mods and acting like a diva for no fucking reason, if other people aren't allowed to bandodge then why should he?
  46. 1 point

    Trombe has disbanded

  47. 1 point

    Trombe has disbanded

    Also, just so that the rest of the users know, there is no such things as "that mod." All of the staff talk together and make decisions as a team. Just wanted to clear that up in case anyone thought we had a rouge staff member.
  48. 1 point
    It'd have to be Ayabie. The band was just not the same anymore without Aoi (I say they managed without Ryohei) as their vocalist. Virgin Snow Color is still their best work ever, and they'll remain one of the best in my memories as a complete band.
  49. 1 point

    Single People Thread

    EVERYONE?! Bullshit. I'm a girl and I HATE kids, HATE them a lot! They're loud and they're the most expensive toys which exist. Yes, TOYS, because many people want to have a baby just because or because my family wants me to have kids, etc and then these babies grow up being miserable. Same with me. No marriage, no kids, more money and happiness
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