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Posts posted by Jigsaw9

  1. I just remembered this truly iconic TV performance from 1995 where Imai just does not give a single fuck anymore and proceeds to switch between "look ma', no hands!" and tuning his guitar during the solo. Also some amusing flailing all throughout. :D




    (jeez this video quality is abysmal tho, I couldn't find a better one sry)


    Maybe he doesn't particularly enjoy having to pretend to play to a backing track (I don't blame him, lol). It seems this has become somewhat of a running gag for him in the '90s btw, like this riveting guitar wizardry during Candy (even Hide checks out at the end of the solo). I also remember some tomfoolery during another 1996 TV appearance and an earlier occasion where both Hisashi and Hide pretended to play giant-ass sitars in a song clearly not arranged for that (it might have been Dress?), but I can't seem to find those on YT sadly.

  2. A kind soul uploaded a bootleg audio recording of the band's gig at Shinjuku Jam on 1985/12/04. Not only was this one of the very earliest shows under the BUCK-TICK name, but it was the debut live of Atsushi as the vocalist and Toll as the drummer (and the lineup remains unchanged ever since :))!



    Obviously the recording quality is what it is, but for a random 35-year-old bootleg cassette recording from a small venue it's very nice.

  3. 13 minutes ago, sads123 said:
    Aie commenting that he regrets that deadman couldn't hold the gig to commentate the 2006 gig yesterday and hints that 2021 will be the 15th anniversary of the 2006 gig so maybe there will be another gig in 2021 to make up for it?


    My secret hope is that because of the whole virus situation and all the live postponements it's caused, they'll forget that this is a time-limited revival and will just continue band activities into next year and beyond... ;<

  4. Here I go again with the latest batch of scheduled CHOP streams. :D


    ソラニソマルオト / Kaizu (Arkham Tonight) @ 2020/05/22 - 20:30 (Japan time)




    ジグラットの配信(雨) 〜お歌とお遊戯会〜 (30-min ZIGGRAT livestream thingie) @ 2020/05/26 - 20:00 (Japan time)




    They say the URL might change for this last one (as of now the link itself is "not public" on YT):


    「Isolated Crazy Utopia」サラ /【GUEST】TAKASHI @ 2020/06/10 - 19:30 (Japan time)




  5. ZIZ will release their new album "WABIY ∞ SABIY" this summer. Starting from 2020/05/29, they will be releasing songs from the album one by one, through the course of 7 weeks (they have not specified whether this means that there would be 7 tracks or more). More details will be revealed later.




    The tracklist:


    01. オリゾン (HORIZON)

    02. 二十二世紀ピーキー (Nijuuni-seiki PEAKY)

    03. ネオマンティス (NEO MANTIS)

    04. 三日月のシュショットマン (Mikazuki no CHUCHOTEMENT)

    05. 烈ゴォクレイゼ (Let's GO CRAZY)

    06. サラマンダラ (SALAMANDALA)

    07. 昏睡カルパ (Konsui KALPA)

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