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Posts posted by Jigsaw9

  1. Ah, I remember his name popping up now and then. Thanks for the info! Not sure if he's a support member or not, but looking forward to whatever the future may bring. :) Also yeah, I was really satisfied with the stream/camerawork quality! The new songs rule!


    Can't wait for the new album announcement... and then we can finally proceed to update a new thread every few months, haha. I keep forgetting that we actually have an Artist thread, but somehow I keep gravitating back to this latest one, oh well. XD

  2. アルケミ (ARCHEMI) has tweeted their new artist photo, including their new guitarist 玲 (Ryo).



    In addition to this, they announced they will be selling a new 2-track release titled 真言書 (Shingonsho) from 2020/07/08 at lives and through mail-order. The CD will come in a special packaging with a signed photo (you can also see the tracklist on this flyer).



    01. 不動智 (Fudouchi)

    02. 如是我聞 (Nyozegamon)


    The band will hold their 5th anniversary gig at OSAKA MUSE on 2020/10/28.

  3. LMAO I totally mixed up when the livestream will start, so I just about tuned it at the very end of FOXPILL's set. Anyway, MUNIMUNI were awesome and the setlist was pretty bangin' too. They played with their new guitarist as far as I could tell (he had a cloak on and I don't think they revealed who he is yet). This is what they played:


    1. (unknown/unreleased song)
    2. (unknown/unreleased song)
    3. &4
    4. NEO SONG
    5. BIG MONEY
    6. He
    7. My Lucifer


    Now there's only a talk segment left. I really hope the vid won't disappear after the stream is over, gonna try to grab it later~

  4. I somehow always keep coming back to these guys, despite my initial dislike. Somehow they have that 'coolness factor' that they usually exploit pretty well, but less and less so recently (to me at least). I finally listened to the new single today and it's basically the textbook definition of being on autopilot (I can lump the previous one into this category too... or was it the one before that? ...it's hard to keep track when everything blends together :')). I found the title track a bit more decent now compared to when I first heard it with that amazing music video, but other than that only 15.2 grabbed my attention as being somewhat cool... but I even forgot how that one sounded now that I think back on it, even though I literally listened to it 2 minutes ago (no recollection of the other B-sides whatsoever).


    Anyway, I'm not really expecting anything unrealistic from them or even anything different, so lowkey looking forward to the next release I will probably listen once and then never again, but still kinda enjoying it while it lasts.

  5. The cameo list for that new video is insane and the vid itself is pretty fun too... the song's super meh again (I feel like it would have more of an impact if they cut it down to half-size).

  6. I feel like this deserves to be mentioned here: on 2020/04/25, the 1-year anniversary of Michirou's death, some of his fellow musicians got together for an epic livestream performance celebrating his work. Thankfully the footage is still online in the YT archives of livehouse APIA40. It's a pretty long live so I haven't watched all of it yet, but it seems to be pretty outstanding.


    The musicians involved and their connection to Michirou (where applicable):

    中村達也 (Nakamura Tatsuya) - played in THE STALIN and TOUCH-ME

    山本久土 (Yamamoto Hisato) - played in M.J.Q and Shidamyoujin

    クハラカズユキ (Kuhara Kazuyuki) - played in M.J.Q

    スガダイロー (Suga Dairou) - pianist, I don't know how he's connected but he is associated with Tatsuya for sure

    西村雄介 (Nishimura Yuusuke) - played in STALIN, THE END and on some Michirou solo works


    (The craziest thing out of all of this is that I didn't realize until now that Tatsuya used to be one of THE STALIN's drummers, haha.)



  7. I'm more excited for the fact that apparently they will upload some "rare videos" too, whatever that might entail...





    At least I hope this is what this means, lol.

  8. @Tokage Yeah, looks like it. I also looked around a bit and it seems these songs are indeed mostly "older" stuff just remastered: track 1 seems to be new (?), while all the other songs were previously released on their 2016 "20th anniversary" demo CD-R (and three of those were already released even before that, on a 2014 demo CD-R). I guess it's nice to have these in an updated form now in one place.

  9. MAMIRETA has announced that the band will go on indefinite hiatus after their 3-night live series「まみれたの顔も3度まで」(Mamireta no kao mo 3-do made) on 2020/09/01, 09/02, 09/03 at Ikebukuro BlackHole.


    The members didn't give an exact reason for the break as far as I could see, but the guitarist mentioned it's because a multitude of factors and the drummer's comment seemed to be a bit more depressing than the others (mentioning he has been feeling more and more overwhelmed and burdened, and even thought about quitting drums for the first time in his life). The announcement as well as the members' comments can be found HERE.


    Honestly, I haven't really been following these guys after 2018, they kinda became more and more mediocre for me... but the early stuff is still rad. I hope they can rest and then either come back stronger or just start new projects that will be worthwhile (cuz we all know "indefinite" hiatuses are kinda code for "disbandment").

  10. 毒殺テロリスト (Dokusatsu TERRORIST) members have compiled together songs from a 2016 demo CD-R and some other tracks, remastered them, and now made them available digitally as an album titled 新型毒殺那2020 (Shingata dokusatsu na 2020). They reported this would be a one-time thing only, no band revival (it's just something to help ppl pass the time during the virus).


    It can be streamed/bought at a wide variety of platforms over HERE





    Vocalist Ichirou has also released a digital-only collection album of his own on 2020/06/01, under the project name ドクテロイチロウとおかしな仲間たち (DOKUTERO ICHIROU to okashi na nakamatachi) containing various tracks he did outside of Dokusatsu TERRORIST.


    Again, available at a multitude of online platforms HERE.



  11. @saishuu Sure enough this is one of the more bearable tracks on the last album for me too... I'm still waiting for a new full-length where I can enjoy most of the songs, I haven't given up hope yet, lol (as of now if I compiled the songs I like from the post-reunion material they would juuuust fill out a decent album).

  12. 8 hours ago, saiko said:

    @Jigsaw9 I think that everybody enough in love with VK itself holds a special place for worshipping Shazna's hit songs, and thus a good grade of toleration for Izam's voice... Combined with the natural credits for his influential stage persona. But that does not make us overlook the fact that he was a terrible singer! 


    At least that's how I feel about it, lol.

    Fair point, hehe. :D To be honest I can't judge if he's a good or a bad singer, I never had an urge to check anything more than just this one song.

  13. @saiko Hmmmm interesting, I really love the original version while I think Kaya's is cute but not as great as IZAM's (it's close tho). But maybe that's just because the original song is so burnt into my mind. :D Anyway, Kaya did a good job with it for sure!

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