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Posts posted by Jigsaw9

  1. Well damn. I'll keep this VK-only, otherwise my head might explode... :D


    deadman - ドリスからの手紙
    メリー - ハライソ


    (this is only after like 5 mins of thinking mixed with nostalgia, I could keep shuffling different bands all day and still find 10/10 gems)

  2. Fuck, this is hard lmao.


    Okay, let's say these five (if we're talking about full albums only):


    BUCK-TICK - 狂った太陽
    cali≠gari - 第6実験室
    deadman - in the direction of sunrise and night light


    Depending on the day, the last two could be interchanged with any of these:



    グリーヴァ - 終焉



  3. Just started reading The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett yesterday. Somehow never dove into it before (prolly because of its length) but I have all the time in the world nowadays so why not. I'm still at the beginning but so far it's very easy and good to read. I'm usually not really interested in medieval stuff so my enjoyment is a surprise even for myself, haha.


    I'm also in the middle of reading Hungarian translations of the "complete works" (vol.2) of H.P. Lovecraft and a book on the history and surviving documents of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor. Yeahhhh occult time baybeee lmao

  4. I have a somewhat weird relationship with old music from my country, mainly because for most of my time growing up all the golden oldies that were blasting through those 'nostalgia radio' stations either got way too repetitive way too fast or were just plain cringey to begin with, lol. So those circumstances weren't too inviting for me to explore any old stuff, plus I was a teenager getting into extreme metal and such, so it was a total turnoff.


    Over the years as I got older I grew an appreciation for a small number of bands/artists though. While in theory I would dig the '80s Hungarian avantgarde / punk / no-wave scene, there's really no recording that survived the super-restrictive Soviet era that can be deemed enjoyable or listenable (only stuff that was later re-recorded by these bands in the '90s and '00s maybe) or their music was only released towards the late '80s so I'll skip those groups. If anyone wants to go exploring, try searching for A.E. Bizottság, CPg, Trabant, Vágtázó Halottkémek, Európa Kiadó (in order of 'least accessible' to 'most accessible').


    Okay sorry, that was way too much blabbering, time to get groovy.



    Locomotiv GT (or LGT for short) was formed in 1971 as a sort of supergroup out of various members of '60s beat-pop/rock'n'roll bands. Their sound was a playful mix of rock'n'roll, funk, jazz and a bit of prog-rock. Here's their short-lived original lineup playing their very first single:



    Another cool early swingin' track from these guys:



    Original LGT bassist/vocalist Károly Frenreisz left them just after two albums to form his own band Skorpió in 1973. I'm only recently getting into this band but seems like they were pretty killer. Funky and catchy as hell rock music with some proggy and occasional disco-ish elements. Check out this anthemic banger:



    They had quite a bit of variety (even some instrumental prog-outs). Here's them playing a kind of hokey bittersweet pop tune. Check those phat organ tones though!



    I saved my favorite for last, KFT. Four quirky and hilarious guys playing quirky and hilarious songs from 1981 till this day. They were considered part of the '80s new wave movement, which I guess kinda fits them but they're much more eclectic than that. Their exceptionally ridiculous lyrics (that are often surprisingly clever/insightful) are their main charm, but hopefully without understanding them you'll be able to rock out to these tunes.


    Real Central European angura shironuri gang hours, who up:



    Their sleeper hit from this early era (about feeling like a puppet... I'm surprised this slipped by censorship lol)



    A later more mainstream-sounding song about... well, the mainstream actually, lol:




  5. ^ Of course, I agree that the previews only show a very limited scope of the song. Especially with these guys they sometimes spice up their tracks with some variety now and then... it's just that the whole picture I'm getting so far doesn't get me excited too much. We'll see when the time comes. :) 

  6. Not sure what to think yet based on the previews and the PV track. Latter one sounds okay-ish, the samples in general are more 'meh'... although towards the end there were a few that caught my attention.


    I didn't care too much for their previous album (only very few standout tracks, overall pretty bland but not annoying) and this one doesn't seem like it will hold my interest for long either. In general I'm more of an 'album guy' but with this band I think their singles have been much more memorable.

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