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Posts posted by Jigsaw9

  1. Apparently in 1999 there was a sports game for Playstation released in Japan titled R [アール], also known as Rock'n Riders. It featured characters named and modeled after actual J-rock/VK musicians! According to the game's story in the "distant future of 20XX" a Japanese rock band called R go to Los Angeles for a gig, but for some reason rock music is outlawed so the authorities chase them through the US while the characters race each other on...snowboards?? Yeah.


    The members of the band:

    - vocals: Ellemo

    - guitar: Kyoji Yamamoto (BOWWOW)

    - guitar: Kiyoshi (media youth, hide with Spread Beaver, Lucy, machine)

    - guitar: Chisato (PENICILLIN)

    - bass: YASUMICHA'N (Sleep My Dear)

    - drums: O-JIRO (PENICILLIN)


    It also looks like these guys actually went ahead and recorded an album under this band name. :D Anyway, various tracks composed by the members also appear as background music in the game itself (here's a YT link to the full soundtrack). The 2CD limited version of the game also had a photo gallery of the real-life musicians dressed as their game characters it seems.


    A bunch of in-game footage can be found in this YT playlist.

    An assortment of screenshots and other info here.


    By the way a totally random tweet sparked this post, bless the abyss of the internet!



  2. マルコ (Marco) / THE VELVET acoustic live broadcast by Ikebukuro CHOP @ 2020/05/19 - 20:00 (Japan time)



    20:00 -  THE VELVET
    20:30 - マルコ (Marco)
    21:00 - Talk session #1 BERA×akira×俊亮
    21:15 - Talk session #2 MiMi×礼×アツシ


    HALKAMANIA 2020 live event (emmurée acoustic set) broadcast by Ikebukuro CHOP @ 2020/05/20 - 20:00 (Japan time)



    20:00 - しゃあみん (Sharmin)
    20:30 - emmurée [acoustic set]
    21:25 - ファラオ (Pharaoh) (via TwitCasting)


    Sharmin plays bass in ASYLUM and Beni no Sakura for example, but too many bands/ex-bands to list.

    Pharaoh is a session band, I don't know how consistent the lineup is, but usual members include Canou (MUNIMUNI), Shina (NOi'X), TILL (ex-Calmando Qual, LAB. THE BASEMENT), Hayato (ex-KLACK, THE NOSTRADAMNZ) for example.


  3. Bassist YOSHIPON (luin, TEARS OF THE REBEL, f.k.a. Sally in KYOKUTOU GIRL FRIEND) recently hinted on Twitter that there will be an announcement concerning "ex-KYOKUTOU GIRL FRIEND" on 2020/05/18 at 6 PM (Japan time). He was also quick to point out that it's nothing big or serious (awww lol).



    Anyway, thought I'd make a thread cuz it might be something interesting. My bet is on KGF-style facemasks to raise money for livehouses or something like that. We'll see tomorrow I guess~


    On a funny unrelated note, I've always been amused how KGF's official site has been up all these years, even though it's been almost a decade now since they disbanded. :'))

  4. 52 minutes ago, Ikna said:

    Maybe I am overreacting, but shit like this makes me a bit angry.

    Well, it's not like they could've predicted that one out of the three musicians would develop an uncurable illness that prevents him from playing regularly (if the story they presented is to be believed)..... But I get it, it sucks for sure.

  5. Okay, so it was two parts. They pretty much played everything they released I think (?). It was massive in any case (2 x 45 mins), four cameras and surprisingly great sound. The performance itself was excellent too, now I have a LOT more respect for their guitarist who did basically everything live without any backing track (I know this sounds like a silly compliment but it's VK we're talking about.....), and even the bassist switched to playing synth for a few tracks. It was all very impressive! (and surprisingly emotional at the very end)


    I can't figure out for the life of me how to record or save these stream vids but I made a few screencaps at least, lol.



  6. Oh fuck... :D Okayyyy let's say:


    deadman - °C
    kein - 朦朧の実
    LAB. THE BASEMENT - 人間牧場
    ムニムニ - ヒー


    Some honorable mentions:


    D'espairsRay - Gärnet
    Laputa - 私が消える
    MALICE MIZER - 麗しき仮面の招待状
    VELVET EDEN - Witch on flames
    Versailles - A Noble Was Born in Chaos

  7. We Summon the Darkness - I had this movie for a long-ass time on my to-watch list so figured I'd better get to it. Well it wasn't great. I liked the premise and where they were going with it but it sort of turned really silly and dumb really quick. I admit I laughed a few times and enjoyed about half of it, the other half was just kinda boring and going through the motions. Mediocre movie, the very definition of "watch once and then forget".


    Shoutout for the Mercyful Fate song tho, even if it was kind of weird/awkward in context.

  8. I just finished (a Hungarian edition of) Servant of the Bones by Anne Rice. I liked the narrative structure and I thought it had a really cool premise (a djinn telling more or less the story of his life up till the present day), but towards the end the plot became kinda stereotypical melodramatic pulp fiction / fantasy schlock. I didn't mind that much tho, overall it was an enjoyable reading experience. I haven't read anything else by the author yet, so I don't know how this would stack up to her other works.


    ...aaand I'm still on the Lovecraft anthology and the Ken Follett book, so gonna continue with those now I guess.

  9. Here's the new MV by the way, sadly prolly one of their most boring songs imo...



    So far this album is shaping up to be pretty mediocre based on the released tracks... or idk, I feel like they had more of a unique flavor in the past. These songs just sound like watered-down pop punk with a slight metallic edge that any band could be playing if I didn't know it was them.

  10. Watched some documentaries, hell yeahh~


    Fix: The Ministry Movie - Chronicles mostly the '96 tour of Ministry with some major drug abuse going on. I always thought of Al as kind of a funny lunatic (especially after reading his book) but here he was mostly obnoxious, pitiful and irritating. The doc itself was mostly okay but I had to struggle to get through some parts so all in all it didn't win me over completely.


    Queercore: How to Punk a Revolution - A really interesting look into the so-called "queercore" punk movement that was basically just a handful of people in the beginning who managed to will the scene into existence by pretending it was a nation(or even world)wide phenomenon. Absolutely cool stuff, very nice talking-head segments (such as Bruce LaBruce, John Waters, Genesis P-Orridge, Kathleen Hanna etc.) and live footage both from queer and feminist punk bands.


    Trixie Mattel: Moving Parts - Nice introspective look into a short period of drag queen Trixie's life on the road as a country/pop musician. His whole demeanor and attitude is just so funny and down-to-earth it's very easy to relate to him, even if obviously his way of life is totally different from mine, lol. Out of these three docs I watched this one flew by the quickest, it was very entertaining and cozy to watch (but I really like him and his drag persona to begin with so maybe that's why).

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