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Posts posted by Jigsaw9

  1. Well, this was.... an album.


    I have very little to say about this because most of the songs didn't even register on any scale, they were just there, trying too hard to "be something". Which sometimes worked real well (海月), sometimes terribly (惡 -JUSTICE-), and sometimes even quite hilariously (目眩). Very bloated and unnecessary overall.

  2. 7 hours ago, KrumpingChihuahua said:

    Are there any groups that have a decent English actually?  

    I can't think of any newer artists, but as mentioned above Leo Imai has good English skills, tho he's half-Japanese. Another 'half' artist with excellent English is Ken Lloyd, vocalist of FAKE? and Oblivion Dust. Hmmm now that I think about it, I can't rly remember any other ones.

  3. On 6/8/2020 at 10:16 PM, Jigsaw9 said:

    I think I vaguely remember them mentioning something on Twitter about the other one too (馬鹿とハサミの使い方) so I guess we can expect that one soon. *prepares for the extreme haircutting*

    Full MV out tomorrow (which might mean less than an hour cuz timezones? we'll see).


    Anyway, gentle reminder that this look is still 🔥🔥🔥 as fuckkk



    edit: it's heeereee



  4. BUCK-TICK have a new album in the making, but before that they will release their new single "MOONLIGHT ESCAPE" on 2020/08/26. The single will contain 2 brand-new tracks: the A-side is composed by Hisashi Imai and the B-side is by Hidehiko Hoshino (both lyrics are written by Atsushi Sakurai).


    The single will come in 3 types: regular edition CD, limited edition type A (CD+Blu-ray), limited edition type B (CD+DVD).


    CD tracklist:

    02. 凍える (Kogoeru)


    Limited bonus DVD/Blu-ray tracklist:

    01. MOONLIGHT ESCAPE music video



  5. I'll be honest with you guys, I've never listened to ZAKLIA (all I know is that they're a disbanded VK band) but I just randomly came across a new release titled "ZAKLIA THE BEST" on OTOTOY, which was apparently released today. I tried to dig around a bit, but zero info. No other results on Google either, just the OTOTOY link. I guess they (or one of the members) thought to compile a bunch of songs and slap it online for the remaining fans? Either way, according to the description it has some unreleased versions of songs on it too.*



    01. Jigsaw
    02. 歯車
    03. 遮断
    04. 吸血少女
    05. ホワイトスノウ
    06. 化物
    07. 浮幽霊 -THE GHOST-
    08. 害虫駆除
    09. 井戸の底から。
    10. オブセッション
    11. 菫色に腐乱して行く香り -乱レ淫ラ- 磔
    12. ギラギト
    13. 蜜蜂
    14. 樹海ロープ
    15. 事 故 物 件
    16. う ず ま き
    17. トリカゴに捧げるレクイエム (再録)
    18.【獄絶臨海】 (未発表音源ラフミックス版)


    Sample it & get is HERE~


    * track 17 is "re-recorded" and track 18 is "unreleased rough mix" version

  6. I know Plastic Tree are known to lift ideas from Western bands quite liberally, but this one seems like more of a fun homage than a ripoff.


    The short instrumental break starting at 02:11 in バンビ (BAMBI)...




    ...references this charming classic The Smiths tune:




  7. 2 hours ago, secret_no_03 said:

    It'd get them more money in theory if bands start releasing tracks as singles rather than charging a flat rate for an album.

    Yup, pretty much! I know of some bands who did this sort of practice before, but those were all "you can dl these songs for free, and then when we release it on CD we'll include some cool bonus extras". Anyway, anything Japanese artists do to get more into digital territory, I'm on board with! :D 

  8. @secret_no_03 They haven't specified anything as far as I could see, just that they will release one track each week, for a period of 7 weeks. So either the album contains 7 track in total, or there might be some other songs remaining if they will ever release this in physical format (which they haven't talked about yet).


    My hunch is that it'll just be 7 tracks tho (they've been releasing "smaller-size" albums in the past years to begin with), and probably they originally wanted to release them on CD but due to the virus the CD pressing situation is more complicated/delayed for everyone so this is just an alternative way to get the album out there (plus I kinda enjoy waiting for something new every week, heh :D).


    Plus, the price is pretty decent too if you think about it.

  9. Finished Dorohedoro a while back, it was really fun and exciting. Loved the whole crazy-ass vibe and the creative art style most of all.


    Just started The Promised Neverland and it's reaaaally tense, I love it! I'm only 3 episodes in, but I predict I'll watch all of it by tomorrow night, lol. Recommended for thriller/horror fans for sure.

  10. Lots of great insights in this thread, I don't even think I have anything new to add... :D 


    I would like to echo this so much though, my own experience is/was very much the same:


    2 hours ago, platy said:

    I went off vk completely for about a year or two, I was just too busy to be involved with the scene, even after I came back to it I still had a year where I went in a deep search to expand my musical horizons. Now things have levelled off and I can move between western music, pop, Kpop, Vkei and everything in between.



    What keeps me coming back to vkei is the angst and artistic side of it all. You just can’t find it anywhere else, even if it is fake lol. I don’t know if I’ll ever let go of it completely, like Dispo said I’m in it for the long haul.


    I was one of those guys who dove head-first into vk once I discovered it, and would pretty much listen to it non-stop for years (leaving only veeeery little room for other stuff), and then I kinda burned out on it, but found my way back after a year or so with a cleared mind and more of a musical equilibrium. Although even when I wasn't listening to it I'd still keep visiting MH, lol. Now that I found this balance it's all good, I can enjoy whatever when the mood strikes.


    I think this "vk or nothing" mentality that's sparked by the discovery of something foreign and exciting might be one of the major factors that later lead people to "fill up" on vk to the point of wanting to move on to other things eventually (ofc there are those special die-hards who never leave thankfully).

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