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Posts posted by Jigsaw9

  1. By the way here are the songwriting credits if anyone's interested... Most of them sound pretty obvious, others maybe not so much so!


    - ROSIER: J
    - IN FUTURE: J
    - TRUE BLUE: J


    (one of the more "evenly composed" LS albums as far as the songwriting credits are split up between the members, excluding Shinya and Ryuichi ofc)

  2. ROSIER was my introduction to the band, so I can't help being partial to this album. It's one of the all-time greats.


    LUNA SEA really upped the bar not only for other bands but themselves too with this album. It's pretty much flawless from beginning to end, full of memorable moments, and even the few tracks that don't stand out for me are of a category which would count as "pretty great" if any other band did them. Zero weak songs. From what I've experienced, it translates to live performance really well too (witnessing FACE TO FACE in the flesh back in Germany 2010 was one of my top-tier vk experiences of all time).




    @CAT5 Damnnn, I wanted to skip choosing a weakest track from this flawless album but the poll makes it mandatory, how rude! ;(((

  3. 5 hours ago, Tokage said:

    Black Sabbath - FINALLY got around to watching this one. Took me long enough, goddamn. All I can say is that it definitely deserves its reputation, it's very good.

    I can't praise this movie enough, total awesomeness!! I agree on your ranking fully btw. The creepy old lady hooo boy... :')

  4. It was a hella long time ago that I actually listened to downy, so I was kiiiinda knowing what to expect but still kinda not sure, lol. This turned out a bit more experimental and "out-there" as I was anticipating, not that it's a bad thing.


    I haven't had a listening experience like this for a while now, where I start the album and not rly feeling it, but gradually song by song it actually became better and better, peaking around tracks 6-7 (then the rest are a mixed bag). It was interesting. I like the trippy atmosphere and noisiness, but two things I have issues with:

    1. WTF is that short synth interlude and why put it there? lol

    2. In some of the tracks the way the drums are mixed/presented make it a bit difficult to enjoy the music (too loud and mechanical maybe?).


    Other than these observations, I dig pretty much everything. Tracks 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 are the ones that got me hooked, especially 6-7 and 11.


    For me it's an "almost 4-starer" but not quite, so  :3.5:

  5. It's hard to describe but I love the overall atmosphere/mood I get from listening to (most) visual kei, that is what drew me in back in the day. A weird clashing and mixture of various influences that kinda sound terrible in theory but somehow it clicks perfectly with me. Phased post-punky leads over thrash riffs that sound like they're coming from an amp used by a run-down punk band, ridiculous bass lines, clever or odd drumming, melodramatic vocals often made by singers who would have no business aiming for stuff like that... I know, this is a picture super-specific to just one slice of vk, but this is what first came to my mind when thinking about this.


    By the way it's so strange, I can almost always instantly get on board with any old-school vk band drawing influences from old Western post-punk/goth/metal music (and I myself do love those genres), however when newer bands play music influenced by more modern extreme or djenty metal/core-ish genres, it's usually a turn-off for me except for a few examples (even though, again, I love those genres otherwise). Dunno what this has to do with anything, I just thought I'd write it down, lol.


    Oh, and it doesn't hurt if the clothes/costumes are killer too. :D 

  6. 2 minutes ago, ghost said:

    I had to translate this from their Japanese twitter so I might have missed some details and nuances. I'm linking it here so that anyone with a fluent understanding of Japanese can get the full picture. (Also, if you could provide a more accurate translation I think everyone would appreciate that)

    Actually, they wrote that the mystery guitarist is someone who has been quite well-known for playing the piano. They won't reveal who it is just yet, but they did mention the person is "fxxkin' spicy".

  7. 9 minutes ago, jon_jonz said:

    Did anyone download this? If I click on the link it just won't load and if I try to download it nothing comes up.

    I guess it was only viewable while the stream was live. I will try to keep an eye out in case the band decides to upload the footage to YT later.

  8. From 2007 to 2011 I played guitar in the band Dark Cherry, formed by a group of friends. We made kinda poppy emo/alternative rock/metal with electronic elements (implicitly influenced a bit by D'espairsRay, Abingdon Boys School, L'Arc and stuff like that). Home-recorded a bunch of crappy sounding demos, studio-recorded two better sounding singles and played a few dozen gigs mostly locally, it was fun.


    From 2006 to this day I'm in a hobby/"just for fun" music project with my vocalist friend (who is also ex-Dark Cherry) under the alias The 21st Cherry Boys (the name came from BUCK-TICK's song, lol), or T21CB for short. We record stuff at home, in totally random styles that come to our mind at the moment. But usually it's some kind of silly weird pop/rock music coupled with electronics (for a while a friend of ours joined too, he played the cajon). We're doing a 12-month single release campaign this year, tho dunno how far we'll get due to the virus scare, lol.


    We also had a short-lived project Sunshine Demons with the guitarist cousin of said vocalist friend. We recorded an EP in 2012, kind of a mixture of punk, post-hardcore and pop-rock. We also have an album's worth of unreleased and mostly unfinished tracks recorded during 2018-2019, which we are slowwwwwly working on getting finalized. So far it seems like it will have somewhat of a Latin flair in the music, and it will be a concept record telling a story about cowboys, crime, ghosts, revenge,...stuff like that, lol.


    From 2007-ish onwards I'm also doing some solo stuff here and there under the name JigsawJohnny, but I'm super lazy so I haven't recorded that much music. Genres range from noise, industrial to hardcore, death metal, post-punk, whatever I feel like. My latest release was a dark ambient record with a dystopian cyberpunk concept last Halloween.


    Most of the music that isn't totally terrible to listen to for even those involved can be found on Bandcamp.

  9. DOBE's livestream just started (the band hasn't hit the stage yet and there's no audio as of yet)



    edit: oh ok, the gig only starts at 18:30 Japan time (in 20 mins).


    This was pretty fun, despite the expected ass sound quality/mixing. Sadly the video froze towards the end, so the last 2 encore songs were audio-only, but it was still okay (the sound might've even become slightly better for the encore portion). Pretty long gig too, they prolly played almost all their recorded output, lol.

  10. Rabid - Not the original one, but the 2019 remake by the Soska Sisters. I was optimistic about this back when I first heard about the remake, but ultimately I didn't enjoy much of it. Some fun scenes and ideas, but overall I was either bored or annoyed at what was happening. Not even the visual effects were particularly memorable (some only for their lameness). The ending and the scene leading up to it was complete Z-movie garbage. At least one positive thing this movie achieved: made me wanna re-watch the original, lol.

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