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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/19 in all areas

  1. 6 points

    Does KISAKI Is Gay?

    I saw kisaki at a grade school in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how bad it was to meet him in person, and that he should probably leave or i’m gonna call the cops. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “yes, hello, police? i would like to report a strange pedo at a grade school,” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my 911 call, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When the cops came to arrest him for being a child diddler, I saw him trying to walk away with like fifteen 2nd graders following behind him. The cop that came out was very professional, and was like “Sir, you’re going to prison.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the school. When the cop was handcuffing him, he radioed for backup to come take the kids back to class. kisaki stopped him and told her to take them each individually “to prevent any pedo infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After he was cuffed, the cop started to read him his rights, but he kept interrupting him by yawning really loudly.
  2. 6 points
  3. 4 points

    Does KISAKI Is Gay?

    KISAKI is gay is the most discussed in the media in the few years ago. Even it has happened in 2012, but some of the public still curious about what is exactly happening and to be the reason there is a rumor comes out about his gay. At that time he became the massive social networking rumor. The public, especially his fans are shocked. He just came out with his bad rumor which is spread massively. This time is not about his music career, but his bad rumor. The rumor is out of standardize of hoax, according the last reported this musicer revealed himself as homosexual. Do you still believe or not, this rumor is really much talked by people even in a person of his fans.
  4. 3 points
    ...because he was Mizérable ba dum tss
  5. 3 points

    Dadaroma at Japan Expo

    Their apparence at Japan Expo was a big success ! Signing sessions were all sold out and a lot of people came to their show ! the members also promised that they will come back to Europe "Goodbye Paris and Europe. We will meet again. I promise."
  6. 2 points

    Does KISAKI Is Gay?

    I actually fucking choked on my dinner reading this lmao
  7. 2 points

    Does KISAKI Is Gay?

    Does KISAKI is gay? No However... Does KISAKI is nonce? Yes
  8. 2 points

    random thoughts thread

    Well its 50 50, he kinda is there cause Dan Green (Knuckles)
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
    umbrella at Shibuya Ruido K2, but in the last few weeks: Marvelous Cruelty (GUEST: David), La'veil MizeriA (with other Starwave bands) x2, Frantic EMIRY, deadman/RAZOR/LIPHLICH, emmurée/TAG/dieS/DARRELL, ヴァージュ oneman tour final Place of Gracia
  11. 2 points
    Limited edition DVD : Blu-BiLLioN TOUR17-18-19「Strive for EDEN -最終章-」 2019.1.6 恵比寿LIQUIDROOM 1. Believer’s High 2. GARDEN 3. 現世Survive 4. Fate 5. Aqua 6. SEED 7. 現代型パラノイア 8. 群青 9. Let There Be Light 10. キミコレクション 11. reason 12. Miss Mermaid 13. S.O.S. 14. 響心identity 15. 宙言 16. Unlimited World
  12. 2 points
    Not sure if this needs a thread but it looks like NAZARE's Mio is on SoundCloud and he's going to be covering songs. He just released his 1st cover. Vistlip - Sindra
  13. 2 points
    this is like musical syphilis, what the fuck
  14. 2 points

    DAVID will suspend live activities

    I hope he's taking this time off to work on something bigger, like an album or something. Bands have taken time off performing before for the same reasons - example A: Deviloof.
  15. 2 points
    What the fuck did they do to you
  16. 2 points
    petition to change this misleading project name to MODERATELY FESTIVE ANIME OPENING POP PUNK KID Shame, cuz otherwise the backing lineup seemed very promising!
  17. 2 points
    I wasn't that wild about this track when it first came out - found it kind of hard to remember anything about it, but it's grown on me a lot recently after listening to it without the video. Guess sexy eyepatch Moga was just too distracting.
  18. 1 point
    New band "黒い給食当番(Kuroi Kyuushoku Touban)" will commence activities at 2019/07/15. "黒い給食当番(Kuroi Kyuushoku Touban)" members: vo.おまる(Omaru) gt.るぅ(Ruu) ba.つむじ(Tsumuji) Twitter
  19. 1 point
    アスティ (Asty) will release a new single titled 『微炭酸ピーチ』(Bi tansan peach) on 2019.07.23 for 1,620 yen (tax included). Tracklist 1.微炭酸ピーチ (Bi tansan peach) 2.クエスト×クエスト (Quest x Quest) 3.真夏のビッグウェーブ (Manatsu no Big Wave)
  20. 1 point

    Does KISAKI Is Gay?

    Close this thread
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Only commenting because I've seen the point made a few times, but...casting Ariel, a character whose race plays 0 part into who she is with a non-white actor is absolutely not the same as casting canonically PoC characters with white actors. From GitS to Airbender to everything in between, those are not comparable scenarios and I don't understand how it's hard to see that.
  23. 1 point

    Does KISAKI Is Gay?

    for the uninitiated https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/does-bruno-mars-is-gay *for the other one below https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-saw-flying-lotus-in-a-grocery-store-copypasta
  24. 1 point
    The following is an overview of the subject of suicide and my personal relationship with the subject and this is for intellectual discussion only and is by no means meant to make light of, demean, romanticize or condone suicide. If you or a loved one is considering or has considered suicide please seek help from a family member, trusted friend or trained clinician as well as considering the appropriate suicide prevention hotline for your appropriate area. USA: 18002738255 UK: 08457909090 Japan: +810352869090 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal) 18662773553 (outside Montreal) I hope you find this overview of the topic and history of suicide at the very least, entertaining and at the most, enlightening and thought provoking. I myself and I'm sure plenty of people here have had suicide affect us in one way or the other, whether it be suicidal thoughts, the loss of a loved one or an attempt at suicide, so I wanted to approach this subject with the most delicate and welcoming approach as possible. I am not fucking around here, so please don't either. Please feel free to comment down below with your questions, comments, insight, etc. You see it television, movies and in music in the US with the rise of emo music in the past decade, especially in the past two years with the rise of "misery music"; sorry Billie Eilish. You see it whenever someone is taking your shoes off and jumping in front of trains, poisoning yourself or bleeding to death in Japanese cinema, as well as depictions of suicide or self-harm in Visual Kei music videos, some going as far as to bring the romanticization to life; looking at you Mamo. However, aside from the younger generation, suicide is something that is generally looked at in a very negative light, the vast majority of people considering suicide as the ideation of deeply troubled people and as a last resort for a very troubled soul. Suicide isn't talked about much in modern western society outside of the occasional young person taking their life due to bullying or whenever a celebrity kills themselves, but over the past five years or so there has been a movement to normalize suicide for medical reasons that has caused plenty of backlash. Rational suicide, assisted suicide, doctor assisted suicide, doctor assisted euthanasia or as it's best known in the United States The Right to Die is a movement on the rise where for either medical reasons or in some rare cases personal reasons, you can legally end your life with the help of a physician or in the case of Switzerland, volunteers. Currently in the United States California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Montana, New Jersey (Starting August 1, 2019), Oregon, Vermont, and Washington now have laws pertaining to the legality of taking your own life, albeit all under trained physician supervision. In countries like Switzerland where non-physician-assisted suicide is legal, the assistance mostly being provided by volunteers, Swiss rational suicide gaining a lot of attention from the 2012 novel and in 2016 with the subsequent film Me Before You in which a wealthy paraplegic decides to end his life by going to Switzerland, whereas in Belgium and the Netherlands, a physician must be present. In Switzerland, the doctors are primarily there to assess the patient's decision capacity and prescribe the lethal drugs. Additionally, unlike cases in the United States, a person is not required to have a terminal illness but only the capacity to make decisions. About 25% of people in Switzerland who take advantage of assisted suicide do not have a terminal illness but are simply old or "tired of life". A survey of Danish found that 71% of Denmark's population was in favor of legalizing voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide, although at this time assisted suicide is illegal in Denmark; passive euthanasia, or the refusal to accept treatment, is not illegal. Proponents of the movement argue that people who are terminally ill should have the right to die on their terms and with dignity, the opposition countering with concerns of no measures put into place once decided, arguing that laws do not require consent at the time of death, only consent to obtain the lethal prescription, a distinction which can give someone other the patient the power to decide when death occurs. Recently there was a case when Dutch teenager Noa Pothoven who was the survivor of repeated sexual assaults as a child and who subsequently struggled with PTSD, crippling depression and anorexia tried to get permission for state sanctioned suicide via euthanasia and was denied as her parents had not been aware of the situation at the time; Noa subsequently dying at her home by natural causes when she refused to eat or drink anything until she fell into a coma and passed away. The cultural history of suicide is an interesting one, dating back to 800BC with ancient Greece as well as Rome where suicide was never a general offense in law, but it was specifically forbidden in three cases: those accused of capital crimes, soldiers and slaves; the reason being that it was uneconomic for these people to die. In the Middle Ages, the Christian church excommunicated people who attempted suicide and those who died by suicide were buried outside consecrated graveyards, where as In the late 17th and early 18th centuries, loopholes were invented to avoid the damnation that was promised by most Christian doctrine as a penalty of suicide. One famous example of someone who wished to end their life but avoid the eternity in hell was Christina Johansdotter. Christina was a Swedish murderer who killed a child in Stockholm with the sole purpose of being executed, akin to the modern day practice of suicide by cop. Suicide in times of war dates back as far as the time of Ceasar when Brutus and Cassius killed themselves rather than being captured by the forces of Mark Antony and Augustus after they orchestrated the assassination of Julius Ceasar. The best known modern use of suicide as a military strategy is likely tied between the Kamikaze or Tokubetsu Kōgekitai (Special Attack Unit) unit of the Japanese Imperial Forces in World War II in which Japanese soldiers killed themselves by flying planes into Allied Forces navy vessels and the 21st century suicide bombers; suicide bombers belonging to terrorist groups who operate under the guise of religious beliefs which has been subject to furious debate. _____________________________________ I suppose it is apropos that I end this with my own experience when it comes to suicide. I'm nearly 30, but when I was a teenager, especially around the age of 15 I was in a very dark place. It was weird, I had a loving family, a few close friends and the bullying I had suffered from had died down significantly, but I felt alone no matter how much attention I had received and I would spend many a wake less nights listening to music and thinking about how I would kill myself, running it through my head over and over, picturing how my loved ones would react, etc. I thankfully never attempted anything, and kept self-harm to a minimum, mostly scratches, as fucked up as it may sound I feel I wouldn't have even done that if not influenced by Kyo, someone I worshipped at the time. I'm one of those people that subconsciously scratches themselves, or does so in their sleep and wakes up with scratch marks and that always reminds me of when I did it just to feel something. I suffered some crippling depression in my teens, like many I'm sure, staying in bed all day when I wasn't in school or days off; I feel that this was a big factor in me becoming a hikikomori and avoiding going outside for months at a time in later years. Well, fast forward nearly fifteen years and besides a temporary mental breakdown, I've never considered it and depression only seems to occur for a day or two towards the end of the month. I'm very lucky to have a great girlfriend who suffers from mental illness herself, but is always there for me when I'm down as well. Thank you for taking the time to read this, but if you didn't no worries, feel free to leave a comment below anyway, but please no jokes or demeaning remarks about the subject. Clearly, human history has an intimate relationship with suicide whether we like it or not and as time passes it's not hard to expect that there will ever be a consensus on the topic which brings us to the question of today's topic. What is your opinion on suicide, whether it be due to mental health issues, terminal illness, cultural practices or for military purposes and what personal experience do you have with the subject?
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
    two guys ex-killaneth and ex-morrigan will perform for our free local japan education fair(wut), hope we're going to get two new sanas instead of the old one
  27. 1 point
    i sorta dig it. reminds me of some old bands from the 00s. that drummer thing is funny, but also i sorta feel bad for them that the support guy they got doesn’t really wanna do it anyway. probably p discouraging.
  28. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    Quite a few, actually. The most recent being a lovely LP box ❤️
  29. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    NieR: Gestalt and Replicant Original Soundtrack
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point

    Last Concert You Went To (Now with Pics)

    Was amazing. Loads and loads of energy, the band including him sounded good and he gave us a proper fucking concert. Amazing stuff!
  32. 1 point

    Touring question

  33. 1 point

    DAVID will suspend live activities

    Wow, now I'm extra glad I got a ticket for that 7/31 live, since I'll be visiting. I hope it leads to some good news rather than bad...
  34. 1 point


    They only do covers live and NOT IN LOVE is a cover.
  35. 1 point
    They put Kagrra, on spotify. I didn't notice until today ;_;
  36. 1 point
    why is it always bands about food that have the drama???? Also, the romanization of this band's name is "Kuroi Kyuushoku Touban." I like the messiness / lack of production in the samples. They sound like a baby Dokusatsu Terrorist
  37. 1 point
    What a start, my friends! What's missing: a disbandment still this year.
  38. 1 point
    Wow, this band's off to a great start!!!
  39. 1 point
    The drummer for their first gig will be RYOMA (ZRAYD...) In his tweet, he says that he has no motivation to act as their support...
  40. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. 1 point
    Rena sweetie the og LmC stopped selling like five years ago, what's the point of ripping them off now?.. u literally have time for this but can't be bothered to revive femme fatale out of ha ashes smh
  44. 1 point

    MALISEND will disband

    vo.悠樹(Yu-ki) & gt.雲雀(Hibari) have announced that there will be something "good" on August 20. One-day revival? New session band? NEW BAND? We will have to wait a few days... The hype is real!
  45. 1 point
    Katsuya has taken over on DIMLIM production since THE SILENT SONG, the dude is a god check out his own projects, Misanthropist and SLOTHREAT
  46. 1 point
    An important piece of news: Full note: Three of their SE tracks (which are all of them) were infringing on copyright, therefore they've halted sales for "This is HAKLO", "真紅の糸", and "シリアルキラー・ガールフレンド"... basically their whole discography aside from "Another". They can't communicate with the contractor involved in the infringement notice/request at the moment. Here's the SE list w/ the respective infringed songs: WhiteKEY -> Diverse System 様 / Feryquitous - Shakah Invisible truth -> S2TB Records / Akira Complex & Camellia 様 / Reality Distorton DepartureEVE -> Iriss-Frantzz 様 / Upshift http://haklo.jp/news/521/ Apologies have been made by the band and members. They strive to do better and be more aware of these matters. Additionally, they intend to include more trustworthy people in production (which is how the problem arose in the first place.) This is one of the reasons why 曖昧アイデンティティ has been delayed, and why they emphasize that RED CURPET(SE) has been done by a trustworthy individual. Tweets by the band members:
  47. 1 point
    You'd be surprised how many people are legit worried about them trying to get rid of all red heads on tv and breed them out of existence. We'll always have Conan though.
  48. 1 point

    Which band members could you take on a fight

    Ik but this is my only shot at victory, let me have this 🥊🥊
  49. 1 point
    All their stuff is solid have fun
  50. 1 point
    I have an old issue of a SHOXX magazine with AFTER IMAGE member profiles where he states that his name is Matsudo Jeirou Seiji. He used to go by the name M.J.SEIJI at the time.
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