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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/19 in Posts

  1. 8 points
    Hi, So the people have asked me to make a own thread and since these are hard, official allegations on public, retweeted twitter, I decided to make this in the general section and not rumors. It all began when Kaitou was invited to play as a guest at Ikebukuro Cyber. They don't usually play that venue, but they decided to do so this time. It then happend that Maria Cross was staffing the drinkbar that night. As we all know Maria Cross is a highly suspicious individual, with former arrest for pedo antics etc. And according to his twitter, he is a regualr at Cyber, being there ~4 days a month and apparently acting as staff. Allegedly Maria at the drinkbar then mixed alkohol also into drinks where people requested non-alcoholic beverages (some of my twitter mutal were there, sensed the strange taste and threw it away...), when alcoholic stuff was ordered, he filled half the glasses with alcohol and also gave alcohol to (un-)willing minors, who identified themselves as such. Well, girls were rather offended. Maria then proceeded to hit on the girls and try to exchange line and other contact information. This made a lot of them very uncomfortable. The fans proceeded to report this to the band and the band was very upset at these illegal, shady antics that ruined the fun for their fans. Masato did not know a lot about Maria at that point and sent out his first tweet warning people of Maria's behaviour. People then gave him Maria's twitter and he repeated his warnings and exposure if Maria's account, explicitly doubting how such a pervert could be employed as staff at cyber: He was also playing a session band soon after and the band had practiced the song "M" by Ayumi Hamasaki. He was very upset, so he exchange the lyrics at somepoint from "Maria" to "Masato" in protest. I don't find his tweet about not wanting to sing the name Maria anymore, he seems to have deleted it from his official "shitpost twitter" lol. The whole thing cumulated in Kaitou writing an official complaint E-mail to Ikebukuro Cyber, notifying them of Maria's illegal and suspicious behaviour and requesting a response. Cyber just gave a random reply along the lines of "We are sorry this happend, we will look into it. Thank you for your patronage." Which was not satisfying at all so basically Masato ended his tweet with telling his fans to take extra care and caution when going to Cyber (as they apparently accept shitty behaviour of their staff.) Well, this and the cyber issue was mentioned in their potcasts a lot where they repeated that such things are inacceptable, fans pay money to have a good time and should not have to be subjected to such shitty treatment.... They got really upset about it.
  2. 5 points
    I want to join Maria Cross as Maria Cross
  3. 4 points

    Favourite emotional or slow songs?

    For Vk, these two, always:
  4. 4 points
    SCREW - 樹海ニ咲ク愛 (Jukai ni Saki Ku Ai) the Gazette - Calm Envy Daizystripper - 春めく僕ら (Harumeku Bokura) Kagrra, - 彩の讃歌 (Irodori no Sanka) [I love all their ballad songs, but I think this is one of my favorites] I was just thinking of those, haha Beautiful ballads~ EDIT: Also, just thought of these, lol Vidoll - Doll's bar"V.I.D" Alice Nine - 瑠璃の雨 (Ruri no Ame)
  5. 3 points


    Worst tracks on this thing are the first and last. They’re just these repetitive, meandering slogs that go nowhere. Certainly not how Adoratio was bookended. Giji Necromancer was a great opener, and Hakudaku sent the whole thing into the stratosphere
  6. 3 points
    looking at nazare i wouldnt say he's that rich lol
  7. 3 points
    I want to become Virge's private masseuse
  8. 3 points
    They will release their live-limited mini-album, 「蟻地獄」(Arijigoku), starting on 2019.07.15.
  9. 3 points


    I still listen to Insulated World regularly. Takumi is basically the support guy. Does programming, probably plays the piano/synth parts. He’s also manipulating shit off to the side during DEG’s lives. He’s the true unofficial 6th member.
  10. 3 points

    New band gulu gulu has formed

  11. 2 points
    https://natalie.mu/music/news/333445 Google translate:
  12. 2 points
    Mine are: - Endless Rain - X JAPAN - ain't afraid to die - Dir En Grey - Akura no Oka - Dir En Grey - Reila - The GazettE - Romancia - LAREINE - Taiyou no Ao - Dir En Grey - The Last Song - X JAPAN - Love Song - Luna Sea - Gensoukyoku-eternal silence - Phantasmagoria
  13. 2 points
    I really like the song. It sounds a lot more polished than what I expected. It's not as chaotic as Gossip, but I think this is their way of trying to build their own identity. That cover art is something else though. Like something a high school garage band would come up with.
  14. 2 points
    sleepy coffee

    random thoughts thread

    pride month just began and last night's dream i had i recall coming out as Bi (i dont remember literally any other details or context to the dream) is this a sign lmao
  15. 2 points
  16. 2 points
    Sukekiyo as a stylist so I can brush and touch all that luscious black hair...🤤 Oh, and make them look as pretentious as possible.
  17. 2 points
    I enjoyed that, it's nice to see that they're forging an identity of their own now.
  18. 2 points
    i would love the cover art but that guy's face is totally fucked up. the idea of demons in the urban landscape gives me strong megami tensei vibes, so i feel strangely attracted to it. the girl is kinda cute and reminds me of high pixie....
  19. 2 points
    Good song! This new style suits them pretty well
  20. 2 points
    Their first single「真昼の蜃気楼」(Mahiru no shinkirou) will be released at their live on 2019.07.01. (1080 yen) Tracklist : 1.真昼の蜃気楼(Mahiru no shinkirou) 2.遮断(Shadan)
  21. 2 points
  22. 2 points
    They should have just done a reunion+crowning special like they've done in previous years. Reunion specials look weird when they're not live at the theatre, and making a one hour thing out of a lip-sync extravaganza was fucking stupid. And the fact that they did Top 4 instead of Top 3 omg. So many bad decisions were made here 😆 Skipped Silky's section entirely, skimmed through the first two lip-syncs (on mute). During the Top 4 weeks, I was #TeamAnyoneButSilky, so I was relieved to see her lose the first lip-sync. I'm glad Yvie won, she was my absolute favourite of season 11. Brooke had great looks and all, but if she was crowned, it would have been nothing special. I'm not sure if A'keria was Top 4 worthy. I think Yvie receiving the crown may have saved season 11 from going down as a bona-fide train wreck. If Silky was crowned, it would have solidified the sheer awfulness of season 11, and would have kept her ass off All-Stars. But I'm glad that my favourite won! That hasn't happened since Bianca Del Rio! Now I hope the people at RuCo/World of Blunder (who make idiots look smart) wait on AS5 until at least 2021. They're running short on memorable, adequate queens from past seasons, and season 11 did not really provide.
  23. 2 points
  24. 2 points

    What’s your VK nickname?

    suji has changed her stagename to "sujiko" on 2019/5/31
  25. 1 point
    Just beat Horizon Zero Dawn. It was my first "shooter" type game and I had a great time with it. Since then I've been looking for a good JRPG to play but nothing really hooks me the way Persona 5 and Nier Automata did. Replaying Xenosaga on PS2 kinda remedied that, but damn, I need more--something to really sink all my time into. I'm just a picky bitch!! Debating on picking up FFXIV again, but pugging dungeons with randos kinda stressed me out. I also ran out of things to do in the game. I don't raid, craft, sell or RP, so I just quit after leveling the classes I liked and finishing the Stormblood MSQ. I'd probably be bored if I came back, even with Shadowbringers coming. That's what my anti-social ass gets for treating an MMO like an offline single player game. :')
  26. 1 point


    gonna play dorothy all this pride month, it slays
  27. 1 point

    What are you listening to 2?

    I stuck to this song: [PV] Kagrra, - Irodori no Sanka [彩の讃歌] https://youtu.be/6N-R71NcfRA
  28. 1 point
    SCREW, oh yes, Alice Nine also, awww Daizy Stripper, Vidoll ^^But my top fav of this list is absolutely Kagrra, - 彩の讃歌 (Irodori no Sanka) 💕 I never get bored to listen Kagrra ~
  29. 1 point
    I bought Fallout 3 on Steam ages ago, but I couldn't get it to work on my computer since it isn't compatible with newer versions of Windows . I'd given up for a while, but I got the urge to try again last night and finally found a fix that worked. It's running pretty smoothly now. Glad I didn't give up, because I'm enjoying it a lot. I think I liked the vibe and soundtrack of New Vegas better, but the intro part for this one is really nicely done, and I've only really completed a few partial quests so far, so maybe that'll change.
  30. 1 point


    Didn’t Kyo have a hand in Sajou no Uta and Dreambox? I mean, credit where credit is due.
  31. 1 point
    i want to join merry or marco.......as a manipulator.............
  32. 1 point
    Am I the only one who thinks the vocalist is over-doing it to the point of being cringey and just difficult to watch? lol.
  33. 1 point

    Favourite emotional or slow songs?

    art cube - 色描写 キス&ネイト - サヨナラ。 and クロロホルム - 溺れる貴方をオキシドールに沈めて... unfortunately i havent found full version on youtube, but 1 minute is enough to grasp the mood i suppose funny thing, but i get really emotional over oshare ballads. they feel so naive and pure, it's like a primal melancholy mood i get from them. there are much more great ballads in another vk genres ofc, but don't want post too much. these ones are my all-time favorite.
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
    I really hope they’ll open sales to the US too since none of my friends were in the position to jump into my ticket order 😭 I wish they’d actually give some clearer details but i’d advise that if you’re feeling as neurotic about this as I did, to ask a friend in japan or a shopping service to help you buy a ticket
  36. 1 point


    idk tbh its not a fair comparison
  37. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    Matty Matheson, man. What an absolutely beast of a human being. Genius, if I may say so. Hilarious guy! Best quote: That's a perfect tomato salad, you can't even see the tomatoes. He's so cool that even the comment section looks good: -"So much oil that the USA wants to invade it."
  38. 1 point
    Oh I totally missed that twitcast😔 but totally yes, my thumbs up and respect to masato for exposed this situation and asked explanations to the live house 👏👏
  39. 1 point
    Masato is my hero for protecting his fans! I am happy they are upset about this and care enough to call people out. In the twitcast just now they talked about it again how upset they were that this happend. And fans actaully pay to have a good time and should enjoy it and this is so damn respectless against fans and just aggravating. My heros!
  40. 1 point
    they're def the best dimlim copyband in a scene that would be doing better off entirely without dimlim copybands in the first place.
  41. 1 point

    New band gulu gulu has formed

    The video is cool but they seriously used the worst shots lol.
  42. 1 point


    Let's just say I'm 29347690270.846534676 yen down...
  43. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

  44. 1 point

    New band 蟻(Ari) have formed !

    "この地球はゴミ箱だ" tracklist: 1.この地球はゴミ箱だ 2.東京ネオン
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point

    New band 蟻(Ari) have formed !

    That picture gives a whole new meaning to baby kei. Anyways, the song sounds good, if rather disjointed. I'm interested to hear more from these guys.
  47. 1 point
    Um live report https://infernopictorico.blogspot.com/2019/05/review-show-do-gazette-no-brasil-como.html
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
    I hate the culture surrounding the music industry that dictates that it’s some sort of sin that the musicians marry and start families, it’s insane. The fans who are against this are essentially trying to justify a reason as to why these musicians should be denied a basic human right based on their fantasies that they’ve become too invested in. Just enjoy the music, and let the musicians live their lives, it’s a very easy concept
  50. 1 point
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