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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/16 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    ”the GazettE結成15周年。全曲再録による初のバーラドベストアルバム。” This says it would be their first re-recorded ballad best album.
  2. 6 points
    the GazettE BALLAD BEST ALBUM 「TRACES VOL.2」 【the first limited type】 12 songs / digital pack product number: SRCL-9336 price: 3,611yen+TAX  [contents] song list has not decided 体温 (TAION) 絲 (ITO) 枯詩(KAREUTA) reila Cassis D.L.N WITHOUT A TRACE CALM ENVY 紅蓮 (GUREN) 白き憂鬱 (SHIROKI YUUTSU) PLEDGE UNTITLED 【regular type】 10 songs product number: SRCL-9337 price: 3,056yen+TAX [contents] song list has not decided 枯詩(KAREUTA) reila Cassis D.L.N WITHOUT A TRACE CALM ENVY 紅蓮(GUREN) 白き憂鬱(SHIROKI YUUTSU) PLEDGE UNTITLED
  3. 4 points
    D.I.D. has been indefinitely on hiatus at 2016/12/27, and Dr.壱世(issei) has departed at the same date their new album will be released in 2017/04 with recording support Gt.ShinyA(ex-Signal) they plan to release various digital singles as they have numerous unreleased songs, and after these releases the band will cease activities
  4. 4 points
    It's a shame that all that fanfare about D.I.D. returning and never quitting was undone. The way this band is calling it quits is a nice calling card but I never got the feeling that Akane got this band to where he wanted it to be. Music is what gives him his therapy anyway so a new project is not out of the question. At their prime they were just channeling the best of Para:noir and they could never get out of the shadow of a band they were supposed to be bigger than. Hoping the new album and unreleased material will change that opinion of mine.
  5. 4 points
    Looks like a comment not worth taking seriously and this is a good thing.
  6. 4 points
    I hope they pull a "Unraveling" and re record the songs in their "Dogma" style.
  7. 3 points
    The Piass

    DASEIN new album release !

    Afters 15 years, DASEIN will release a new album called "唯、此処に在る事が愛しくて"(tada, koko ni aru koto ga itoshikute) on 2017.03.08.
  8. 3 points


    | An edgy visual kei band I can get behind. BORN went through two name changes and many more concepts, but underneath it all, average riffcraft and a lack of identity painted them into a corner they couldn't compose out of. By the end of their career, BORN lacked presence and looked better than they sounded. In constant, upstart visual band RAZOR has a large presence from the beginning, with opener "ANOTHER" featuring crunchy bass and drums pummeling enough to get the energy going. There's a visceral edge to this band I haven't heard in a while and I welcome it. Ryouga can also be found alternating between his own brand of vocal fry, demented ranting, his comfortable range, and some high pitched singing I haven't heard before. The use of auto-tune toes the line, but it's tastefully applied so I'll let it slide. RED INVISIBLE's core formula will be familiar to fans of BORN, but it is fresh enough to remain exciting. Each song offers something unique and they often take a turn towards the demented right at their most predictable which makes them interesting. "ギブミー不気味" (give me bukimi) is the best example of such a track, but most songs do it in their own fashion. "MISSING PIECE" is my least favorite track; as the token ballad of the mini, it would be better if the vocals weren't layered with unnecessary distortion and that annoying eurobeat synth was removed entirely. It's just a mess. A handful of sudden transitions and mid tempo choruses elsewhere constrains the band a bit, but there's so many ideas packed into six tracks that it will take a few listens before I tire of this. By the end of opener "RED ZONE", I've been presented with more than enough reasons to go back. It's so refreshing to see a visual band with some energy successfully channel it in their first release. RAZOR closes the door on 2016 with a bang. This is a band to keep an eye on. Support the band! CDJapan
  9. 3 points
    Full article here: http://www.japantimes.co.jp/culture/2016/12/25/music/best-japanese-indie-2016
  10. 3 points

    random thoughts thread

    my dad got me one of those virtual reality things for my phone as a christmas gift, and HOLY SHIT is it cool. i'm so happy can't wait to watch porn in my little personal theater
  11. 3 points
    Additionally all of those photos were taken by me.
  12. 2 points
    The Piass

    New single/album from A9

    A9 has announced that their new single "MEMENTO" will be released on 2017.02.28. Furthermore, a new album is planned to be released in April.
  13. 2 points
    really hope Akane's health has stabilized enough so that he can go on with his scene endeavors. good to know their unreleased material doesn't go to waste as well.
  14. 2 points

    [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros

  15. 2 points
    I hope they don't fuck up any of the classics, apply tasteful progression to those tracks only in the places where they need it, and release an album none of us knew we needed. Don't fuck this up with any Dir en grey interpretative bullshit it almost never worked for them.
  16. 2 points
  17. 2 points
    Re-recorded? Where does it say that. THat'd be cool if it was the case though, because otherwise this is pointless in 2016, even if the idea of 50 minutes of gazeballads in succession is sort of neat.
  18. 2 points

    random thoughts thread

    The "QEDDESHET" thread will always be one of the funniest just for the sole fact it's the first time Trombe threw shade at a band.
  19. 2 points
    their new mini-album "GRAY" will be released at 2017/2/8 (2 TYPE)
  20. 2 points
    Day 25: 鵺-chimera- by ギルガメッシュ (girugamesh) Release Date: 2016-01-20 Label: Danger Crue Records Genre: Visual Kei/Metal Impressions from @doombox: Impressions from @togz: Impressions from @ShanethVarosa: Impressions from @emmny: Impressions from @Ito: Sample song: Buy the album: CD Japan | iTunes | Spotify | Amazon
  21. 2 points
    Never before have I been this boring with music for a twelve month period. My listening habit only started picking up steam in late November, so I'm hopelessly unaware of most things that have been going on in 2016. There's an exception though, and that's vk. I reckon I've at least sampled a lot of the releases that have come about here, and with that I can - by being liberal with the end of the year format - do a writeup of sorts on 2016 on my vk. Behold how amusical I am that this is all I got: Album of the year - DIAVOLO by The Gallo There's something to be said about these vk bands that are like the erect stamen of a flower dry heaving under the weight of a sojourning bee, ready to burst its ovula into bice mercurial goo of junkers flying overhead the dark big city alleys where starved street urchins are turning tricks for wartime sustenance. They started out with a rather basic and limited arsenal, but ever since their virtuosity started to gradually increase Jojo has become a madman and the frantic riffing is not behind. With the gimmick comes inevitable, although a completely harmless, comparison with Merry and think what thou wilt, unlike them, The Gallo hasn't domesticated their sound one bit and keeps going toward the extremes all their predecessors long abandoned. Fabulous concept, savage lyrics and unhindered by a lot of the things that hurt their other contemporaries, namely a lack of musicianship and the opportunity to conceptually flesh out their releases due to label obligation or otherwise. EP of the year - 絶叫!by Pentagon and 不完全な音楽 by Chanty Pentagon has really hit their stride after managing to figure out their concept after the, in my opinion, disastrous first album. The singles boy waltz and Jesus Phobia were great, yet the second album as a whole was exhausting almost to the point of occasionally being trite, but this rules. I think the obnoxiously flashy juxtaposition of hirokicore and metalcore is found nowhere else with such a schmaltzy grace about it. Chanty was just pretty good. Idk. I really like them despite not being able to put my finger on why it is so. Compilation of the year - End of Corruption World by Rin and 六道輪廻 by Avelcain Among the ranks of unfortunate disbandments this year, my boi kisaki's was the most heartrending. With Sui and Mizari in the fold I was sold immediately after the first single they put out. It also helps that I'm completely partial to Sui's voice and rather dislike Riku's; and speaking of schmaltz, the former just floors me multiple times throughout. Persecution Complex causes me to bite the side of my cheek and the remakes of Silent To My Pain and Psalms and Lamentations rule. Avelcain got kind of shit by 2016. The last single undisputably the most tired excuse for a release all year with the PV close in tow for its respective dishonors. That however doesn't affect the savagery of the early output. The intention shines through the murky layers of poor musicianship and flaccid nu metal riffing, the spirit uplifts Karma's performance and lets it soar. These were at one point the most miserable men in visual kei, and this three disc collection will serve as an interesting footnote in the genre's history. Anyone who's not into Karma's shtick should consider not listening to visual kei in the first place. Finish that business school to feed your ugly kids while your sexually dissatisfied wife has to work double shifts to pay for the lies of her therapist. The real vk connoisseurs will hail to the true intense vampires in the meantime. We miss you Karma Fav singles runs - Everything Mejibray and DADAROMA put out My absolute favorites of the scene are always really boring. My two favorite vk albums are by Kuroyume, my favorite bands list is like a VK primer and my favs of today are never anything left field nor particularly exciting. No casettes, no live dists, no nuffin. My taste in visual kei just happens to always be in tune with the zeitgeist; I go weak in the knees for cute boys, metalcore riffs and the kind of melodramatic choruses all these bands have these days. Mejibray and Dadaroma are in my opinion the brutal kei™ top tier at this juncture. Mejibray is of a rougher sort than the ultra polished DADAROMA, but what they have in common is personality, profile and a distinct sound. While I agree that the DADAROMA LP was a disappointing glorified best-of and Mejibray's B-sides are kind of shite, that stuff just doesn't really matter to me. These bands live and die by the purity of their character, the vibes I get from them intuitively. They register into my consciousness as a big deal, and who am I to argue with myself DUH. Mejibray and DADAROMA check my 2010's vk boxes. Other stuff I liked from this year Anfiel's singles were on point. Fabulous A-sides with the B-sides to match Codomo Dragon released a solid album that's more of the same, and that's what I enjoy. Won't make any converts. Kuroyuri to Kage's EP was good. Like Codomo Dragon it's more of the same, but with Kuroyuri to kage there's an even bigger risk that their novelty will wear thin. So far it hasn't. Everything DEZERT put out was decent. I'm getting bad vibes. This band is going to start sucking soon. God and the death stars put out an EP that was good Sukekiyo had a single that was good
  22. 2 points
    I can usually organise the sale of limited CD's for MORRIGAN. however this time may be more difficult considering the stipulations. however I will see what I can do anyway.
  23. 2 points
    y'all this is called business and making money, morrigan are smart af.
  24. 1 point
    support Dr.和春 (Kazuharu) (ex-Sephiro-->MiD DERACINE-->AMARANYX, PSYCHE-プシュケ--->UNLIMITED RULEBOOK(support)-->DOAK) has officially joined REIGN at 2016/12/24.
  25. 1 point
    ラミエル(ramiel) new single "with you" (4 songs, 1500 yen, limited 300) will be released on 2017/02/22.
  26. 1 point
    (Before that, I’m so sorry the length of this introduction reads like an essay but please bear with me ><) I have many interests, but let’s talk about visual kei as this is the one constant that has taken up most of my life. 2009 was a time of change for me and visual kei. Ameba launched its virtual community Pigg, which instantly sucked the life out of me and as it turned out, so many vk bandmen had no life as well. t's embarassing to talk about it now, but as teenagers with nothing better to do with our time, my friends and I would send as many friend requests as we could to band members and ‘stalk’ them whenever they logged online. Suddenly vk had become so much more intimate as we could interact with vk bandmen in real-time like never before. But pigg was more than that. Some of my fondest memories have been the designated VK showroom where you could stream youtube videos to a crowd, meeting new people in the club rooms who share a common interest and of course having to witness the silly antics of some of those bandmen. I got to know a lot of bands that I would otherwise never had found out about, had conversations, learning about their personalities and interests. I also got to learn that some of the musicians in the darkest and heaviest bands have the cutest personalities behind the keyboard, fawning over the colourful array of virtual fashion items pigg had to offer. (Asanao from lynch. case in point) It was a fun and unique experience. And at the same time, information was not only more accessible than ever before, but more abundant as well, and keeping up with blogs, news, forums, and playing pigg consumed every moment of my every day which back then, I had the time and youth to do so. But eventually, I burnt out. I attributed my losing touch with vk to information overload. It’s been more than 4 years since I stopped going on pigg and ameblo for good, but those few years of intense dedication, even today, felt like an aeon. I used to make a lot of parodies of bandmen, and loved deduction and connecting the dots - which bands had photoshoots at which set and making 6-degrees of separation connections between members of different bands and loved hearing stories from the past. I also had a enthusiasm for drawing, having drawn over a ton bands over the course of 2 years between 2011 and 2012, but suddenly it’s 2016 and all I have are 3-year-old drafts and unfinished sketches. Everything had been halted because life kinda got in the way… shattered-tranquility had long stopped being my home page and my internet’s search history doesn’t remember vkdb.jp anymore. Hmm. So in that gap between about 2012 and now, I had the mother of existential crises, questioning whether I was really going to follow vk for life. But my passion in the music is genuine and still alive. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’ve been disconnected from the community that I love for far too long, and I don’t want that. I don’t want to forget the memories I’ve made, the bands that I’ve followed, the stories I’ve heard and the things I’ve learned along the way - be they good or bad. I don’t want my interest of VK to die, and I don’t want to stop making funny content about VK forever. (And most importantly, I don’t want to be the only VK fan in Australia that I know. So if you’re from Sydney, please hit me up so I don’t feel lonely :3) I want this to be the place where I can share my knowledge about vk so ask me anything and I hope to relearn what I’ve lost these past few years. And once again, I’m astronomically sorry about the length of this introduction (I hope it was bearable). Merry Xmas btw
  27. 1 point
    Their OHP : http://did-official.com/
  28. 1 point
    I'm proud of them for this decision. Looking forward to the new material and hoping for Akane's best health. It's obvious how important the expression is to him and how seriously he takes his writing and performing. I'm just </3 that we won't see any more legend-teir tweets.
  29. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    Noulla - 黒い暁の謝肉祭 KILLANETH – Apocrypha Sick. – Screaming inside can kill. MISERIA – DYSNOMIA 仮病 - ウン
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point

    New single/album from A9

    ~Project dark age intensifies~
  32. 1 point

    [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros

    Tô com 500 de reputação Só isso, mesmo Tchau
  33. 1 point

    Horror Movies

    Watched Krampus and A Christmas Horror Story with my girlfriend this year, I enjoyed the HELL out of the former, really fun stuff, like the previous post also states already. Really good stuff. Loved the atmosphere, the special effects, etc. Even the CGI killer cookies were fine A Christmas Horror Story was... less good. Gf slept through part of it, I wasn't too impressed with the overall package either. Some of the segments had potential but were kind of ruined in the end. The santa / zombie elves part would've been 10x better if the actor playing sana wasn't so horrible. Krampus as he appears in this movie is like 100% less cool than he is in the other Krampus film as well... Lot of potntial here, but just didn't live up to it in the end.
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point

    New single/album from A9

    Actually, this isn't the new look for Memento either. Saga pointed out in a tweet that this is their look for Black Period, they'll have a different look for the new single. Which is a shame because I really liked the new looks for a single. Hope the MV will be as good as Speigel.
  36. 1 point
    This band just keeps going down the shitter, huh? Guess that only leaves Gu.Shiita then... no pun intended
  37. 1 point

    Horror Movies

    This film sure lived up to my MASSIVE expectations. It's a very 80's film and it reeks of Joe Dante, and more than anything Gremlins. Which is great of course. It's a nice blend of creepy, amospheric and tense moments, some funny ones and some heartwarming ones. Just like Gremlins in other words, just not quite as good. The special effects are mostly practical, but a few times they've gone with CGI and it's understandable. But it's decent CGI and doesn't take anything away from everything else. The cast is great, the film looks beautiful and it's simply a very, very good film. And Krampus looks amazing, and he is amazing. Real creepy, much because he's so darkly playful. Did I say that he looks amazing? The decision to not show his *beep* (that's a spoiler) is brilliant. Just gives him so much more aura and charisma. There's also a small animated flashback scene that was insanely good. Absolutely stunning stuff, and a real treat to the eye. And all this is topped off by one of the best endings I've ever seen. Perfect ending! So yeah, what a fantastic film! It's a shame about the PG-13 rating, though. This film would instantly have been much better with an R rating and more blood and gore. But it doesn't matter as this is brilliant nonetheless.
  38. 1 point
    Glad if I was of any help! Yup, that sounds like the right approach It's always good to analyze one's recordings (even though it becomes bothersome if you start regretting uploading something after you find more and more flaws ahaha), sometimes it also helps to look at your notes in a program like Melodyne, for me it helped to see where I usually go flat or sharp! Ah yeah, with the throat singing you probably mean the false chord stuff, lots of singers use it for growling - I find it rather uncomfortable and prefer to use fry screams (there's lots of tutorials for that on YT, it's pretty cool because you can transition to raspy and clean singing very quickly with it), but it sounds pretty brutal if you can master it. I haven't listened to AvelCain that much, but from what I remember he sounded fine. I think it's good to pick up bits from all singers you come across and like, there is always something you can learn even from singers who are technically not that good
  39. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

  40. 1 point
    Putting girugamesh on this list? Man, Girugamesh Guy approves!
  41. 1 point
    Nice story! I can pretty much relate to it (except maybe for the Ameba part, since the fun I could get there was strictly limited due to my lack of japanese skills :'D) But I really hope you will have a good time here aswell
  42. 1 point
  43. 1 point
    ROTTENGRAFFTY presents “ポルノ超特急2016” 2016/12/25 Kyoto Pulse Plaza 01. G.D.S. 02. 詩踏み / Utafumi 03. Sustain The Untruth 04. Chain Repulsion 05. THE FINAL 06. OBSCURE 07. Revelation Of Mankind 08. Un Deux 09. 激しさと、この胸の中で絡み付いた灼熱の闇 / Hageshisa... thanks everyone who came in to comment or just take a look at what's happening on DIR's stage. I wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. hope 2017 goes much much much easier on all of us. see you all on a start of UROBOROS tour on Jan. 13th!
  44. 1 point

    New single/album from A9

    No, it's not. This one is outdated already, from earlier this month. This is the new look for Memento:
  45. 1 point
    Day 24: siraph by siraph Release Date: 2016-05-18 Label: NBC Universal Entertainment Japan Genre: Pop Rock/Electronic Impressions from @Zeus: Impressions from @CAT5: Impressions from @Original Saku: Impressions from @Ito: Sample song: Buy the album: Amazon
  46. 1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point
    Many bands on the list come and go, but here is a recent one with active bands: 1. DADAROMA 2. Dir En Grey 3. DEZERT 4. Gallo 5. ALSDEAD 6. the god and death stars 7. Hollowgram 8. Nocturnal Bloodlust 9. Mejibray 10. Codomo Dragon
  49. 1 point
    Kaoru's been pretty open about his love for downy for a few years now, so him being involved with this doesn't necessarily surprise me even though I'll admit I wasn't exactly expecting it. SUGIZO can be really cool when he gets his creative cap on, so it's nice that he's involved in some capacity too; I wonder if his involvement means that there's going to be a prominent violin component in there somewhere? Don't know anything about Morrie so I can't really comment on his involvement.
  50. 1 point

    new band "QEDDESHET" has formed

    ^ shade
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