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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/19 in all areas

  1. 6 points

    Unpopular Opinion

    this accidentally ended up being the most valuable piece of advice to come outta this entire thread lmao
  2. 5 points
    This post has been locked for violating the following rule: Discussions about feminism are inherently political. Feminism is defined as a range of social movements, political movements, and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes.
  3. 4 points
    sleepy coffee

    Unpopular Opinion

    Biggest reason batman is better is also cause hes got actual interesting villains
  4. 4 points

    Unpopular Opinion

    Just look at this character for example... truly Japan (or Nippon, as me and my friends like to call it) is much better & more wholesome than the US with all its filthy degenerate sluts prancing around half-naked all the time. Hot take: this is the ONLY pure and Christian cosplay that exists
  5. 4 points

    Unpopular Opinion

    Just because someone is wearing sexy clothing doesn't mean they deserve sexual harassment. Yes it's only natural for people to look, but wearing a sexy cosplay doesn't mean you can just shout obscene things and grab people. If someone can't behave themselves around exposed skin, they are the problem. We're supposedly an evolved species who should be able to look past our urges at this point. Society has been making money off women's sexuality for yonks, but now that women have chosen to make money off it themselves certain people feel threatened. I don't like the trend of sexualizing every single character that has ever existed, but if these cosplayers wanna get their coin (and more importantly there IS a MARKET for that type of service) that way who are we to argue? They're simply grabbing the bull by the horns so to speak.
  6. 3 points

    Unpopular Opinion

  7. 3 points

    Unpopular Opinion

    Let's go back to just stating less politically charged unpopular opinions (e.g Maria Cross is actually not a legend) as per new rules. The last page is enough of an example as to why they were implemented.
  8. 3 points

    random thoughts thread

    What doesn't cause cancer these days? 🤷‍♀️
  9. 3 points
    I think Youtube is gonna bring back the star rating system soon. They just asked me to rate a video I watched a super long time ago. Now if only they could bring back the old youtube in full lol
  10. 3 points
    I have eaten the dicks that were in the inbox and which you were probably saving for magazine feature Forgive me they were delicious so spunky and so creamy
  11. 2 points

    Hello ˄˄

    Hi, I'm Yume ˄˄ Honestly I found this forum by accident but thought it might be fun to join, since I don't know a lot of people who listen to j-rock T_T , only the ones I met through The GazettE concert, which is like 4 people haha... Anyway to say something about myself, I was always listening to music, around 5 years ago I started watching anime (oh, I'm 18 btw ˄˄) so since then I enjoyed listening to japanese music, but I never really knew what visual kei was... So around 2 years ago, I think, for some reason I looked up visual kei and listened to random song on youtube, none of them were really like "WOW" so I just kept on listening and then... The GazettE - DOGMA, I was blown away by Ruki's voice, such beautiful voice... Two years passed and I was able to meet them, they were all so sweet, gah I want to see them again... So this is how my journey started, after The GazettE, it took me a year to find a band I would enjoy listening to, until then I still wasn't as interested in visual kei, but these 3 bands changed my way of thinking a year ago... And who else could it be than B.P.Records's Kiryu, Codomo Dragon and Royz! It was mainly Kiryu at first with the song Muku, can't believe a year already passed since then haha. So well that's enough about my little story, honestly I love all the bands from B.P.Records and thanks to Baby Kingdom, I was able to find them, some of you might know who I'm talking about since it's quite obvious thanks to my profile picture, yes it's ZigZag. Seeing Kagemaru's passion being a drummer, of course I would fall in love with him, seriously I'm not joking. And then thanks to Kagemaru I discovered Kizu and that's how I ended here, I was looking up their lyrics and the first thing that showed up was this forum. Now this should be enough of my story, I tried keeping it short, but I was so happy I could let someone know about this, I just couldn't hold back my feelings. There are other bands I listen to, but it's mainly just the ones I talked about here, oh and Lynch. which I also discovered recently ˄˄ I also play games, read books/manga, watch anime and sometimes I draw, for some of my drawing and my recent fanart of Kagemaru you can go look at my instagram: kami_no_yume Thank you for reading this far and it's nice meeting you all, hope we can become friends ˄˄ Oh also I probably didn't make it clear enough since I didn't talk about them almost at all, but my no.1 band is actually Codomo Dragon, there's just something about them, I love all the bands I listen to, but for some reason they are a bit more special to me, Yume out!
  12. 2 points
    Ok well that's actually a fantastic idea and should be applied literally everywhere
  13. 2 points

    Unpopular Opinion

    This might be more appropriate in the "Anime Shit Talk" thread, but I think that anime and manga have objectively gotten worse over the past few years (when it comes to new franchises.) Sharp increase in 15 minute and sub-15 minute-per-episode series. It would be acceptable if the quality increased w/ the shorter length, but most are still budget-tier. There's been a colossal increase in isekai manga, and they're starting to be adapted into anime at an alarming pace. I find a majority of isekai "low-effort". Instead of creating interesting backstories w/ character growth you pretty much lean all in w/ the escapism fodder. Really indicative of the current moment + shitty working conditions/long hours of the Japanese populace. A lot of this has to do with trying to push more and more series per season. Meanwhile a bunch of the work gets outsourced and everyone is being overworked. Of course all of this stems from $$$. On a similar note, mobage + gacha games are cancer w/ the micro-transaction model. They've flooded the market and have partly contributed to the decline in story-based vns (and a lot of long-form content) which have been overtaken by shit-tier nukige. Again, it's about turning profits, so I get it.
  14. 2 points

    random thoughts thread

    anyone else gets stuck on one song, and then proceeds to listen to it on repeat until they hate both themselves and the song? that's also why I don't like having passengers in my car, because I can spend a 40 minute drive listening to the same song on repeat~
  15. 2 points

    Unpopular Opinion

    i think superhero stuff is lame x
  16. 2 points
    "GACKT's first business book! Why does GACKT have so much money?" you can find out for the price of 1500yen!
  17. 2 points
    There's also Subsonic and Tomahawk Player (although it's been abandoned :/.) Like @Original Saku mentioned, there's a lot of media server options in both the paid and open-source realm. I know you can use Plex for your media library as well. If you aren't anal about metadata and correct artist art, Google Music has a 50,000 song limit (300 mb per song). If you strung together whole albums into a continuous .mp3, you could end up w/ a shitload of stuff hosted freely by Google. On a slight tangent, the chinese vk netizens have taken to Xiami to upload just about everything vk. They're a bit controversial b/c of their paid options, but anything HQ is freely available. You can straight up pull the 320 mp3s that are uploaded (* or whatever quality it was uploaded at) w/ a bit of devtool knowledge.
  18. 2 points
    Same as @LIDL. I can fit all my playlists from iTunes onto my current iPhone, which I had organized from scratch long ago, so the need to stream any of it is not necessary. Should I forego the apple products in the near future though, I'd probably buy a standalone MP3 player and reserve digging through my entire collection through a web-based RDP session like Google Chrome's. I used to always have a separate MP3 player with about 8GBs of room so I can always drag and drop new stuff and listen to it on-the-go, so it wouldn't be hard for me to return to that. edit: I see @spockitty did the same thing lol I could always just pay for a streaming service if I want to hear anything US-based too.
  19. 2 points
    I still use the old school way aka drag and drop to my mobile or iPod cos I don't trust clouds that much, and it is easier since no internet connection needed.
  20. 2 points
    Chosing only one band in Vkei is pretty simple for me, since I listen to like less of 10 and half of them are Kamijo's... 😆 Band: Lareine Album: "Reine de fleur II" (yes it's a collection) from Lareine Song: I refuse to listen to only one song for the rest of my life, shoot me now and spare me the suffering. In general: Band: Rammstein (but was a REALLY close call with Muse) Album: "Electra Heart" from Marina and the Diamonds Song: Same as before, but if I REALLY was forced to it would be a really though choice between REM's "Losing my Religion" and the Cranberries' "Zombie". Honor mention to Queen's "Bicycle Race".
  21. 2 points

    Unpopular Opinion

    This isn't a thread for in depth discussion of women's sexual freedom, nor is it a psychotherapy session thread. That's my view on it and maybe other mods see it differently but it was clear where it was heading.
  22. 2 points

    Unpopular Opinion

    Maybe she enjoyed his company? I don't condone sexual assault (or any kind of assault) in any way, shape or form and if this guy really did assault her, that's awful. I don't know if he really did or if she was overblowing the situation because I wasn't there but the "they had it coming" mentality is a bit victim-blaming. Consent not only means you agree to it; it also means you can stop at any time. If she decided she wasn't comfortable with him touching her, even if it wasn't full-blown assault I could still understand why she would get pissed if he continued. I agree with you that is it up to them to take their safety into their own hands and that we should teach people to avoid dangerous situations instead of teaching people not to be dangerous (because really, it's a bit useless to tell a potential assaulter not to assault someone) but you can still spend time with someone who's sexually interested in you and expect them to not pounce on you. Like I said, I have no way of knowing if he really did it, the full context, exactly how far they went, what she did and didn't consent to and yada yada, but still.
  23. 2 points

    Unpopular Opinion

    I agree, if they are uncomfortable about people looking why overshow. I'm not sure how to explain it with words but... there's a slight difference between wearing short skirts/shorts and showing cleavage and "dressing like a whore" and I'd say it ultimately depends on your overall demeanor, body language and the "taste" of the garments you are wearing. In my personal experience, I've never been called a whore (that I know of) for wearing outfits on the sexy side and showing some (or quite a lot of) skin, probably because my behavior remains... ladylike? graceful? Whereas I see other girls wearing the same outfits accompanied with behaviors that make you wonder if she's trying to pick up a guy or two. The "she had it coming" is something I feel sometimes applies. I have a former friend who was, allegedly, assaulted by a guy a while ago and this is how it went down: he made his sexual intentions very clear from the beginning, she wasn't interested in sex but went out with him repeatedly for the free food and all that. She told me once she was spending the night at his place, to which I advised against and she did it anyway. She willingly got herself into the bed of a man whom SHE KNEW wanted sex, to whom she repeatedly told "maybe later" because a straight rejection would mean no more free food, and expected him not to touch her in any way? Some girls DO like to tempt a little too much and cry wolf later and while they do not deserve to be assaulted under any circumstance, they do share the responsibility for disregarding their own safety like that.
  24. 2 points
    uhuhu another fan emerges! ^-^ I was surprised you didn't jump into the discussion considering your profile header XD @monkeybanana4 it really seems like I'm just the devil on your shoulder trying to get you to spend money lol
  25. 2 points

    Unpopular Opinion

    I agree with that first statement. I'll admit I do follow some erotic cosplayer's myself and I have seen some pretty shitty things said in the comments. They often just block these people so I won't complain there. But we shouldn't shame women just for wearing like a short skirt or a shirt that reveals too much cleavage. I think we should just let people wear what they want tbh. It's not hurting anyone
  26. 2 points

    Unpopular Opinion

    It used to be that women were wholesome and had some class, but complained about being objectified, skip ahead ten years and now it's all out there, but they're saying that it's "empowering" and it's about freedom of sexual expression and all that jazz "free the nipple", "you're slut shaming" and women wonder why they're harassed at conventions to tie back to the previous topic when their tits are about to pop out and their asses are hanging out. You can't have it both ways. Most women have sense and know this, but there's plenty who think that they're entitled to dress and act like a whore and not have anyone look at them; obviously touching someone without their permission is awful, but if you're half naked and there's a gaggle of men (and women at times) following you around and you feel uncomfortable, you brought that upon yourself.
  27. 2 points

    Unpopular Opinion

    Wow @ this thread. Anyway for my unpopular opinion: Michelin should stop ranking asian food because they suck at it. I suspect it's because most, if not all, the reviewers are westerners, and have widely different tastes from actual locals. Music wise, the only legit kpop group to me is SHINee. They don't write most of their songs or compose them, but their albums are always refreshing and different from the one before.
  28. 2 points

    Unpopular Opinion

    Eh I guess. Usually it depends on the character honestly. But it also depends on the person. Some cosplayer's are more erotic while others are not. I find it funny that people still shame on women just for doing this kind of stuff and selling it on sites like Patreon or whatever. As long as your not scamming people, who cares lol.
  29. 2 points
    sleepy coffee

    Unpopular Opinion

    Considering 99% of female characters coming out of whatever weebshit series are sexy by default its hard for a cosplayer to avoid the sex appeal by default
  30. 2 points

    Unpopular Opinion

    Women can do erotic or sexy cosplay for all I care. Whatever floats your boat. There are Japanese cosplayers who do it as well Just sayin
  31. 2 points

    Unpopular Opinion

    proving once again that japanese women are worse x
  32. 2 points

    Unpopular Opinion

    Japanese female cosplay is generally a lot more fun, cute and wholesome whereas American female cosplay is generally sluttier and more based around sex appeal. It says a lot about the way women carry themselves in Japan versus America.
  33. 2 points


    I probably mentioned before I'm part of that The Range Place forum where people measure singer's vocal ranges and I like to create profiles for singers in my spare time. I've been creating a thread for Lime and I've been going through their discography and I must say, I'm really really impressed with both his vocal chops (judging from the few tracks I heard by them before, mostly the singles, I wouldn't expect him to have that much range and that he would sound consistently good through its entirety) but also how good the band's compositions are! I wasn't really that big of a fan of some of the b-sides from Human Error and Heisei, but their singles have been consistently good and I'm amazed at how the Steroid single managed to have a perfect "I like all the songs" score! I was a bit wary at the amount of praise I've seen towards them (because i'm a picky bastard who almost never likes anything) but I feel like they really deserve the attention they are getting because they are really really good at what they do, I love how they are bridging elements from both the "modern metal vk" and a more "classic" style and specially how Lime almost exclusively sings cleanly (which is a breath of fresh air amidst a sea of fairly bad screaming and growling that has been flooding the vk scene of late). I hope they all take care of themselves and keep releasing such great music. PS: I still want a "normal" mix of the Heisei single. "Stalker" is freaking fantastic!
  34. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    This is my new favorite Twitter account. https://twitter.com/izumickey0719
  35. 1 point
    I despise streaming, but I store my music locally or on mega.
  36. 1 point
    I've used the google play music method in the past and it is indeed convenient, but it has it's limitations (sound quality) and I'm not the biggest fan of the app UI. It is probably the easiest method though. I currently use a slightly more complicated method to stream my collection to my devices, but in the end the SQ and other advantages are worth the extra hassle. Foobar2000 w/ foo_upnp plugin (Source Machine) -> Bubbleupnp Server (Source Machine) -> Bubbleupnp Mobile app Basically you have a foobar installation running with your media library loaded and foo_upnp server running then configure bubbleupnp server on the same machine to work with foobar upnp server. at this point all you need to do is configure the bubbleupnp app to receive the server from your source machine and voila full quality FLAC files on the go as well as your full collection anywhere. You can also use other media servers other than foobar, I just use foobar because it's convenient since I already use it and it's always open on my PC anyways. But you could use something like servio and accomplish the same thing as well as videos and pictures too.
  37. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    I wanted to say "air" but I suppose that's not true anymore either~
  38. 1 point

    What are you listening to 2?

    It sounds like something my parents would listen to 20 years ago, and I unironically love it. Also, great energy ❤️
  39. 1 point

    Unpopular Opinion

    Oh no yeah that's fine. I was just saying that some female cosplayer's don't feel comfortable with showing off their body and I'm fine with that.
  40. 1 point
    They're still in the process of sending complete total and shipping out item. Seems to take quite a bit of time tbh haha.
  41. 1 point
    Depends on whether we will "feel the pain of human existance" or "feel the speed". Regardless, I do believe this will have a "new sound unimaginable and unlike any music created by the band DIR EN GREY before". Yes, I'm ready for another melodramatic press release.
  42. 1 point

    What did you dream about last night?

    That certainly makes sense! Haha can I really sell a service if it's only worked haphazardly just for me? lolol
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point

    What did you dream about last night?

    Doggos are generally trustworthy and simplistic; what you see is what you get. Maybe due to this they're your guides in the dream world? Dunno, pop psychology XD Wow...you should really sell your services though, your dreams sounds amazing!
  45. 1 point

    Unpopular Opinion

    French fries and vanilla ice cream are a match made in heaven.
  46. 1 point

    Unpopular Opinion

    page 1: ice cream's pretty bad guys page 14: FUCK TRANNIES & GAYS, IMPERIAL JAPAN DID NOTHING WRONG, IT ISNT PEDOPHILIA TO WANT TO JACK IT TO CARTOON CHILDREN this thread is somehow escalating as suddenly as your average shounen anime
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