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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/19 in Posts

  1. 6 points
  2. 3 points

    Befafes Art

    Newest piece !!
  3. 3 points

    Your last music-related buy!

    tapes and more tapes & CDs last month purchases
  4. 3 points

    Show Yourself (again)

    Me breaking the chain of cute people pictures Pose inspired by the master of poses himself, Tatsuro 😂 Also today one of my course mates from my Korean classes was like "how's high school ?" and I honestly felt so happy haha.
  5. 3 points

    My Favorite Japanese Bass Player

    How come no one mentions Kisaki? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  6. 2 points
  7. 2 points
    made a slight correction, sorry
  8. 2 points

    My Favorite Japanese Bass Player

    Saga A9 (Alice Nine) Hiyori (Kiryu) Kanon (ex An Cafe)
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points

    random thoughts thread

    https://www.etsy.com/listing/674125306/gba-game-boy-advance-256-gb-retropie so apparently selling bootleg nintendo consoles (bundled with pirated games) on etsy is totally fine
  11. 2 points

    Show Yourself (again)

    OHHHHH OMGEH SO KYUT ❤️ U LOOK CUTE BRUH Also, I didn't know we had a thread like this here~~~ So I shall also post a selfie ouo Here, pls appreciate me with mah glasses here also on a side note, I think I gained some cutie weight so my cheeks a bit a chubby and I LOVE THEMMM i wuv my chubby cheeks uwu ❤️ Also, wanna brag cuz I just recently got contact lenses so hereeeeee ouo i can now see without having to wear glasses sdbjfbadskjnk
  12. 2 points
    cant believe these dudes have been around for over a decade and only toured nine times :/
  13. 2 points

    random thoughts thread

    The camera on my phone is trash, but my elder showcased some of his art over the weekend, and this was one of my favorite pieces! Dope!!!
  14. 2 points

    My Favorite Japanese Bass Player

    Emiru (LAREINE) Masashi (Versailles) Jasmine You (Versailles) Tsunehito (D) Rame Ikuo (Bull Zeichen 88) Nao (Kagrra,) Koga (Gacharic Spin/DOLL$BOXX) Megu (Zwei) Naoto (exist trace) Kazu (Kagerou) Ruka (ex.Charlotte) Hisame (ex.Grieva) Tatsuhi (ex.Zoro/Soroban) Shingo (ex.Sugar) And the dude from Rands, he's pretty good.
  15. 2 points

    My Favorite Japanese Bass Player

    My favorite is Saga from Alice Nine
  16. 2 points
    WTF is that shitty logo ? Looks like this
  17. 1 point
    D will release a new LIVE DVD called ~D TOUR 2018 「Deadly sin」Grand Final 2018.12.21 at 豊洲PIT~ on april 12. *https://twitter.com/GCR_official/status/1108701439256195072/photo/1
  18. 1 point
    Asty will release their third single titled 『もふもふラビット』(Mofu mofu rabbit). They will hold a mini one man live on 2019.05.15 and also have their second one man at Tsutaya O-West on 2020.01.03. They will also produce an MV for 「かごめ唄」(Kagome Uta).
  19. 1 point

    キズ (Kizu) new single "平成" release

    Your basic earphones are going to be a left and right speaker, or "stereo" I believe: 2.0 5.1 is centre, front left and right, back left and right and then bass, as far as I'm aware. Think surround sound and something cinematic, or your average pair of gaming headsets these days.
  20. 1 point
    Karma’s Hat

    What are you reading?

    sup bro how are u
  21. 1 point
    The second song 「ゴミはゴミ箱へ」has been released from 2019.03.09. The third song 「卒業」 has been released from 2019.03.16. The last one has not yet been decided but will be released on 2019.03.23.
  22. 1 point
    🐰Tracklist: 🐰 1.もふもふラビット (Mofumofu RABBIT) 2.未来予報 (Mirai Yohou) 3.DAYBREAK https://crosscat.shop-pro.jp/?pid=141597244 It's odd that they announced a show 10 months in advanced, but good for them I guess 🐇
  23. 1 point
    Pretty sure it's just "rabbit" especially with the rabbit look going on (plus it's almost Easter! an easter-inspired release, that's a first!)
  24. 1 point
    隼耶 (toshiya) from DictavE! 8D
  25. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    u know ur tired when u unconsciously start writing ur first language word in hiragana
  26. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

    I survived another year. Only 3 more years till I reach my desired age.
  27. 1 point


    How about...this album pales in comparison to the output on Hallelujah? Honestly, some hooks were great, but holy shit -- Yusuke cannot top the songwriting on Hallelujah or Zeitgeist, no matter how much he screams.
  28. 1 point
    The Gazette have announced that they will hold their tour final at Yokohama Arena on 2019.09.23 This is the important info taken from their Facebook page! ■the GazettE LIVE TOUR18-19 THE NINTH TOUR FINAL 「第九」 September 23rd. Monday YOKOHAMA ARENA OPEN17:00 / START18:00 [TICKET INFORMATION] All tickets are for seated Advance ¥8,000 / Door ¥8,500 (tax included) ※Ticket are required for age 3 and older. [TICKETS ON GENERAL SALE] Available on August 24th(Sat), 2019 More info is available here: http://the-gazette.com/tour18-19_the_ninth_final/
  29. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    -KAMIJO- Tour 2014 "The Death Parade Final" The Empire of Vampire etc. -VERSAILLES- Onegai Kanete Versailles reg. ed. (bought for supercheap because reasons) -KAMIJO- Sang Another Story reg. ed. -KAMIJO- Royal Blood, Revival Best reg. ed. 💕 -KAMIJO- Nosferatu
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
    Karma’s Hat

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    My point was that all these soliloquies about bandmen and the community having to denounce Kisaki from the community like a leper who ordered national socialist paraphernalia in the mail completely ignores the fact that in Japan and in the vk scene it probably doesn't work like that. And I wasn't referring to Kisaki's past at any point by the way, but rather to the widespreading hazing and abuse that is not even widespread but referred to in numerous interviews including members of DeG and The GazettE just to name some of these indie nobodies spreading harmful unsubstantiated tanuki rumours, bits of which you can find from this forum. If anything even close to the shit that's in these stories came out involving someone in the American showbiz industry, they'd be goners or at least caused a polemic of such magnitude that we already have with the me too movement and so on; and then you add to this that in Japan you just don't sell out your elders because their gya came out on the supreme justice court of twitter, especially ones that has given a start to a number of people in the scene. God knows what kind of stuff is going in the background too with the father of the child and so on. The pics are about as incriminating as you can get and my knee jerk reaction is to hope the child will be involved with none of these people in the future, but the legal procedures are messy especially when it involves messy people, and if you think anyone at 100% is voluntarily involved with kisaki then godspeed to u fam
  32. 1 point

    My Favorite Japanese Bass Player

    Ami Kusakari of sakanaction is pretty good. I had to google her name tbh, but off the top of my head she's probably one of my favorites.
  33. 1 point

    My Favorite Japanese Bass Player

    there are a lot of bassists that i love: Toshiya Reita Aki(SID) Hati(9gbo) Masa(Nokubura) yuchi(Sukekiyo)
  34. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    - 己龍 - 己龍 東名阪単独巡業「遠塵離邂垢」〜2018年9月7日新木場STUDIO COAST〜 【DVD】 - 摩天楼オペラ - Human Dignity 【Limited edition CD+DVD+sticker】 - ムック - 壊れたピアノとリビングデッド
  35. 1 point
    Not really VK but Cö Shu Nie's bassist Shunsuke Matsumoto (松本駿介) does some absolutely gnarly things I've never heard on a track before. Bump asphyxia and supercell, those songs have absolutely wild bass work.
  36. 1 point
    Karma’s Hat

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    I think a lot of people here, including myself lol, don't really understand how all this stuff works in Japan in the vk scene especially also in relation of the general public in Japan. Afaik, vk is already perceived as the last refuge for people totally unfit for society, an whether some bandoman is guilty of this and that over there is not really something to cause much attention, probably because the perception of the vk is pretty much true and all these dudes are just really shitty when it comes to treating both women and each other, I mean just look up stories of how they treated the vocalist from Screw back in the day and imagine if something like this came out involving some lamestream band in the west, like that could pretty much be the end of everyone involved; and this is only the beginning, like I think we've already heard tons of stories of really dodgy stuff which while shocking to people in the west accustomed to a totally different kind of culture and conduct, especially when it comes to regarding an elder statesman of the scene like ki$aki. This is an underground music culture of rejects that had a flash in the pan moment 20 years ago that brought it to the surface, which while an important moment it for sure didn't change the general makeup and reality of the scene, which is a large prostitution racket ran by yakuza and horny guys wanting to play shitty rock 'n roll to a fanbase consisting of people with as many issues an the bandguys themselves. And to add to this I think everyone knows the Japanese think we are joke and that some gaijins are rustled is literally no concern of theirs, unless you're willing to fuck or buy them some chrome hearts of course.
  37. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

  38. 1 point

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    Can't wait for the new kisaki documentary "never leaving undercode" made by everyone's favorite vice.
  39. 1 point

    My Favorite Japanese Bass Player

    His presence and technical finesse on PASSIO is amazing. He was always great but I feel that he’s gotten even better since MUTANS.
  40. 1 point

    My Favorite Japanese Bass Player

    Yuchi from Sukekiyo
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point

    The general Metal discussion thread

    Been very much into a couple of Xülthys' projects lately. One-man black metal band that nailed the music, lyrics and imagine a lot. Great, dark and moody music and really cool pictures and cover arts. There's something really mystic about the pictures. Reminds me of old pictures of a secret cult of something. Bašmu https://basmu.bandcamp.com/ Girtablullû https://girtablullu.bandcamp.com/releases Flešš https://rawflesh.bandcamp.com/releases Really impressive stuff IMO. Dark, grim, atmospheric, raw. Really got everything.
  43. 1 point
    Do i need to say more? Miya DA BASS QUEEN HANDS DOWN.
  44. 1 point

    My Favorite Japanese Bass Player

    kenjirou murai ofc ni~ya (nightmare) naoki (jinkaku radio) also signal bassist could become one of my favorites, but now it never gonna happen...
  45. 1 point

    My Favorite Japanese Bass Player

    i really really really dig kenjirou murai's style, i think his playing's definitely one of my favorite parts of cali gari's music
  46. 1 point

    My Favorite Japanese Bass Player

    unf yukke from mucc, only because of his slap bass. if anyone knows any other (vk) bassists who do slapping please let me know codomo dragon has some videos of men-men teaching bass in their songs. these have some slapping
  47. 1 point

    My Favorite Japanese Bass Player

    I’ve always really dug how Reita plays, even tho I’m not that big on Gazette tbh. Something about his style is really cool to me.
  48. 1 point
    For bass players, I enjoy listening to Rame from Vidoll/BGFN and Jasmine from Versailles (RIP). Both bring out great music and sick beats. Also, liked Yuuto's catchy bass playing (Screw, Liraizo).
  49. 1 point
    Manji 卍

    My Favorite Japanese Bass Player

    Koichi from mejibray definitely know how to slap a bass. Hisame from grieva made some very creative and catchy basslines on many tracks,and of course, Toshiya from diru, he's brutal.
  50. 1 point

    best jrock cd cover

    For some reason I'm really attracted to stylish/stylized covers featuring only band members so here's a batch reflecting that. BUCK-TICK - 悪の華 BOØWY - BEAT EMOTION Laputa - 私が消える Madeth gray'll - Lucifer ~魔境に映る呪われた罪人達と生命の終焉~ SOFT BALLET - DOCUMENT Might come back here later and make another post with my fave pieces of artwork not featuring actual musicians, lol.
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