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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/18 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Eating that flyer probably upset all 15 people who showed up at this live!! So RUDE!!!
  2. 3 points

    0.1g no Gosan x Mathilda drama

    I hate to defend Gosan on this one (because jokes or not, I don't like that they harass people who don't do the furi) but that oneman was the weekend of the heavy rain/typhoon. I live pretty close to Kanazawa, where that oneman was happening, and I was actually trying to get to a different live that weekend but all of the trains and buses were stopped because of the rain. So no one showed up because they literally couldn't get there. I really wish it was because the fans were done with them though... In that insta post, it's talking about the weather and it was Tanabata that day (a Japanese holiday for wishes) so their wish was apparently for the weather to get better. On a more sober note, if you guys haven't heard, a lot of the southern part of Japan has had a lot of tragedies because of the heavy rain and landslides.
  3. 3 points
    Kneuklid Romance setlist: SE / 鳥籠の中の彼女-Ending piano~瞬間ノ声 -パズル- 01 / Flowers 02 / クモオンナノキス 03 / want of sleep! 04 / むらさき色の鳥 05 / しあわせにできる権利 06 / Wall(Chain ver.) Ending SE / Past Memories MIRAGE setlist: SE 1 百花繚乱 2 Wind Whisper 3 Feeling Melody MC 4 リフレイン(Kneuklid Romance) 5 ...Air
  4. 3 points
  5. 3 points
    I saw some of you here missed Roppu, so he came back again and gave us "I am..." (i wonder if this is either 僕… or 私… or both or none of both..) __ And also some live digest from シビレバシル (link), i miss Izumi ;_;
  6. 2 points
    i am almost certain it is 僕… since the vocalist sings "boku wa" at 1:03 and also i read on twitter from a girl who went to the 私… live that 私… is like a rock ballade... also pretty happy i didn't go all out crazy and bought it - its a really cool song but over 10.000yen for only 2:40 minutes with no lyrics and just a plain white CD-R is ridiculous...
  7. 2 points

    lynch. new album " XIII " release

    i nabbed it off of jp itunes and i gotta say i'm a little surprised. this album is heavy on atmosphere and clean vocals.
  8. 2 points
    Exactly! He has a very colorful voice, and he show it here again. I think it's fancy to talk shit about kiryu, but why they u listen to them, if they don't like them? Btw I don't see too much difference between kiryu's and other vk band's music's variety. I mean they have a style, as others, and they are producing things between the style's borders, just like other bands. It's just so fckin cool to say bad thing about them, and it's really boring. There is a lot of band's who realize new thing's as often as kiryu. Actually I don't like this look, really bad, but don't really care. I love their music for almost 10 years, and I think it's better and better, with a high quality.
  9. 1 point
    After his departure from Scarlet Valse, he changed the name of his twitter account and uploaded a new demo song to his YouTube account, it seems he misses his Lafflesia stage. New link to twitter Surely we are surprised soon with something new, this theme will be updated for future Raizo news.
  10. 1 point
    Kaitou has announced their 3rd physical single and the release of a new song (digital?) and PV in September. 溺れる金魚 3rd SINGLE [発売日] 2018年9月5日 [価格] ¥1,200(税抜) [品番] KSN-003A [収録内容] 01.溺れる金魚 02.バンギャの呪い 03.イイ振りやってん☆NIGHT And a R shitei parody sometime in September I am actually looking forward to it! But I fear the backlash of the army of the Mamogya 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  11. 1 point
    It's not happy, it's just shit... ;< They had me on board again with The Perfect Nightmare aaaaaand they lost me again now, lol. This could still go either way.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    this sounds like it was recorded in a refrigerator...awesome
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point

    HERE new album, "OH YEAH" release

    HERE 5th album, "OH YEAH" will be released on September 5 in 3 types. They will also hold their release tour, "僕らのHIGH TENSION DAYS 2018-2019" from their free live on September 4 to November 22. Further dates will be scheduled in 2019. 流通最強盤 (strongest edition) - 2 CDs, 3000 yen Live-limited edition - CD/DVD, 3500 yen [CD tracklist] 1.Fantastic!! 2.HIGH TENSION DAYS 3.ヘッチャラ 4.クラシカルダイヴ 5.Walk This Way 6.OH YEAH 7.スーパーポジティブ 8.ロックスターに会いに行こう 9.ネバギバ 10.ほったらかし 11.MANをZIしてROCKSTAR 12.Amazing!! [CD 2 tracklist (strongest edition only)] 1.LET’S GO CRAZY 2.チャンチャンチャンスDEダンダンダンス 3.はっきよい 4.感情超常現象 5.己 STAND UP 6.ゾッコンROCK ON 7.タイアップは君だ 8.CHAOTIC SYMPATHY 9.この世界よりこんにちは 10.死ぬくらい大好き愛してるバカみた [DVD tracklist (live-limited edition only)] (live recording from their live at 2018/05/15)
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point

    sibilebashir will disband

  19. 1 point
    sounds okay, its crazy that these singles are going for about 13,000 yen each. Well this saves me the urge to buy them haha
  20. 1 point
    stop stealing from akane x
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point


    I'm glad this thread help revive some interest for Laputa and his members they were definitely one of the greatest bands in visual kei history. On my side, I checked the vocalist's (Aki) recent works and it sounds very decent, so i ordered the latest album called "Revolve" , looking forward to it.
  23. 1 point

    Post-punk / New wave / Goth / Deathrock

    Hell yeah, Horror Vacui rules! Haven't listened to their latest album that much but their previous one (the one you linked) is really good.
  24. 1 point

    LM.C new album "FUTURE SENSATION" release

    I secretly dream about meeting Aiji and whispering in his ear "this mid-life crisis has lasted for too long already"
  25. 1 point
    oh my fucking god this look I'm hollering who styled ha? who dressed ha? why didn't veteran guitar chanteuse/scene senior citizen Aiji veto it? sound engineers ears after they were done with mastering x
  26. 1 point
    Well shit I've only listened to visual kei like ten years. Can't say that I'm surprised. I was being half serious.
  27. 1 point


    I've had some Laputa songs in my library for a bit now, but after seeing this thread, I grabbed their discography. Took a minute to grow on me, but I'm starting to really love them ... Thanks y'all!
  28. 1 point

    Memorable Millenial Kei Vocalists

    Sou from KRAD ex-SHEDIA Is the best vocalist OF ALL TIME (to me :3)
  29. 1 point

    What are you listening to?

    Sweet, sweet Crack Brain again and again.
  30. 1 point


    To this day I still discover some promo single or the like I didn't even know did exist. Their complete discography is HUGE (they very much liked their variations for the same material)
  31. 1 point

    New band MIDGARD have formed

    As you can see from the flyer, they already play lives before that Im also sure they played some lives early last year with BUK BUK (always at 新宿clubSCIENCE, lol). I think the date is their "restart" or "formal start" (as written on the flyer) *Edit: After checking the vocalist twitter, i think they started as a session band that changed its name to MIDGARD around June/July 2017 that covered songs from e.g. アヲイ, lynch., DEZERT etc. and eventuelly playing own songs. Since he also had some pictures where he cosplayed Cloud from Final Fantasy, i guess the bands name might be a reference to the city of FF7, Midgar?
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point
    Gackt cosplayer aside I'm anticipating them all 2 come back as initial D soon!!
  35. 1 point
    Karma’s Hat


    They have more merch out than music just saying and 60 bucks for a fruit of the loom XXL t-shirt with their shitty logo on it oh my god
  36. 1 point
    [tracklist] [CD] 1. Stay Tuned 2. on my way with innocent to「U」 3. Miss Lily 4. 9 deadly sins 5. Fears and DRuGs 6. diluculo 7. paradox 8. GLAMOROUS SKY 9. this is our way [DVD](limited edition only) 1. MUSIC VIDEO「on my way with innocent to「U」」 2. MUSIC VIDEO「GLAMOROUS SKY」 3. 「on my way with innocent to「U」」オフショット映像 4. LIVE VIDEO「this is our way」 2018/5/27 SHIN GLAMOROUS SKY 初披露ワンマン PREMIUM LIVE「GLAMOROUS SHOW」
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    He is not wrong
  39. 1 point

    0.1g no Gosan x Mathilda drama

                                    x Hey guys. Since yesterday most of the bangyas are commenting about the 0.1g no Gosan x Mathilda drama. I don't know if rumors section is the right place to post it, since it's not a RUMOR, but i don't know anywhere else to do it lol I think many of you know that 0.1g no Gosan is a very polemic band. Their vocalist, Midorigawa Yuu is always chasing fans who are not doing the furi, or saying bad stuff about other bands. For example, he said to the fans don't go to shitty bands like Vexent., said POIDOL is a shitty band with a ghost-writer and also made fun of DOGinPWO (their senpais tho........). On June 28th 0.1g held a event where they intended to play with "minor" bands. One of these bands was Mathilda, a new band that just started their activities. What no one was expecting was that the vocalist Kuu would enter the stage holding a 0.1g no Gosan picture*. Then he smashed it and ATE it all. The fans were surprised and some of them scream in panic. But okay, the concert was over and no one said anything about that.......until yesterday. On yesterday's concert 0.1g vocalist stopped their song to talk about Mathilda. He said how pissed of he was for such shitty band smash their flyer (*actually it was not a flyer. it was a colorful print that Mathilda vocalist made by his own, so...) and said that if any of the 0.1g fans go to a Mathilda concert, the whole band would hate this fan forever, and don't talk to them on instore events and such anymore. In the end, he made all the fans scream "MATHILDA DIE!!!!!". If you look for opinions about that on twitter, it's very divided. But indeed, 0.1g is losing a lot of fans for their posture. In my opinion, first of all, who he think he's to say which bands the fans should go or not? "I WON'T TALK TO YOU ON INSTORES ANYMORE!!!1111" bitch how old are you? 7? the fans are PAYING MONEY for that. It's so stupid. Also, as mentioned, Mathilda didn't use a flyer that 0.1g useid their money to make. And is it THAT offensive? Mathilda vocalist is always eating stuff on their concerts, pizza, apples, and stuff because it's their concept. They choose 0.1g no Gosan picture fot that because IT WAS 0.1g EVENT. It was just a fuck'n performance. Can we also mention how problematic is to make your fans scream to SOMEONE TO DIE? Like......Jesus........ In my opinion the fans are also stupid tho. It's very funny that he's so pissed of, but he's always doing worse stuff to other bands.... So when it's with you you can't take it? HAHAHA I'm really rooting for Mathilda now and i hope they smash and eat Midorigawa next time lol What you guys opinion about that? #MathildaTeam
  40. 1 point
    it's 2 singles "FLOWER OF ROMANCE" [tracklist] 01. FLOWER OF ROMANCE 02. FLOWER OF ROMANCE [Instrumental Ver.] DVD. FLOWER OF ROMANCE –MUSIC CLIP– "AN ETERNITY" [tracklist] 01. AN ETERNITY 02. AN ETERNITY [Instrumental Ver.] DVD. AN ETERNITY –MUSIC CLIP– a special edition "AN ETERNITY / FLOWER OF ROMANCE" will be released through their official webshop (5000yen) DISC 1:CD] 1: AN ETERNITY 2: FLOWER OF ROMANCE 3: AN ETERNITY [Acoustic Ver.] 4: FLOWER OF ROMANCE [Acoustic Ver.] 5: PLANETARY LIGHT [LIVE] 6: DREAMSCAPE [LIVE] 7: CELEBRATE [LIVE] 8: SKY WALKER [LIVE] 9: SWALLOW THE NIGHT [LIVE] 10: SILENT PICTURE [LIVE] 11: ORIGINAL LOVE [LIVE Acoustic Ver.] 12: MEMENTO [LIVE] *Live Take at ディファ有明on December 25, 2017 [DISC 2 : DVD] 1: AN ETERNITY –MUSIC CLIP- 2: FLOWER OF ROMANCE –MUSIC CLIP- 3: BONUS FOOTAGE
  41. 1 point
    Karma’s Hat

    the GazettE

    If you don't like their first two EP's then stop listening to vk
  42. 1 point

    Current pictures of old vk guys

    oh yeah that's definitely her. the shop is called yellow house and last time i went in the granny told me something along the lines of 'i don't go to yoshiki, he comes to me'.
  43. 1 point

    5 Things I Hate About VK

    Missing that one Malisend release, that one first Jiluka single, that one rare VRZEL distributed CD... it's killing me, man, killing me slowly and painfully. I never replied to Zeus because I was busy/being lazy, but Hiroki explained more or less what I meant to say. I do not blame overseas fans for poor VK sales, I mean that for the average VK band there's probably no more than like 8 overseas fans interested in actually purchasing a CD they distribute live, so for the band it's probably not worth the trouble of releasing a live CD through a regular shop, with all the added expenses that would entail, just so like 3 dudes in Europe and one in the States can get a copy. Basically what Hiroki explained. It sucks ass for us but I really see why bands would go that route. And most don't even care about that extra 3 bucks they'll get from us if we get the CD on any store, it's not relevant, when they can push a live limited release that will draw fans from Japan who will not only spend 1000 yen on the CD, but, while they're at it, they'll spend 2000-5000 extra yen on cheki and merch, AND the ticket. As Zeus mentioned, it's probably a few hoarders at the top of the food chain who are keeping VK from taking the smart route when it comes to music distribution, and for bands it's not an easy thing to just ditch the labels, since, as I understand, livehouses have deals with music labels and if you want to actually perform you gotta sell your soul to the devil somehow. It really sucks, but for us to get VK music on bandcamp and such it would require much, MUCH more than just an artist saying "K, so I have a bunch of chicks tweeting me in English, gotta sell for them as well" 😕
  44. 1 point
    because some people mentioned the language barrier i wanna state something... i once (YEARS ago) read an interview with a death metal band (dunno the band anymore though...) and they were speaking about lyrics and thei vocalist said like: nowadays no one cares anymore about lyrics. and as a vocalist you can practically sing about anything cuz no one cares... as long as it sounds good and so on... and thats also kinda my opinion at least for this specific statement. because i personally don't understand jack shit what my beloved japanese bands are singing BUT i love the flow of the language so thats why i listen to it! also back in the day before i know any Vk bands i liked a band because of the music/vocals then i read the lyrics and was like: WTF SHIT are you serious? this lyrics are SOO SO BAD i can't take this... which was a point that ruined most of english songs for me. not to mention that (according to many translations i got) most Vk lyrics of the stuff i listen to are pretty damn good but kinda depressing as fuck why i am even more mostly beiing kinda shocked that so many young kiddie girls love Vk.... so to come to an conclusion i love Vk because of the music itself, the vocal flow and because of the lyrics if you understand the lyrics in probably 4/5 cases you would probably go from: WOW i love this band to > OH that lyrics wtf were they thinking so i can't listen to this or that band anymore... DONE! ;D
  45. 1 point
    It's not in English. I don't play Japanese music for my friends often, but when I do it's instrumental or with good English vocals because the minute they hear Japanese, I know 95% of them will stop listening. People want to understand what the song is about and you can't do that with Japanese music if it's all in Japanese. The vocals that are in English still have a distinctly Japanese quality to them, and that turns off a lot of native speakers. That leaves a very small group of people to make a big impression for everyone. Not a great way to start. Rock music is not mainstream in America right now. It's hip hop, pop, and r&b that runs the air waves. It's not a bad thing, but I find i digest these genres of music differently than I do rock and metal, and people that have not grown up with rock and metal may never have developed a taste for it. I've always heard that rock and metal is the closest thing to classical music in the modern era, and on the same note I don't find many people appreciate Bach and Mozart for what it is. It just doesn't "move them". Anime was considered taboo and nerdy up until recently, when now all of a sudden it became cool to watch Dragon ball Super and My Hero Academia and other big-name shounen. Anime and Japan are always seen as synonymous to the barely acquainted, so anime and rock music are also tied together by virtue of this rock music being from Japan. Stupid associations, but that's how it is. Considering just how bad a lot of anime themes are, I can see people associating the worst of J-pop themes with all Japanese music. Consider this 3.5, but the people that were first promoting the music were deep into the scene, like "appropriating parts of Japanese language and unironically dressing like a visual kei rocker" deep. They...did not make the best ambassadors for visual kei music. On the other side of the coin, the Japanese indie scene has always been a smaller group covering a wider range of music, cloistered and secluded on private servers and trackers. They wanted to preserve their culture the way it was, so they weren't exactly interested in proselytizing their music to a wider audience. Y'all gotta realize peeps like @CAT5are the exception to the rule. Japanese record companies in general do a pretty shit job of marketing themselves and their music to a wider audience, which is perplexing to me because the anime industry is absolutely KILLING IT right now. They jumped onto the digital distribution wave too late and by that time, the fad had already started diminishing. We have no equivalent to Crunchyroll to have a legal bridge between record companies and interested Western audiences. HearJapan was close, but in some ways I think it was too ahead of its time and never got the support it needed once everyone involved realized it wouldn't be a 1-2-3 smash hit. I always maintained that I would be a sensation or "the next Jimi Hendrix" if I took a bunch of my favorite J-Rock and visual kei songs and sung them in English...
  46. 1 point
    More bands have been announced: Kneuklid Romance MIRAGE Datenshi superbrunch Kneuklid Romance lineup: Vo.Z (Miyoshi Seiji, Moi dix Mois, Art Cube) Gt.KENICHI Gt.TAKUYA Ba.TATSUYA Dr. kaede ...and GAZ
  47. 1 point
    The Moon


    their christmas mini was the shit x
  48. 1 point


    I think Laputa is just one of those bands that will always be appreciated more in the Japanese VK scene than the overseas one, and there's not too many VK shows I've seen in Nagoya where the band didn't mention them at some point while joking/MCing. My fave songs by them are "Yurenagara..." and "Eve ~last eve for you~". But for the latter, it sounds nicer on the album with the piano intro imho. Aki has one of those really unique voices in VK, so if you're feeling it, might be worth checking out his solo work after Laputa disbanded.
  49. 1 point
    He's gonna try to get YouTube famous instead? lolol
  50. 1 point


    It gets even better over time. Found myself watching a bunch of their live performances on YouTube yesterday and it's pretty crazy how seeing them play the same songs over and over never gets old. Still got chills watching ROSIER and TONIGHT even after all this time. Their 2013 Budokan live DVD is insanely good btw. Incredible energy from the entire band.
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