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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/19 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Their LIVE DVD will be called "6th anniversary oneman「Chantyの世界へようこそ」". Their new mini album will be out before spring 2020.
  2. 4 points
    Typical razor single format, type a will have 2 tracks + 1 dvd of the mv and type b have 3 tracks. Releasing nov 6th.
  3. 2 points

    DARRELL New 4th Single 「HADES」

    DARRELL New 4th Single 「HADES」06.11.2019 CD 1.HADES 2.PRAYER 3.KILL ME, MARRY ME https://darrell.jp/news/1410/
  4. 2 points


    God I hope I'm posting correctly. I'm terrible at introductions but here we go? Hello! My name is Ash, I've been into vk since 2003 and I like too many bands lol. I've known about this forum for a while but never really thought about making an account till now, decided to take the plunge to see if I could make friends/talk about bands. Also I'm always looking for new bands to get into so fire away with recommendations! Nice to meet y'all!
  5. 2 points

    Unpopular Opinion

    Yooo, just so yall know. This is not the thread to discuss unpopular (Japanese) music opinions. Post those here ----->
  6. 2 points

    Unpopular Opinion

    Not liking Kiyoharu is perfectly fine. His voice and style are definitely polarizing. It's just saying things like "if I met him I'd want to vomit" and "he should do the world a favour and put a bag over his head" feels a bit like overkill for a lighthearted discussion on an internet forum. I mean, it's not like he's going to read it, but that is a human being you're talking about.
  7. 2 points
    Kiyoharu is God

    Unpopular Opinion

    If you don't like Kiyoharu just leave it at that. Don't be so melodramatic about it. You're not going to run into him. He doesn't hang around trash yards.
  8. 2 points
    雪見だいふくの中身になりたい人生だった (Yukimida Ifuku No Nakami Ni Naritai Jinseidatta) solo project Voc&Gt さの。Sano (ex Kanon An Cafe?) Next 1st Mini Album『träumerei 』2020.02.03 the song will released 『兎に角(うさぎにつの Usagi ni Tsuno)』for iTunes on 10.10.2019 Voc&Gt さの。Sano Gt support SAN- Ba support Tsubasa Dr support 輝喜 teruki Dr support shinpei
  9. 2 points
    Eh, that's a bit one-sided. My Japanese is not very good, so I might be wrong, but I think Asty's message mentioned that, in addition to harassing fans that he felt weren't participating enough in Kaitou's set, Masato also insulted Asty directly onstage, saying things like "a shitty band like Asty". It also specifies that when they confronted him about it and said "If doing things like that is just part of your act, you should get the other band's consent", he was like "Aren't you an independent band? Since you're not backed by anyone, there's no need to ask for something like permission", which is pretty disrespectful. It might be a bit of an overreaction to say they won't play any taibans together in the future, but I don't think they're wrong to not want to deal with someone that both openly disrespects them and irritates their fans. As far as I can tell, Asty just posted that message from Kinoko because Masato said they didn't tell Kaitou they were going to make this taiban announcement on their Twitter? Asty's Twitter says that they sent a message to a member they had been communicating with (Kinoko) and he apologized for the situation and gave them the ok to post it. The DM screenshot clearly shows this interaction. Idk, I thought they were pretty cordial in the Tweet. They said it's an easy time for such misunderstandings to occur due to missed messages/the limitations of the style of communication.
  10. 1 point
    Their new single Lumière will be released on September 23rd and will cost 1,000 yen. 01. Lumière -リュミエール- 02. Heterodox -ヘテロドックス-
  11. 1 point
    for severe addicts only will release their fourth single on July 27 at Namba Mele.
  12. 1 point
    Hearing the sample for Grief makes we wish they'd go back to more straight forward song writing. Just tighten down on better riffs and gut out all the boring fluff. The repetitive lackluster chugging they've been using since DSS is getting oooold.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point

    DARRELL New 4th Single 「HADES」

    slay me kingssss, love these guys after seeing their energy live
  15. 1 point
    I hope さよなら finally gets a recording!
  16. 1 point
    This song will be available as of 2019.10.03 on the 1st ANNIVERSARY ONEMAN♪「1th OCTAVE.」(0 yen)
  17. 1 point
    Purchased but am currently waiting on the two Jigsaw full lengths. Am curious about the 0th album as didn't find anything they've done too inspiring upto this point (but only heard two or three of the live only releases) and the 1st album sounds a lot more refined with their usual touch of weirdness so am looking forward to that.
  18. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    I just got home from seeing Crystal Lake here in Los Angeles. I had the pleasure of meeting and talking to Ryo for a min. Super nice guy, he was kind enough to sign a copy of Helix for me.
  19. 1 point


    It's ok! Nice choices, I can't help but notice aicle in there! I used to be a huge fan of aicle back in their heyday haha. Necronomicon is still such a bop~ Oh okay wow, that's really impressive. I started out in late 2006 but didn't get into it like crazy until summer 2007. I think I peaked in VK interest in about 2009 and it was still my main interest until about 2011, but after that I kind of waxed and waned for a bit. But honestly same, it's something that has stuck with me throughout the years regardless! Nice! Check out their album CHEDOARA if you haven't, it's incredible.
  20. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    omg I didn‘t know the story about Metallica watching Dirus show at Rock am Ring and asking whether Kyo‘s mouth was okay from bleeding afterwards hilarious
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    I've head SUI scream and Growl from time to time. I think he can do it just chooses not to.
  24. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    The perfect video doesn't exi-
  25. 1 point

    Honest opinions on K POP?

    You're not wrong, but I do think that there's something to be said about Kpop being "different" and "special", but the difference doesn't lie in the music, it lies in the culture. The reason that VK fans can so easily transition to Kpop is that the fan cultures surrounding them are so very similar, despite the music being so different. On the inverse - take "Black" American pop music for example: Musically, "Black" American pop/r&b/rap is like the mother of Kpop, as it directly inspires Kpop and sets the trends and standards for a lot of Kpop, yet you don't see a gang of Kpop fans praising too many "black" artists. Now the music from these two scenes are VERY similar, so you'd think that Kpop fans would also be naturally interested in both (and to be fair, some are, but i don't see this to be the case in general). But the cultures surrounding both scenes are so different that you don't really see a lot of cross pollination between the fanbases, despite the music being so similar. So I do think that kpop fans genuinely enjoy the music, it's just that the music comes secondary to the culture. I think it's the culture that attracts most ppl first, and then the music is something people actually find enjoyable after. But not often the other way around. Now obviously there are ppl who are open-minded enough not to give a fuck about the cultures and will listen to anything that they like, but the impact of culture can actually be pretty profound, because culture often gives a context in which to perceive the music. And you'd be surprised how much context can influence one's taste. I've experienced this personally many times. It was like this for me when I got into J-rock. I grew up in "black" culture where rock music was mostly considered a "white" thing, and so we didn't fuck with it like that. I didn't really listen to rock music until after I got into J-rock. Because J-rock offered a different cultural path to rock music than the stereotypical American White culture that I associated it with at the time. But after developing a true affinity for rock, I was able to go back and appreciate the rock music that I previously avoided due to cultural boundaries/ignorance. So yeah, that's my thoughts on that. Culture affects our perception of things more than we realize. They say culture is to humans as water is to fish - so we can't always see what cultural perspective that we're operating from until after we've experienced other cultures, or until after we've swam in other waters, if you will. - But with that said, I personally think Kpop is a lot of fun. I don't listen to it or seek it out on my own, but whenever i'm exposed to it, it's always a joy. The visuals, the dances, the production - the general pomp of it all - it's all pretty exciting. So I see how ppl can enjoy it. For me, KPOP is like eating sweets tho. Like yeah, I enjoy them for sure, but too much and I'll get sick.
  26. 1 point
    this doesn't have kiwamu's low budget breath all over the project and for that alone they've improved heaps tbh haters can seethe x
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    Incredibly boring. It is typical Fixer instrumentals from their Starwave Records era (and boi, was it bad). Basically, Fixer just changed the vocals and continued doing the same thing they did for the last two years. Except that Sui can't scream or growl.
  29. 1 point
    At first listen, the impact isn't impressive as their first MV, but I find both songs pretty solid. "Anesthesia" has a lots of good moments, especially that breakdown towards the end in which Nao really shines. but overall it kinda feels a bit...disjointed? In some parts Nao sounds slightly pitchy even, which is a shame because I consider him a really strong vocalist and I like his voice a lot. The chorus is a bit predictably pop-synthy. But overall I quite enjoyed it. Maybe it's gonna take me a couple more listens to really get into it, but it's not bad at all. The second one is a bit of a departure from their usual sound, but it's quite fun. The jazzy-electro swing vibe is really catchy and and Nao's vocals are on point. Defintely enjoyable, even though I kinda prefer stuff like the first one from them. But yeah, their style is defintely up my alley and I keep on digging them quite a bit, they're definitely a band to keep an eye on.
  30. 1 point
    I'm so here for this, lol. I really like the otoge-style art they've commissioned, seems like something they spent some money on :'D Honestly I wouldn't even be mad if they didn't even show their faces lmao although I'm sure they will eventually
  31. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    Gotten a couple of CDs over the past few weeks, but I've been too lazy to take pics lately. Also, here's my proudest acquistion yet - I managed to find Gara and Nero (Merry)'s old band After effect's VHS tape on Mercari and THANK GAWD I was able to buy it through Buyee. I don't know what it contains since the tape isn't labeled with anything (no release date either) but the band name and I have no VHS player to actually play it ;w; Theoretically, I believe it features the live video of "レトール" (which was already shared on Nico or Youtube iirc) but I could be wrong.
  32. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    no one: security question options/topics:
  33. 1 point

    The general Metal discussion thread

    Another album by the new Batyushka. Quotes from the first album: A true БАТЮШКА album by a band formed by the real orthodox priests from Russia. We are not some bunch of larping posers, but true christians. Quotes from the second album: New Album (The previous was in fact a compilation of unreleased songs made back in 2005). Yes we are very old band. lol. Kinda enjoyable trolling this.
  34. 1 point
    I just picture Masato watching these vk thots and going. (courtesy of my shitty paint) https://imgur.com/a/WVMHk7J
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    I just saw hyakki yakou bus was translated https://zuihitsu.blog/2019/09/03/怪盗戦隊ヌスムンジャー-kaitou-sentai-nusumunjaa-百鬼夜行バス-hyakki-yakou-bu/
  37. 1 point

    Honest opinions on K POP?

    There's no originality in it. It's just American pop music made 2 years after the fact, and sung by 8 guys with pink bowl cuts. It's an imitation of soulless music.
  38. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    Just got back from vacation to find NUL.’s live-limited single and shirt waiting for me 💜
  39. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    NAZARE - 荊海 CODA
  40. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    * SARIGIA - AGARTHA SARIGIA - EVERGREEN SARIGIA - ANOTHER PAIN SARIGIA - DECAYED *disclaimer: cat is not a recent purchase Thanks @Yutaproid1, they will be cherished ❤️
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
    Hello everyone, I'd like to start this post with a trigger warning, there will be mentions of rape in this post so if you do not want to read that then click away. So back in the days it was rumored that Totto of Devil Kitty was kicked out of the band because he raped a girl. As far as I remember this was never confirmed by anyone, but the rape allegations was always nearby whenever Devil Kitty was discussed. Recently I found Yuuga's original post on the matter, which was posted on Devil Kitty's official bbs, and I decided to translate the message. There's probably not a lot to discuss here (but if you'd like to; feel free to do so), I post this only because I've never seen an actual translation of the original post by Yuuga, and eventually the japanese post may disappear. So here's the original post in Japanese: And here is my translation: If this is in the wrong section then feel free to move it. Special thanks to @cvltic for proofreading my translation. Prior to Devil Kitty, Totto was also in: MATCHLESS, DAHLIA, L,DEAR , and had a solo project.
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
  45. 1 point

    Show us your lock screen wallpaper!

    Under spoilers for NSFW renaissance paintings. Pretty satisfied with this pairing, I don't think I've changed it in about a year.
  46. 1 point
  47. 1 point

    What has happened to Oshare Kei?

    Kote is used by Japanese bands and bandgirls. When Panic Channel started out, MEGURU would point out the different sides of the band by calling the dark side kote and the pop side C-H. What you think is kote and what they think is kote is probably different. Yeah that was from a Visual Kei styling vid. Koteosa is basically all those bands back then that are labelled wrong by the foreign fans. i.e; J∀CK11, Я苺-アールベリー, Early Ayabie, e.t.c. Look at their costumes vs the costumes of bands which are considered Osa like; ラブCAN, ヒメユリ, Shelly Trip Realize, e.t.c. And if you let's say, Listen to a J∀CK11 song then go listen to ラブCAN song. You can really tell that J∀CK11 isn't as poppy as you think they look. The koteosa bands are heavier than the osa bands, but they sure aren't gonna be heavier than the kote bands. I've never seen any other term for a visual band besides Kote, kotekote, Koteosa, Osa, Soft, Nagoya.
  48. 1 point

    What has happened to Oshare Kei?

    Haha cute but you kind of are. Osare is a joke term for oshare so yeah Nyasagi is right. Oshare means someone who's really stylish, osare means someone who thinks they're really stylish, but in fact they're not.
  49. 1 point

    What has happened to Oshare Kei?

    This is weird. I was under the impression that pretty much every new band popping up in recent months is of the lighter, colorful style and makes happy, strongly dance-oriented music with lots and loops and samples and autotune. Stuff like DEVI+TEC. Avidit, カメレオ or LUCHe. Sure, it's not classic oshare but to me it's just seems like the next step of it.
  50. 1 point

    What has happened to Oshare Kei?

    I am not really into oshare, except for Aicle. because they were pretty unique, but I agree to what the people here have said. Old and classic Oshare isn't popular for the same reason as traditional or darker visual kei is- because they don't sell well anymore. I personally don't think that heavier or darker visual kei bands are 'in' now- if that would be the case there weren't so many techno-dance rock bands who overuse autotune and are all "everything's love and peace! Let's Party!" In that case we could even dare to say oshare is somehow still alive in the neo visual trend- but only the cover in which the neo visual bands are wrapped to be sold better to fangirls and fanboys who wnat their bands to be "KAWAIIII!".
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