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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/19 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Google's apparently been listening in on people through their Google Assistant app and recording their conversations, nice. Funny how it's 'FUCKING CHINA REEEEE' when Huawei does it, but when Google or Facebook fuck up for the umpteenth time you never hear anyone making a peep
  2. 5 points

    random thoughts thread

    When you’re talking to someone and they have no clue how happy they’re making you just by talking to you, it’s such a good feeling and I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time ❤️
  3. 3 points
    finally first ep and limited demo
  4. 2 points
    No, there had been some confusion previously. Sho had always been the vocalist. Dimlim's tsubasa used to be called haiji.
  5. 2 points
    they sell like crazy and are unproblematic all around, why would they stop???
  6. 2 points
    Got D's new single "Dokeshi no Catharsis" today!!! It's so wonderful! ❤️❤️
  7. 2 points

    Johnny from Johnny's died

    tell that to the kids he molested x
  8. 2 points

    Your last music-related buy!

    Got some Boris shit. Download cards for the records would have been nice, now I gotta digitise them.
  9. 2 points

    Johnny from Johnny's died

    press p to piss on his grave
  10. 2 points
    I swear to god their looks are created using a bot mixing a random historic period, a visual kei/mainstream fashion trend, and an unrelated word or two on a formula; you can legit sum them up as: トゥーン・ワールド: 1976 Playboy Mansion Yakuza Birthday Rave Comedown 人喰テディベア: 2009 Penicillin Cosplayers Looking Edgy At An Animecon ポップコーンモンスター: 1992 Very Kawaii David Lynch Psychopath Clown Extravaganza ボクラノウタ: 2006 High School Halloween Thrift Store White Room Carnival Jesus Phobia: 1950 Masonic Initiation Meets A Failed Versailles Skit WELCOME TO GHOST HOTEL: 2005 Nu-Metal Visual Kei Scene Embarrassment 反抗声明: 1999 VK Band Graduating On A JPop Label Potpourri カルチャーショック: 2012 Tumblr Demiboy Moodboard Realness This Thing: 1984 Down Syndrome Awareness Campaign Retro-Couture (their next single: 4000 BC Indigo Child Caveman Morigirl Homage)
  11. 2 points
    CO-(ex-FUTURISM・BOYZ) (now acts as real estate agent):
  12. 1 point
    Original Saku

    New Trade-off format / Sub-forum

    I think this idea was floated at some point back when I was staff... but just stay with me for a second. I propose a change up to how trade offs are delivered and executed. Instead of the private one on one affair that they have been up to this point, we take the same setup and premise of the event and make it more of thing everybody on the forum can enjoy even people who do not want to actually participate in the event itself. Basically I think we should make a subforum in the DL section just for mix tapes and require participants in the tradeoff to post their mixes for the public to check out as well as their trade off partners. We would basically have a thread for each tradeoff and that thread would be solely to index the mixes for each event and where people can offer their thoughts on particular mix they checked out. I'm thinking something along these lines; Run the sign up thread just like normal in the general sub forum where it's always been When all participants have been matched with a respective partner open a hidden thread in the new subforum (new rule; when the participant sends their mix off to their partner also have them send a copy to the trade-off organizer) This way the organizer can start compiling a master post in the thread with each mix. once all mixes have been sent and received and compiled in hidden thread, unlock the thread and release into the world Partners will still review their respective mixes in the same sign up thread in general subforum as always while everyone else can do their own reviews/feed back in the DL thread (or we can have it all in one place, but this might need some brainstorming considering some people are really quick and might be done before the last person receives their mix...) This format will ideally accomplish several things; Increase buzz and awareness for the trade-off events themselves Give the forum a dedicated place to post mixtapes with DL links freely Encourage and foster the creation and sharing of mixtapes and new music with people lead to new and exciting evolution of the trade-off event we have come to love so much. lead to other music sharing/reviewing events on the forum (possibly user organized events instead of staff) I don't think the way we are running the trade-off currently makes much sense anymore, sure at one point it did, but we've been doing these for how long now? We need to innovate it a little IMO and make it interesting for the usual suspects as well new prospects. This will do nothing but good and promote the sharing of good music and the art of mixtape creation. @CAT5 @Zeus @Shir0 @Seimeisen @platy @paradoxal @YuyoDrift @Ito Hit me up, I'm down to flesh this out some more and really make something awesome and worthwhile out of this. Peace I'm out.
  13. 1 point

    Johnny from Johnny's died

    He died today at the age of 87. He was basically the founder of the japanese male idol groups incl. SMAP, Arashi, Kat-tun and many more. RIP. https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20190709/p2g/00m/0et/089000c
  14. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    Tracked down a copy of Sigh's Gallows Gallery in swirl vinyl. Good stuff
  15. 1 point
    Today on BP records YT , the guys in Baby Kingdom are scissoring each other.
  16. 1 point
    New single details: 2019.9.25 RELEASE!! CD only 2000yen+tax 1.Re:sist 2.beautiful freaks 3.RAVEN CD+DVD 1000yen+tax 1.Re:sist 2.偽りと影 (Itsuwari to kage) [DVD] 「Re:sist」(MUSIC CLIP) band also started instagram
  17. 1 point
    feels like meev releases a new album every 3 months or something
  18. 1 point

    What did you dream about last night?

    I had 2 dreams last night. Dream 1 My sister wanted to pull a heist to rob some building. I was totally against it saying it's a dumb idea but my parents were there and they were really on board with it and very supportive. I was loosing my mind because we didn't even have a plan, but everyone was eager. So we suited up with masks and drove to this building. When we got there though, it was raining and there was security everywhere. I kept saying how this was a bad idea but no one listened to me and just split up to find ways inside. Dream 2 I went up to a lovely air bnb cabin at the top of a hill with a view of the ocean. I was ready to enjoy the weekend and have some nice R&R. When I walked in though there was man wielding a chainsaw waiting for me. As soon as I walked in he revved it up. He looked like a crazed version of leatherface with makeup (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1 version) and had this wide-eyed manic yet distressed expression with clenched teeth. He kept twitching and making these yelping noises, almost like he was in pain. I was terrified but just kind of hurried past him trying to get to my room. When I got halfway up some stairs he started doing the dance that leatherface does at the end of movie but more viciously and psychotic. I just went into my room and shut the door.
  19. 1 point
    sleepy coffee

    Your last music-related buy!

    Kizu - human error type a I actually have 0 clue how long it's been waiting for me in my mailbox lmao
  20. 1 point

    Johnny from Johnny's died

    idk her but bye bitch
  21. 1 point

    Dad Joke Appreciation Thread

    I didn't like facial hair at first, but then it grew on me.
  22. 1 point
    is 少年時代 a dig at girls' generation
  23. 1 point
    It will be released on 2019.07.16.
  24. 1 point
    Lin deserves huge credit hes taking up a huge role, not only is he joining a huge band but he has to make up for 2 guitarists. From the samples hes doing amazing i loved him in abstracts and im happy hes here. He gets to shine with a solo on the last track very nice !
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    Oh god, finally people talking about them in english. I was bored of talking with myself and tell my friends "you better listen to me talking about them or I'm not gonna listen to you anymore" Their videos performing in a kindergarten are awesome!♥ masato should work in playhouse Disney My favorite mv from them is that one they're working in a restaurant and my favorite song is yugai hera hera. It was a pain in the ass translate it into spanish... Btw, that bangya license stuff sounds great. I'm not in Japan, but it's still awesome
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point

    Tanuki rumors (about vk artists)

    Tanuki is a pathetic place but entertaining. Ah yes, they seems to have something against foreign vkei fans. Maybe because we are generally taller and prettier?
  30. 1 point
    For me, it's the entire DIR EN GREY band members. DIR EN GREY in 1997 and nowadays are like complete different bands in every aspect.
  31. 1 point
    This thread is the most fascinating thing I've read regarding VK in a very long time. Including the Ains thread. Kudos to inartistic for all his/her hard work and detective skills. Be it true or not, this was entretaining af. After all that evidence I'm inclined to believe those bands were real but the demotapes weren't. Thanks for the laughs.
  32. 1 point
    whos juka? O_o
  33. 1 point
    [VERY FUCKING DRY HEAVING] ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
  34. 1 point
    Well this thread is like a year old but goddamn, this was hilarious to read. I just wanted to add that when I talked to ex-Da'vid/shito:aL Pietoro for the interview I put up on misa shito, I sent him the mp3s of Crime and Funeral songs, and he recognized them as the actual songs by Karma. So I'd say those are legit Karma songs and not Kisaki's, or covers or anything like that.
  35. 1 point
    I feel, as a Kisaki fan, that I'm not being given a positive, personal opinion of my own about the him, or quite frankly anything related to him. I've realized that being fond of him is somewhat of a burden too as other Visual fans usually judge me for it and constantly make me aware of his faults where it isn't necessary (not in this case per sé, as I myself looked into this topic) as I am very much aware of his faults. Every human being is full of faults. No one is flawless and there are some where it shows more evidently because frankly, Kisaki isn't that good at hiding things, and I am very much aware of it, but I don't throw a relentless fit everytime he says or does something stupid, because that's human nature. There have been times where I've been directly accused for things he did (like, what the hell...) or that I've been bullied because I am fond of him. Like inartistic said, Kisaki is hunted, preferably up towards the very cross at which a lot of people desire to see him burn and no one gives him any rest until he ends up breaking down again, for which of course, the 'fans' blame him, and regardless of what anyone thinks, he's very self-aware. As a fan this is very hard to constantly be confronted with wherever I look into topics about him. Whether that is on Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Livejournal, or forums such as these. No one ever has a good word to spare about him, and quite honestly I'm in deep on an emotional level where I feel conflicted too, whether that makes someone think of me as a rabid, obsessive, mentally challenged fangirl or not. There are a lot of musicians who have been involved in some shady business, but no one bothered with them longer than about two months, after an occurence. Kisaki's problems are following him because people are constantly shoving things back in his face from years ago (like the Kyo/Kisaki incident, or his tax evasion - of which he isn't the only one having done so, but do you hear anyone about Dynamite Tommy? Nope). There are only few who ever view him from his good side; there are tons of musicians he assisted, he's given the entire Kansai scene a foundation, man — his dedication is insane because no matter how terrible he feels, he'll stand on that stage whereas a lot of musicians already stay at home and cancel their lives when they suffer from a cold. He's always done events, brought bands and fans together, releases music on the go, made sure you could listen to your favourite obscure Matina bands and newer UCP bands, and a whole hell of a lot more. But I never read something positive about him other than the words that leave my own mouth or keyboard, and from the close-knitted group of his fans which luckily still exists on Twitter and WeLoveUCP.
  36. 1 point
    To give some ~expert confirmation~ on a few things: - myth_ceo is KISAKI. He sold UCP limited items, his own personal items, and even sold samples which he got from other bands (eg. in his blog he mentions SID giving him a sample of their new single, and then the next day myth_ceo was selling it). I'm also 100% sure that this was KISAKI himself and not a staff member. - KISAKI closed myth_ceo and now has another account on Y!J, something like iyouxi or something (not on PC and can't remember the name). I know it's him for the same reasons listed above (funnily, some people actually complained on that account about him selling samples). - He also has an mbok account which is something like deho_san (again, can't remember), though he doesn't use it often. - His time in STELLA MARIA is 100% confirmed. In addition to tapes, we have flyers and videos confirming. - His time in garden is 100% confirmed. In addition to the real tape being sold on Y!J a ton of times, there is video of garden somewhere. - I'm actually 90% sure the "Once..." tape is real as well, although probably not released as "KISAKI PROJECT" as his official website calls it. The reason I'm sure it's real is that it features the STELLA MARIA vocalist, and it was mentioned on UNDER CODE's website back in 2003 at least. So really what is in question (well, was in question) are the bands Levia, LAYBIAL, and SHEY=DE. As I mentioned before, I bought some tapes from KISAKI, but basically they are fake. However, I want to give some more complete info on them, if you'll just wait for another post. (And sorry for not posting before, but I was still unsure about certain things. Champ's post about the SHEY=DE tracks is what made the difference for me.) I will go ahead and say this, though: although we now know that these demotapes are fake, there is still more to this plot...! Please wait for my next post.
  37. 1 point
    Also worth mentioning is that this seller had at least two more copies of the bootleg Matina DVD hyura bought + at least two KELOID tapes. http://page2.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/b158133370 http://page2.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/b159894149 And this Levia tape (滅びの序章) mentioned in the thread before. http://page2.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/b158348584 I suppose 滅びの序章 belongs to a real band called Levia, the one that was listed a lot of times in CLUB GIO's 1993 list (where Kisaki's Levia never played). And as we know, their member names confirm that they had nothing to do with Kisaki: http://monochrome-heaven.com/uploads/monthly_03_2014/post-515-0-68667200-1395329942.png I'm very sure that the tape sold by this seller (who is Kisaki or someone who's involved in his shit) had a photocopied cover without these names on it. From what I saw on Naaaaani's photo, there aren't any names on the KELOID tape either. When Kisaki made up all his bullshit (probably around the time when he released his book in 2007) he just used this Levia band as a base for his "first band". Even the title of his fictional band's tape was derived from Levia's. http://kisaki-official.syncl.jp/?p=shop&id=530024&af= 滅びの序章 → 滅序章 Oh and this: Yeah sure, KISAKI PROJECT in 1994... Why not create another potential tape to sell for 5000 yen, right? I won't be surprised if this someday pops up on an auction from a user who's selling unreleased Matina and UCP stuff - more than one copy, of course. ;D The only thing so far that may indeed be real is that 奴隷華 tape by SHEY≠DE, which is listed in hyura's magazine from 1999 as their only tape. I somehow doubt that he already faked his band history back then, but who knows...
  38. 1 point
    Well, for what it's worth: the person that gave me the rip of 瑠璃の雫 also gave me 2 other demo tapes allegedly by SHEY=DE: 奴隷華 and Dark Side. Again, just rips, not physical tapes, so not really hard evidence. But the fake 瑠璃の雫 rip led me straight to the very real INSANITY tape which then showed some eerie parallels to the information on Kisaki's site. Maybe we can find something for the other ones as well. The "Dark Side" tape has already been partially identified. Gaz pointed me towards a band called 業, and upon searching a bit I actually found 2 YT vids by that band and . Those are the first 2 tracks on the tape. (Interestingly enough, the YT description says that 業 was the first band of ピエトロ and リエット, presumably the vocalist and guitarist of Da'vidノ使徒:aL - the band 業 is indeed mentioned as a previous band of リエット here. ) The alleged tape also has a 3rd track called 苦悩二果テニ which I'm unable to identify or match to any other band. However, this one doesn't really proof anything so far, since there doesn't seem to be any "official" tracklist for this particular Kisaki tape. In this case anyone could have made up a tracklist and mislabeled the files. Which would have been my normal guess, but in the light of all these discoveres.... who knows? Here are all 3 tracks from the the fake "Dark Side": https://www.mediafire.com/?0sjs1oq4w4vlwq4 Maybe someone recognizes the still unidentified 3rd track? Now, the other tape, 奴隷華. The tracklist I got matches the one from the scan above. Neither I or my contact recognized the songs from any other band. In theory, this rip could still be legit, but I'm not holding my breath. Again, I'm posting it here, maybe someone else can identify it: https://www.mediafire.com/?qg69423c4i5g72k So yeah, that's all I can offer for now. Good hunting.
  39. 1 point
    I'm not even sure if it's about money.... yeah, you can sell the tapes at a decent price, but not really THAT much that it would warrant the effort and risks involved, since you can only sell a very small amount of them without it getting too suspiscious. So... I dunno... Anyway, in the interest of the "investigation", here's the files of the INSANITY demo tape: https://www.mediafire.com/?j318rj3m133l0t0 I talked to my japanese contact who identified it for me again, and he confirmed the information I found on the auction site. He also told me that the tape is called "瑠璃の雫", just like the alleged SHEY=DE tape. He owns a physical copy of the INSANITY tape, so there's really no doubt about it, the INSANITY tape exists, the cover art and tracklist are legit, although the cover art and parts of the names miraculously also turn up on Kisaki's site as a SHEY=DE release. There's also no doubt that the files linked above are from said INSANITY tape, although - again miraculously - they were circulated as that SHEY=DE release - what a coincidence! (Btw, I changed the tags to the proper ones, since I don't want to further spread mistagged files.) Now, for the rare chance that anyone ever got their hands on a physical release of the SHEY=DE tape, please compare them with the files I linked, so we can have full clarity. XD But I have a vague idea about the result already....
  40. 1 point
    i'm starting to think that every COCKSUKEY's band before Stella maria were just garage bands of some teen guys which haven't actually released anything. and now he realized how to make moar moneyz by just making up band's history and putting up releases that never existed. so then comes the funniest part: making those "releases" himself recording some no1curr about stuff on tapes and selling them for crazy prices. DUDE COME ON AT LEAST CHANGE THE SONGS TITLES TO MAKE IT LESS OBVIOUS!
  41. 1 point
    And it was me, who bought it. Btw, I think the second tape belongs to another band called Levia, not Kisaki's one.
  42. 1 point
    And he used a picture of origami cranes to say these were gifts fans sent him while in the hospital.
  43. 1 point
    I can make a scan if you like! orz He is in fact recognizable, but the first picture shows only him. I think the 'details are secret' is weird, too, but doubt he actually faked having been in that band at this point. That was only 5 years later! And the date is the same as in the new live-history, too. I'd rather think he'd invent some releases, not the entire band. : / The other photo.. may actually SHEY≠DE, I think. The guys look very similar to the picture of SHEY≠DE on the same page. The layout of the magazine is a bit vague, so it's not clearly mislabeled or anything, but it makes it look like it belongs to the LAYBIAL section. About the blog photo, though... He clearly stated it was UCP guys! I just mentioned it since there was no photo proof of levia-related stuff or anything. He didn't just upload photos from google to his blog, he, for example, took a photo of hospital food from google and wrote 'This is my food at the hospital' under it. Or he took a photo of a broken car window from google and wrote 'Someone broke into my car' under it. And there were around 20 cases found before he shut down his blog I believe. I doubt many common musicians do that.
  44. 1 point
    I tried to find the live house archives, wherein Levia and Laybial supposedly played. I felt myself at the gate of victory, but... http://www5.big.or.jp/~gio/memories/index.html All sites are under construction... Kisaki's hand reach everywhere.
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point
    Sorry, but how are some obscure teen bands who were probably as "big" as Kisaki's band "heroes" for them...? As for the fact that it was common to copy certain phrases and titles: Yeah that's true, when you look at a number of vk bands you may see some similar titles here and there. But THIS is just too conspicuous.. I mean.. They just took a whole tracklist and simply copy-pasted it. Maybe added 1-2 songs. I don't know but it's just extremely weird that something like this was done on purpose, concerning at least 3 different bands. I haven't seen anything like this in any other vk band. This would also mean that they all had to be from the same region. How else could have such tiny bands heard about each other and even know their song titles (and the order in which they recorded them on their demo tape...)? According to Kisaki's official site (which I just found), Levia were from Wakayama (Kisaki's birth town). Nude of J (formed 1 year before Levia) were from Gunma prefecture, which is nearly half across Japan from the Wakayama area. Or maybe the 15-17 year old Kisaki traveled around Japan and went to numerous lives of bands who were together for a month and thought "FUCK YEAH! KELOID, PRAY, VIRGINING PLESURES! Guys I have no idea what it means but your song titles rock my socks! Hell, I'll make a band when I'm home and use all of them (including spelling mistakes)" No seriously... it seems a little bit too far-fetched. :/ Wow, which tape is it? Can you tell us about the songs on it?
  47. 1 point
    Hahahah, it's a great theory! But... Well, besides that there's no point in making up 1 year of band history... Sherlock says simplest explanation is probably right: KISAKI makes up 1 year of band history, or KISAKI copies some song titles? As elias mentions, there's another Levia―well, there's also another LAYBIAL, GARDEN, De=prive, Vice†risk, Of-J (several オブジェ)... You have these young boys running around in shit-fucking-tiny bands playing terrible copycat music in the no-internet Stone Age wasteland of 1993... My point is: they probably just copied each others' band names/titles/cool phrases, and were so small that no one cared. As for those DTs not being online, IMO KISAKI is the only one who owns those tapes anymore because he's the only person on the planet who cared enough to save them. Any girl who was into 1993's LAYBIAL got married and threw that shit out before VK even reached the internet, you know? And KISAKI probably doesn't share them because they're embarrassing/he doesn't have the rights. Also: I own a Levia tape and have seen others, so that definitely ends the theory. --- That being said, no clue if the songs themselves were copies of those other bands! Would only know if I had rips of all the tapes to compare. So you can still form conspiracy theories about that ! --- It was worth buying from there, 'cause the MP3s were from original masters. Unfortunately their credit card system is offline now, BUT you can find almost all of those MP3s on the Matina DEMO TAPE COLLECTIONS CD-R which UNDER CODE released (I think there's a rip up somewhere on MH?)
  48. 1 point
    KI$AKI is a reptilian from the hollow earth and supreme master of the Illuminati srsly now.. there's also another band from the 90's named Levia never saw a single trace of the actual existence of KISAKI's Levia other than those originally comming from own KI$AKI's sources
  49. 1 point
    #Wikisakileaks But yeah, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if Kisaki just made these bands up by himself.
  50. 1 point
    Kisaki's been caught for tax fraud before, so it's not implausible that either He made it up on the spot and no one questioned him (Far less likely) His bands ripped off of those bands entirely Since no one seems to own a copy of Levia/LAYBIAL stuff AFAIK, it's most likely number one. No way that stuff from Kisaki's past can disappear - after all, he is the king of repackaging and selling music.
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