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Showing content with the highest reputation since 01/19/13 in Status Updates

  1. 18 points
    Today i had a photoshoot with my friend Tsuu who used to play in Phantasmagoria/spivstates as Iori! It was so much fun! He's an awesome guy and was happy when i told him that he still have a lot of overseas fans even now!
  2. 12 points
    semi-friendly admin warning that i will revoke your right to post downloads if you continue to post shitty transcodes kthnxbai ^___^
  3. 11 points
    Looks like Google is a bit confused about Japanese metal bands.
  4. 11 points
    Something rather important I thought I’d let everyone know here. On the 1st, I’m getting an intense jaw surgery, so I’m not gonna be on for about a month. I may pop on every now and then, but uploads will be on an indefinite hiatus till around early March. I do have some more goodies lined up for around that time, and I plan on having a huge upload splurge when I come back. I’ll be on this weekend of the RH auction stream, and then the preparations begin =__=“. Just wanted to give a heads up and let everyone know since I don’t think I’ve ever been MIA that long on here before. So yeah, other than the RH stream, I’ll catch ya guys in March!!
  5. 11 points
    explaining VK to your parents/normie friends:
  6. 11 points
    Youtuphobia - a fear of downloading a YouTube rip from the DL section
  7. 11 points
    me going through the Show Yourself thread
  8. 10 points
    It’s funny how when it’s a generic pop-rock band like Zero[Hz] you guys are like “COULD IT BE MORE GENERIC?” “SO MUCH MORE OF THE SAME” but when’s it’s the most generic “MAMA I’M A PSYCHOPATH” band like Mamireta you worship them to the death....... Very funny.
  9. 10 points
    Yesterday i finally met Yuuri from Irokui. , one of my favorite bands ever <3 AND TODAY I WILL SEE UNiTE AND LOLITA FINALLY!!!! I'M SO EXCITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED
  10. 10 points

    VK girls at lives

    VK girls at lives
  11. 10 points
    the surreal moment when you're looking for a fan to grab a live-limited from a band's live, and 1 of band's members offers to do it for you (゜◇゜)
  12. 9 points
    Everyone's praising X for playing to an empty stadium during a storm, but Satsuki has been playing at empty venues for years
  13. 9 points
    Die-hard MUCC fans are probably the luckiest ones ever due to these several reasons. - 20 year music career and still on going. Never once went on a hiatus - Lineup has never changed (if this doesn't count.) - Never forget their roots whether their newer stuff sometimes sounds disappointing probably because of experimenting, they still know how to make good music as if it was originally from their initial era. I believe only very few or even none can do this. - Regularly releasing new songs unlike other big bands from the same league. - Older and way older songs are re-recorded from time to time. What surprised me most was when the original version of NO!?, their first demotape ever, was included in Ieiji. How did they manage to maintain their first song when the band's future wasn't in sight during the past 20 years? This is from a casual MUCC fan's perspective like me. I'd have a lot to add if I were a hardcore one.
  14. 9 points
    small preview of my Visual kei room *working on it since late april* and trust me it'll look so awesome once i am completely done! - current progress count: ~ 60% finished... https://picload.org/image/rpliwpdi/134.jpg i even put some cardboard behind the individual pictures to get some sort of 3D effect you can't see unfortunately on the picture but trust me it looks sick! 8D
  15. 9 points
    listening to old PIERROT should be obligatory to all these VK youngsters who worship things like MEJIBRAY
  16. 9 points
    MY LIFE HAS BECAME A FANFIC! On saturday i went to Kobe to see my favorite band UNiTE. in a event with DADAROMA, RAZOR, D=OUT, FEST VAINQUEUR and Rides in Revellion. After RAZOR concert i was totally in love for them and then tweeted that they were the best so far. UNiTE. was the last band, and IT WAS ABSOLUTELY THE BEST OF COURSE. After the concert, they called all other bands to return to the stage in order to take a picture with everyone (that usual pictures band+crowd). I was in the bottom of the live house (cuz it was the best place to watch) so i didnt thought i would even appear on the picture, but in any case i got ready smiling to the stage and making PIECE with my hands when . . .. . i felt someone pushing my arm really hard, and before i could even see who it was i've head the fangirls screaming like KYAAAA KYAAAAAA. When i finally got my eyes into the person it was UNiTE. guitarrist LiN. At some point that i didn't notice, he came down from the stage to take me and bring me to the middle of the crowd. He brought with him Kouryu from RAZOR and i was really surprised (did them stalk my twitter before that? LOL) So in the end i took the picture while hugging my favorite band member. BEST DAY EVER BRO!
  17. 9 points
    Friendly reminder: Don't be an asshat. Some of you seem to have forgotten, but we DO have rules here. Don't be surprised when they're enforced. Do yourself a favor and actually think about what you're about to post before you post it. Be sure to look over the official rules if you're confused: Have a good day, and maybe help make someone else's day while you're at it. ^__~
  18. 9 points
    @echo and i bought a bracelet for masashi and he just posted a photo of himself wearing it. DYING SO HARD T________T <333333333333
  19. 9 points
    bowie. harambe. trombe. rest in power my angels
  20. 9 points
    If I don't want to share my ~rarezz~ with the world I simply don't have to. I'm sorry, you are not entitled to my purchases.
  21. 8 points
    Minuscule update: But we now have a proper 'like' and 'love' reaction emoji, since the default was a bit of a weird hybrid.
  22. 8 points
    what my room looks like when i'm organizing cds x_x
  23. 8 points
    Nothing pisses me off faster than elitists. It's 2018. Grow up.
  24. 8 points
    it's one thing to correct someone if they fuck up. it happens. it's another thing if you act like a complete dick about it. Don't do that.
  25. 8 points
    TOP 1 WORST PEOPLE EVER: The Bragger-but-not-sharer. booooo hoooo
  26. 8 points
    I may have spent 3 hours today crying at the Budokan because MUCC decided to play their selection of MEGA EMO SHIT (from stuff they released from 1997 to 2006 + some stuff from the new album). I mean I was trying to write something cynical but they started the show with Kuchiki no Tou and ended it with Zuta Zuta so it was like a very delicious emo sandwich. I'll never refuse a good emo-sandwich.
  27. 8 points
    Japan, the birthplace of visual kei: "Westerners doing visual kei? Fxxking spicy, but what is visual kei, again?.. Z-z-z-z"
  28. 8 points
    I've been an MH member for a decade, but where is the DL section!!?
  29. 8 points
    still can't come to terms with FoLLoW's imminent disbandment so i made a video for everyone who loves the band and masashi ♡ pls watch!
  30. 8 points
    The second i heard Lycaon formed a new band, i bought two bottles of wine. Now, I have almost devoured those bottles and still my only thoughts are FUCK YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
  31. 8 points
    heartbroken over the orlando shooting, how some people can have so much hate in their hearts towards the lgbt community i'll never know. strength + solidarity
  32. 7 points
    I honestly don't understand why people bother to post in a topic if they "aren't interested" If you're not interested then why waste any of your precious time saying so? lolol also, I really don't get the whole "sounds just like all the other (insert genre) bands" um.. if it things didn't sound at least a little similar, genres literally wouldn't exist?? derp. If you like abare and say "this kira band sounds like all the other kira bands" then well, yes of course they do.... cos you don't like kira?? so of course it sounds the same to you. You literally don't have the ear to appreciate nice melodies. Likewise, if you only listen to kira, then of course all abare will sound the same to you... similarly, if you don't like the "new stuff" you prob only like the "old stuff." If you don't like the "old stuff," you probably only like the "new stuff." I mean, literally ALL genres of rock sounded the same to me before I actually started listening to it so............???????? BUT yeah idk. maybe that's just me ( ´_ゝ`)
  33. 7 points
    did you know that 「luna sea」 is an anagram for 「use anal」? I think they are a very interesting artist.
  34. 7 points
    my fav messy weeaboo moment was talking to a guy from osaka on tinder and I told him my fav band was from osaka....i sent him a xaa xaa MV. this is why im single.
  35. 7 points
    Leaving to Japan <3 Omg it feels so unreal XD
  36. 7 points
    Yuukis show was so fucking awesome! Started crying during deep in silence and when they suddenly played warai oni the whole hall went crazy, it was great!
  37. 7 points
    Sorry I haven't been around in the forum much lately. In related news, I'm getting married in 6 hours!
  38. 7 points
    I think it goes without saying that MH attracts some of the craziest people to ever grace the interwebz. Thank you for your service
  39. 7 points
    This bodybuilder guy revealed he was a vk bandman on tv (I think he was from アンド (AND))
  40. 7 points
    Started a new Tumblr! Will be posting only the best, rarest & most obscure Japanese 80:s & late 70:s private press うんこ from hell! Checkkkk it: https://popcon23rd.tumblr.com/
  41. 7 points
    Leaving for Japan tonight! Oh my goshhhh
  42. 7 points
    Just more 25 days until i move to Japan... I'm starting to feel anxious.
  43. 7 points
    If a Japanese convenience store doesn't carry something you want, is it called an Inkonbini? 🤔
  44. 7 points

  45. 7 points
    Confession: when people change their avatar I usually forget who they are
  46. 7 points
    i cant be the only one who got happy at "youtubers react" because now kyoka will finally get some attention and maybe some money
  47. 7 points
    back in my day we had to walk 50 kilometers to the nearest livejournal community to get news about magical crossdressing anime boybands.............
  48. 6 points
    She said yes! We’re officially engaged!!
  49. 6 points
    Please don't upload youtube rips. They'll just make it extra difficult for everybody whenever the proper rip is eventually uploaded.
  50. 6 points
    What do you say to Aryu when he's telling you a unbelievable story ? "Aryu serious !?"
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