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yakihiko last won the day on December 31 2015

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About yakihiko

  • Rank
    Tenten music
  • Birthday June 29

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  1. It took more than I was expecting for this to happen. Get MBHI back already man ❤️ Pretty much that. Looking perfect! I dig that.
  2. yakihiko

    Thank you Yuyo. Nice to see this kind of thread in 2019 as well. I totally got myself messed last year due to so many reasons and I couldn't even make mine and other things. I'm still in need to get some releases from last year too.
  3. Thank you for the thread. From this list, I know DIR, Girugamesh, SuG, exist trace, DELUHI, LM.C, MUCC and vistlip releases. For me, I would say that MUSIC is the best. Gonna give a check on @Zeus and @platy albuns picks, their tastes are always the most close to mine. As well for THE NOVEMBERS' picnic and DEATHGAZE's AWAKE. I like the NOVEMBERS, but I always forget to look for their past music to listen lol
  4. Ayyye, it's been a while bro. I hope all is well!

    1. yakihiko


      Hey bro, I was doing my graduation research and so I had to jump off from here to avoid distractions. I got a good grade and I'm back now.

  5. yakihiko

    I'm already hopeless about LACK CO, Tenten bro, leave already and make a new band.
  6. I'm taking that train too. I wasn't that much for their first two, but 傷痕 was such a great one.
  7. yakihiko

    I got the same MBHI atmosphere, for PINOCCHIO and as well for HONEY. Damn, we all here are surely missing MBHI a lot lol. Tenten, Kouryu and Tetsuya throw everything away and get Ryo and Daisuke from their home and get back already!
  8. That means... Akane is not coming back? :(
  9. That is some awful shit, I hope both can have a good recovery.
  10. To celebrate their 5th anniversary, アルルカン (Arlequin) will perform an one day special live in Shanghai, callled "ARLEQUIN ONEMAN LIVE in SHANGHAI「你好」" The live will be on May 20th at "BANDAI NAMCO SHANGHAI BASE", also goods will be available.
  11. Yoshiatsu Birthday Live at 高田馬場AREA on 05/20 is sold out since 05/01. The live was formally announced on 04/29. Yoshiatsu has the POWER
  12. yakihiko

    @Komorebi and @filth_y, you both talking about CRAMMY, now I'm really REALLY in the wish to hear that lol @filth_y yeah, Ab initio is another one that probably won't surfaced just like Deception :<
  13. yakihiko

    I see, never gave a proper check on their setlist report or live footage, so I probably missed that. Btw, thank you for the heads up, more for us to wait :D
  14. yakihiko

    Those are unreleased songs? Never noticed them.
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