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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/18 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    my depression is BACK !!!!! i stan
  2. 4 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    I’m hoping that due to Kisaki being “known to police”, that might make them more likely to believe his accuser. I’m encouraged that bands seem to be distancing themselves from him, and have been for a while. I get that due to cultural reasons, explicitly calling him out might have been seen as crass. It’s a step in the right direction.
  3. 3 points
    Ro plz

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    Y'all have some explaining to do. I always found blind fanaticism disturbing and infuriating especially when you have ppl out here who've done some pretty shitty things i.e Chris Brown, Kodak Black and ppl still dick ride em.
  4. 3 points
  5. 2 points
    Long-time visual-kei veterans Penicillin announced on Facebook today that they will be releasing a new mini-album on November 7th, 2018, entitled メガロマニアの翼 (MEGALOMANIA no Tsubasa). This is the third mini-album they have released in a row, so I suppose this format is working well for them. The release will come in two types: a limited edition version that includes a photo booklet (2,800 yen), and a regular edition (2,500 yen) that is just a CD. Both types will have the same track-list (7 songs), but further details are to be announced. This album is being distributed by b-mode / blowgrow, which is a sub-label of Avex Entertainment. If it's like their last 2 minis, it may also be produced under That Records, which I think Hakuei or Chisato owns.
  6. 2 points
    Didn't know which category these would fit the best, but hope this is okay! Have been slowly working on these since the late summer Inspiration mostly from 薄紅ノ葬 but combining elements from various looks, live & printed. Makeup, hair, costume by me Photos by Riotcolor ✝️
  7. 2 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    I can't believe some of you are more worried about the fate of some of your faves that Kisaki composed for as opposed to the fate of that child and her current and future mental health. Like, what the fuck lol. I hope Kisaki and this situation is dealt with properly, but I hope that it isn't blown up by media and/or press. I'd like for the woman and her child to get their privacy.
  8. 2 points


    All I can think listening to it is that it's a really fantastic first album - leaps and bounds above many of their peers, and I think if they stick around in the scene, their next one will be ridiculous. One of the few bands that I feel I absolutely HAVE to see in Japan next year. Actually, with this style of music, I think they'd be really successful in front of a western audience, too, though I know getting VK bands to the states is wishful thinking in most cases.
  9. 2 points

    My Introduction

    I understand seeing where you live. VK will be hard to get in outer space 😂. Jokes aside nice to meet you both @monkeybanana4 and @K-x-H.
  10. 2 points


    I'm really shocked that this thread isn't blowing up around CHEDOARA. I listened for the first time this morning and I'm honestly blown away! There's a similarity to Vulgar/WTD-era Diru in the overall feel of the record, but all wrapped up in this interesting proggy-djent package that I think a lot of other bands don't execute nearly as well. I haven't listened to the members' prior bands, but I love this record so far.
  11. 2 points

    Show Your Music Player!

    I've built a DIY music streaming server using Koel+Docker, a web-based music player. It's a very neat app. I have a server with a gigabit port and several TB monthly bandwidth + 500GB storage connected to it, so it perfectly fits a music streaming server. Now I just have to throw whatever I want to listen to into the server and stream it from anywhere with internet.
  12. 2 points
  13. 2 points
    ReS had the potential to be fucking huge, especially considering they called it quits at such a high point with Megiddo and Takumi is just a fantastic songwriter. They were a little awkward with the heavier material, but that mostly fell on Satsuki’s almost complete inability to provide harsh vocals. Satsuki claims that ReS was forced to disband because two of the members didn’t get along and would get into physical altercations quite often. Given current events, this seems like complete bullshit. Replacing one of the troublemakers wasn’t an option? The fact that Satsuki rolled out his solo career rather quickly made me think he was the one that ended it, and I’m inclined to believe that he was in fact the problem. I think Mika played drums on Satsuki’s first mini, then after that no one was really fucking with him anymore. His complete lack of musical direction tells me maybe he felt limited creatively in ReS and wanted to move on. It’s sad really. He can’t even get musicians to play with him. Or he can’t afford to hire any, which is probably more likely. But to drag his ass up on stage and basically karakoke his way thru his catalog, he clearly doesn’t have one shred of dignity left.
  14. 2 points

    Dir en grey

    DSS has my favorite production out of all DEG’s albums. Everything sounds really tight and I like the “dry” texture of everything.
  15. 2 points
  16. 2 points
    Inb4 this is another pregnancy.
  17. 2 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    @platy I thought I explicitly acknowledged this when I brought it up. Let me reiterate that I understand that, and that my point is not that you have to believe in all rumors or believe in no rumors. My point is if you're going to smugtweet about how correct and smart Dir en grey is to have ditched Kisaki you should at least demonstrate a semblance of awareness that the Dir house isn't exactly clean when it comes to allegations even if you don't weigh them the same. (This should probably extend to trying to hold up "vk celeb you like" as moral over "vk celeb you don't like that has been implicated" in general because you don't fucking know them or what they've done anyway.)
  18. 2 points

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    Literally just now hearing about rape allegations towards Kyo and Daisuke, but I do remember someone talking about a select group of dudes (Kyo, Daisuke, Tatsurou, a few others) that participated in questionable behavior. But there’s no doubt people just have it out for Kisaki. Of course his tax evasion bullshit and overall garbage approach to making money warrants the negative attention. But a few months back there was a “bad boys of VK poll/thread” and last I remember Kisaki was coming out on top over dudes that assaulted women. At the time, all we knew was about Kisaki’s poor business practices, but somehow he was getting more bad boy votes than Wataru, a guy that straight up fucking choked a woman. That has to be a case of serious blind fanaticism when assualt doesn’t register on your radar.
  19. 1 point
    Their new single 「シャーデンフロイデ」(Schadenfreude) will be released on 2018.10.10. (1200 yen + taxes) Tracklist : 1. シャーデンフロイデ(Schadenfreude) 2. 光(Hikari)
  20. 1 point


    Don't get me wrong, it's certainly a strong album and an astounding one when compared to first albums from other VK artists Miles ahead of that terrible EP they released many moons ago!
  21. 1 point

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    I just read through all of this... I think I'm gonna barf... It's so shocking that this person had trouble getting the police involved with all that was provided and Kisaki having a track record with them. I really hope they step in soon and everything gets cleared up and dealt with. I can't shake the feeling that child has had her mental heath ruined forever. Holy shit, Kisaki. How the fuck did this dude get to run a record label and be so influential? How come word never got out if that's how he develops relationships? Holy hell.
  22. 1 point

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    I've been away from the fandom for like a decade. I come back to Gackt backing out of MM reunion plans at Tokyo Dome, Satsuki's weird "comeback" and general dick rumours, and Kisaki's perversion. VK what is you doing.
  23. 1 point
    This is the vkei equivalent of the Shitty Mario Twitter account
  24. 1 point
    Disreign is the only project YOHIO has had that was even remotely interesting. A shame that he decided to ditch that along with his dream of Japan. This is pure garbage.
  25. 1 point

    My Introduction

    Welcome to MH These artists that you listen to have great music, i also agree with you and @monkeybanana4 about the VK Niche, It's truly impossible to other fans from the country i'm from mostly, except in anime conventions though. Enjoy!
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point

    What are you listening to?

    intellectuals only
  28. 1 point
    they better pay Eve to be their ghostwriter
  29. 1 point
    after a year of BEGGING his mitsu to fund his play hobby, we finally have decent budget promos cross your fingers ladies i hope we get the KTK/Avelcain/Grieva/Sibilebashir crossover we all DESERVE
  30. 1 point
    That's the best look I've seen from them in years! I kinda want an album as much as the next guy but at least we're consistently getting new releases. That and I really love the instrumentals the singles comes with that the albums neglect.
  31. 1 point
    I had a DVD of Nightmare’s Ultimate Circus Final live, which I believe was in 2004. He looked miserable even then. I think he was just playing the part of the stoic performer, but I’ve never seen him outside the context of Nightmare.
  32. 1 point

    The general Metal discussion thread

    🙋‍♂️ That new song is solid as hell, as expected from Architects to be honest. I've been wondering if they were going to announce an album anytime soon and that is exactly what they do, what a timing! Hahaha. I'm so looking forward "Holy Hell".
  33. 1 point
    I like the video! It really gives the live energy vibes!
  34. 1 point

    Madmans Esprit

    Kyuho is indeed very active with the promotion, a few months ago he asked around for help to get his music more known. Shortly after that, he started releasing teasers and MV's. I find it also interesting that he also is releasing covers, while he is in the middle of the promotion of ME's newest album. I think it really helped him, in combination with the music he makes, to get a deal with GAN-SHIN and ... It made me interested as well, so I ordered Nacht and the newest album as soon as I could.
  35. 1 point
    That's what the bitch needs, is a tic tac!!!
  36. 1 point
    oh hello hunni i didn't realize u were back! just in time to shill the mediocre white bois unwanted deadborn new single!
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. 1 point
    Anne Claire

    What are you listening to?

    Some nostalgia time goin' on. Still one of my favourite RES songs.
  42. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    Honestly, as someone who lived through their "try hard to be metal"-era, but also old enough to remember what came before, I'm thrilled with every new look they give us these days. So glad they decided to get visually relevant again.
  43. 1 point

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    I mean, people still like and buy Chris Brown's stuff. There's probably a more scientific term for such a delusional behaviour.
  44. 1 point

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    ohmygod they gave u a generic ambien script at a walk-in??? this is life saving omG joke's on you, I don't, I just know the consistently awful people on here obsessedly stanning the pits of this scene and I find that fact (and the fresh "how do we spin this to blame the woman!" take a few posts above) amusing, that's about it. k bye!!!!
  45. 1 point

    Kisaki Drama 2k18

    I am aware that you are referring to me, but why do you want my opinion so badly? What exactly do you want me to say that will rile up your sensationalism about this? I’m not going to speak of the subject because I am emotionally drained about this enough as we speak. Please keep these jokes in your thoughts, I’ll just have none of them.
  46. 1 point

    Film and show Soundtracks

    I'm a huge sucker for Traditional Japanese music, and the Inuyasha soundtrack really hits me. They made sure to represent the Sengoku era very well, with instruments like the Koto and Biwa used in Kikyo no Kokoro, or the Nohkan flute used in Sesshomaru's theme. The overall orchestration really reminds me of film soundtracks from the late 70's and 80's.
  47. 1 point
    @nekkichi is correct, and it is also important to consider the culture of the boards as well. Even in the English-speaking world, a report of rape or murder or suicide will be presented in a much different way on Twitter or Tumblr than on say, 4chan or Encyclopedia Dramatica. Tanuki/2ch are extremely blase and candid about sordid topics and sounding "self-pitying" (for lack of better words) would be extremely frowned upon given the board's culture. It is not a nice place. People mock suicide victims and eagerly discuss their desire to commit child abuse. While I understand the reports are just as unverifiable as anything else on Tanuki, it seems irresponsible to make judgments on what a woman's report on this type of thing "should sound like", especially for those who are not familiar with the posting culture & for those who haven't experienced or witnessed the societal and scene-specific issues mentioned in the post above.
  48. 1 point
    I think it's supposed to be ハード (Hard, like hardcore?) + コンパ (Konpa = mixer), similar to ヤリコン (fuck+mixer, basically a party for hookups). But no one seems to know the origin of the name for sure. I'm not really sure what to say about it. On one hand, it seems like the roadie system had its benefits and the relationship could be very important to both parties. I was watching the last lynch. blu-ray that came out with the commentary on, where the roadie system came up in conversation. They talked about Ai from DARRELL/DEATHGAZE's previous band, Otogi, and Hazuki mentioned that Otogi had literally a dozen roadies onstage at their disbandment live all crying hysterically because they genuinely cared about the band. Reo (who is older than the other members of lynch. and has a lot more connections in the '98-'04 era VK world) mentioned that he thought that the roadie system allowed for a lot of learning experiences, however it also made a lot of bitter memories when it was basically a glorified way of hazing and abusing people. He implied that he didn't want to cause any of his kouhai to have the bitter memories many people seemed to have from the roadie system. (I should relisten to the commentary later since this is just from memory.) I also think the near-elimination of the system means fewer talented people being railroaded or turned off of the genre just because a senpai doesn't like them, or because they can't "handle" being treated like a whipping boy, or because they may not otherwise fit in. These girls could be right that it means that even shittier people aren't being weeded out though, or that the barrier for entry is too low for bandmen with no ambitions aside from mitsu money and fuckbuddies... Especially if you do consider that there is more an emphasis on selling yourself as available directly to fans than there used to be. (Imagine any of the bands from this era doing "hug sessions".) I think the internet would have mostly killed the band vertical hierarchy anyway even if visual kei hadn't started adopting more and more "idol-ish" tactics (i.e. selling personal rapport or the illusion thereof to fans) -- it's happening everywhere now, people are able to just create and distribute music from their homes without much budget or equipment and enter a niche without outside help or an "in". It's still not totally gone though... just look at Tsuzuki/Genki and Koichi's blacklisting from venues.
  49. 1 point
    As far as I’m concerned Gackt didn’t do anything after Crescent.
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