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Status Updates posted by Ruri

  1. alright folks, in your personal opinion what is the WORST vk release you've ever heard

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. zombieparadise


      @patientZERO I hate this song with every fibre of my being. I remember seeing those guys in old Shoxx and Cure's around 2009 and I vividly remember how stupid I thought they looked lol

    3. Ruri


      @patientZERO this really is the kind of tryhard veekay edginess that only good bands can get away with lmao

    4. IGM_Oficial


      Mejibray's whole discography

  2. whats yo favourite gazetto album mine is dogma

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Enki


      Fellow dogma fan

    3. Miku70


      Very Hard question 😣. Maybe Dogma and Disorder are my favourites 

    4. zombieparadise


      NIL and NINTH

  3. it's only as i recently turned 24 that i'm coming to terms with the fact mejibray were never actually good and i just liked them because they were hot

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ruri


      i wanted to like nepenthes so much more than i did. i just wanted more SLIVERS.exe style stuff from them tbh.


      also i've heard that tzk was kind of a bully to the other members later on in their career but i'm not sure how much of a meme that is

    3. Rize


      Same! Hmm, I wonder about that. He's still making music together with Koichi, so I wonder how bad that could be.

    4. Ruri


      may just be one of those vk rumours that gets passed around. i'll fucking kick his ass if i find out he was mean to my boy Meto though >:c

  4. In your opinion what's the most overrated vk band? Active or disbanded, any era. Just curious.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Zeus


      they haven't done anything to deserve my respect in ten years

    3. Kiyoharu is God

      Kiyoharu is God

      Glay... But it's possible I'll like them one day.  I have a laundry list of bands that I disliked at one time but I really like now (Deg, MUCC, L'arc, SID, B'z, etc).

    4. nekkichi


      no henny early glay were really good, they should have released 1/20-th of their post-2000 output and heavily reconsidered publishing the rest though.

  5. hit me with ur shittiest 90s goffik PVs pls i'm in that kinda mood

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ruri


      i'll never forget the first time me and my infant son sat and watched deshabillz PVs

    3. Himeaimichu


      Gotta introduce the little tykes to the good songs early on. Have them listen to Deshabillz as babies and as teens, they'll be listening to Dir en Grey and La'mule

    4. Ikna



      Enjoy the pristine video quality and high budget

  6. all the best visual kei is made between 1979 and 2019. after that it really goes to shit

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RaeDesu


      I'm just glad my favorite band still puts out good consistent music. Cuz I agree, some of it now is not as good as back in the day.

    3. Ruri


      this status was just supposed to be a joke about how i like all vk. i don't think vk is going to end in 2019 :<

    4. Gesu


      Ooh... gomen.

      To be fair, though, I don't think it'll end, either. It just probably might not be as great as it is now (I hope that's not the case and that it continues to improve). Who knows?

  7. last.fm's layout continues to get worse

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. God


      i’d probably quit using it too, but i’m a big fan of being able to track things and keep stats for them.  it’s v satisfying.  maybe if someone made something similar to last.fm that did things better.  but it seems like people are more interested in tracking what shows/movies they watch than music.  dont get me wrong, i use sites for that kinda thing too.  it’s just cool to be able to look at my listening history too.  

    3. Jigsaw9


      I quite like the new layout of the artist pages actually, but the new 'recent tracks' part looks so lame, lol.

    4. CAT5


      Would be nice if they actually had a feed where we could see what the ppl we follow are listening to

  8. alright folks; favourite and least favourite matina bands. go

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Faves: Probably Madeth or Mirage


      Least Faves: Early Mist of Rouge, Remage, Lagna

    3. Takadanobabaalien


      Favorites: Vice risk, La'miss fairy, Mirage, Madeth gray'll


      Least fav: idk, probably some band that only released 1-3 demos. 

    4. The Moon

      The Moon

      fav: laybial, eze:qul, orgel


      least fav: velladonna 

  9. kizu debuted 3 years ago wtf can time slow down please

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ruri


      god their album is gonna be SO good when it drops though

    3. nekkichi


      me but w. rentrer en soi disband 😢

    4. Ruri


      i cri everytim

  10. today my dad was watching a video of a girl auditioning for yoshiki's Lady's X in 2016 and he asked me if yoshiki is male or female

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gesu


      I swear you can't be into visual kei without saying "that's a guy" to your friends/family at least once

    3. God


      I used to live for that question in high school.

    4. Arkady


      You aren't a true VK fan if it doesn't happen to you at least 10 times. 😆

  11. my fav thing about the yoshiki scarf thing is that the queen didnt even notice because shes like 150 years old and probably doesnt even know where or who she is

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ruri


      Yoskiki The Scarf Lady

    3. zombieparadise


      She's probably a hologram at this point, lets face it (Actually, that would explain how Yoshiki's always everywhere too, hmm)

    4. Ruri


      she's actually been dead for a few years now. they just hook her up to a generator and shoot electricity through her whenever she needs to make a public appearance

  12. i havent been paying attention to vk for a lil bit while i was dealing with some mental health issues, did i miss anything good?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ruri


      both, i guess

    3. spockitty


      wellll, im probably not the best to take on the topic as I've been here all of two months and I, myself been catching up on 10-or-so years of vk BUT that said, here goes nothing, in no particular order: 


      - DIMLIM lost two members (gt. and bass), and the world held its breath for a while, but they've just announced an album for December (as a trio) so we can all rest easy for now

      - nokubura's future is still unsure, as right after the single supposedly dissing the two lost members, their new guitarist was caught with marijuana ~karma is a bitch~

      - Despa's Hizumi is back doing some electro vk and everyone and their mother is salty about it

      - Yoshiki continues to be an asshole, hardly a news at this point, he made a 10mln yen donation to Kyoto Animation, which is all well and good if he didn't milk it for publicity to the last drop; he also met the UK royal family, unsure if it's related

      - Yumeleep lost a drummer and I'm not entirely sure which side is the general public on, since there was shade thrown from both sides, as far as I know, related to internal bullying (I'm not really a fan so dunno)

      - there's a new band around - MOTHER - and that wouldn't be anything noteworthy if it wasn't for their, let's say unique, promo campaign, check out their thread XD

      - also not strictly vk, but there are some additions to forum rules so also check that out I guess


      that's about for the stuff I cared to remember from the past 2mo ^^;


    4. Ruri


      awesome nice thank u. i will have to do more research

  13. oh cool i'm Reincarnated Really Hot People and i didn't even notice. i feel so special uwu

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zeus



    3. zombieparadise


      welcome to the family *tips fedora*

    4. Ruri



  14. i love kizu so much it's ridiculous

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wakarimashita


      Fingers crossed it's going to be brutally heavy

    3. platy


      Kizuato levels of energy 

    4. sleepy coffee

      sleepy coffee

      Kind of hope they go back to what they had going with steroid and 0 

  15. my dad is a huge fan of classic rock and metal so i showed him some of the formative vk bands like kamaitachi, color, aion etc and he didn't like any of em :< should have put maria cross on instead

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BrenGun









      Rama Amoeba



      you better can try those "glam" rock/metal bands :D 

    3. Himeaimichu


      I'd recommend Ziggy, X Japan, Vasalla, and D'erlanger, but the fact he didn't like Aion or COLOR probably means he wouldn't like these either

    4. fruitfork


      What kinda music does your dad dig ? For a typical dad into butt rock, I'd totally go with X's blue blood/vanishing vision.

  16. who invented vk? i think it was gackt

    1. Elazmus


      Uncovering the secrets of the past! Theory sounds airtight :) 


    2. Tokage


      it was mr. kei 

    3. Arkady


      @Tokage You meant Mr. Key, right? 🤨

  17. anyone give me examples of vk guys who transitioned and became women? i know anzu from atmos*note is one and there's another relatively famous case that ive forgotten and its annoying me

    1. colorful人生


      Yuuri from Irokui is probably the one you're thinking of.

    2. Tokage


      Dinah from Guniw Tools/Nookicky if I remember correctly

    3. Ruri


      IROKUI YUURI that's exactly who i was thinking of. thank you

  18. please help, i think my son is addicted to rarez. he's stopped caring about anything else. he hasn't showered in weeks, he just sits in that room looking at zenmarket all day. he punches holes in the wall whenever a sniper bid denies him a live-distributed demo tape from a show attended by 10 people at some venue that closed its doors in 2001. at first i was so proud because i thought he was taking up learning french, but as it turns out he was just naming old japanese goth twink boy-bands? what do i do?

    1. Arkady


      Try returning him, you may still be in time for a partial refund.

    2. Mamo


      Me from 2008-2012

    3. Ruri


      @Mamo me from right now tbh

  19. tried to rip a misa tape to replace the rip floating around that sounds like it was recorded underwater and i was hoping to make a clearer one where you can actually make out what the fuck he's saying... turns out he either just recorded it like that, or in a million-to-one shot, i own the exact same copy that the original rip was made from

    1. Rize


      LOL. That reminds me, I ever transcoded a thousand time with MEJIBRAY - Akercock, it sounds so funny. If you in for a laugh, here you go lol


    2. Ruri



    3. Mamo
  20. leave djent-kei behind in 2018

    1. Wakarimashita


      Or do it properly!

    2. Mamo


      Keep it just the way it is

  21. I wish more bands were creative with the intro SE tracks. The combined time I've spent listening to 90 seconds of budget electronic as a prelude to a pretty-good-not-great VK album probably adds up to days.

    1. reminiscing2004


      this hits close to home :sad:

    2. Zeus



  22. instead of sleeping i listened to kagerou all night. fuck

    1. spockitty


      good decision making 🖤

    2. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      whats the problem?

  23. confession: every time i see a page on lastfm where a vk band shares a page with other bands, i rearrange the bio so the vk band comes first

    1. lichtlune


      No one uses last.fm anymore so it's ours now. ;)

    2. Ruri


      tbh i've used it for so long now that it's just a habit. i compulsively move information around on a dead website to suit my own personal tastes and no one is there to stop me

  24. the newest kiryu single sounds kinda... lifeless :<

    1. tetsu_sama69


      I had the same issue with it. Like they understood that they weren't going to last forever because of their vocalists condition so they just gave up.

  25. dont know if i like the new dimlim album :((

    1. Himeaimichu


      Just talking musically, its not a bad album...

      ...but taking the rest of their discography into account, and all the behind the scenes drama, it's really hard for me personally to like it

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