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Status Updates posted by platy

  1. Why is it fashionable to wear flip flops and socks up to your calves now? 


    The 97 year old lady who lived next to my house in my hillbilly town has been a fashion icon for years then. The only difference her clothes didn't have the NIKE logo. smh. 

    1. nekkichi


      straight fashion sense coming through again x

    2. karai · ebi

      karai · ebi

      My uncle wears thick black calve high socks with shorts, sandals and a cowboy hat, we've made fun of him for years....nekkichi is right straight fashion sense is the only logical explanation

    3. Elazmus
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  2. WOah I now  have a yellow name and title. What does this mean??

    What are my cool new powers?

    1. saishuu


      exactly none



  3. xaa-xaa high key copied DEZERT's homework. This is one of their best songs in a long time so I'm not even  complaining




    1. Aferni


      Yet another band who passes the class because of copying DEZERT's home work, and I'm fine with it. 

    2. platy


      It's a shame that after passing around their homework dezert excused themselves from the classroom. RIP Prodigy of VK 101 class. 

    3. Duwang


      The first time I heard xax play that song last month I legit thought it was a cover. lmfao
      I was thinking "????? what song is this? This sounds familiar" the entire time. (It doesn't help that they've been playing covers at their birthday onemans this year)

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  4. Y'all can't wait for a bad production, weak ass vocalist, echo-y guitar, repetitive ass song structure band to show up so you can call it old school visual kei and stan it it to death.

    Speaking of Rands here. 


    The album art was good. That's IT

    1. platy


      @CAT5 yea, SPEAK UP BITCH 

    2. Tokage


      you could take out the bit about old school vk and this could be about literally almost any nu-vk band lmao

    3. The Moon

      The Moon

      How DARE you drag me like this. Hahahah.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  5. Years since I even cared for the GazettE and suddenly I'm craving their music, in fact, right now I'm pretty pissed they go to South America every week and haven't been to the UK in a decade.




    I need to see them at least once before I die, for the sake of the old me who was in love with them.


    In what world is that okay, EVEN in visual Kei standards . 

    Ruined a perfectly good look 


    1. Aferni


      more like a mini wig

    2. Komorebi


      I can't decide who looked weirder with that new look.

    3. platy


      @Komorebidespite everything , I'll say Tomo has outdone himself. 

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  7. You're stuck in an Island with 


    Vocalist from GRIMOIRE 

    Vocalist from BABOO



    Who do you sacrifice to the island's gods first? 


    For some reason I find myself thinking about that scenario a lot lately. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. platy


      FUCK that's who I missed!! 

      I meant to add the dude from yumeleep too. 

      I change my vote, I would tie him with Mashiro and throw both in the God Volcano. 

    3. Tokage


      there is no room for the baby man OR the yumesleep man in island world

    4. platy




      I'll probably be re-doing this poll again next month. 


      Disappointed at myself for forgetting the latest newcomer in the man-child VK scene. 

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  8. アルルカン's Shohei is a snack.



    1. saiko


      God, what a hunk he is.


      This is the first time I got this aroused by a bandoman's attributes...

    2. platy


      A HUNK indeed. Their drummer is pretty nice as well tbh, but not featured in the video.

  9.  "Karma fans are annoying!" okay, but has anyone seen TenTen fans? As a neutral bystander, they're  just as bad if not worse. 

    1. Chi


      fans of anything +1

    2. Tokage


      all stans are shit +1

    3. Elazmus


      Fandom is cancer. VK  and everyone on this site has it untreatable, tbh no one outside can even tell us apart~

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  10. "That band vividol is garbage" – My friend referring to vidoll after one listen 😭

    1. platy


      @colorfuljinsei don't fight me he's the one who said "vividol"

    2. platy


      @AimiGen7 dunno, some songs from Bijinkei

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Remove them from your social circle. You don't need that negativity in your life

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  11. vk is dead. There is no hope. This is the end. #RiPLimďim

  12. 2017: The year where I'm still not over the break up of 9GOATS BLACK OUT 

    1. emmny


      3017: the year where we will STILL not be over the break up of 9GOATS BLACK OUT 

  13. Added a 9GBO cd to my sales post. Accepting offers on everything!! 

    1. Komorebi
    2. platy


      @Komorebiyou know you wanna! Cheapest flyers & magazines in town. 

  14. Any ‘13 reasons why’ watchers here? Looking for people who’ve gone beyond the 1st season.

    1. secret_no_03


      I tried two episodes and couldn't get into it. It reminded me why school sucked so bad, nonstop drama.

    2. Seimeisen


      I shipped Zach and Alex during S2 so you just gave me a reason to watch S4

      thank you ^_________^


      Bryce's death scene was not too far imo, but it wasn't as joyous as Monty's death reveal. I would have loved to see Monty's death. He was a rapist, he showed no remorse, viewers who defended him and shipped him with that fucking weasel he slept with are all fucking delusional.


      IMO, Hannah's death was harder to watch that what Bryce did to her, for ptsd reasons. When I was a teenager, my sister had a cutting addiction started from a failed suicide attempt, so seeing that scene especially fucked me up. But don't get me wrong, the Bryce scene was still immensely fucked up.

    3. platy


      Hmm yeah this show has something triggering for everyone. I struggled with the start of s4 because they portray the journey into a mental breakdown really well and those things are still too fresh in my mind  😅 be careful with s4, Clay has been eyeing broken glass, I think he might start cutting FYI 


      To make matters worse Winston is now a main character and like I don't get at all how he could become so protective/vindictive over someone he fucked once then got beat the fuck out of?! I already hate his face. That's my issue with this show. They just have gay characters/'hotdudes' kissing to appeal to the ~irl yaoi~ crowd out there. The same crowd who makes amvs for Winston X monty. Having a f X f couple wouldn't bring in the horny wattpad teen bucks so they just keep sprouting gay hot bro characters. (Tony tho, he's great and has a lot of depth). Especially for a show that wants to StARt a ConvERSatIOn about everything, resorting to the "fell in love with my bully" trope was the last straw.


      I'll give them this, the zach x alex moment was sweet. But to me felt like it came out nowhere. But if they gonna make my boy Zach swing both ways I'll have to accept him in the team with open arms. 

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  15. Any recommendations of online shops I could buy a Halloween costume from? Somewhere like dollskill. 

  16. Any tips on how to best invest your money right now? Where to buy shares, etc. 

    1. Tokage


      seconding the above

    2. inartistic


      I'm a complete idiot with this stuff, so I use Acorns and Stash to invest tiny amounts in lots of different things. Stash lets you pick and choose a bit, so I always go with ones that pay dividends.

    3. colorful人生


      index funds 

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  17. Anyone planning on ever uploading that BABOO album...?

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      For the betterment of humanity, I sure hope not

    2. platy


      I need it for scientific research

    3. returnal


      HEY the previews sounded pretty good


      albeit i'm sure nobody has uploaded it because they don't want to deal with the diaper the CD's probably packaged in

  18. Are even Kiryu themselves able to read the titles of their songs? Jeez...

    1. platy


      @seuronglmao, thank you for reminding me 

    2. saishuu


      Isshi's spirit can't help them with that

    3. YuyoDrift


      After watching some videos of them, I'm going to say probably not haha.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  19. BandCamp Users: Any recommendations of artists? Especially OST/BGM artists.

    1. colorful人生


      In Love With A Ghost and OMORI SOUND TEAM (for OMORI the game) fit ost/bgm/vgm. I'm subbed to the former on YT (where you can go down that rabbit hole.)


      Perhaps [.que] (BRILLIANT HOPES) [OTOTOY has more of his tracks tho], Vanilla (Origin), NxxxxS (Fujita Scale), or Grant Ulysses (Asleep In The Sun) might be of interest?


      Luxury Elite (world class) and Eco Virtual are more vaporwave-y if you like that type of stuff. 


      Also gonna plug ano(t)raks, with their whole collection of artists (city pop, electronic, shibuya kei, etc.) 


      *ok i'm done doing 50 million edits. my mind explodes when i do artist recs

    2. platy


      @colorfuljinseithank you!! Did you support omori when it was on kickstarter? The demo finally came out recently, but I didn't know about it back then. I'm just glad development is going somewhere! 

    3. colorful人生


      I didn't know much about it either until early last year when there was a Kotaku article about it (which was already long past the funding period). What's funny is I've known about OMOCAT for a long time via her Zelda comics, but never knew about the game. 


      I enjoyed Undertale and Earthbound, so when OMORI does become publicly available I'd probably purchase it. 

  20. Best Disney movie is Emperor's New Groove 🦙👑

    1. Himeaimichu


      That movie along with the show it spawned was my childhood

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      One of the best!


      Another fave is Sword in the Stone for me.

    3. platy


      @psychonnect_rozen up is a classic, but is it the best? No ma'am!! 

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  21. brunette curly haired anime villains. I can only think of two so far - Naraku from Inuyasha and Muzan from KnY. Any others? I’m gonna start manifesting more of this archetype into existence.

    1. ghost


      Can't think of any but as soon as I read "Inuyasha" I heard the guitars in Fukai Mori and now I'm going through Do As Infinity's discography.

    2. violetchain


      Nephlite from Sailor Moon

    3. platy


      @violetchain yup. A minor villain, but a curly brunette villain nevertheless! 

  22. Can't wait for zonbi's new release.

  23. Can't wait to get out of this grey, cold and wet country. #partiuBRAZIU

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