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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/19 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    ppl out here gonna act like 90s band names like ✝Le+Rêve:DuCroissanT✝ are fine but a band using latin terms as album titles is too pretentious
  2. 3 points

    Hi all!

    Hey, i'm pretty bad at introducing myself but thanks for having me here I started liking vk about 9 years ago and recently started to get back and dug deeper into it, and would like to talk about everything that's related(and more!) to the genre. I mostly like old vk bands but a few newer ones too. My top favorites are: -Malice Mizer -Luna Sea -Raphael -Dir en Grey -Grieva -The Piass Hope to see y'all around!
  3. 3 points
    im uploading my an cafe folder to my google drive ^^ its a massive folder and its gonna take awhile to upload lmao so far it has 12hrs 20 remaining lmao
  4. 3 points
    They will hold their first anniversary one-man live at Shinjuku Ruido K4 on 2019.10.03.
  5. 3 points
    Their single "掃き溜めのメロディ (Hakidame no Melody)" will be released at 2019/5/22. (1,500 yen) [track list] 1.掃き溜めのメロディ (Hakidame no Melody) 2.ねえダーリン (Nee Darling) 3.サンセットビター (Sunset Bitter)
  6. 2 points
    Before the internet explosion, I remember either finding out about new music from friends or hearing songs on the radio. And when I could finally afford to buy a release, I felt excited and thrilled to be able to purchase a CD and listen to the release for myself. Afterward, I would put it on repeat for weeks on end, soaking myself into the release and sorting out how I felt about it. I guess it was like a journey starting from anticipation and ending on my fully fleshed out thoughts. On a random side note, I still remember using the now-outdated CD player since portable MP3 players weren't in wide use yet. With the internet, things have changed. On the pro side, I managed to discover Japanese music, and as a result, stumbled upon VK, finding so many popular and esoteric bands, which I have come to enjoy. As others have mentioned, and for me personally, the internet became a gateway into the world of VK (and music in general) and helped to expand my tastes in music. No longer was I listening to the radio and asking friends for recommendations. I ended up digging info as to what was being released and who was what (artist) from different (fanmade) websites, forums dedicated to anime shows/Japanese music/etc., and YouTube (although, it was quite a different beast back in those days). So, thanks to the Internet, I've managed to widen my music library, enjoy great stuff, and connect with amazing people who share the same musical interests even if we don't live in the same place. The downside, as people have already mentioned, is the amount of time spent on an album/single/release/artist is much less because of the sheer amount of music that gets released. I feel I have less time to mull over on a particular release. Instead, I listen to it a few times to gather my initial thoughts, and then move on to listen to the next latest thing that's being released. Thus, it makes it hard to really dig deep into the music and truly give it the time it most likely deserves. Also, as someone mentioned earlier, I barely use my physical CDs nowadays except to rip it since I mainly use my computer or phone to listen to music as opposed to the ancient CD player, lol.
  7. 2 points

    Far East Dizain will disband

    I could hardly say Leda’s the villain here, he’s just socially inept and has way too much on his plate than he could handle. Aggy felt a need to explain his side of the story, but there were no ill intentions in his message. Leda cried the Friday before and it was Aggy’s turn to cry that night. Sure they’ve got regrets, but what’s done is done. They’re adults now, all the shit that happened between them is in the past now and they’ve moved beyond that. You should’ve seen Leda bouncing up and down all excitedly in front of Aggy on stage. So frickin adorable. As for FED, for once I buy this musical differences excuse. The members signed up for Deluhi 2.0, and what they got was Leda’s musical cognitive dissonance. In 4 years, they haven’t even reached a fraction of the height that Deluhi reached in half the time, not to mention that DLH were able to sell out two 2K+ capacity venues almost a decade after disbandment, while FED will probably be wiped from the collective memory in a few years time. I do feel sorry for Keita, ryu and sujk relying on Leda to free up his schedule when Leda should really be prioritizing his own band. But I guess playing at small venues don’t pay the bills, and playing for big artists takes all your time away; both from your band and from your creativity. I wouldn’t even know what I’d do on that situation. His mistake was treating FED like Takayoshi Ohmura and C4 but the difference is that Keita and Ryu are still kids that have a whole future ahead of them. They’re both really talented, so I wish the best in their future endeavors. And let’s just hope Leda comes back with a better sounding name for a band next time. </rant>
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
    Pros: easy to find new bands, can listen before you buy and so on. And the sheer amount of bands gives you countless options. Cons: the sheer amount of albums being released makes it so hard to keep up, and to find a proper diamond you basically have to check out a lot of albums because everything drowns among the amount of albums. And I don't feel like I have as much time to give albums the time they need to truly shine. Back in the days, way before I had internet, the way we bought albums was simple: we bought magazines with reviews and after a while we got to know the tastes of the reviewers. So we knew who was matching our tastes in music and not. So if an album got a proper good review we'd go out to the music stores close to us and give a few tracks a listen there, and then buy it if it sounded good. And then for the next weeks that's the album(s) we'd be spinning on repeat. It was fun, but at the same time we did buy a lot of albums that gave off a good first impression, but we ended up getting rid off. Felt like such a waste of money. Nowadays that just doesn't happen to me, unless I just buy something blind which I do every now and then. Because that's a lot of fun, but sadly too expensive. This is the same as with movies, video games and so on too. Same shit. When we bought, or even rented, movies and games back in the days we ALWAYS saw/played it through. No matter how bad our first impression was we watched or played the entire thing through. Sometimes it payed off, other times we felt betrayed. ' And another pros is that feeling when I discovered new albums/bands back in the days before I had internet. That is a feeling I do not get anymore at all. Like. Not ever. But back then it was something quite special, because it was also so rare to find that one band that changed everything for you personally.
  10. 1 point
    it was announced at their oneman at 2019/05/05 at Daikanyama UNIT that アクメ (ACME) new maxi-single "モノノケレクイエム" (Mononoke Requiem) will be released at 2019/07/10 they will hold their second oneman tour "No.13" since 2019/10/05 at HEAVENS ROCK 宇都宮VJ-4 to 2019/12/01 at Shibuya club asia
  11. 1 point
    アザレア (Azalea) has changed their name to ワルアガキ (Waruagaki). They will start activities under this name at 2019/6/10 at Hiroshima SECOND CRUTCH, at which their live-limited 0th single "令和ゲコクジョウ (Ryouwa Gekokujou)" will be released.
  12. 1 point
    This is not my thread or anything, I am just helping Euronymous to get it going: Good first post by Euronymous and a very interesting subject of matter. Because there is no doubt things have changed hella lot over the past 10-20 years.
  13. 1 point
    So I'm on FFXIV and I see this lalafell called Fish Fingers who bears the title of THOT, so naturally, I examine him. He sees this and examines me back and our characters are just staring at each other for about a minute before he dances for me. His friend then shows up and pays me 30,000 gil just to pet three lalafells. I am now friends with Fish Fingers and I can safely say that this is the most perfect game in existence.
  14. 1 point

    Madmans Esprit

    The new EP is actually very black metal
  15. 1 point

    Hi all!

    is it even possible to pick a favourite they are all good xD
  16. 1 point
    There are some amazing bands that i would have never discovered if i did not have the internet, and actually i don't think i would have discovered the genre at all without internet because of where i live. But also because of the surplus of information the web gives us, i too often can't give an album the proper listening/attention it deserves. Even when it's a gem by my favorite artists i can hardly keep myself from trying to discover new diamonds the next minute. I barely experienced the pre-internet age but i would assume that back then each album was something special you held on to and you could easily appreciate it the way the artist wanted it to be.
  17. 1 point

    Ayy, thanks for the follow~!

    Ayy, thanks for the follow~!
  18. 1 point

    Hi all!

    Sweet : D what is your favorite malice mizer era? Thank you! ^ ^
  19. 1 point
    I mean lyrically they're on same level so aEsThEtiC porcus latinus really adds nothing to sukekiyo and their value; it's been grating enough in Deg. they do x it does x
  20. 1 point
    Yeah, I do very rarely listen to the same album more than a few times now. And I pretty much never buy blind. Before when I use to buy music without hearing it online first I'd pretty much get whatever had interesting covers or stuff I've heard about from a friend. And loved getting CD collections with multiple artists I've never heard of before. Now most of my CDs are not in use and I haven't even watched some of my favorite band DVDs in years. On the flip side, whoo those high quality streaming PVs. And there are still songs I listen to intensely for a couple weeks. Thank goodness for massive playlists and automatic artist recommendations, too. First heard of some extraordinary ones though stuff like internet radio.
  21. 1 point

    new band "Rumbless." has formed

    I like it !
  22. 1 point
    Boye did NOT breakup Warugaki after 6 weeks for this disrespect
  23. 1 point
    I like their new look, but like some say above its bland compared to other looks
  24. 1 point
    Didnt these guys used to have really sick and unique looks for the most part, this is pretty bland and meh
  25. 1 point
    Ellon: Stop Trying To Make "Elf On Meth Chic" Happen, It Is Not Going To Happen. Germs: Hold My Syringe
  26. 1 point


    I should get my friend's translation 😂 be back w it when i get it lol
  27. 1 point

    new band "Rumbless." has formed

    I like how all the comments are gradually getting more negative lmao
  28. 1 point

    Hi all!

    Welcome to MH! Hope you have fun here~
  29. 1 point

    Far East Dizain will disband

    it's not a rumor. it came out of Aggys mouths omebody summarized the MC at O-East. I forgot where it is exactly but I showed it to a bunch of friends via copy paste. Lol here's the text. Yall can judge. DELUHI解散理由についてのMC @55gojappe 𓍿𓇌 𓎡𓄿 Shared to login users only 199views 1favs 2019-04-19 23:58:17 O-EASTアンコールにてAggyから脱退とDELUHI解散の理由が説明されました。短文の一部のみをRTされると誤解を招くためベッターにまとめます。 みんな俺が脱退した理由知らないでしょ?そりゃそうだよな話してないもんね。 俺が脱退した理由は2つ。細かいこと言えばもっとあるけど。 1つはレコーディングで俺のベースの音が差し替えられたこと。もう1つはJuriの声が出なくなって活休してる間にJuriを切って新しいボーカルを入れようってなったとき。もうついていけないって思った。 俺が脱退するせいで解散するって話になって、俺どの面下げて解散ツアー回ればいいんだよって。 でもあのツアーが本当に楽しくて、LedaがMCで「誰か一人でも欠けたらDELUHIじゃない」って言ったじゃん?あ、これ、俺がCCレモンホールで「やっぱ脱退やーめた」って言えばこのまま続けられんじゃねぇかって。それは直前までずっと考えた。 解散した後Juriはボーカル辞めて。 LedaとSujkがやってるFEDのワンマンに遊びに行ったのね。俺は2日目に行ったんだけど初日にJuriが行ってて。そこでLedaからJuriがまたステージに立ちたがってるみたいだから連絡してみたらって言われて。でもJuriは自分がクビ切られそうだったなんて知らないし、わざわざ俺から話すことでもないし。Juriからしたら俺なんか自分が大切にしてたバンド壊した張本人のクソヤローじゃん。それでもAggyと一緒にやりたいって言ってくれて嬉しかった。 今回復活の話もらって断ろうと思ったけど、Juriが、辛い目にもあってきたJuriがそれでもLedaのことリスペクトしてるから。 赤坂でLedaが言った「誰か一人でも欠けたらDELUHIじゃない」は今度は嘘じゃないなって。俺だけじゃなくJuriのことも含めて心から言ってると思えた。 4人で集まって音出して今こうして楽しくライブできて、もしあの頃今みたいな4人だったらあのまま続いてたんだろうなって思うよ。 ************* 思い出せる限りで。なるべくニュアンスも伝えたくて箇条書きでなく話してくれた言葉を書いています。 AggyのMCを受けてLedaも当時の自分は子供で自分がやりたいことにメンバーがついてこれてないことに腹を立てていたと話してくれました。 CCレモンホールのライブで「自分の力だけではどうにもならないことがある」って言ったけど、当時の自分のビジョンとして会社を創ってDELUHIだけでメンバーやスタッフを支えられるようにしたいという目標があった。でもそんなに簡単にできることではなく、Juriが自分の歌を歌いこなせていなかったりメンバーの技術が追いついていなかったりでステージにギター置いて帰ったりしたし、楽屋で殴り合いの喧嘩したり。かと思えば一緒にバスケしに行ったり、本当に学校みたいで。今大人になってあの頃の自分は子供だったなと思います。 so ummmmmmm what i could garner here is pretty much Ledas a dick lol. But everyone's a dick anyway so this also sheds light onto what has gone on FED a bit. If you've seen tweets around the DLH reunion, keita felt a need to deny his bad feels or whatever to the fans that he's salty they had to do a DLH live and be all "I love deluhi people, i support them" and Leda was like "bh and fed should challenge deluhi as a band" like the high and mighty mf he is lmao. Compare it to the disband comments that Sujk and Leda are too busy... sometimes I ask myself "really guys? are you middle school girls?" but also im just basing off comments. take it w a grain of salt. But Aggy's comment about the dickery they wanted to do to Juri? That made me believe that well, bye DELUHI. who know tho
  30. 1 point
    Tracklist : 1.忘れられた本棚の片隅の記憶~Remember~ (Wasurerareta hondana no katasumi no kioku~Remember~) 2.メドウサ( Medoūsa) 3.クズノハ(Kuzo no ha) 4.Rumble Fish 5.カシオペア(Cassiopeia)
  31. 1 point
    That Yuma really looks like Ram/ Nagi if you look closely, no?
  32. 1 point
  33. 1 point

    Hi all!

    welcome! ahh you like malice mizer and dir en grey aswell!! i think we can be best friends immediately xD i hope you enjoy your time on monochrome heaven
  34. 1 point
    TrackList: 1. タガアナイフ 2. 僕はコピー2号
  35. 1 point
    According to the video, it's actually romanized "Menhera Busters" a la Ghostbusters.
  36. 1 point
    but the frequent use of butchered French/English is ok?
  37. 1 point
    Good band but constant use of Latin somehow feels a little pretentious now.
  38. 1 point

    new band "Rumbless." has formed

    I feel like most visual kei is like that these days. I hate the overabundance of synths in vkei. It generally turns me off immediately from a band. Especially overly glossy music videos and overproduced songs.
  39. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    I dunno if it would be if you're looking specifically for the documentary footage, but the performances per se are absolutely glorious and they contain some of Kyo's best live singing to date (the "Rinkaku" performance is probably his best live performance if you ask me). He was absolutely on fire between late 2012 (after they returned from the little hiatus) and mid to late 2013. It's one of my favorite live releases by them.
  40. 1 point
    It also seems like they will be releasing three live-limited singles titled 「フルニトラゼパム」, 「196番地の女」, and 「DEAREST」. It will be on sale starting from their one-man live at Hokkaido on 2019.05.11. There also seems to be a contest in which users can retweet/vote these songs, and the one with the highest will have an MV made for it.
  41. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    lot's of, nazis on this korean pop music forum
  42. 1 point

    Far East Dizain will disband

    Where are all those rumors from? Did someone really intended to replace Juri at some point? And how? That's completely new to me.
  43. 1 point

    MIMIC New Look

  44. 1 point

    Far East Dizain will disband

    Someone translate this into Japanese so Leda can read it.
  45. 1 point
    My body is ready.
  46. 1 point
  47. 1 point

    BatAAr will disband

  48. 1 point

    Meto speaking + dating

    mejibray stans r.n.:
  49. 1 point
    All of these lost members should just form a supergroup that randomly doesn’t show up to lives.
  50. 1 point
    Because he was mizerable.
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