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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/15/18 in Posts

  1. 5 points

    Dir en grey

    From an audio engineering point of view (mixing/mastering process), there's a lot of things that I don't like: -Drums have a lot of problems. The triggering is becoming more and more mechanic with every release. Just check out how the snare sample behaves whenever there are some snare rolls or fills happening. That's a really serious issue that almost every mid-tier triggering software can solve (even with Drumagog you can get a better and more natural snare sound). Beyond that, I really like the snare sample, much better than the one used in 'ARHCE'. Bass drum is OK: I'm not a big fan of the 'typewriter ' sound, but it works on this song. Toms are the worst of all: they sound mechanic and 'out of the mix'. When triggering, and if going for a 'natural sound', one should always try and get the full samples of a whole kit. On this single, it feels like it doesn't belong to the same drum kit as the rest of the samples. Maybe the engineer was using samples of a kit that didn't have rototoms and ended up using that sample. Anyway, it sounds really out of place. Also, cymbals have no presence whatsoever: they sound really weak and I have the sad feeling that they are also sampling them! -Bass is barely hearable. Really weird: they dropped entirely the Korn-esque sound they had on the last previous albums in favour of a more regular sound. You can hear it "pop" during the choruses, but it sounds really bad. This is a real mistery: I wasn't a big fan of how loud and mid-fueled it was on previous albums, but at least you could hear Toshiya's amazing and clever bass playing. Here it is non existant. -Guitars sound horrible. I mean, not as horrible as the mid-scooped guitars in 'The Marrow of a Bone', but they still lack energy and presence. It's like they scooped mids and highs/trebles and boosted the shit out of the bass frequencies with a multi-band compressor. That way, it clashes with the poor bass sound and causes the whole mix to bloate. The cleans in the intro, on the other hand, sound really good. Too bad the dynamics are horrendous... -Vocals sound good; my only complain would be the wide-panned vocal scream in the section after the second chorus. They clash with the guitars and overpower the rest of the mix. It sounds really unbalanced. -Dynamics are TRASHED. Chorus has no dynamic impact, only emotional one (which is good but not enough). The song sounds very linear: just check out how the intro creates anticipation for the main riff but ends having no impact. The lack of DR destroys the build-ups. I would love a good WAV-rip of the song to measure the dynamic range, just to confirm my suspicions. -Overall, it sounds 'over-processed' and over-compressed, a problem that was already present on 'ARCHE'. The thing is, somehow, here everything sounds sterile and opaque. I'm no mastering expert, so I cannot really say if this is an issue that could be solved with just a better mastering. Mastering can do wonders (for example, I once worked on a record that had really poor toms that where miraculously enhanced with mastering), but I think 'Ningen...' is a real mess. I really feel the song should be remixed from scratch. From a music production point of view, there's just a couple of small things I do not enjoy; keep in mind this are more personal: -The transition from the verse to the first chorus does not work. It does not have flow and feels really forced. On the other hand, the transition from the verse into the second chorus is flawless. -The vocal layering on the second bridge sounds really bad. Same thing happens with the vocal layering on the section after the second chorus. I applaud the audicity to innovate, but I think the mixing does not favor it. It sounds badly recorded and the metrics feel wrong. Don't get me wrong: I really like the song and I am very excited for the new album, but I feel like the band could do so much better in terms of production and engineering. I hope there's a lot of variety in the thirteen songs, just like on Arche; I also hope the final product has a superb production and not an average/mediocre one.
  2. 4 points

    Hello World!

    Hello! I joined this site because I want to discuss v-kei in a place where most people should be very knowledgeable about it. I mostly like early 90s bands like Rouage, Silver Rose, Sleep My Dear, etc.
  3. 4 points
  4. 2 points
    Schwarz Stein has announced at their oneman live that their new mini-album will be released in September! Details tba. They will also have a tour through 5 cities later in the fall.
  5. 2 points
    ABOO new mini-album "禁猟区より、七連奏 (Kinryouku Yori, Nana Rensou)" will be released at 2018/9/26.
  6. 2 points
    Karma’s Hat

    Dir en grey

    It's the sort of loud, farty jumpdafuckup guitar wall of sound mallcore garbage that they've done lately that I can't stand, and the production just emphasises the fact and I'm praying it won't be too prevalent in the album itself. The shit they did to the remastered Uroboros tells me that someone, either in the management or the band or otherwise, suffers from an acute case of bad taste to which the only cure is death. They'd sound more tasteful recording everything through a xbox 360 headset
  7. 2 points
    YAAAAAAAAAAAS ! I hope they come up with something as epic as usual, unlike that shitty latest Kaya solo release.
  8. 2 points
    Here's the music video: Here's the details about the DVD-R that comes with the special edition from Disk Union: DVDR収録映像→2018/1/14渋谷RUBY ROOMにて開催されたワンマン公演から6曲前後収録(TIME IS FATE、BELIEVE他・・・)。 ※資料用映像2カメラを大胆に編集した感動巨編。 +2016年ツアー冒険浪漫ダイジェスト風映像を大胆に収録。 本編20分+オマケ映像10分CRYの超大作。
  9. 2 points
    I haven't heard the whole single yet, but I did actually like the music video (except for the dead-eyes empty stare everyone was giving, haha). I'm excited to see how a vocalist from a different scene affects this band's music, and if they can finally shake this awkward transition between "We're not Versailles!!!! " and "We're...melo-death-core-vampires-in-space-that-are-really-into-astrology."
  10. 2 points
    her face is giving off eerie real housewives of tokyo teas tbh
  11. 1 point
    Damn, this song is so good. Someone posted the Japanese lyrics on the music video on YouTube so I went ahead and wrote up the romaji and an English translation. The original lyrics are quite vague and conceptual as is the case with Japanese but I did my best to lace everything together. Any feedback/suggestions welcome! --- Kanji Romaji English
  12. 1 point
    村井研次郎 (Murai Kenjirou) (cali≠gari) solo allbum "UNDERMINED" will be released at 2018/11/07 (11 tracks, 3240yen) [guests] COALTAR OF THE DEEPERS【NARASAKI(Gt)Kanno(Dr)Koji(Gt)AKIRA(Gt from Plastic Tree)】 NoGoD【Kyrie(Gt)Shinno(Gt)K(Dr)】 cali≠gari【石井秀仁(Vo)桜井青(Gt)】 ELLEGUNS【Panther(Gt)JOE(Dr)】 etc.
  13. 1 point
    'Nobodyknows Heros Come Back' and dir en grey's 'vinushka' comes to my mind,what about you? Please share whatever songs/albums/artists/opinion or anything that comes to your mind i would love to check them out!
  14. 1 point
    Purple Stone new single "飛んで火にいる恋する夏の虫 (tonde hi ni iru koisuru natsu no mushi)" (3 types) will be released on 2018.08.22 http://purplestone.jp/discography.html#7thsingle
  15. 1 point

    Hello everyone, Hi!

    Hello everyone, I've been a long time fan of Visual kei for almost half a decade ( If you consider that a long time?), I recently found out about this site from a friend who mentioned it and I thought I'd check it out! I'm into the oldschool side of things, I do not mind some modern bands, although I'm not a big fan of the cookie cutter thing that's going on nowadays. To give you a feel, I'm really into Malice Mizer, La' Mule, Parasite, Baiser, Noi'X, and I'm a HUGE deadman fan. Other than that, I enjoy playing my guitar, listening to normie music, and collecting old military items. Please feel free to talk to me, I don't have much friends so hopefully that can change! I deeply apologize if I accidentally posted this in the wrong forum, I have trouble navigating through sites like these!
  16. 1 point
    I love this and I didn't think Yoshihiko would ever scream in a song. I am surprised. XD
  17. 1 point

    Hello everyone, Hi!

    I love that deadman album! Haven't listened to the original version though, only the 2.0 rerelease.
  18. 1 point
    爆烈ストーム‼︎ (Bakuretsu Storm!!) Vo.渚 (Nagisa) will depart at 2018/9/25 and they will temporarily pause activities at that date.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    The messy guitars don't bother me as much as the drums. They are awful, specially on Ash. Utafumi does sound a lot better live imo so Nigen probably does too.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    The mix is good as a whole, there's just some questionable decisions in the single that I feel limits the overall impact of the song. Kyo's harsh vocals in the bridge -- a first for the band -- are completely muffled by the guitars. His cleans are clear, but then the growls are mixed as if they're backup vocals when they're not. Or maybe they intended them that way. Either way, bad mixing choice IMO.
  23. 1 point
    1/256-th Japanese rap legend! (NOT AN ENDORSEMENT)
  24. 1 point
    new look individual:
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point

    Selling all my ALSDEAD collection

    I'll let you know !
  27. 1 point
    Venelli. will officially begin activities on September 8 at Nagoya MUSIC FARM.
  28. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    The beginning with the clean guitar tones is fine aside from Shinya’s MIDI sounding drums. Once the distorted guitars kick in its all downhill. It becomes an indistinguishable mess. Toshiya is barely there. His bass tone is fighting the guitars for the same frequency and ends up getting lost. No dynamics, it’s all just way too loud. Listened to Ningen and Utafumi today actually. They both sound even worse after a couple days of listening to CHEDOARA.
  29. 1 point
    Right. I like the verses but I think the chorus is a bit repetitive :x
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point

    New band AIDMA has formed + will disband

    AIDMA will release a music card (2 songs) at their live on August 23, starting at 1000 yen. For each retweet (from 8/1~8/20), they will subtract the amount by 10 yen. If they reach 100 RTs, it will be free of charge. [music card tracklist] 1.MEMORIA 2.CIRCUS
  32. 1 point
    I assume he's filling orders, they already had all kinds of orders before I ordered mine so I assume we'll all get it. He didn't exactly say how many there were left.
  33. 1 point

    [Spanish] Se habla español~

    estamos en presencia de un nuevo indiolfo?
  34. 1 point
    Exactly my feelings on the album. It's quite pleasant, well-executed and easy to listen to for a chill afternoon. Which is entirely what I don't look for in a DEZERT album...
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    door and dystopia sound ok, nothing is fab and should have been sang by Hakuei or anyone else other than howling former miyavi roadie imp chanteuse, everything else is pure garbage and some tracks are serving sega saturn sound compression tbh I sometimes wonder what's stopping aiji from forming his own resistar-style label and producing awful music for a bunch of half-idol half-label puppet performers, and decent music for his own thing/other major artists but like it's p rhetorical at this point, homegirl probably lives off his 90s pierrot peak' savings anyway.
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
    Autumn Anime 2018 Chart is now available from here: https://www.livechart.me/fall-2018/tv
  39. 1 point
    some of the member comments seem very salty, reminiscent of Mix Speaker’s Inc. disbandment comments, drama ensuing on tanuki salty samplings: choice comments from tanuki
  40. 1 point

    New band "SOCKET" has formed

    I thought the singer looked familiar for a second, but I think he's just giving me flashbacks to this:
  41. 1 point

    New band "SOCKET" has formed

    I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little bit entertained by that, haha.
  42. 0 points
    how rude, cum closer is her top-5 sangs tier
  43. 0 points

    Alex Anwandter New Release - Locura

    this new single is like Odisea - Odiseo, the most underrated album in chile ❤️
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