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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/18 in Posts

  1. 6 points
    I don't know why but it feels like every single interview, review or article written about X Japan or Yoshiki in particular in the west are a bought shill piece ghost-written by Yoshiki himself. The amount of critical questions regarding the delay are always nil. I guess a guitarist falling sick is now legit reason to scrap the whole album, even though it was supposedly finished and the member returned to the band after recovering? So either the album has 100 songs, which it better have after this long wait, or Yoshiki doesn't understand how percentage works. It's nice he's acknowledging that he doesn't care what fans want, he NEEDS to make his English CD because this is really all about him getting to mingle some more with C-list celebrities at baseball events. See also that the magazine claims it's an interview with the band, yet only Yoshiki seems to be interviewed. Just disband already, this has been a train wreck for ten years by now.
  2. 6 points
    finishing touches...to...a....finished album?... ya, that one person who claims we just love to hate him for no reason
  3. 4 points
    And what would be the artistic output of this "new" project? Nothing, because that's what YOSHIKI produces musically. NOTHING, just like S.K.I.N.. They haven't produced a new album that's a decade in the making, with three deadlines that have come and passed by now. They haven't remastered their old albums to give us anything in the meantime. The album's been 90% done in perpetuity. And somehow he has the nerve to sell $300 tickets to an event where they play nothing new. I have half a mind to lock this topic because this album is never coming out, but I enjoy the salt too much.
  4. 3 points
    I think you're right! His twitter has been wiped except for RTs about Mira's joining. btw Ba.コウジ (Koji) has changed his stage name to ガノ (Gano).
  5. 3 points
    lol I thought X had made an alcoholic beverage and were selling a single to promote it. The hell is that band name?
  6. 2 points
    new band, "Marvelous Cruelty" has formed sometime in March 2018, and they have held their first live on May 14, where their first 2 demo CDs were sold (now sold out). On October 20, they will also be one of the opening acts for MIRAGE's next live in Osaka (along with Crucifixion & La'veil Mizeria)! [lineup] Vo.魁那 (kaina) Gt.綴犂 (tsuzuri) Gt.紅瑠 (kurenai) Ba.紫菟 (murasaki)
  7. 2 points
    Here's another Mamireta translation, this time for 死因:わからん (Shiin: Wakaran). I managed to get my hands on the kanji for 死因:暮らし and 死因:無視 too courtesy of ZERO so expect translations for those. The kanji for 食べたい (Tabetai) was on Jpopasia so I'll do that at some point as well since there was a request for it in the Ojamashimasu thread. As before, any suggestions or feedback welcome. And what did you think of this song? --- Kanji Romaji English And just for fun:
  8. 2 points

    Your last music-related buy!

    Bought these while my trip! Thinking of doing a live report/review later when i have time! Crucifixion - 十三月ノ明晰夢 第十一夜 「Apocalypse」 Crucifixion - 十三月ノ明晰夢 第十二夜 「哀玩人形」 Crucifixion - 十三月ノ明晰夢 第十夜 「Nostalgia」 Metis Gretel - Scream Guiltily La'veil Mizeria 「薄紅ノ葬」 La'veil Mizeria x Crucifixion「死穢」ニ惑イシ慟哭 Bunch of chekis from different events Mizeria A photoset & a fucking travel mug (they only had one in the table, had to have it!)
  9. 2 points
    I translated the lyrics into English from Jez's Portuguese translation. She had the patience to read and transcribe the awful scribbles in the lyric booklet, so huge kudos to her. Requested by @ItsPunky
  10. 2 points
    The band was formed in March 2018. Their first live was on 2018.04.22 at HOLIDAY NEXT NAGOYA. A guitarist called 夜空(Sora) was the first guitarist but because of some circumstances, EIKA took over him.
  11. 2 points
    they deprogrammed Toshi from his weird cult thing for THIS.....
  12. 2 points
  13. 2 points
    The lighting makes it look like he has a gigantic chin and I can't unsee it.
  14. 1 point
    Hello all MH users! With the suggestion of @chemicalpictures, I bring you an analytical discussion of a song lyric I've chosen, along with its PV. Seems like this is the first time anyone has done this here so to get things pumping, and hopefully make this a success, I chose to pick a song from the increasingly popular band DEZERT. Being quite well-known for their food-related themes, as you can tell from their song titles and album titles, DEZERT do not only bring a dark and grimy atmosphere, but also present an unpleasant and repulsive feeling to your gut and mouth. If you ever took the time to read their lyrics you may never look at food the same way again. But hey, I love them for this. @Zeus Let me know if there's a better section for this. Since I'm discussing about both lyric and PV I thought I'd put it in the general section instead. Let's get right down to it and take a look at the original Japanese lyrics for the song, 胃潰瘍とルソーの錯覚 from their album タイトルなし(Title Nashi), which was written by Chiaki, and then the translation, which was done by me. Kanji: 胃潰瘍とルソーの錯覚 -taken from rocklyric English: Gastric Ulcer and Rousseau's Illusion 胃潰瘍とルソーの錯覚 is a song about love and the fear of the truth and the future, written in a grotesque manner. Looking at the song title, 'gastric ulcer' ties into the food and cannibalistic theme, and after reviewing the lyrics and PV several times I've concluded that the gastric ulcer represents a kind of punishment for one's sins. A punishment for killing the ones you love and eating them to the bone, obviously. It is there as a reminder of your sins. Another piece of information we get from the title is the name 'Rousseau'. Who could this Rousseau refer to and why did Chiaki choose to use this reference? (Unless the word ルソー means something else?) The first name that comes up on google is a philosopher named Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Apparently, he advocated freedom politically and made an influence during the French Revolution. I can see how 'freedom' may play a role in this, but am still puzzled as to why Chiaki would reference him specifically. If anyone is willing to dig further into this, please do. Something else worth speculating is the way Chiaki divides the lyric into (A), (B), and (A.B), like a story with chapters. But then why (A.B) at the end? Maybe it's a middle section between A and B? It's possible, but I think A and B might refer to Boy A and Boy B (since he mentions 少年A under the (B) section), where as A.B refers to them both of them together at the end. If you have thoughts otherwise, please comment below~ I know there's still a lot to speculate about the lyrics, but let's get to the fun part and explore the peculiar PV. As if the lyrics were crazy enough, here we have additional themes like gender, homosexuality, and the butterfly motif. A young boy puts on lipstick, kills butterflies, and gets together with other males as he grows older......to kill them for their flesh and bones. The PV follows well with the lyrics, but what intrigued me the most was the butterfly motif. We see the butterfly appear when the young boy plucks its wings and smiles, and in a few flickering screens of an injured butterfly throughout the PV. Then, at the very end we see it once more in the form of a tattoo on the left arm of the man who kills the boy (see pic below). What an ironic turn of events, seeing a butterfly, which you have mistreated in the past, the moment you die. However, since the butterfly has been depicted as being weak, being robbed of its ability to fly, I think it also serves as a representation of his weakness for not being able to face the truth and the future. In Japan, people also believe that butterflies carry souls to the dead, or represent souls of the dead, therefore adding to the irony of his fateful death. I don't want to write too much so I'll leave the rest open for discussion! I'm sure there are deep-thinkers here who have something more interesting to share. Or if not, point out something you find interesting and analyze it, even if it's something little. It could mean something more than you think. For example, you think those wire mannequins in the PV might represent anything? Or maybe it's just a piece of decoration. For those who have knowledge in Japanese, please share thoughts about the original Japanese lyrics and other possible translations too. Have fun! ^^ Feel free to leave any critiques as well~
  15. 1 point
    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SorbDc_tvQJxFBB6gzaZz1WoE-HJo-5OlzBxEym16k/edit?usp=sharing Shipping World Wide. Payment is Paypal. You will incur the paypal fees. Any Questions or Pictures just ask. Also willing to trade for stuff. Just look at the tab on the bottom left.
  16. 1 point
    In the future, please be sure to put some of the names of artists for the CDs in the title of the topic. It will be easier to find potential buyers that way! Thank you.
  17. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    Well, at least I'm not dead yet. Luckily the Cafe Mori powder I have is pretty good too.
  18. 1 point
    karai · ebi

    random thoughts thread

    I used to work there...and I'd be more worried about all the crusty rotten milk residue that I saw left in mixers / cans / pitchers, and dust / skin particles left on the dried fruits and powders when I wasn't the one on cleaning duty. That and the mystery stinky glop from the back that goes into all the fraps, that's supposedly the 'magic' ingredient. Really nasty stuff I'll never drink or eat from there again lol. Sorry it's probably some unwarranted input, but anytime I see things about Sfux I go a little bananas. 😔
  19. 1 point
    Ah I see; sorry, I don't follow this band, and I must've looked at their twitter too quickly ^^;
  20. 1 point
    ^ They have not dissolved, how the news says they are former components of Roub, except the current vocalist JUN (Metsu in Roub)
  21. 1 point
    The lyrics really make you think "THIS is really selling for triple of its original price?!" Thanks for the translation
  22. 1 point
    I think Mira is vo.彪牙(Hyuga) (ex.シアン(Xian), Mummy)
  23. 1 point
    I’m taking the entire week off work for this
  24. 1 point
    bitch better beg yukari to let ha back on FWD again without the bullshit copycat Deg looks and living room/parking lot PVs tbh, otherwise she's done.
  25. 1 point

    the GazettE new album, "NINTH" release

    Their Europeans versions are always cool, and way cheaper, I'll definitively order it there. Gotta support European companies still loving v-kei here.
  26. 1 point
    R-Café - 硝子の街 月ノ破片 - 契り FerrisWheeL - 黎明レゾナンス Ordered: La'veil MizeriA x Crucifixion - 「死穢」ニ惑イシ慟哭 らせん - 想失 Enigma - MCMXC A.D. (180g) (Red LP) Gheorghe Zamfir - A Theme from Picnic at Hanging Rock (LP) Clannad - Macalla (LP)
  27. 1 point
    Archemi's suppose to be Buddhist-kei right? There's a lot of crossover between Buddhism and Traditional Japanese culture. The biggest example of course being temples. Plus, I mean...I was actually going to comment that it sounded like Kiryu too tbh. But it's just an opinion, you don't have to agree with it.
  28. 1 point
  29. 1 point
    this is going to be nice,love "old school kei"
  30. 1 point
    This. I became frustrated with the band in a similar fashion as the GazettE when they started falling off the wagon, post DIM. The music was complete ass but the looks stayed consistent. At least with the GazettE, some of the blame could rightfully be shifted towards the label switch to Sony and after DIVISION, they started dropping significantly better music. Mejibray, unless I'm correct didn't have that (kind of )issue. They just got worse and worse over time musically but again stayed consistent with the stellar looks. Its clear that they became complacent with where they were, the die hard fans they accumulated, and had no indication of evolving their sound. There's nothing wrong with that but for a band that had so much potential, you really can't blame people for jumping ship at all. I'm also under suspicion that another reason why Mejibray fell off was because whoever their main and possibly only song writer was, must've ran outta steam hella quick. It became to hard to start telling songs apart....
  31. 1 point
  32. 1 point
    *SPECULATION* Crazy theory, but I think this *may* be an alter-ego band/new band of zekkooo_lalala. Besides following all their members, zekkooo_lalala's twitter account also follows Marvelous Cruelty, not to mention that some members look alike: Also, zekkooo_lalala will have a live at LIVE HOUSE D' on the same day as Marvelous Cruelty's first live at Shinsaibashi soma (which is today). Again, this is just speculation...👀 sorry if I'm going overboard with this, lol, I just literally noticed this...
  33. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    satoshi (DIV) photocard SCREW - CAVALCADE アリス九號. - TSUBASA. シド - 嘘 DOG inTheパラレルワールドオーケストラ - BLACKブルドッグ/ラブラドールオーケストラ
  34. 1 point

    Dir en grey

    Oh come on, don't believe those words like that. It's more than obvious that they're close-knit brothers. Else, it would be impossible for the band to survive that long. Besides, they've said in multiple interviews that the others are important to them. Kyo said right from the start that he wanted to do a band with those people again, aside of KISAKI, and that even he as an antisocial dude wanted to talk to Toshiya. If there was no internal fight that nobody of us knows of, they're definitely connected by more than just professionalism.
  35. 1 point
    I really like La'Veil Mizeria because of that whole "revival" look. I think the track 「泡沫」 on their 「寂滅饗筵」mini-album definitely reflects the sound that was popular in the 90s and early 2000s for VK also.
  36. 1 point
    that actually sounds p neat, now give us pink weave and a death metal album and we're cool again x
  37. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    I actually got this back when it was released last month, but I never got around posting about it. Ignore how messy my CD bookcase is at the time being. This is what I got in the mail today. Some Gastunk vinyl. Banana Fish album and two Sleep My Dear singles. Girltique flexi-disc and Tokyo Yankees autograph board. This cool special issue of Rockin' f magazine from 1994. The magazine featured a lot of early 90s VK and late 90s VK groups, so I was super excited to see some less featured early VK groups (like Amphibian and Red Tail Cat) get some attention in this magazine and seeing early versions of Baiser, Shazna, Vasalla, and La'cryma Christi.
  38. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    glamscure - shadowscapes ジグラット × La'veil MizeriA - 逢魔ヶ時に鐘は鳴る ジグラット - 逢魔ヶ刻の情景 Crucifixion - 哀玩人形
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
    people like to reward garbage and seem incapable of finding and enjoying good music
  41. 1 point
    I can't get over the A E S T H E T I C S of this music video, holy shit.
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