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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/18 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    君は鋭く。 (kimi ha surudoku.) live-limited 1st mini-album, "quiet room" (2000 yen) will be released at their live event, "残響、攪拌、振動覚についてvol.12" at Takadanobaba AREA. [tracklist] 1.視聴覚室 2.ザザ鳴る 3.バニラスカイ 4.Orchestra sleep quietly 5.呼吸音 *tracklist is subject to change
  2. 4 points

    DEXCORE new single "NEW ERA" release

    DEXCORE 3rd single "NEW ERA" will be released on 2018.06.27 in two types (limited edition : 1944 yens / regular : 1620 yens) [tracklist] 01. NEW ERA 02. magnet 03. The Sky is Crying (regular edition) DVD. NEW ERA MV + MAKING (limited edition)
  3. 4 points
    Back to the roots please... Ive tried to get into their latest releases but I cant with these pop style songs they dont sound like a band.
  4. 3 points
    REVIVE first live limited full album "The final prologue" will be released on 2018.05.23 It will contain 13 songs and MV collection for 5000 yens.
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
    Being from a deep south state I can relate. Though I've only managed to have one casual LDR for about a year, but when he moved to Japan we decided the time difference was too much and he wanted to see how guys were there. So RIP that lol. After that I spend all my time alone. I do have a best friend I've known since pre-K, but aside from past jokes we have absolutely nothing in common in interests or aspirations or anything at all. What I learned to accept was the solitude, and my advice is to never go out looking to force friendship or even acquaintanceship. Chances are both parties will be very irritated after awhile and it won't be a fulfilling experience. It seems that the people who will want to hang around or chat casually will come to you, when you're just doing your own thing, it's best for it to happen naturally even if it's rare. (For instance my ex started out as someone I hung with every night on an MMO, thought he was just some rando I'd never see again, but eventually then he wanted to know me more and we moved to things like skype and LINE.) I'm not sure how or if it's even possible in these areas to just go outside and 'make' a friend lol, and I hear Utah can be a lot like the deep southern states too? Lot of Mormons or something. I've seen people do it but when I listen to them talk it's so superficial it makes me tired. I think it's not worth bothering with if you can't be yourself and share your interests. Sorry not too good at organizing my thoughts, but I think if you stop thinking about it too much then eventually people will come to you when you don't expect it, be online or offline...(usually online lol)
  7. 3 points
    I might be starting a new job on Monday! I'm super hyped!
  8. 2 points
    a crowd of rebellion 3rd full album "Ill" will be released at 2018/07/11.
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points

    Tanuki rumors (about vk artists)

    I usually like looking at Tanuki threads after concerts to see the fans opinions on the live and more importantly, if something major happened that I didn't see (like the time a girl brought a pink vibrator to a live and was using it like a light stick... and also made one of the bandmen pose with it during a two shot...) so it's definitely entertaining at times! As far as rumors and stuff go, I don't really care so much tho. Ehh like anything else it just depends on the person. Everyone is different and people shitpost on the internet all time so sometimes I wonder if they even believe what they actual post. I even actually was called pretty on a Kiryu thread one time which was so bizarre to me because I'm like, black and plus size so not at all the ideal beauty standard for Japan. Also on that same thread they were talking about how it was nice that a lot of foreigners were at the live and hoping that the band could do a world tour one day.
  11. 2 points
    Pretending the “blessing to lose heart” refrain really is “prostitute you’re a prostitute” makes Ningen better.
  12. 2 points

    Your last music-related buy!

    Just received those ♥
  13. 2 points
    Yeah but at least you got access to the dl-forum now
  14. 1 point

    IGGY new single "a Vision" release

    IGGY new single "a Vision" will be released at 2018/05/02. TrackList: 01. a Vision 02. 神威
  15. 1 point
    drunk enough to listen to some good old gothies. found myself repeating fear cult and radio scarlet, oh sht.
  16. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    Could've sworn I've seen these before
  17. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    SIN (Kagrra,) photocard SHAZNA - Tokyo Ballet Reprise LM.C - PUNKY HEART VIDOLL - CLOUD PIERROT - COCOON pleur - la premieré porte
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    That's actually what I thought lol Their look seems very vk and looks like Chizuru even has long hair again!? Since the peak of their music was when Chizuru had long hair I feel a bit hopeful
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Haruka returned for Mei's birthday live. Also, he posted something on twitter that according to google's crappy translation, he's in an exprimental studio with some different friends' band? Here is the original tweet and picture.
  22. 1 point

    Metis Gretel one-day revival

    The memorial DVD (which was sold at the live) is up for grabs at David's webshop, Japan only; I may have to ask if it'll also be available at the overseas shop. There's also cheki of Sui from the Ray live and the Metis Gretel live, but of course the Metis Gretel cheki sold out as soon as it was announced. https://wizardstore.thebase.in/items/11037231
  23. 1 point

    DIR EN GREY - TOUR18 真世界

    I think VoS is the only Dir en grey album i have in my library, aside from Vulgar. Definitely says a lot about how i feel about this band lately. Great setlists, as usual; but like someone said, this is probably their swan song era -- who cares if we get an ARCHE II.
  24. 1 point

    DEXCORE new single "NEW ERA" release

    they seemingly scrapped every song from that year-long youtube campaign, interesting. black pig was an abortion so I hope this one is at least on par with their first CD 😷
  25. 1 point
    YESSSSSS JUST KEEP GIVING ME WHAT I WANT havent disliked a tune yet. Keep em coming.
  26. 1 point
    I'm on hiatus (probably overdue). hmu on twitter/fb if you need me.
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    One of the small joys of being a VK fan is the unique phenomenon of enjoying a band while having absolutely no idea how to say their name. And I don’t mean because a band’s name is in Japanese, I’m talking those band names that are ostensibly written in English but because of weird characters or punctuation you just have no idea how to properly pronounce or verbalize their moniker correctly (although most of the time the pronunciation just completely ignores the extraneous symbols). Let’s try and trace the history of these unnecessary symbols and letters in VK bands’ names and highlight the influence (or lack thereof) of these punctuation provocateurs. D’erlanger The band: One of the proto-visual kei bands that began in the ‘80s and had an outsize influence on the first generation of post-X visual bands. The name: D’erlanger kinda makes sense as a French word, so they themselves are forgiven, but it is apparent a lot of teenagers in the 80s who would go on to become players in the golden age of visual kei saw that apostrophe and thought “oh cool!” for entirely unintended reasons. I said D’erlanger makes sense as a French word… but it’s not a very ‘band name’ kind of word. Can’t imagine throwing up the metal horns to a band called ‘from Erlangen’. See also: L’Arc~en~Ciel, La’Cryma Cristi, La’Mule L’Arc~en~Ciel The band: No introduction necessary really. Almost certainly on the Mount Rushmore of VK bands, whether or not you like what they’ve done since the start of the new millennium (and I don’t). Pretty and melodious songs with just enough edge to appeal to a wide swath of fans. Not to mention a sexy frontman. The name: Another word that makes sense if you’re French, but L’Arc~en~Ciel up the ante by adding some tildes for no reason other than young Tetsuya and Hyde probably thought they added an even more magical feeling to the word ‘rainbow’. L’Arc~en~Ciel’s (making their name possessive *does* add a certain balance to the word…) popularity in both VK circles and a mainstream audience meant that adding dumb punctuation in the middle of your name for no reason was now completely tolerated. Tetsuya has specifically denied he got the L’Arc~en~Ciel moniker from a cafe near where he worked as a teenager with the same name. It may have also been stolen from the D.H. Lawrence book ‘Rainbow’, but even that story is tainted because it includes the *movie* version. See also: a million song and album titles with tildes in them, E’m ~grief~ cali≠gari The band: Either groundbreaking, experimental rock that revolutionized and kick-started the ‘eroguro kei’ genre, or dissonant-sounding weirdos; depending on your tastes. The name: Obviously lifted from the groundbreaking German silent horror film “The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari”; an admittedly cool source of inspiration for an art-y VK band. The name even has a cool rhyme and visual symmetry when written/pronounced in Japanese (カリガリ). See also: a ton of also-ran bands that have stuck unnecessary equals signs in their names: Loz'a≠Veria, D≒sire, Kar+te=zyAnose, Eyes≒Mirrorge, PARANOID≠CIRCUS ZI:KILL The band: Early VK rockers that burned out too quickly to be mentioned among the all-timers. The name: Originally formed as G:KILL, which doesn’t shed any light onto the inspiration for the name, but is an interesting fact. G/Zi:Kill both *kinda* sound like Jekyll when katakan-ized, and Visual Kei has no lack of love for that story. You may be noticing a trend so far; early VK bands apparently hated having blank spaces in their names. See also: La:Sadie’s, ru:natic,【_Vani;lla】, ha;qch, DAS:VASSER, L'yse:nore Aliene Maφriage The band: One of the harbingers of VK starting to get really dark and almost certainly offending the middle-aged parents of the teenagers listening to it. Lots of leather and hair... and in Aliene’s case; some good songwriting to back it up. The name: In the book Freakonomics the authors cite a study that shows, all other things being equal, people are more likely to be asked to interview for jobs if the interviewer/hiring manager can pronounce their name. I have to believe this is why even Kyoka & Co. started writing their name simply Aliene Ma’riage eventually; they were probably tired of having to pitch things to record label execs who looked at their name and thought “pass” before they even heard the banshee wails. I couldn’t find anything about the origins of their name. It is a vast improvement over their original moniker Autism though. See also: √eight, ∋elf gravity∈, ZETSURIN⚡HAGUKI Kagrra, The band: The undisputed kings of beautiful neo-japonisme in VK. The name: Even Kagrra,, who peddled a very classic Japanese aesthetic, weren’t immune to an unnecessary flourish such as a comma at the end of their name which, when spoken, led to a kind of hesitant mumble as if you were supposed to continue a train of thought which was still at the station. I mean, revisit that previous sentence I wrote, should it really have been written “Even Kagrra,,”? Kagrra,’s name certainly gave the editing staff at Shoxx a headache. Kagrra,, originally called Crow, took their name from 神楽 (Kagura), a Shinto music and dance tradition. See also: Thankfully the comma didn’t catch on much. +DéspairsRay+ The band: One of the rare examples of a band who can pull off unabashed zetsubou unironically and follow it up with soaring choruses and catchy melodies without sounding disjointed. The name: Another band that dropped some of the more superfluous parts of their name as soon as they started to gain some popularity. If I had to guess, their name is probably one of the most mistagged in VK. I know for sure if I opened iTunes right now I’d have songs by +DéspairsRay+, DéspairsRay, D’espairs Ray, Despairs Ray and probably more in my artist lineup. The members of the band haven’t commented specifically on how they chose the name, with Zero even saying “It's nothing special.” I interpret this as ‘we know it’s dumb, don’t ask about it please’. See also: VAL+IX+LIA, MARRY+AN+BLOOD, Ti+Dee Nuvc:gu The band: Nobodies. The name: I honestly was pronouncing this “nuv-ka-goo” until I heard @Biopanda say “New vogue” in a Rarezhut stream and the lightbulb went off. I almost want to give them credit for using the *shape* of punctuation to emulate letters, but then I realize that’s incredibly stupid unless you’re working with some seriously custom fonts. See also: VΩID, k@mikaze, SHAD∞W, XOVER Exist†trace The band: Probably the most successful all-girl-kei band ever (which unfortunately isn’t saying much). Started out very gothy and have gradually transitioned to a more mainstream sound. They let the pretty one sing and it makes me sad because Jyou has come up with some flat out beautiful, haunting vocal melodies. The name: Miko said in an interview that, And let’s be honest, that explanation makes no sense. It sounds cool though, and really that’s what you need in a band name (and something unique that can be Googled). My biggest problem with their cross symbol is that it probably shows up as a question mark or some other placeholder punctuation 20% of the time because who the hell has the time to look up the unicode symbols? (although I’m sure people who write about Witch-house bands have the code for the cross symbol memorized.) See also: Serpentine†Ghost, Jail†Breaker, Vice†risk xTripx The band: A surprisingly endearing mix of oshare kei and numetal. The name: Weirdly, I always pronounce the first ‘x’ in xTripx’s name but not the last one (ecks-trip). I actually think more bands need to come to terms with the fact that eventually the world will run out of new band names and everyone will have to resort to having a moniker that looks like a circa-2002 emo fan’s AIM screenname. See also: xジハードx, 【TRiANGLE▼SONiX】, Noi’X 12012 The band: Undercode stalwarts that started out lo-fi and disjointed and nu-metal influenced but very charming, and graduated to poppier fare when they decided to take a stab at becoming famous. The name: ‘Ichi ni zero ichi ni’ if you’re Japanese, ‘twelve-o’-twelve’ if you’re me. Allegedly named after a section of the California penal code that deals with illegal weapons… and that actually kind of tracks. It’s an extremely boring section though (besides we know Wataru prefers hand-to-hand combat): Not a cool law for a band name. I think we’ve got a retconned term a la 420 and 311. See also: Plenty of other band names that need a pronunciation guide: 0801弐209XX6* (zero hachi), …。(silence), 6→7 (upper) *The guitarist of zero hachi should get an unnecessary punctuation in band names lifetime achievement award. He was in all these bands according to vkdb: †Zaide†, Diod'honneur, カレヰド, re:Make, 0801弐209XX6. Be sure to add your favorite band name with unnecessary punctuation!
  29. 1 point
    nuvɔːgu is actually the incomplete IPA notation of the japanese pronounciation of 'new vogue' - incomplete because the stress indicator (as well as intonation markers) are missing, although I'm guessing the stress would be on the second syllable: [nuˈvɔːgu]. The [ɔ] signifies a specific way of pronouncing the letter 'o'. In this case it corresponds with the 'o' in words like 'not' or 'shot'. The weird little colon indicates stress on the preceding syllable. There's a couple of bands who use(d) IPA in their bandnames: Act∫uə √èil (the only real IPA characters here being [∫] which corresponds to the 'sh' sound in words like 'shoot' or 'shine' and schwa [ə], c.f. separate. Another rather elaborate one would be:【zɔ́:diæ̀k】 - unsurprisingly the IPA form of a somewhat engrish pronounciation of the word 'zodiac' (which in AE would actually look like this: [ˈzoʊdiˌæk]; in BE like this: [ˈzəʊdɪæk].
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
    Thanks to everyone for the words. (Sorry, not sure how to put it ;^^) I find myself overthinking about myself when I talk to someone, or when I hang out with someone. I may have not said anything offensive/awkward, but then my anxiety tells me that I did and that person now hates me. I've gotten better to a point, but it's still hard to find someone here that I truly could consider a best friend. But I feel like in time I'll eventually be okay with that. I can attest that the way Mormons are is that they are very superficial, especially since I was raised as one. In our Young Women's especially it was hard, because I was into different things than the other girls so they tended to shun me but then turn around and pretend to be nice whenever our leaders were around. So I've grown up thinking this is how everyone is, and that they're being nice to me to save face.
  32. 1 point

    Haklo new band have formed

    I'M SO EXCITED FOR THEM!!!!EXCLAMATIONMARK!!!!! And I'm REALLY glad that they're all together and that they didn't go in a completely different direction musically :DDDD I noticed on their HP that they have a song called ゼロの戯愛 (idk how to read 戯愛 T_T). I wonder if it'll be a remake/rerecording of zero? they distributed that one for free at lives, so maybe??? But omg I just wish mio didn't change his name to miyavi... i can only think of miyavi miyavi when i think miyavi... as in MYV miyavi. lol and idk why yuno thought ei was a good idea for a name... miyavi and ei will be weird to yell for me haha i like that kaede is using the same kanji for his name that he used before though! i hope i can remember all their new names and don't accidentally call them by their old names >< omg they took down all the lux stuff on youtube??? I forgot to download everything T___T all of the sadness T____T
  33. 1 point

    General KPOP Thread

    this is how my mind works.
  34. 1 point
  35. 1 point
    Its a tad obscure but the Casshern one was pretty smokin
  36. 1 point
    I feel you a lot. I can't connect well with people where I live, since I'm in a tiny town where a lot of people don't share my interests. And even though I have some best friends, a sort-of spiritual brother who cares about me, and a loving girlfriend, I also feel alone and find people hard to talk to or approach. And family? They're toxic and abusive so I don't even bother with them. Life can be pretty hard when the only people who care for you are so far. A lot of the time, all we can do is just look out for ourselves.
  37. 1 point
    Go back a year and there I found myself in a similar situation. Our town isn’t necessarily big, but not the kind where you know everyone either and the people that I knew weren’t quite the ones with similar interests and friendships therefore waned rather rapidly. Until not so long ago I didn’t have friends around but I started hanging out with the same people more regularly and it wasn’t something I was seeking for at the moment. I met them during concerts in my area and things clicked quite smoothly all of a sudden. Before this I spent most of my time in solitude – during some moments I was desperately looking for connections and relationships but once I gave up that search, things started to come along more naturally because it didn’t feel forced. I enjoy my time alone but it’s definitely nice to not be alone anymore when I need or want someone around. As is said above, you could try and join a club or attend activities where you’ll meet people with similar interests (for me that’s in metal concerts). Don’t be scared to go alone either, there’s nothing weird about attending a venue, club or bar (whatever is your fancy) alone, it’s quite easy to speak up to people when you have that universal hobby or artists you’re waiting to see.
  38. 1 point
    I feel you a lot on this. Growing up and living in a southern small town is hard for people like me to actually express themselves, and to maintain genuine friendships. I've lost a couple of friends, one due to differences, but mostly because we no longer speak to each other. Sometimes I think it's my own fault, since I also tend to shut people out after a long period of time, and I just want to be alone most of the time. It's hard though when you want to live out your own life independently like a normal person rather than rely on family all the time. I would love to break out of that mold, but my anxiety doesn't allow me to express myself fully, and there's really not a lot of interesting people around me anymore other than here and Twitter.
  39. 1 point


    I quite liked it, it's a nice release. I especially enjoyed Mugidou.
  40. 1 point
    I can relate to you on some levels, sorry for the long post. Recently, I realised the only one I really hang out with is my partner. That's okay because he's also one of my best friends, but I just needed different company. The area where I'm living is hard to meet new folks since it's known for being old-peoplesvile. I reached out to old friendships that were neglected, I also joined a life drawing group (I haven't made any lasting connections but at least I'm not isolated) and I actually made a good friend through tinder, although we're in different countries. I think having meaningful relationships with others is important, but having more shallow interactions is good too. For example, your co-workers. But the thing you need to be aware of are emotional vampires. These are people who like to pretend they're your friends but all they do is talk about themselves and their problems and you feel obligated to listen/help, but when it comes to you talking about your issues they suddenly turn their ears off. Friendships come when two people put their effort in. Does the person initiate conversation with you? Can you both talk freely about a variety of things? Do you both take an interest on what the other has to say? If it's one sided, cut them off. Like @123Sandman321said, it may seem harsh but it's better to be alone than with bad company. This month I cut off 2 morons who were always going on about how they valued me as a friend, but really they were just taking advantage of my nature and using me as their counsellor. It's exhausting and you don't need that. If even by having these people around you're heading towards a dark path, get rid of them and you'll be better off. Today it's normal to have mates everywhere in the world except where you live lol unfortunately these are the times we live in. There are ways to feel closer though, like Skype and rab.it where you can watch things together and "hang out". Since a couple of my close friends are in another country we have dates where we call each other and rant about life or just arrange to watch or play something, I highly recommend this rather than just messaging all the time. I know you said it's hard for you to travel, but if you can, consider it. It'll take you away from your routine and hopefully brighten your mindset. While youre away you might even meet new folks. I can totally relate to this. Here's how I see it: Do THEY talk a lot? Then you have every right to talk their ear off too. I was thinking about this, how so-and-so talks so much and I must be really boring because I never have anything to say. But when I really look at it, all she was talking about was just bills, work, her health, etc. so I started talking about the same things and my worries were gone lol TL;DR: Put yourself out there to meet others, cut off selfish people who don't add anything to your life, find ways to connect more with people already in your life, don't be paranoid about bothering others because they're clearly not worried about bothering you.
  41. 1 point
    Well, I come from a slightly different spot on this topic. Also, it's kinda rambly, I'm sorry. While younger I used to live in a mentally devastating household and that left me with social anxiety and completely closing myself in. Any form of escapism, be it music, books, games, and later writing and photography were my only solace. So, that equals, nearly no friends or other serious relationships. The person that I am now, is one that has overcome those anxiety issues. Well at least a slight bit, now that I have at least a few people I can trust completely. What helped me, was standing on my own feet at a young age (compared to the norm), own place, job as a bartender (later in sales) and further fuelling myself with things I loved doing while finding new ambitions to strive towards. And while it can be somewhat difficult to catch up to those 20 years of socializing that others had, I no longer care, I give time to people I want and when I want. You seem to cling to what you have, even though you aren't happy with it. People who can't ever be bothered to listen to their friends are meant to be cut off, they aren't worth your time...it might seem harsh, but they don't seem to make you happy. The one major thing I suggest doing is reaching out to your best friend...I really don't know on what terms you have decided to end the friendship, but it might be something to help. Also, definitely don't force the new relationships that you are building up just for the sake of having friends, it's selfish. I'm not saying to stop socializing, but laying out all your baggage and niche hobbies usually scares people I know damn well, since I've been there Bottom line, what I'm getting at, is that you should lean on the things you love to do, find new hobbies with some kind of artistic expression, take up sports, (all these things come with the added bonus of other people doing them, too, you know, same interests, etc.) lean on your boyfriend, I dunno, anything to keep you from dwelling on the things that depress you and drag you down. I hope it'll get better for you. Also, feel free to message me any time
  42. 1 point
    My arms are killing me from the last KRAD live 2 days ago but not because of KRAD because Mamireta, Devil Kitty, and Gallo were also playing ;-; Maybe I'll build some muscle or something LOL
  43. 1 point

    Axkey will disband

    Just a heads up that you can get either Type-A or B of DVDs containing live footage from their last live if you purchase more than 5000 yen of stuff from their webshop, or both if you spend >10000 yen. Last day for placing orders is 4/30. https://axkey.base.shop/
  44. 1 point
    comment if u relate!!
  45. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    I paid a visit to Vertigo Music, located in Grand Rapids, MI, for celebrating Record Store Day; this is my haul, influenced by a few familiar faces whom I caught up with during my time there. Can't wait to spin these beauties! Starting from top left going clockwise: Against Me!'s Shape Shift with Me Thursday's Kill the House Lights Placebo's Without You I'm Nothing Turnstile's Time & Space Wolf Eyes' Undertow The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die's Always Foreign
  46. 1 point

    零[Hz] first album under BP RECORDS

    Actually Leo, Ryoga and Rio are such good composers. I wouldn’t say it’s a ghost writer on their case.
  47. 1 point
    The new DIR EN GREY artist photo and artworks for DIR EN GREY’s 29th single 『人間を被る』(Ningen wo Kaburu) have been unveiled. Deluxe Limited Edition Limited Edition Regular Edition
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
    rich sugarmommaz
  50. 1 point

    Worst Jrock CD Cover

    Excuse me, but this isn't the "Best Jrock CD Cover" thread.
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