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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/17 in all areas

  1. 4 points

    NEW BAND "One thing" has formed

    No its because they are only releasing 'one thing' and then disbanding Jk they sound really nice I need more so hopefully its not just 'one thing'
  2. 4 points
    Why can't we bring back lulz like this? http://web.archive.org/web/20080918123608/http://www.taintedworld.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=7074
  3. 4 points
  4. 4 points
  5. 3 points

    LIRAIZO new releases

  6. 3 points
    Lol @ Bayblon's Yon sticking out like a sore thumb Decadence (3) / CANNONBALL (3) / Shock Edge (3) / SUMMIT / Yougenkyou V.A.'s DuelJewel (2) BABYLON (3) Due le quartz (2) Vidoll (3) Chemical Pictures (1) Guy's Family (1) Nightmare (1) Thanks Rarezhut November auctions! Tune into the stream today to snatch your own
  7. 3 points
  8. 2 points
    The boys are back with a new album! 『PANTHEON -PART 1-』 2017/04/12 Regular edition: 10 songs (¥2,778) Limited edition: 10 songs + DVD (「PHOENIX」Music Video 「PANTHEON」Music Video) (¥3,241) They also announced a bunch of lives for 2017: 「PANTHEON TOUR ZERO」 2017/4/21 ar 初台DOORS PANTHEON TOUR -the first movement- From 2017/5/4 at 恵比寿 LIQUIDROOM to 2017/6/25 at 仙台 CLUB JUNK BOX. And finally, their Euro Tour is now named PANTHEON TOUR -the second movement-“MATENROU OPERA EURO TOUR 2017”
  9. 2 points

    random thoughts thread

    So yeah i'm a shopping addictic shithead and spend 50 $ on a Rasen Tape. Vacations Who?
  10. 2 points

    Show Yourself (again)

  11. 2 points

    NEW BAND "One thing" has formed

  12. 2 points
  13. 2 points


  14. 2 points

    Show Yourself (again)

    Got my hair a new cut today. It's kinda weird still to have lost like all hair on one side but shit happens and I like it.
  15. 2 points

    Your last music-related buy!

    Got a smaller package in with a bunch of goodies~
  16. 2 points

    random thoughts thread

    Don't worry...your time will come
  17. 2 points
    What was once cool and new is destined to become uncool and old. ANY movement is going to peak and then decline at some point. It went from a huge movement/style down to a small niche thing in Japan. And like how there are still sleaze and hairmetal bands forming in Hollywood and playing the Whisky on Tuesday nights, just because there are new bands and an audience for it to a degree doesn't mean it isn't a dead genre. It said what it had to say. Fans in the west were 5-10 years behind the times. We discovered Visual at the turn on the century, and spent the decade not only getting into the bands that were around, but all the cool VK bands from the previous two decades. Needless to say, there was a TON of great shit to discover. But, eventually, the well ran dry. For most people I've met that were into the genre, VK was like Kiss: a gateway drug into music in general but for weaboo/nerdy kids. Some people got into goth stuff (guilty!), some got into screamo and numetal, some got into prog rock, whatever. But the common thread is that 99% of them left that shit (visual kei/kiss) behind once they discovered more music and refind their tastes. What's left is us: the creepy Kiss fans still painting our faces and shit to come out and see Gene Simmon and Paul Stanley phone it in for the millionth time at our local casinos. Arguing about weather Kiss would have been better off to keep Ace around, speculating as to the whereabouts of Vinny Vincent, and debating what is truly the worst track on 'Hot in the Shade.' It's the way things go. If you don't believe me, pop on over to the MetalSludge.TV message board and see old 80s rocker guys, now in their 50s, doing the same thing we're doing here. I'm here because Visual Kei changed my fucking life, man. Defined who I was, what music I listen to (I own David Sylvian's Weatherbox FFS), how I dressed and wore my hair. Every smoking hot girlfriend, every cross country tour, damn near every good thing that happened to me can more or less be traced back to getting some shitty .asf and .rm files of Luna Sea, L'arc, and Malice Mizer music videos back in 99 or 00. Look, we were there for it. Love it, accept it, talk about it, listen to the old albums that meant so much to you, maybe even find a cool new band or two (I like Xaa-Xaa), etc. but there is nothing sad about that graph. This thing, it was our thing. And that's all I have to say. Gotta get back to making fun of Yoshiki.
  18. 2 points

    NEW BAND "One thing" has formed

    and obviously i love them
  19. 2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. 2 points
    And Budokan would finally be used for its original purpose xD I always imagine bands literally battling each other whenever I see "vs" in a tour title . I hope DIR EN GREY vs PIERROT's photoshoot will look like this:
  22. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    travelling the world? pfffffft, bitch please, we are better than that. who needs that bullshit if you can stay in your room and stare at your Rasen tape all summer long?
  23. 1 point

    New single/album from A9

    good single but why is everybody using "one eye" "cross" or " triangles" ? .--.
  24. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    Finally, so glad to have 時限式:uadjet's second single <3
  25. 1 point
  26. 1 point


  27. 1 point
    ^it's cuz they have that "one thing" with each other
  28. 1 point

    New band "まみれた" has formed

    hmm....kinda looks interesting so far i hope they're not shit, but who knows
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point

    new band "Veriel" has formed

    That's Morrigan's logo ... The music isn't terrible, but it's nothing to write home about. The song was actually pretty decent until the chorus took away all momentum it had.
  31. 1 point
    So we got a few pretty cool things in the mail this morning. Some of these will make an appearance on the auction. IMAGES INCOMING https://www.facebook.com/events/356160634744067/
  32. 1 point

    TRA TRA TRA (トラトラトラ)

    I can't wait for the album either! ITS ALMOST MARCH
  33. 1 point

    Initial'L new single "VISION" release

    well that sounds awful so far, but look at those gaijin! look at tha daddy!! former indie darlings have grown up now and can afford wypipo promotion!
  34. 1 point
    Sorry my Japanese is not good....But seems like they have a release on 2-26-17 1. Fleeting Beauty 2. 方舟 http://ameblo.jp/hora23/entry-12243307823.html
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    What I noticed based on those pics and things I have discovered from J-netizens (incl. tweets above) and Kyotakumrau (thanks girl for updates): - Kyo kinda progresses towards 2004-2005 era throwbacking with his latest looks - Kodou-meets-Saku-PV-kind of looks, anyone? - We could say the same about Kaoru => NEW HAIRCUT (literally screaming) - Die is fab - Shinya is fab - Toshiya is the kind of super-hot soon-to-be-40 Japanese fashionista posterboy, no homo no hetero (swooning IRL) Idgaf about his flop brand but sheesh: - I would love to see them stay "demi-visual" like this compared to what most Will-like chaps would desire for while going forth saying "das super gay I want my MOAB/Uroboros era back kys". Just seriously. I don't even listen to their music that actively anymore (1-2 songs per month and I am not even kidding) but these guys never fail to get my attention. Go and snatch some wigs, DT's little boys~
  37. 1 point
    Kyo's mode of UROBOROS look has been on point.
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
    well it's a clear upgrade from his former ass clown persona ngl he looks good, maybe it's time to retire golden cancer and focus on acting for live action mooviz and stuff
  40. 1 point
    Incredible. Remember like 15 years ago when Yoshiki said he couldn't release whatever project he was working on because someone broke into his car, where he had the master recordings sitting in his car baking in the sun, while he ate lunch in LA and stole them...... and he didn't have them backed up.... anywhere? I didn't believe it back when I was 14 and I sure don't fucking believe it now, either. Dude is a just a deluded liar.
  41. 1 point
    1.おひつじおやぎ 2.おねむこどもべや 3.まいごえんえん 4.のんれむはぐるま 5.ひつじかいそうかい 6.ゆめうつつゼロ 7.あかめのおひつじ
  42. 1 point
    Chris Corner will sue her :>
  43. 1 point
  44. 1 point
    what if they're going to fight each other in a wrestling competition
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point
    One of the issues that stand out the most to me is the difference in promotion. Kpop goods are easily available and for every release there's a huge PR campaign around it, as if it was the release of the century. They create insane hype, my sister always goes on about ''so and so is having a comeback'', here I am thinking they haven't released anything for a year or so, but it's more like they haven't released anything for a few months and it's celebrated as a comeback. In VK they release a teaser and announce 20 different CD types. Guess what? Those CDs cost an arm and a leg. Whereas in kpop you get a photo book, stickers, this and that plus the CD at a SUPER affordable price! Of course this is likely because Kpop is POP therefore they make enough money to be able to sell stuff cheaper. I think VK was appealing back when scene and emo was huge (like other people mentioned) but now scene fashion is dead, so is the interest in vk. The look scares people and it seems to be getting more extravagant/stupid by the day. I saw a bandman basically cosplaying voldo (Soul calibur V) for a release a while ago. Let me tell you... Very few people will be comfortable enough to approach a band where a member is voldo. In the 80/90s glamrock was a thing, men with make up and feminine looks were seen on daily basis on mainstream TV and androgynous get ups were almost accepted. So maybe VK was embraced more then. But just a few ideas: - there's a new rise in interest in gender non-conforming ideas in the new generation. This could *possibly * bring an interest to VK in the future as the new generation is more curious and open to '' weird looking men. '' Rather than embracing rock as a rebellious phase that will go away once they reach adulthood, it will be something they embracing out of taste and a connection to... ? I'm not sure how to word this. - the biggest trend in Western mainstream music is dance music right now. Maybe if we had more VK groups experimenting with that, getting creative then we'd get a revival in the scene. Look at Purple Stone, they're already having some fun with mixing dance music & VK. If they get the boost in popularity they deserve they could reach out to broader audiences. There's massive potential in 'panic panic'. -I already mentioned the fashion, but look at GazettE, an cafe, diru etc all the bands that were huge in the west back in the day. They were popular around the time their looks were more laid back, nothing too crazy. It just makes me think vk is too extravagant/theatrical right now to appeal to western audiences. How many people are gonna look at Arlequin and not laugh at the singers hair and get up? Whereas you can look at soft emo GazettE from back in '06-' 09 and easily accept the look. Kyo back then had blonde hair and less make up than ever before, now that bitch is dressing up as a nun. (I'm all for that, but other people slowly back away when I show them) This could be just a bad period for the scene, we'll look back in years and say ' remember the great lame period of '10-'16?. We just need to keep hoping for those few bands in vk who will dare to be creative and their risks will pay off.
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point
    Came all over the references to their mini album period. I am _praying_ that there's a reason for all of that and they're going to bust out the godrarez and a subsequent tour of that stuff even. There's so much they haven't played in ages! Most of Madara and Hankou seimeibun for one, stuff from Akuyuukai save for Wife ( that was played during the Disorder tour )...
  49. 1 point

    What do (or did) your parents listen to?

    Mum is strictly into Kate Bush. Nothing else matters. She only likes a few tracks on mainstream music TV, but that's it. It's hilarious trying to show her anything else because she instantly says it's bad and doesn't give it a chance. Nan is into the old classics like Elvis, her favourite. She's a lot more open to music but that's because she's way too sweet and doesn't mind listening to even Vocaloid and DEATHGAZE. Rock on, nanny~
  50. 1 point
    My dad doesn't really listen to music. My mom is into stuff that you can dance to. They listen to stuff that are even older than their generation (wtf, seriously?) But I do appreciate the James Brown CD that my mom listened to a lot in the car. I'm like, "DAT INTRO" and "DAT BASS LINE". Yeah.
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