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  1. 6 points


  2. 5 points

    Single People Thread

    "If she's one in a million, there are 37 of her in California." I don't remember where I heard this quote but it changed my perspective on life. Dating too, but life. I've been in a relationship for almost seven years, so I've been out the dating game for some time. Even if I was single, I'd have no tangible advice to give. I wasn't exactly attracting throngs of women to me for being myself, and that may have been a blessing in disguise for me. As I grow older, I realize just how toxic and damaged so many people are, and inviting that kind of energy into your life only brings negativity. The only thing worse than feeling single and alone is feeling lonely in a shit relationship.
  3. 5 points

    best jrock cd cover

    So, a topic about the best jay-rawk cover art and there's no Isana Kagami? This is criminal. She is best known for her works for Nocturnal bloodlust, but it's not just that: she did some services to Scarlet horizon, Babymetal and Soko ni naru, for example. It also includes design for goods, like posters and towels. It's not easy to find people abusrdly talented as her, so she deserves all recognition she can get. She has a website and Tumblr. Nocturnal bloodlust - The omnigod Nocturnal bloodlust - Providence Nocturnal bloodlust - The best '09-'17 Nocturnal bloodlust - Unleash Scarlet horizon - 7 Jester may fail & Saintz - Between 2 fires Soko ni naru - Yaminabe (cute kitten <3)
  4. 4 points


  5. 3 points
    Ro plz

    The Virginity Topic

    This is RAW as fuck. I lost mine at 16 and since then i've had good, bad, and anything in between type of experiences when it comes to sex. I do believe sex is best when you do have a connection/relationship with that person. But I also believe that its totally ok to hook up as well, whether its a friends with benefits or a one and done type thing. Just be safe about it mentally, emotionally, and physically. If you are still a virgin in your 20's, who cares. Its your life and fuck anyone who is or may be giving you pressure. While i don't agree that sex is as big of a deal as religion and others may make of it, I understand that is not the case for everyone. Do it when you're ready. And most importantly don't be an idiot about it. Last thing you want is some nasty disease, incurable or not or some damn kids running around.
  6. 3 points

    The Virginity Topic

    lost it in my early 20's to a 35 year old man into home renovations and missing half his thumb from a sawing accident which i found hot at the time. you're welcome. hope y'all have better standards than my dumb ass.
  7. 3 points
    What kind of theme are we feeling for the October trade off?
  8. 2 points

    The Virginity Topic

    I don't think there's anything to be gained from hook ups or one night stands. Call me old fashioned if you want, but I don't necessarily look down on promiscuity. I know it's something that's not for me because sex without passion for the person whose guts I'm inhabiting is as pleasurable as burnt toast. Let's forget about the "cold pizza" analogy altogether. But I do believe there is something to the idea that you give a bit of yourself to someone when you have sex with them, and they give a part of themselves you in return. It is harmful to send emotions out and not have them reciprocated, especially during something as vulnerable act as sex. I've yet to meet a person who was promiscuous in their young age and doesn't regret it now, and I know quite a few people who have body counts over 100, 200, even 300. (body count = number of sexual partners) They all recommend not being promiscuous and describe the experience as short term pleasure but with a long term lack of satisfaction. On the other hand, I'm not a total prude about it. I'm not into slut shaming. Sex before marriage is generally a good idea, because sexual compatibility and being able to coexist is important for a long term relationship. How you enjoy it is equally as irrelevant to me. I just suggest not rushing it, because your first sexual experience can effect how you approach it for the rest of your life.
  9. 2 points

    Your last music-related buy!

    💀 new Necrophagia merch 💀
  10. 2 points
    their live-limited single "生き継ぎ" (Ikitsugi) will be released at their lives since 2019/10/26
  11. 2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. 1 point
    New band "宣戦布告 (Sensen Fukoku)" has formed and they will hold their first live at 2019/12/23. "宣戦布告 (Sensen Fukoku)" members: ba.竜也(Tatsuya) (アマノヰザナギ(Amano Izanagi)) The other components will be announced later.
  16. 1 point

    The Virginity Topic

    while i don’t necessarily promote promiscuity i do think some healthy experimentation is good for you to find your likes and dislikes and generally get more comfortable with vulnerability in the bedroom tbh.
  17. 1 point
    Nice! CDJ has their last single, so I'm hoping they'll stock this too.
  18. 1 point
    Birthday weekend and my roommate has gone out of town. Having space to myself for a couple days is going to be wonderful.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Aliene Ma'riage, Eliphas Levi, Noir fleurir - in this order. ♥
  21. 1 point

    The general Metal discussion thread

    Oh hell yeah! That is so good!
  22. 1 point
    that's what you get for ruining your ears listening to rands really like the samples for tracks 1, 3, 4. track 5 sounds interesting and I need to hear the full thing.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    Villers la Ville 2nd album " Until the day I die" will be released at 2019/11/27.
  25. 1 point

    Favourite Key Party/Enamell band?

    Eliphas Levi, Baiser
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
    NOi'X, Noir fleurir, La Feerie, BAISER, JE*REVIENS.
  28. 1 point
    this need a new topic
  29. 1 point
    Key party: 1. Neil: just really catchy songwriting and great 90s cheesy vk vocals. All their stuff is great. 2. Lar~mia: really technically proficient band for their time and I like their dark atmosphere and often frantic compositions. Their best album is a great listen from start to finish. 3. La feerie: that one ep they released is a classic 10/10. From Enamell the main band I like is baiser but I like their earlier stuff better.
  30. 1 point

    Single People Thread

    @Kabukichoatmidnight I'm doing much better now. I think I was just going through a moment. Also, I think age has to do with part of it. I'm on the older side and not finding someone has made me anxious about it. But I'm realizing more and more it's not uncommon for people my age (or even older) to not have found someone yet. And I'm coming to terms with that. And the person I had an interest in, I've since lost my interest in them romantically. For me I think amongst friends that kind of relationship should come naturally. In this case it felt very one sided so I got the sense she wasn't into me at all that way. I'm also all about getting to the point and hate love games. But I also have to feel a connection with the other friend. When it comes to strangers though, I have no issues letting them know I'm interested. Hell, I asked someone on my morning bus route to work a couple months ago 😂
  31. 1 point


    Only one guitarrist: fine. No bassist: no hope
  32. 1 point

    Like an Edison Nagoya will close

    tbh this is not even true, penicillin's latest release was one of their best ever (and way more well-done than majority of their peak stardom music), and there's still money in the scene as evidenced by kiryu at least looking back at the past decade tho I'd argue that VK of 2010s trapped itself by trying to appear mainstream and going softer/more electronic in sound which didn't bring EDM fans over because normies couldn't relate anyway, but did contribute to mentally unstable genré fans losing interest and moving on because there wasn't enough genuine shock value and hysteria for us there anymore. maybe shit will actually get back on track once this scene realizes the money is in crowdfunding and going over the top again /rant
  33. 1 point
  34. 1 point


  35. 1 point
    nüe new live-limited single "最後ノ雨" will be released at 2019/10/21.
  36. 1 point
  37. 1 point
    I don't know what I'll do until Animal Crossing: New Horizons comes out. I've known about it for a while now but the excitement only really set in yesterday and I'm way too hyped. 🍃 Someone actually made this site and I'm so glad they did. https://acnh.date/
  38. 1 point
    sleepy coffee

    What are you listening to 2?

    holy fuck this smashes my balls
  39. 1 point


    Before thinking about doing anything oversea they need to rethink about their current situation, get a bassist, maybe a second guitarist, decide if they are keeping their visuals or not, write more music, ca$h some fat buck$ with merchandise, usual stuff every single band does y'know? I'd hate to see them go because of very poor hindsight...
  40. 1 point
    sleepy coffee


    Most If not all of dimlim shirts are full size which is basically xxl
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
    Love and relationships are a pretty complicated topic, but in my opinion you're better off doing things you love rather than trying to find someone to love. This way you will learn to grow yourself and be able to "love yourself" which is the most important person you need to love! If you can't make yourself happy you can't expect anyone else will be able to. And by doing the things you love and growing as a person, you're natural confidence (Even if it's quiet confidence, I don't mean you have to be arrogant and cocky to show confidence as that definitely ISN'T attractive) will attract people and if you're taking part in hobbies you enjoy, perhaps you'll meet someone who enjoys the same things and boom, you click and start building your relationship from there.
  43. 1 point

    The Virginity Topic

    I can understand some of you who are frustrated with being virgins or whatever, but in my opinion sex really isn't that important. What the fuck is sex anyway? Two people mashing body parts against each other and getting sweaty. haha. For me, I'm relatively well experienced I would say, and to be honest in the last couple of years I find myself caring less and less about sex, there are plenty of other things you can focus time on, like doing the things you love, focusing on studies, learning to drive, learning a new language, WHATEVER, there are far more productive and to be honest, useful things you can be doing than mashing body parts. haha. So I guess what I'm saying is not to be hung up about not being too active, focus that energy into something more productive and achieve the things you want to achieve with all you got. + I'm sure I'm not alone here when I say that sex can lead to a lot of very weird and awkward situations you don't want to be involved in and may even be ashamed of, just for a bit of fun with someone, was it worth it? Probably not.
  44. 1 point

    Single People Thread

    I've been going through more or less the same kind of thing myself and know it isn't easy. Sounds like you're suffering from more than just "being single" though, as in, it's making you depressed as well? If that's the case I highly recommend you see a GP and tell them you're struggling with every day life and these thoughts (anxiety probably) are holding you back and they may refer you to see someone about it and probably give you some medication which will keep your emotions more balanced. Wont make everything perfect but that should help to some degree. The pills will take longer than 24 hours to kick in though unfortunately. As for nobody not liking you, well, I could probably write an essay on this topic but will just throw out a few brief ideas which hopefully you can gain something from. Firstly, I tend to think subconciously people can sense that negativity in you and to be fair, people aren't usually attracted to negative people, people like happy, fun, confident people.... Not to say that if you're not these things (hell I'm definitely not, haha) nobody will ever find you attractive but by being so negative and having expectations that noone will be interested in you I think, accidentally you're keeping people a certain distance away from you in which case aren't able to build a close enough relationship with them in order to progress to anything further than simple friendship. Which is great, as making friends is really good and not every girl/guy/whatever you make friends with has to be a romantic interest. As far as finding out if people are interested in you or not, I mean, it's better to just be forward and to the point sometimes, which I know sounds a bit scary but just being like "look, I really think you're attractive, do you wanna hang out sometime?" is much better than subtle hints which get mistaken for tokens of friendship or generally cause confusion, "does this person fancy me? Seems like maybe they do. But if they're only being a friend, that was really sweet of them." so from that you can grow closer in some way, maybe just as friends, maybe things will become more than that. But main point here is don't be subtle, if you're interested, tell them you're interested, if you get rejected, it's not fun but "oh well" life goes on and you know not to waste time with that person anymore. Maybe that person meant a lot to you, but once you've made it clear, either things progress in a positive way for you or you can move on and forget about trying anything with that person and avoid all confusion. Just a few of my thoughts.
  45. 1 point


    Cause that's exactly what's happening, I'm afraid...
  46. 1 point

    What are you listening to 2?

    Underrated af. I swear, it’s such a good song—the melody, the bass, the drums, the guitars, the vocals, the clever insertion of distorted backing vocals, the chiptune-y thingy which you might hear at some points if you’re careful and lucky, and the bells.
  47. 1 point
    Since Jack Caper have been kind enough to add big, colourful subtitles (and even pictures!) for most of the dialogue in their new YouTube videos like variety shows, I decided to try to translate this video. It's from a series of interviews where the members all answer the same 20 or so questions to introduce themselves to the fans. For whatever reason, Riku added some extra questions in at the beginning for Hiro that none of the others answered, so those aren't numbered. My Japanese is atrocious, so even with the subtitles there are some bits I didn't understand, which I've highlighted in red and marked with "**". If anyone wants to help fill those in, please feel free. Any corrections are very welcome. Riku: Question time! Hiro: YAAAAAAAAYYYYY!!! Riku: The reverberation (“yoin”) is really long (laughs) Hiro: Isn’t the reverberation still good?** ^(This is some sort of bad joke - he says “Yoin wa mou yoi n?”) What would you want to be if you were reborn? Hiro: I think I’d like to be myself again. What do you think of when someone says ‘summer’? Hiro: If it’s summer…TUBE! And Kuwata Keisuke. Riku: And if we’re talking about songs representative of TUBE? Hiro: Ah~ natsu yasumi~! Riku: As expected, that’s correct! 1. What is your part (his role in the band)? Hiro: The cash register at the supermarket! 2. What made you want to do that part? Hiro: I wanted money! 3. What is your blood type? Hiro: Sakuran joutai Type-A…B (AB) Riku: What’s that supposed to mean? Hiro: It’s from a DIR EN GREY song! There’s one where the lyrics go “Sakuran joutai TYPE-A” ^(he means “myaku”) Riku: (part I didn’t catch) Hiro: Kuwagata (Stag beetle). (More stuff I didn’t catch) 4. Where are you from? Hiro: Adachi City, Tokyo! 5. What are your hobbies? Hiro: Spearfishing. 6. What are your special skills? Hiro: Finding peoples’ faults. It’s the worst, isn’t it? Riku: The worst. 7. Favourite food? Hiro: Sweet things. 8. Things you hate?* (*When he reads the question, Riku omits the “tabe” part of “tabemono” that specifies it’s about food) Hiro: Riku. Riku: That’s wrong! Foods you hate! Even so, that was a shock. (laughs) Hiro: Liver. Riku: Do you have to do that for each one? Hiro: Ireba! (Dentures!) Riku: Do you need to move like that though? Hiro: (laughs) My body’s just moving on its own. I can’t just be quiet and answer! Riku: Well, I wish you’d calm down a bit (laughs) 9. Favourite artists? Hiro: Southern All Stars, Nakajima Miyuki and Sada Masashi Riku: What do you like about them? Hiro: -- (didn’t get this part)** 12. Type of girl you like? Hiro: A slave. Someone that will faithfully listen to what I say. Someone who will go “Yes!” even if I say “I’m good, but you’re not.” Riku: Which kind of slave is that? Hiro: (laughs) 10. What do you like about yourself? Hiro: Generally, I’m pretty smart. 11. Things you hate about yourself? Hiro: I’m too good of a person. I’m always sacrificing myself because I want to make the people around me happy. Riku: (snort of disbelief) Hiro: What? Is something weird about that? Riku: I’m just thinking “He’s saying that with a straight face” Hiro: (laughs) It’s true! Riku: Quit acting.** (laughs) 13. How you spend your days off? Hiro: Messing around with my bike. 14. If you had to share a room with a member of the band for a month, who would be good and who would be bad? Hiro: I’d like to try sharing a room with all of the members. All: Ohh Hiro: But Riku would be bad. (laughs) Riku: Everyone has been saying I’d be bad! (laughs) Hiro: Because you’re messy! Riku: What’s so bad about that~?** 15. What do you want to do with Jack Caper? Hiro: I’d like to live together on a deserted island for a month! Choco: I can’t deal with bugs~! Hiro: You can eat the bugs! 16. Prefecture in Japan you want to go to? Hiro: Oita Prefecture! Riku: Why? Hiro: Because I’ve always wanted to try being a fisherman in Oita. Riku: Oh, to scope it out** Hiro: Recently I’m also interested in the Ogasawara Islands. I was researching some of the world’s picturesque views yesterday as well, and since the Ogasawara Islands were mentioned— Choco: Which prefecture are the islands in? Hiro: Tokyo. If you put the boat and accommodation together, the cheapest trip there is around 70 000 yen. (About $700)** All: So expensive! Hiro: If you go on the fastest boat, it’s 24 hours. The second fastest is 25.5 hours. One-way trip. Riku: (didn’t get this line - some joke about giants?)** 17. Most recent YouTube video you watched? Hiro: Probably something like Game Center Mikado’s KOF (King of Fighters) tournament. 18. If you weren’t in a band, what would you be doing? Hiro: Fisherman. 19. What’s something that you’re glad you bought recently? Hiro: A bicycle! Well, I didn’t buy it, it was bought for me. I haven’t really bought much myself recently, but water – I bought water recently. I thought I’d try drinking mineral water. The water in Tokyo always tastes so chlorinated.** Riku: It’s not that water that’s supposed to boost your power, is it? Hiro: Chikara mizu! (laughs) Recently, I buy water at regular intervals.** ^"Chikara Mizu", or "Power Water", is the name of the product Riku: Like some sort of secret agent. (laughs) Hiro: I won’t say the name of the product. 20. A message to yourself after one year. Hiro: Are you still a genius? 21. A message to yourself after ten years. Hiro: Is Riku still alive? (laughs) Riku: Don’t kill me~ Seriously. Hiro: Are bikes flying in the sky? Riku: A message to yourself! (laughs) Hiro: To myself in ten years? Shuma: It became a message to the time period (laughs) Hiro: When you felt you had to persist, it wasn't a mistake!** Riku: I feel like I’ve heard that before… Hiro: Myself in ten years, huh… Are you getting married? (laughs) Riku: You’re doing It seriously, huh? (laughs) Hiro: Are you a fisherman now? Are you a bandman? Or have you even become a man that relies on women for money like Riku? Riku: Hey! Shut up (#^w^) (laughs) Don’t say that. Hiro: No matter which path you walk, all you can think is that you’re a success. In this life, can you still think that way about yourself? (blows kiss) Riku: You kissed yourself? Hiro: In my life, I don’t think I’ve failed much. No matter what kind of life I live, I think it’ll be a success. Riku: That’s all the questions. Hiro: Well, we’re going out like this. Finally, this shitty guy (Riku) is going to answer some questions, so- ^Riku's video is going to be the last one in the series Riku: Cut it out! (laughs) Hiro: Enjoy! See you!
  48. 1 point
    Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day, many blessings. ✨
  49. 1 point
    Happy birthday!! I hope you're having a great time today
  50. 1 point

    Single People Thread

    Bruh, Imma keep it real with you. Cuz most ppl simply ain't gonna tell you this shit. You feel guilty for a reason. That girl developed feelings for a reason. You're not oversensitive. And there's nothing wrong with you. If anything, you're just sensible. Fuck what this world tries to tell you about having "friends with benefits" and "casual" sex. You know why that girl developed feelings? Cuz ain't shit casual about having a WHOLE 'nother human being inside of you! Fuckin' a chick and expecting her not to catch feelings is like putting your hand in a fire and expecting not to get burnt. It's that inane. Bruh, i mean...sex is a POWERFUL force - it's literally the reason why we're all even here in the first place. It's THAT central to our very existence...and depending on how you approach it, it can either be destructive or regenerative....functional or dysfunctional...good or bad. And from what I can tell, when you take something as foundational and deeply ingrained in our existence as sex and try to detach it from emotion, from love, from responsibility, from respect, from family, from children....and you basically turn it into a cheap drug, well then...you're practically inviting dysfunction at that point. Now obviously, I would not presume to give you advice on this issue, and you have the free will to do whatever you want, but do keep in mind that freedom of choice does not equal freedom from consequences, and your own experience testifies to that. But anyways, bruh...don't get down about that shit. If you can, just learn from it and keep it movin'. I hope all goes well for you from here on out!
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