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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/19 in all areas

  1. 6 points
  2. 6 points

    Hats in Visual Kei fashion

    Rare promo version
  3. 6 points

    MALISEND will disband

    FROM DEPRESSION TO 『mode of lawsuit』
  4. 5 points

    Hats in Visual Kei fashion

    No "hats in VK" thread is complete without the KING OF HATS, Full (GUNIW TOOLS, NOOKICKY, SHILFEE AND TULIPCOROBOCKLES, etc).
  5. 4 points

    Hats in Visual Kei fashion

    Kamijo and Machi had the best hats ever! 🤩
  6. 4 points
    Some fcking bird's been screeching outside my office window for the past 15 minutes, CANT IT SEE IM DOING IMPORTANT THINGS HERE
  7. 4 points
    Dude, I'm not they only freak around! I do the same ^^;; Obviously I also keep the obi and any unrelated trash they feel like throwing inside the CD package (one notable trash I keep is an unused balloon that came with Miyavi's Shindemo Boogie-Woogie Single+VHS package). Obi itself makes the CD feel more special for me, for whatever reason.
  8. 3 points
  9. 3 points

    Hats in Visual Kei fashion

    Ayyy, Initial'L/Lycaon's Sabo's tophat????!!! I really love/want that hat ❤️
  10. 3 points

    Last movie you saw.

    Outrageous....I watched my brother's copy and I believe he got it from a store in the mall in the next town over. They have many Ghibli movies there; I saw Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle many years ago, and now I need to see Kiki's Delivery Service. Very ♥ I've never seen anything so pure and I had lots of feels ;w;
  11. 3 points
    If I could I'd live on instant ramen and beer 🥣🍺
  12. 3 points
    The cover art for Queen Leech has been released
  13. 3 points
  14. 3 points
    Haha, same here! I kept every stamped Brand-X point card they sent to me, hoping I could use it one day (which can never get used sadly ^^;) and the random free magazines/flyers. Receiving packages is kind of like a treasure box, lol.
  15. 3 points
    This has turned into People Weirdly Obsessed with Japanese Paper: The Thread
  16. 3 points
    I'm very careful when it comes to my stuff from Japan (but actually also for books, so it's not just this). And yeah, I also keep everything inside, stickers, those tiny flyers for upcoming tours, even those stamp cards shops like Brand X sent with the order. 😅
  17. 3 points

    Sex Songs

    I get a feeling like a good 70% of Buck-Tick's discography is about FUCKING
  18. 2 points

    Hats in Visual Kei fashion

  19. 2 points

    Hats in Visual Kei fashion

    no doubt, this is adorable.
  20. 2 points

    Show us your lock screen wallpaper!

    The placement of those two buttons at the bottom tho
  21. 2 points
    Otome games are always nice to play when I simply want to stare at some bishounen characters and read some text Have you played the re-release/remake for Hakuouki? (I think it's the one on Steam right now.)
  22. 2 points

    Last movie you saw.

    I KNOW RIGHT! Ehh, anime's not so big in Poland and My Neighbour Totoro was dubbed here in 1995 so it's basically a collectors item at this point. I shall continue to hunt this DVD though, because I think it's a great movie for children (and well, everyone) and I need to establish my cool-aunt cred early on duh. I'm on a quest to watch the anime classics starting from the oldest one on my list. I'm slightly ashamed to say that before Totoro I've never watched a single Ghilbi movie.... I'm past Totoro, Akira and Kiki's Delivery Service and next on is Ghost in the shell~
  23. 2 points

    The tanuki pic thread

    Band drama and rumors of an unverifiable nature is one google translate tool and a few clicks away. Lets not do this here.
  24. 2 points
    kind of a completest with this sadly. something feels off if i get a used cd and the obi is missing. i too keep all of them and usually lay them flat up against the booklet in the case.
  25. 2 points
    Hmm, you seem more invested in this than I am, which is very little. My defense for the actors/actresses was to go beyond SJ and simply see their "just business" take, as you said. Considering that there are still many actors that have yet to "come out of the closet" after a successful life in hiding their true identity, you may be hard pressed to believe those college kids in drama or acting 101 never disappeared. We're only what, maybe entering the second decade of openly gay actors in hollywood? I'd give it more time. You could be right that she's overflowing with confidence/cockiness in an industry that calls for it in order to "make it", but as I've mentioned in another thread, part of the balance is being proud of what/who you are no matter what. If she is taking advantage of a system that's been catered to "her types of people", and well enough to piss someone like yourself off, aren't you glad she's the wrong person to make statements like these to make your argument hold more weight? It's really hard to provide an answer to this because we both understand that the mainstream audience cannot handle a level of exposure like say, a film about the struggles/lifestyle of a protagonist who is gay, played by an actor/actress who has openly admitted that they are gay, what with everything that has been surfacing online regarding LGBT and the associated controversies with it. Even Hollywood, that have been black-facing/eye slanting/etc actors since forever because they feel that (It's a stupid way of looking at it today, I am aware) their revenue gained at the box office would come in more steadily this way, aren't ready/accepting for it. I even question if the current actors are willing to look the other way for success/land these cut/dry roles they know their counterpart could more accurately play. Aaaaaaaand then you have people like SJ saying "what's your problem guys? this is Hollywood and I (we) can do whatever the fuck I (we) want in our films." That said, an indie film will always be the best method to do all of this, what with people being more open to smaller budgeted studios these days. Combined with the internet at their disposal to promote/bring awareness to the intent of the film, I'd say this would be a better route to go in order to break that mold. Leave the fuckers in Hollywood in their palace and create your own, ya know? Getting past the conglomerate that is the movie industry that controls possibly every movie theater out there with their own films could be tough, but after seeing films (that you wouldn't think would do well) that bring a satirical/compassionate form of awareness on issues here in the USA by newer directors like Jordan Peele and Ryan Coogler, I'd say it's possible to give Hollywood a run for their money. I love it. Edit: I just read @secret_no_03 post and I agree haha.
  26. 2 points
    I think it's safe to say for the foreseeable future the best hopes Trans actors have of breaking out is indie films that win praise as film festivals because Middle America or the Bible belt aren't going to show a movie that will have every church group in a fifty mile radius foaming at the mouth.
  27. 2 points

    Last Thing You Bought

    I'm a fucking Killstar addict I guess.
  28. 2 points
    I love obi. actually I have a whole ONE cd missing it in my collection and it bothers me constantly. (I'm too one of those that keeps all the stuff the cd came with, except the wrapper) It's at a point that my western cds seems shabby and incomplete, and I don't buy many of them.
  29. 2 points
    Girl: *is murdered* Incels: LETS CELEBRATE HER FUCKING DEATH BECAUSE SHE WAS AN “E GIRL”!!! HAHAHA Ugh...the world is full of shit
  30. 2 points
    I like obi! I've always kept them over the years. I used to keep them all together tied with a rubber band lmao but now I usually just keep them inside the CD along with the booklet. I feel like they're part of the release as a whole so it's nice to have them so it's complete, but it's not 100% necessary for me. I'll still buy a CD even if it doesn't have the obi. Just a nice bonus to have them.
  31. 2 points
    I love obis, and keep them with every CD I buy. I also tend to buy old/used CDs that include obis. For some reason, I feel it's incomplete without the obi, lol. Also, I like how some obis are aesthetically incorporated into the cover of the album/release (i.e. a part of the album's artwork will be on the obi, etc.). Makes it feels like it's a vital part of the release.
  32. 2 points

    Last Thing You Bought

    I bought a new top on my last day of college (so, July 5th). I hadn't bought any new clothes in aaaages because I rarely treat myself to stuff like that, but I was with a friend and he told me I should go for it. Besides, I deserve it for getting through my boring-as-fuck media class my first year of A-levels, righ? I hope I do. Depends on how well I did. 😕 https://www.rockcollection.co.uk/spiral-crow-moon-lace-layered-cap-sleeve-top
  33. 2 points

    Favourite demo tapes?

    I love this topic. VELVET EDEN - madame tarantula Da’vid Shito:aL - cookie chair Da’vid Shito:aL - sankaku no tsuki
  34. 2 points
    I knew that YT thumbnail looked familiar...
  35. 2 points
    I think there are two main reasons: 1. Techniques for smaller studios/home recordings are much more advanced now, so even no budget bands can finally afford making more polished releases. 10+ years ago a decent recording/mixing session would cost a lot of money while pretty much now anyone can fix songs with melodyne, preamp guitars and the like. Especially with indies band you can really feel the quality gap between recorded songs and live performances. A lot of dudes are not even playing their instruments/singing live anymore as they are aware of that. 2. Socially speaking the musicians are completely different people nowadays. Otaku-ish dudes who liked music and grew up listening to bands are more common in the scene now, while in the past it was really just a bunch of ex-chimpiras, yakuzas, bikers, hosts, etc. who did not fit into society and were in bands just because there was little else they could do to get chicks (of course there are exceptions). They had the ideas and the fierceness, but mostly no music knowledge whatsoever and especially no will to practice or overthink about their music. Now most guys went to school, have money to learn playing their instruments and afford decent equipment, and especially they all mostly compose on their laptops so there is again a bit gap in what their minds can compose and what their hands can play on an instrument. So the result is mostly polished and well performed songs but kind of lacks the raw energy and "heart" older bands had instead. There is no right and wrong about it, it really depends on what you are looking for in music.
  36. 2 points

    Unpopular Opinion

    yes he's a terrible producer and he literally looks like a deflated balloon. where the fuck is his chin
  37. 1 point
    Just went to a jazz gig and had a great time. I had to leave about halfway through cuz it's kinda late and I've got shite to do tomorrow, but it was nice.
  38. 1 point

    🚔Police harassment in Japan🚔

    I was hanging out at Tokyo Dark Castle once and got chatting to a Japanese goth girl about her beautiful spider tattoos on her arm. She then pulled on the sleeve of a sharply suited man next to her and said he has even better tats than her. The man didn't want to show his tats off but did eventually lift his sleeve up a little to reveal a full irezumi sleeve. It turns out he's a yakuza member. That was the only time I came in contact with a bona fide yakuza man that I know of because they almost always wear long sleeves to cover their irezumi up (even in the height of summer). A lot more people in Japan are aware of the difference between "tattoo" and "irezumi" these days but in general, the separation of public and private is so strong in Japan that tattoos of any sort is seen as a private matter and people are expected to wear clothes to cover them up whilst in public. So if you display your tattoos, it's not only an association of you being a shady character but that you are infringing on that separation and being deliberately intimidating to others. A supreme court case highlighted this problem a few years ago: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/11/14/national/crime-legal/supreme-court-upholds-osaka-citys-tattoo-check-workers-legal/#.XS3veOhKiUk
  39. 1 point
    I even keep the plastic wrapping the CDs come with. That's why I also leave the obi where it was when I got the CD. But I'm not as picky when it comes to buying used CDs. I love when they come with an obi but if it's missing I don't care, too.
  40. 1 point

    Sex Songs

    Not VK: Gacharic Spin, "Juicy Beats." I believe the late Armmy wrote this. My heart's in an uproar You manipulate my egotistic self In your arms, my body becomes light Dizzying weightlessness Tonight, I'm devoting myself to you I'll make you forgot your tears Now the bell's ringing resounds I'll make you wake up, come on In your head, the bell's ringing Shakin' your head Ring Ring Ring Make some noise!! If you can't sleep, enjoy yourself more EhO! EhO! It's fine if you're tied up, get high Wowow! Wanna do something bad? Dance dance dance dance, Take me on Forget your sadness, Dance dance dance dance, Satisfaction My heart's stirred up You control my masochistic self You're a parasite eating into me My body's heating up just by looking at you I remember that night Tonight too, steal me away Before you change your mind, I'm beat beat beating, I'll make you lose yourself I won't let you be bored, love is beat beat beating, Change your heart Beat beat beat Change my heart!! I want to be filled up, cry out more EhO! EhO! It's fine if you can't be patient, fulfill this need Wowow! Wanna do something forbidden? Dance dance dance dance, All night long Forget your sadness, Dance dance dance dance, Satisfaction If you can't sleep, enjoy yourself more EhO! EhO! It's fine if you're tied up, get high Wowow! Start with this feeling, Dance dance dance dance, Take me on Love is surely boundless, Dance dance dance dance, Satisfaction https://lyricstranslate.com/en/juicy-beats-juicy-beats.html
  41. 1 point

    Sex Songs

    this is the first thing i thought of 🤔
  42. 1 point

    Sex Songs

    X Japan - Orgasm It may not have sex in the title but this song is definitely ORGASMIC
  43. 1 point

    General KPOP Thread

    Late I'm glad he got to sing as a solo artist. I love his voice ^^ I was peering through my Korean music collection, and I re-discovered this catchy song~ (The PV is also pretty hilarious with the guy.)
  44. 1 point

    Favourite demo tapes?

    This 💜
  45. 1 point

    Favourite demo tapes?

  46. 1 point

    Unpopular Opinion

    What's with all this hate towards people (like me) with weak chins? In fact, here's an unpopular opinion: people with weak chins can be beautiful. T_T
  47. 1 point

    Visual Kei on Spotify Compilation

    These may be region locked since I have jp Spotify but this is my own playlist with over 800+ songs including artists such as smileberry,an cafe,synk;yet,vistlip and a lot more
  48. 1 point

    🚔Police harassment in Japan🚔

    Nero is amazing for uploading this video and speaking up. My friend and I experienced this recently and got called "ayashii" pretty much to our faces (they thought we couldn't understand Japanese). They asked us to show our resident cards, emptied our wallets and looked at the names on our credit cards. They also asked personal questions about my family. It was really humiliating but we complied because we didn't want to get in trouble. The real kicker was when they noticed my friend has a Yoshiki credit card and started talking to us about X Japan as if they were our friends. It took all the restraint in the world to not tell them to go fuck themselves.
  49. 1 point

    Visual Kei on Spotify Compilation

    ive prepared this playlist consisting of around 200 Japanese rock/visual kei/metal bands. I doubt you'll find a playlist as diverse as this one if looking for japanese rock/visual kei/metal music. leaving it here just so if anybody might be interested in it. ;/
  50. 1 point

    Early 2000's "transition-kei"

    the girl from atmos*note too
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