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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/18 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    WHAT. THE. FUCK. ARE. YOU. STILL. RECORDING. :')))))))))))
  2. 5 points

    0.1g no Gosan x Mathilda drama

    If your grandparents don't know the furi does the vocalist have a shit fit?
  3. 2 points
    Since their live on 2018.07.14, the band will sell an album called 「参戦用」(sansen yô). (500 yen) Tracklist : 1.本能 (Honnô) 2.ファッション メンヘラ (Fashion menhera) 3.ちゅーしたい (Chû shitai) 4.うるせえ黙れ (Urusei damare) 5.現実逃避癖 (Genjitsu tôhi heki) 6.ヒス症(Hysteria shô) 7.頭がハッピーちゃん(Atama ga happy-chan)
  4. 2 points

    0.1g no Gosan x Mathilda drama

    I’m telling you guys, he’s not a manager, he’s not a grandparent of a member. He lives in Kanazawa, I’ve seen him before, he does the furi so intensely he nearly fucking took me out when we were “moshing” (jumping back and forth). Pretty sure he’s just a super atypical fan.
  5. 2 points

    0.1g no Gosan x Mathilda drama

    Holy shit NO he’s no member’s grandpa I’ve seen this guy in Kanazawa before for a totally different event - I assumed he was some dude’s grandpa then but like he was really intensely doing the furi and everything (I was stuck next to him lol)
  6. 2 points
    「Re:Sbiundead home de suck」 #visual_kei_title_fuckery_that_we_lost_but_never_quite_forgot
  7. 2 points
    the new song for the next Hello Kitty ad is coming...
  8. 2 points

    lynch. new album " XIII " release

    It's below avantgarde and dark but not as much as I thought, the weakest point of this album are the heaviest tracks, uninspired stuff just like those from sinners ep, on the other hand the mid-tempos are fantastic: exist, renatus, amble, sense of emptiness and a fool makes this release well worth listening. out of 11 tracks those 5 are REALLY good, not so bad 13 and faith, the rest is meh I give it a 7/10
  9. 2 points
  10. 2 points
    They will distribute a CD called 「廿奇譚リクエストCD」(Nijû kitan request CD) on 2018.09.01. 90% of the songs in the CD will be from their indie period. They will also be re-recorded.
  11. 2 points

    0.1g no Gosan x Mathilda drama

    I hate to defend Gosan on this one (because jokes or not, I don't like that they harass people who don't do the furi) but that oneman was the weekend of the heavy rain/typhoon. I live pretty close to Kanazawa, where that oneman was happening, and I was actually trying to get to a different live that weekend but all of the trains and buses were stopped because of the rain. So no one showed up because they literally couldn't get there. I really wish it was because the fans were done with them though... In that insta post, it's talking about the weather and it was Tanabata that day (a Japanese holiday for wishes) so their wish was apparently for the weather to get better. On a more sober note, if you guys haven't heard, a lot of the southern part of Japan has had a lot of tragedies because of the heavy rain and landslides.
  12. 2 points
  13. 1 point
    I highly recommend listening to Ace of Base on a cassette walkman while playing GTA III on the original Xbox. Shit is mystical as FUCK.
  14. 1 point
    Hopefully the Hyde collab will just be exclusive for the anime and the album version will have Toshi. If not, I'm afraid the next X Japan album's going to look like a typical rap album where every track has someone as a guest and you barely hear just the artist themselves: 1. Last Song feat. Will.i.am 2. Kurenai (English Version) feat. spoken word by David Lynch 3. Kiss the Sky feat. Way too many audience members who wasted too many minutes of their lives while the band took a break on stage 4. I.V. feat hide and Taiji during the solo and also the sound of a can of Yoshikirin being opened right on top of them in the mix, because oi$hii ! 5. Rock Star feat. Marilyn Manson who tries to cover hide's Drain gremlin voice 6. Beneath The Skin feat. S.K.I.N. 7. Red Swan feat. Hyde 8. Angel feat. a duet with a Violet UK starlet that was sold a dream of fame and glory but who now realizes she spent too many years on the project 9. La Venus feat. Toshi but not Pata, Heath, and Sugizo 10. Art of Life (Last Refrain) feat. Oprah reading some inspirational passage written by Yoshiki about overcoming hardships in life and somehow struggling on Limited Edition 1st Press Bonus Disc: Yoshiki featuring Lady's X 1. Without You 2. Born to be Free 3. Scarlet Love Song 4. Jade 5. Hero
  15. 1 point
    Let me see if I can tackle any of these tomorrow.
  16. 1 point

    CD Shop questions

    Yes. Also, all packages that aren't sent using the "Small Packet" option can be marked as gifts.
  17. 1 point
    come through perfectionist queen, don't forget to release an ~original recording version~ for the price of the final album a year later and a studio demo batch vinyl for the most die-hard stans
  18. 1 point
    They're selling all of their music for like nothing but you can't get any of it ;-;
  19. 1 point

    0.1g no Gosan x Mathilda drama

    0.1g no Ojiisan
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    They just uploaded the short version of their new PV~ Not bad.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point

    0.1g no Gosan x Mathilda drama

    Yea, I was about to mention that the tweet was referencing the typhoon/heavy rains -> damaging/deadly floods hindering fans from showing up to the live. There's no shame in using google translate, it helps w/ context. As an aside, I swear there was an imgur gif that went viral/top w/ a bunch of people headbanging at one of their outdoor venues. That probably had the most disjointed scenes I'd ever seen, lol. Eh, it actually wasn't as disjointed as I remembered (pretty typical), still pretty funny to watch in broad daylight. Anyway, idk why Gosan has been so anal about participation :/. *That would absolutely be me on the bottom right, looool *edit I found a repost of the same vid https://imgur.com/gallery/BolIHqR
  24. 1 point

    Vexent new single "Vomit" release

    Did anyone notice that they turned off commenting on their latest MV? Lmao. Last time I checked, a lot of people were bashing them for being rip-offs so I guess they had enough of those. (ノへ ̄、)
  25. 1 point
    Eating that flyer probably upset all 15 people who showed up at this live!! So RUDE!!!
  26. 1 point

  27. 1 point
    I love all the songs on this (really solid, melodically)...Shittt I need to listen to them more often.
  28. 1 point

    Worst Jrock CD Cover

    Pretty ugly, "imo"
  29. 1 point
    Will.i.am just looks like he doesn't have a clue who the hell Yoshiki is and he doesn't want to be there
  30. 1 point
    The opening movie for the game, featuring some of the song "Inside-Out", has been put up on Youtube (no proxy required!):
  31. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    👀 👀 👀
  32. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    ラミヤ - 「Glitter」 SARIGIA - 「RUIN」 A9 - F+IX=YOU [B and reg. type] ONiBAND - 「鬼バンドのテーマ♬」
  33. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    ZON – anima
  34. 1 point
    They stick too much to stereotypes rather than taking VK and make their own spin on it. Taking inspiration from Japanese is fine, but they're not Japanese, and trying to copy them makes Western VK either bland or cringey af.
  35. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    CD Buys ゴールデンボンバー //キラーチューンしかねえよ ゴールデンボンバー//やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ福井~ てんさい。// Maria (A and B Type) (3 of each for instore purposes ;P) Merch Buys ゴールデンボンバー // Black Towel ゴールデンボンバー // Black x Red Wristband 己龍 // Junji 2017 Birthday Fan (I was super excited about this buy b/c this from my favorite Junji costume!!)
  36. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    ゴシップ - 吐愚弄-トグロ-(豪華盤)
  37. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    ゴシップ - 吐愚弄 (deluxe edition)
  38. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    Finally met up with my friend so I could get my JILUKA stuff she got me back in October I think. Bought the shirt at their live a few days ago. also got dexcores new release, yay! and then I found out about the sale at closet child ...
  39. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    DEVILOOF - Devil's Proof SCAPEGOAT - 道徳アレルギー (A-type) グラビティ - 売れたい!! Noulla - 日食
  40. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    DEVILOOF – Devil’s Proof RAZOR – THE CORE まみれた - お邪魔します Noulla - 日食 仮病 – 実験くん 午前五時の殺意 - 存在の証明 + acryl keyholder Schwartz:Mist – S.M +a free CD from the band "Kain" i probably don't care for... XD
  41. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    THE BLACK SWAN – 蟲聲 (Type A) THE THIRTEEN – EVIL MAD SCIENCE (regular edition) JILUKA - 「Ajna -SgVer-」 バラライカ - チェアー
  42. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    0.1gの誤算 - 男闘魂戦争 卍燃えよ誤算光殺砲卍 Carpe Diem - パノラマ sith. - 睡蓮 シビレバシル - LOVE2017 エルム - This is ELM [2009-2017] ソニックデスモンキー - ニコニコンプレックス lical - それは造花 Heliotrope - rain up FINLANDS - LOVE bough the wrong Axkey single im dumb.
  43. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    sith. - moment. - isolation. - 睡蓮 *These guys need more love if you havent done so check them out <3 Previews:
  44. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    DEVIZE - Irony & Blood (会場限定) (2tracks) MOLE HiLL - 普通でいいこと?(6 tracks) HeLLiXX (3tracks) (got it for free) LIM - blaze of life (Free at music shops) スネメガマフィー (6tracks) (got it for free) ユメリープ - どりーむまたー + bonus CD (7tracks) 撃鉄 V/A (13tracks) (got it for free)
  45. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    Roub - 棘-Indelible scar- DIVEIN – FAMNIS ゴシップ - 漆黒ノ闇 (Deluxe Edition)
  46. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    finally got some new treasures in my collection ;D REVIVE – UNIVERSE BUK BUK - 『 透明になった〇〇。』 Schwartz:Mist - 春雪ノ頃 REVLOW – Resolution KilloneX - 私の頭の中。
  47. 1 point

    Your last music-related buy!

    Vexent - VICTIM + DVD + Signed Photoset <3 ( Yuito didn't sign his photo </3 ) Virge - 不透明な雨 + Bonus Track
  48. 1 point

    Any asexuals around here?

    Hi there! I can't really tell you what your orientation is, but personally i think the biggest question to consider in terms of whether or not you're asexual is whether or not you feel sexual attraction. While I was learning about asexuality for the first time I read a lot of descriptions where people talked about what sexual attraction felt like and I found that I could not relate to any of it beyond regular old aesthetic attraction. So maybe that might be something you'd find helpful too, I dunno. But what you've described sounds like it could possibly be sex-aversion and maybe also just a general discomfort with physical contact from people you aren't as used to. And this is definitely the sort of thing that many aces feel, but it can also apply to allosexuals as well. It really just depends on the person and what they're comfortable with rather than who they are sexually attracted to. The same sort of idea goes for shipping I think, some people are crazy about shipping and some just aren't, I've never noticed any huge correlation with sexual orientation. Personally I ship all kinds of characters and I'm ace as hell so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But yeah that's just my thoughts, I hope it helps a little. If you never have I would highly recommend checking out some of the asexuality-oriented blogs on tumblr. The different resources some of them have explaining all the different sexual and romantic orientations helped me clear up a lot of confusion about what I was feeling back when I was learning about all this, and plus a lot of the people who run them are pretty nice ^^
  49. 1 point

    Any asexuals around here?

    Hi there, I wanted to talk asexuals perceiving vk differently because it's something I've thought a lot about recently. I'm an ace and I love art, and to me vk musicians are like beautiful pieces of human art, (kinda like painting on people like Alexa Meade does, for example) because their makeup and clothes are (usually) very beautiful. And they art both art and artists at the same time, because they make themselves into art and obviously they make music too. Now, often I see people saying that they really want to have sex with these people. Now to me this feels like they're just objectifying the musicians as sex objects, but perhaps this is just the normal thought process of allosexuals. Since I'm not sexual I don't know and I don't judge, but I do feel like there is a really big difference between me and fans who say things like that. When I fangirl it's usually because someone looks particularly pretty to me, or because the music is awesome. As for lyrics, in most cases I don't really care how sexual the lyrics are as long as the music itself sounds good to me. So yeah, that was my ramble... Also "Btw fanservice is ok for me, but not this homosexual shit that visualgays doing now" is an extremely homophobic sounding thing to say, just saying.
  50. 1 point

    Leecher Hunt

    Sidenote: the title of this thread is hilarious. WEERAH-A-GOIN' LEECHURRR HUH-N!'
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