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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/16 in all areas

  1. 7 points

    PS COMPANY new band "ZOL" has formed

    moshi-moshi, u called hunny?
  2. 6 points
    Smileberry new single "サンタの正体 (Santa no Shoutai)" will be released at 2016/12/7 (3 TYPE)
  3. 6 points
  4. 5 points

    Sel'm will disband

    I'm sad seeing them go. I've been following them since their initial era in 2005 because of their first vocalist, Tora, who was the ex-Girugamesh Vo. :< They've been such an underrated band during their period. I personally enjoy listening to most of their songs though. Both Tora and Ryuga are good vocalists and perfectly fit the band's music in their own styles. Well, 11 years in the scene is sure long for a VK band, and they've been through a lot. I just hope ex-Sel'm members will continue making music again.
  5. 4 points

    Sel'm will disband

    ^ I've been following them since 2005 as well and it sucks to see them go, but hey, I'm still shocked they managed to last this long (11 years!) with such a small fanbase in Japan. I expected them to disband sooner or later, but they've released some incredible songs throughout their career, so it's all good.
  6. 4 points
    Two things Reality: The upcoming Morrigan album is a good example. Any sort of romantic ideal you might have in your head about these guys just going out there to express themselves in sexy angry music and nais hairs and heavy makeup crumbles down when bands pull shit like this. Really releasing an album that's essentially a compilation shows a complete lack of vision, ambition and concern for their own image and legacy. The curtain has been pulled back and the money grubbing hackery is exposed in clear daylight. The profit margin unfortunately is part and parcel of visual kei, and it works to the scene's detriment. The other thing is when these bands bust out the _traditional_ Japanese instruments to give a song some corny folk ornamentation. The worst recent offender I can think of was Avelcain. It wouldn't be as bad if the music actually treated the concept with some respect instead of hamming in a melody that sounds like it was composed for a TV advertisement about frozen chinese food. It's so fucking bad, like it's literally the same if a Finnish band played around with Kalevala image and dressed up in fucking furs and tar face paint, which is made all the more worse by the fact that there are bands that actually do that. For me personally the experience of seeing these bands is what a person from India ( pardon the generalisation, I know it's an infinitely diverse country ) would feel if he saw a band doing a concept album about the kamasutra while dressed up like Apu from the Simpsons.
  7. 4 points
    But...but...but it's so much more brootal metalz when they do that. I hate it when a band has a really great rift and the screamer ruins it with awful vocal progression. Sometimes screaming in VK is just god awful.
  8. 3 points
    ONE OK ROCK new digital single "Taking off" will be released at 2016/09/16 through iTunes, etc.
  9. 3 points
    When vocalists do the silly "br00tal" growling/grunting thing like it's supposed to be MANDATORY to have a verse or two like that in your song. I'm not saying it doesn't have its place in vk, but more and more I hear bands over-use it without much purpose, just as a boring template. Oh, and when an otherwise mid-to-fast-paced song's chorus is suddenly all slowwww and laaaazyyyy. I don't know who started this, but I found it most typical of GazettE back when I started noticing it popping up here and there, and now almost every band has a couple tracks like this.
  10. 2 points
    $”Casper. live-limited single "ハロウィンの憂鬱 (Halloween no Yuuutsu)" will be released at 2016/10/18 (500yen)
  11. 2 points
    Develop One's Faculties new mini album "I WANT MY FREEDOM" will be released at 2016/11/2. (7 tracks, 2,500 yen) [track list] 1.Silent Silence 2.I WANT MY FREEDOM 3.メランコリィな生活 (Melancholy na Seikatsu) 4.ケサランパサラン (Kesaran Pasaran) 5.are you ready...? 6.傍観者は嗤う (Boukansha wa Warau) 7.その音はキミだけが知っている (Sono Oto wa Kimi Dake ga Shitteiru)
  12. 2 points

    Pan-d-ra will officially disband

    Yeah, I read that last week. They weren't really active since Elpis back in 2012. Toshiki seems to work in a restaurant and doing musculation and photoshoots. I don't think he will comeback in a new regular band '_'
  13. 2 points

    マルコ (Marco)

    Okay, so this band is my MOTHERFUCKING LIFE. ok that's too much but still *looks at her small Marco collection, along with other cds from Rei's previous bands* They capture the spirit of MERRY perfectly, especially their old visual era. Rei is a huge fanboy of Gara especially, you can clearly see that in his vocal abilities, and well, just look for yourself: He even has his own corset too, and likes to do handstands sometimes. xD That's some devotion right there. Marco deserves more recognition than what they have now, and the fact that they're only releasing live-limited CDs at the moment is just wrong ;w; I was very lucky to get Amesansan, because it really does sound a lot different from their usual songs, and it's pretty~ I hope they stick to releasing more music soon, aside from venue-limited ones, so that I can hear more of them without having to hunt shit down at auctions!! ;w; I really, really like this band, and I just wanna see them grow and grow. What do you think? *Also, shameless plugin: http://ohayo-marco.tumblr.com ✨ please follow if you're interested in news, releases, & member selfies~
  14. 2 points

    Your last music-related buy!

    - メディーナ - Gothic Cult【2CD+DVD】 (Limited to 30, I'm so happy to have 1 !) - 摩天楼オペラ - 地球-The Elements- TOUR FINAL LIVE FILM in EX THEATER ROPPONGI 【2DVD+signed poster】 - 黒百合と影 - 臓器のノゾキ穴。 【+ photo】 - バラライカ - この門をくぐる者、一切の希望を捨てよ (Limited to 300) - Florence + the Machine - Songs from Final Fantasy XV 【digital】 - Florence + the Machine - Wish That You Were Here (From “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children” Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 【digital】 + random flyers バラライカ, AvelCain, BLESSCODE and random things (I don't know what it is) from ダウト and シビレバシル
  15. 2 points
  16. 1 point
    Versailles is coming back... to Europe!
  17. 1 point
    Klan Aileen will release their new album on October 19th, 2016! タイトル;Klan Aileen アーティスト;Klan Aileen 10月19日発売予定 値段:2500円(税抜)/2700円(税込) 全10曲収録予定 “Nightseeing” (single ver.) ~ http://klanaileenband.com/ https://twitter.com/ryo_matsuyama https://twitter.com/ultra_turkey This year is just getting ridiculously good!
  18. 1 point
    Oh yeah, me too! This stuff is hard filed, just love how the song barely holds itself together. A wonderful shambles! And the bass "solo" at the end is just next level
  19. 1 point
    Currently it would be something like this; THE NOVEMBERS downy 凛として時雨 八十八ヶ所巡礼 アルカラ cinema staff NUMBER GIRL 夜の本気ダンス 和楽器バンド (this counts as non-visual right?) クリープハイプ this is such a hard topic though, I left out so many other bands I'm currently enjoying the hell out of. not to mention all the singer song writers i left out since they are technically not 'bands' xD
  20. 1 point

    Sel'm will disband

    Kind of suspected this would happen, with how quiet they went. Still ouch. One of the few bands I was still actively following, buying all releases... Let's hope the members continue with music. I could imagine that Manj's health doesn't allow him to continue and they decided Sel'm wouldn't be Sel'm without him and call it quits.
  21. 1 point

    Tropes in visual kei that you can't stand?

    Having to buy the same release 50 fucking times at different stores just to get certain privilege merch that aren't available anywhere else (ie, photosets, live footage, etc.). So over this bullshit.
  22. 1 point
    remember when every other indie VK PV was filmed in a white room? that's it for me. also, undercode bands (rip bih) here for this tbh
  23. 1 point
    2 is lovely, reminds me of More a lot 3 is........my heart...HALP if the rest of the project sounds anything like 3 in the future then....god is good.
  24. 1 point
    I hope they will have a north american tour in the future.
  25. 1 point
    The single can only be purchased Here (production is limited)
  26. 1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. 1 point
    Not in a particular order, that would be too hard - Age Factory (quickly becoming one of my favorite bands) - THE NOVEMBERS - The Birthday (even tho their more recent material is a bit stagnant, first 4 albums are so solid) - 凛として時雨 - Yellow Studs - THE BACK HORN - Envy - Lostage - té - ゆらゆら帝国
  29. 1 point
  30. 1 point
    i'm just not big on the 女形 (onna gata) thing, personally. I just don't get the appeal......
  31. 1 point
    ^ I actually really like this one ヽ(´ー`)ノ
  32. 1 point
    This cover art (if it is) is awful... Preview :
  33. 1 point

    nigu project HEROINE 1st album announced

    yassss @ chubby chanteuse being #confident he's shredding those auburn weaves and feathers to pieces with his ~dark artistry~
  34. 1 point
    their new mini-album "sleep" will be released at 2016/11/23 (6 songs, limited to 1000, 2700 yens) [tracklist] 01. 茜空 (Akanesora) 02. 禁じられた遊び (Kinjirareta Asobi) 03. 憂鬱な悪魔 (Yuuutsuna Akuma) 04. M.A.D 05. 同じ月を見ている (Onaji Tsuki wo Miteiru) 06. sleep
  35. 1 point
  36. 1 point
    Ok, this is just getting stupid now...
  37. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

  38. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    SALU's English is super cute.
  39. 1 point
    They will release their first maxi-single, 【hue】, on October 11; the single will cost 1,500 yen. (they're also under Tabi Bite Record)
  40. 1 point

    random thoughts thread

    Of course not, you both are so silly. It's because they're singing about me.
  41. 1 point

    Purple Stone

    the first post of their lyrics thread lists everything the band has released so far, including their live limited stuff ^^
  42. 1 point

    Purple Stone

    Fuma shared some thoughts on his lyric-writing in today's instagram post:
  43. 1 point

    Trombe has disbanded

    pff.... elitism. and you can't read. since I wrote, we will see what will happen.
  44. 1 point

    Trombe has disbanded

    Here's the thing about vk news though: there's no 'original source'. For major and relatively well known bands you can rely on visunavi, NAVER, various 'matome' and news purveyor accounts on Twitter. But otherwise it's down to stalking thousands of bandmen - something which I have literally attempted on my main Twitter account. The result was me getting spammed with 30 tweets every 10 seconds, and THEN I had to sift through the crapload of awkward selfies and useless tweets talking about weather and food. I don't recall, but maybe 0.01% of the feed was useful news? In any case I abandoned that account shortly after because it was unusable. There are also other avenues like LINE accounts, bandmen's ameblo, and 2chan as mentioned. Or you can try typing 始動 and 解散 into twitter search and refresh it every 10 seconds.... if you have that much time. In any case, what a lot of people don't seem to notice (and this is the point @filth_y was making) is that Trombe also posts news that don't "officially" exist on the Internet except maybe, in a bandman's private reply to a fangirl's tweet (I've witnessed this at least twice), or as a casual afterthought in a label staff's ameblo post. (In the latter case, I talked to a band's shikiri and even she wasn't aware that the band would be releasing a CD that day..). Yes, some MH members may have done this before - but to do it consistently for an insane number of bands is a whole different animal. All of this aren't even considering the facts that: (i) these news are in Japanese, so let's not trivialize it as as copy-and-pasting. Translating and formatting it into a news post is a bitch if you consider the volume of news Trombe puts out; (ii) Trombe posts news of bands he doesn't even care about on a regular basis, some of whom comprising members that no one here has even heard of, much less having an interest to follow and post news of. I'm on no one's side at this point. None of this is a defense for what Trombe did, nor is it a suggestion that he should be immune from punishment if he has contravened the rules. I just wanted to provide a corrective to previous comments suggesting that by picking 1 or 2 bands each we will communally be able to cover the ground that Trombe did, as if it was as easy as sitting together and doing some Ctrl C+V while having cereal in front of your computer. Let's just say I'm not that optimistic, because I can't imagine someone, or even a group of competent and extremely free people, going to the lengths Trombe did. Hopefully more people can appreciate the scope of the dirty legwork he has done for MH ("appreciate" as in "understand clearly", not "prostrate yourself"). And before any accusations come my way: I have contributed news of bands I like (including translating full-length interviews of them), and will happily continue to do so. Let's just see what happens.
  45. 1 point

    Trombe has disbanded

    Sorry but I feel community as in the people/trolls/mods liked/known around here, not 90% of the actual visitors. _ He posted news not avaible on twitter, vkdb, visunavi, visulog, etc. Infos about live distr. CDs you NEVER could've found out about except you check 2ch or stalk auctions 24/7. I dont know how he knows this by going the lives himself and instantly posting what the vocalist just gave only by voice as information and which was never written anywhere else EXCEPT maybe 2ch. So good luck not only learning japanese, but also that slang used on 2ch to get infos about obscure small bands. Might also go and piss off YNS and numetal and your dl section is dead aka Nr.1 reason next to news section. Will the handful of people caring/reading the other stuff done by mods here then? (I cant tell anything what mods/admins do in the background noone notices, here i feel/guess they always did an amazing job, but the written contributions, reviews..haha) Beeing a member since day 1 or 2 of this forum idk 8 years ago(?) im interested where this will go now. Well, we still got Monochrome Heaven Market, which can be fun sometimes to find that CD you search cheaply.
  46. 1 point

    Trombe has disbanded

    Oh well... 1 - I kinda know what this is about, and rules are indeed rules. News section are a section of the forum as any other, so ANYONE could and should post there. While I understand that it's kinda lame for people to manipulate timestamps, use older posts or alter shit just to appear to be the first post and stuff like that, I also think that says much more about the person who did it than it affects the community as a whole. That's why we have mods, I guess. To do what's necessary, even when that means hurting the form in some way; 2 - That being said, people should absolutely NOT dismiss the service @Trombedid for the community all those years. I'm here for I don't know long, and no one will be able to match him/her in news broadcasting EVER. MH is THE frontpage of western VK on the internet, and the news section is one of the big reasons for this. Trombe work was so good and fast that it spoiled us, to be honest. THANK YOU, Trombe; 3 - Him/her/it describing itself as a band is a joke guys, c'mon; Wish you luck, Trombe. maybe bringing up your own news site/tumblr/twitter will provide you the control of the news you think it's necessary, or maybe your're back next week, since we old forum geezers apparently can't stay out for long, as someone said before. In any case, hope to see you again pal. Thanks again! cheers!
  47. 1 point

    Trombe has disbanded

    I am not his pet, nor his friend, nor anything to him at all. I am posting in this drama thread for the simple reason that VK news is the main reason why I am here on MH, and thanks to this drama, again, VK news are going to vanish little by little I don't know what happened and I don't care AT ALL Like it has been said before, even when you follow 10000 twitter bandmen, you can even keep track of everything, since not everything is posted there and there are like 20 messages/minutes. So yes the fact that Trombe will no longer post in this section is a huge problem for me and probably for many others who DO care about your so-called "no1cur about bands" I get it that stuff happened, shit happened either and I get it that Trombe nor anybody in this forum should have the right to do whatever they want, that's a fact, still this one thing will have an impact on a very important section of this forum. And yes, it is an important section, just look at the number of answers, even people nobody knows are posting atm to say how it will change MH So of course you are all able to say whatever you want and think whatever you want about Trombe and the people who kinda "support" him, but if your throw you egos away for a moment, you will agree with other people who say he is a huge contributor in this forum and not having him will clearly change a part of MH.
  48. 1 point

    Trombe has disbanded

    Come on, Trombe, create your own blog with VK-news. I suppose, most of the mh members will read it like they have read it here.
  49. 1 point

    Trombe has disbanded

    Good luck in the future trombe! I appreciated the fact that you posted news about bands that you probably didn't like yourself. Posting news about smaller indiebands can make the VK scene live longer, since the bands can get more fans because of it.
  50. 1 point

    Trombe has disbanded

    I don't know what happened, so I'm going to assume there is some reason the mods have all converged towards that ban and they weren't just being bullies. But even if Trombe was in the wrong, that does not in any way invalidate all the valuable contributions this person brought to the News section and the forum in general. I find it in poor taste to suddenly start acting as if his work wasn't such a big deal or even worse, that it was inconvenient this person was so thorough in news coverage. I didn't see anyone complain about this before, so It feels disingenuous to start downplaying his/her work now that he/she won't post anymore. I'm sure it's not the same for everyone here, but take a step back and it's easy to realize some of us were really appreciative of all the news posted, either minor or major, and in very due time. Just an opinion from someone who barely posts and has no particular sympathies for anyone.
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