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Status Updates posted by emmny

  1. Zetsubou no naka de...boku no omoi itai desu.

    1. emmny


      ore no namae wa...kuroi hana desu. yoroshikuonegaiitashimajhskasu

    2. Seimeisen


      What? I don't speak romaji

    3. emmny


      etto? nandesuka? ore no japanese ga subarashii desu kimi ga baka.

  2. *patiently waits for russian chicks to upload the niconico DEZERT live to vk*

  3. #5 popular contributor this week thanks for enjoying my bullshit!

    1. yakihiko


      You got 2nd at a time, which means 1st. You know, nobody can surpass Trombe... Even if you drop a Gazette single.


    2. saishuu


      you're 1st in my heart bb

    3. Tokage


      we must work together to overthrow the dreaded 1st place holder

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  4. #ChiForMod2017

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      I am so down for this.

    2. CAT5


      @Zeus @Ito @nostalgia @doombox @Seimeisen - welp, the ppl have spoken. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

    3. doombox


      Chi would look super sexy in blue, ngl~

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  5. #JusticeForYazzmad

    1. chemicalpictures



    2. Jigsaw9



    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      they got what they deserved 

  6. #justwannabebangya things: inventing (and doing) ur own furi while listening to songs

    1. emmny


      this includes furiously headbanging in public #relatable

  7. 30 seconds into the yoru mini and im already dead

    1. emmny


      it prolly sounds fucking legendary live i can already imagine the massive wall of sound behind velo

    2. nekkichi


      tell iT, mama


      I'm so tired of sukekuso stans praising that garbage album whereas the real artkei is created on the DL by people who aren't patchy-balding and don't howl their larynx out on every other track!!!!

  8. aie to chase the blues away

  9. among all the piles of shit in the scene...vrzel is the biggest, stinkiest token of shit. they're so fucking good!

    1. tetsu_sama69


      messy queens

    2. emmny


      LITERALLY the best and messiest gazette ripoff band EVER...MISERY is the biggest bop this side of UGLY™ by the GazettE™

  10. amrita is a depression BOP thank u sioux

  11. as always mentioned, people do not cherish VK bands when they are still active...until being saddened when disbandment/member departure

    1. emmny


      @saishuuthank you. I'll be looking forward to your well formatted news topics.

    2. saishuu


      @emmny i'll be eagerly awaiting for your PMs...

    3. suji


      don't fucking tell me to capitalize the V in Clearveil 😂

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  12. best era for despa looks tbh...excellent choice of pic...tempted to change my mako for an old despa look now too tbh

    1. saishuu


      you don't ever disappoint me tbh you should use an old zero pic in his thot period!!

  13. blasting the new kuroyuri single so my neighbours KNOW not to fuck with me

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      a single that is named "vomit and shit" deserves to be heard by the whole neighbourhood.

    2. emmny


      it sounds like vomit and shit...YASSSSS

  14. broe....everytime i listen to death im like....wow...they were so perfect. rip chuck :((

    1. CAT5



  15. confession time: first time listening to vajra and they're lowkey so good...

    1. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      Vajra was a very decent band of the mode. They're nowhere close to being as outrageous a thieves as any of the three AINS bands either imo

    2. emmny


      @Disposableliterally! how can u hoes talk about how u love unsraw and xodiack when vajra is literally the next best thing

    3. Tokage


      wasnt xodiack that band that tried to make it big in the west right from the start and flopped hard?

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  16. day 10 of listening to the new dimlim 15x daily : yes

    1. platy


      still as good as day 1

  17. DOf have like 35 songs out and they've been together for a little more than 2 years...n they're all amazing. u better STAN!!

  18. First brand new and now karma? the music gods are too kind...two legends joining forces.

    1. doombox


      I checked out that Brand New album because everyone's been losing their minds over it, but I only liked about 3 songs. *shrug* 

    2. emmny


      @Tokageif it means anything, it reminds me a lot of moon and antarctica-era modest mouse. It's really mellow compared to daisy pretty far from their emo roots but i like the spacier sound. the compositions were really sharp and i was literally expecting trash because of the past released tracks but they had nothing to do with the album

    3. Tokage


      n i c e, i'm gonna give that shit a spin

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  19. friendly reminder: the new savage SLAYS

  20. ggg are killing it again...as usual

  21. gonna get a bass so i can smack shit like saz, toshiya and all other 5 string queens

    1. leafwork


      I need a decent 5/6 string bass

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      10 string bass


      if you can't go as low as satan 👏 don't 👏 say 👏 you 👏 play 👏 bass 👏 

    3. Himeaimichu


      I'm stuck between making a Bootsy Collins joke no one will get... or citing Glenn Fricker's Rule number 2. 



    1. Jigsaw9


      u mean '00s indie-vk --> GUCHAGUCHA, '10s indie-vk --> CHUGGACHUGGA

    2. tetsu_sama69



  23. emmny

    HAPPY (belated, sorry i suck) BIRTHDAY to my aunt???i think????whatever i can't keep track but im happy ur in my family somehow hehe <3 <3

    1. beni


      THANK YOU MY DEAR NEPHEW (this will teach me to remember such relations lmao)! Can I just say we're the most fabulous family, ok? <33

    2. emmny


      YES YES ! <3 <3

  24. emmny

    happy belated daddy

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