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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/20 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Karma’s Hat

    Visual Kei Archive Project

    Most of the uploads on MH have already been dead for a while, and I guess this applies to the blogspots as well. I got used to it. Now you can find all the normiecore + some more from Jpopsuki and I appreciate that they got FLACs of all the essentials. The canon will be there for everyone to have, but the ultra rarez will now once more return to those who bought them and their friends. It's probably coming from a position privilege in this matter, but I don't mind that this shit isn't available for all the noobs to consume.
  2. 3 points
    (I'm not sure where this topic belongs so I'm putting it here) I was curious about how to save my history here so I found that this is the method that works for me I discussed this with @platy and she said it would be a good idea to write up a tutorial in case anyone else would like to do the same. I understand that there will be an archive but I’m not sure how comprehensive it will be (though I've an idea, they usually look something like this), so I felt like I should back it up myself just in case. Some forums have a “download/export” button for users to download history with (usually BBC code style forums [you know the ones] have these for threads). However, you can still easily export your history into different formats with Google Chrome. Before we begin: I’m converting my history into a complete HTML webpage. What does that mean for how my history will appear? What you keep in addition to your words: Emojis, tags, reactions, a banner, some of your cover photo and people’s avatars will stay intact What you lose: Videos, pictures, the ability to go to the next page, to see hidden responses, to leave the page you are currently on. Warning: Long posts get truncated so if you posted a huge response that you want to save in its entirety, you have three options: Right click on the desired page in your content history page and choose “View page source”. On the page source, MH will be turned into a mess of plain HTML BUT your posts will be in full. Proceed to save this page. Save the thread as a whole (Follow the numbered process below but on a thread instead) Copy/paste into Google Docs I’m not sure how else to save truncated posts or how to make this process easier for our veteran users. It takes like 5-10 seconds to download one page so my own history (16 pages @300-ish posts) doesn’t seem that daunting to me but if you have thousands of posts then it sounds like a hassle. If anyone with better insight can suggest something better, please do! Let’s begin! Let’s start at your profile. If you want to save your profile as it appears right now, right click on anything that isn’t a picture/discussion box and press “save as” Here, you can choose three save options. I suggest saving as “Webpage, complete” so your profile has pictures and the like. These pages only take up like 300kb so it’s really no extra strain on your computer to save them like this over the other formats. You also get a separate folder for elements like reaction.pngs, the banners, and people’s profile pictures! You may choose to save as HTML (no pics) or as a single file only as well. Okay, now you’ve got your profile forever encapsulated on your hard drive. However, that will only include some of your recent posts, let’s get all of them. Click on “See your activity” in the right hand side under your cover photo. If you saved your profile like earlier, then try again here to download this page’s worth of posts. You can also choose what to save in the left-hand box, if you just want your forum replies etc. then choose that option. Awesome! Now you’ve got your first page saved. However, that will just be one page. You need to go to the next page and repeat the process until you feel satisfied. Do not forget to change the name of your page when you try to download it. You can change it into whatever you like, such as “[user]’s content 2” or “My posts part 2” but you need to make sure that it’s different so that it won’t overwrite
  3. 3 points
    ngl i was expecting this
  4. 2 points

    Visual Kei Archive Project

    The links may be dead but with a quick PM to the original poster or the many people who downloaded it, I've found that you could often get someone generous enough to upload it again. I would say it worked for me 50% of the times here, not bad when I consider some of the downloads I asked about had been dead for years. For the rarer/obscure releases, the dead link on these pages aren't so much of the tragedy to me, it's often the information by the original poster and the subsequent conversation that is just as important. When I'm on the hunt for the music or want to find out more about the band, all of those scraps of information help considering there's little to no information in English about a lot of the bands that have been discussed here, whether it's the download page, a news article or even someone who sold something 10 years ago here, it all made a difference in knowing what was out there. When the average shelf life of a fan is a few years, it's almost critical the posts stay alive because the people who posted them are long gone. With a death of a forum, most of that deeper stuff gets lost and very unlikely to be carried over by anybody to the next place. I've seen many come and go over the last 20 years and something like discords, which is seemingly the direction newer fans are taking to share information, will never really act like a good substitute to the dusty old forum platform IMO. And I agree, as someone who trawls discogs, YJA, mercari, and Japanese webshops for a vinyl, CD or tape, I don't mind that everyone doesn't have download access to everything. If people really want it, they'll find a way to buy it but the information is the part that needs to stay alive and accessible. Again, having seen many forums and websites come and go, there's plenty of things (YJA listings, images, html files, etc) I've saved about a particular band that I could never find again.
  5. 2 points

    Show Yourself (again)

    Trying to stay cute while thinking about my perspectives being a good mom (to be honest I'm extremely sick, both mentally and physically) Well... who knows...
  6. 2 points


    I'm glad I haven't MIST any updates to this thread because it really is Funny world in here.
  7. 2 points
    Pandora's Box


    Let's not Lament and get to it
  8. 2 points
    TrackList: [TYPE A] 1.黒よりも暗い黒 2.THE LAST GAME 3.燭 [TYPE B] 1.黒よりも暗い黒 2.THE LAST GAME 3.BRAIN
  9. 1 point
    Vo. Keita Takeshita (ex-CodeRebirth -> Far East Dizain) solo project has formed and first digital single "Another World / Place to Remember" has been released at 2020/12/18 [tracklist] 1. Another World 2. Place to Remember
  10. 1 point

    um hello

    I decided to finally make a profile on here because I kinda been lurking this forum for awhile lol, my name is Tristan im 21 years old from ontario canada I been listening to visual kei since I was around 11 years old some of my favorite bands are X japan, malice mizer, moi dix mois, AURA, D, syndrome, phantasmagoria, lareine, versailles, madeth gray'll, shazna, kuroyume, dio distraught overlord, vidoll, la'mule, aicle, ayabie, panic channel, metis gretel, megaromania and several others...im mostly into the old school stuff if it werent obvious haha but theres a few bands from the modern era that I enjoy as well like kiryu, la'veil mizera, scarlet valse, the gallo, and rides in revelion... . I noticed most people on here use band members as their profile pic but my picture is actually me, because I like to attempt visual kei looks sometimes lol anyways id love to meet some new friends on here ~ !
  11. 1 point
    Ah, I know what video you're talking about! I'll see if I can find it in my archives, or on any video sites...hopefully before the site freezes.
  12. 1 point

    Visual Kei Archive Project

    Well, since MH is closing, I thought I'd finally begin work on this project. For years, MH was THE place to get high quality downloads of rare bands. However, since MH is, well, dying, so much Visual Kei will be purged from the internet. To make up for that, I've decided to start work on a project to sort of replace MH in that regard. But, I cannot do this on my own, which is why I'm asking for your help. If you're interested, join my discord server where we'll organize things https://discord.gg/mFeJ6C3Yvm
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point

    Best J-rock Albums 2010 - 2020!!!

    thank u for repping merry on this list - I couldn't recall a single recent track of them while writing mine, and apparently in the month that passed since no one else did I hope I'll get into some nostalgia re-listening over this winter season.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point


    Well the VARIOUS topics do keep things pretty entertaining but some of it makes me pretty MAD, K. Sometimes it just fills me with REGRET having checked the thread to begin with.
  17. 1 point

    New band "アイミー(Aimy)" has formed

    New band "アイミー(Aimy)" has formed. They will hold their first live at 2021/01/05. They are all former components of the session band "うさぎ天使(Usagi Tenshi)". 1st live-limited single 「うさぎごっこ」 will be released. "アイミー(Aimy)" members: vo.Sia (ex.MISERIA) [fka. 英斗(Eito)] gt.輝璃(Kagari) ba.魅兎。(Mito) Twitter
  18. 1 point


    And you'd better hurry 'cause time's running out... TICK TAK, TICK TAK
  19. 1 point
    Yeah I thought so too when I saw it. Didn't really want to comment on it though. Well, one thing tho, the mask can stay up with ease lol To be honest when that video was uploaded last year about his surgery I already felt like he was going to regret it at some point. It just doesn't fit with the rest of his face, or just his entire body in general. He's very petite and there's nothing wrong with that, though he preferred to look more masculine. Which of course is understandable, but just enlarging his nose wasn't going to solve that "problem"...
  20. 1 point
    I'm so worried about Mahiro... It's so obvious that he's unhappy about his nose again This is so sad
  21. 1 point
    This is very bland. I wouldn't have minded the old school metalcore shit if it werent for the lyrics. They really should try to get a native English speaker to write/proofread their lyrics cuz they are cringy and boring
  22. 1 point

    Show Yourself (again)

    my most recent pic I was feeling kote kei inspired lol
  23. 1 point
    People are reacting to the newest single. New opinions. On a new song. I think you need to take a deep breath and realize that nothing said here is directed at you. I, for one, am not interested in the group anymore after listening to this single and given their current history, but nowhere in my comments did I say anything negative, hateful, or spiteful towards anyone else. It's great that you like this, but people are allowed to have differing opinions. Chill out.
  24. 1 point

    Best J-rock Albums 2010 - 2020!!!

    MERRY - Beautiful Freaks MERRY - NOnsenSe MARkeT Marco - ららら Marco - 穴二つ Marco - セイゾンノシルシ (it's a mini-album, but it's fucking good, pls check it out!!) Ariabl'eyeS - 黎明シンフォニア GRIEVA - 鬼ト影-オニトカゲ- Megaromania - Megaromania Versailles - Jubilee LIV'ERT - LIV'ERT Lin - Independent Maze forCroiX - Grimoire Labaiser - Folklore Moi dix Mois - Reprise Femme Fatale - Arcana KISAKI PROJECT - 壊 詞 ~an ideal of beauty Desperate~ Virge - Gracia MARIA'N † ROSA - ROSARY I've been into visual kei for almost 10 years now, goddamn! These are all the releases that came up in my head, I'm sure there's more ;w;
  25. 1 point


    It might shock you to learn that Mexico is firmly located on the North American continent.
  26. 1 point


    That would be my friend and pretty much all the bangya who used to go to Dimlim. lmfao This is old drama and I'm way over this band so idc anymore. Here's your tea. My friend tweeted about how awful Dimlim was after their live at Aoyama Rizm last November, saying how it's time for Dimlim to be taken out back. She wrote the tweet in English and, despite Retsu being utterly terrible at English, he understood that her comment was critical and he blocked her. This also happened to a few people I know who don't like Dimlim, which proves that Retsu ego searches "Dimlim" on Twitter and blocks anyone that writes anything critical about the band like the edgelord that he is. Surprisingly he never blocked me (probably because I'm not very active on SNS), but he blocked everyone I know who used to go to Dimlim even though they supported the band for years and didn't do anything to wrong him. Retsu's always been a douche but this was the nail in the coffin for me and the few bangya that gave 3-man Dimlim a try. His Twitter was suspended though so the evil has (partially) been defeated.
  27. 1 point
    They have released a new EP called 赤い花・青い花 EP (AKAI HANA・AOI HANA EP) on 9/16. It's available at Kinocko Hotel official mail order and Disk Union stores. 【SONGS】 1.赤い花・青い花 (AKAI HANA・AOI HANA) 2.銀色モノクローム (GIN-IRO MONOCHROME) 3.マリリン・モンロー・ノー・リターン (MARILYN・MONROE・NO・RETURN) * Includes a virus-removing towel. 1,980 yen (tax included) https://www.kinocohotel.info/posts/10307535
  28. 1 point
    VK: 1. Luna Sea 2. Devil Kitty 3. Plastic Tree 4. hide 5. Dir en Grey Western artists: 1. Prince 2. Mr. Bungle 3. OutKast 4. Jack Off Jill 5. Smashing Pumpkins
  29. 1 point

    DIMLIM new album, "MISC." release

    That's what every JP vkei fan sees when filthy gaijin ask them on Twitter about a random Gesshoku flyer from 1993. So I won't diss him. He made an effort even though he didn't have to. I can appreciate that.
  30. 0 points

    Dir en grey

    It wasn´t finished yet. https://thepriceofbeingaroseisloneliness.tumblr.com/post/629503238336659456/kaorutoshiya-interview-burrn-october-2020-12
  31. 0 points

    Dir en grey

    Because it's not out? They'll probably release it with the next MV DVD
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