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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/16 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    SaToRu (ex-EZZI-->JILLED RAY-->グラムヘイズ (glamhaze)) Solo Project new mini-album "The CORE" will be released at 2017/1/25. (2 TYPE) Limited edition will include CD+DVD (including "シルエット (Silhouette)" MV) (5 tracks, 3,000 yen) and regular edition will be CD only (6 tracks, 2,500 yen) Recording band members: Gu.GAKU (FEST VAINQUEUR) Gu.I'LL (FEST VAINQUEUR) Ba.Rei (DaizyStripper) Dr.&Piano.風弥~Kazami~ (DaizyStripper) 風弥~Kazami~ (DaizyStripper) will also produce the mini album. [track list] 1.JOKER 2.シルエット (Silhouette) 3.The Last Judgement 4.Silent Crime 5.奈落 (Naraku) 6.繭 (Mayu) (included in regular edition only) btw he will hold his one man live "The CORE〜僕を呼ぶその先へ〜 (Boku wo Yobu Sono Saki e)" at Shibuya REX at 2017/2/4.
  2. 4 points
    臓器のノゾキ穴。(Zouki no nozokiana) Track list: 01.チョコレート階段(Chocolate kaidan) 02.「洗脳」(Sennou) 03.液状部屋 (Ekijou heya) 04.絶倫フルコース (Zetsurin full course) 05.「腐乱腐乱」 (Furanfuran) 06.すてきな唄。 (Suteki na uta) 吐瀉物 (Toshabutsu) 01. 吐瀉物 (Toshabutsu) 02. 「便所2」 (benjo2) The great part of being a visual fan is all the unpredictable wackiness that happens behind the scenes. I don't think anyone would have predicted that one of the best visual albums of 2015 would have come from a band that had only a demo-tape before their full album release. This band burst onto the scene with a foul sound: even among their contemporaries who borrow from the early 2000's visual-kei sound, Kuroyuri to Kage were different. Their songs moved along with a hauntingly heavy feel, more akin to the sounds of sludge-metal than the hyper-sanitized metalcore/djent hybrids currently reigning the scene. It was especially wild considering this was the new band of Memento-Mori, a band with a heavy japoneseque leaning. Their image was as dark as their doomy sound, led by the particularly enigmatic and freaky vocalist Karasuna Mei. Themes of perversion, darkness, rape, murder and anything else you wouldn't ever want to see unless it was in a horror movie make up the lyrical themes and concepts of their releases. A period of long inactivity towards the later half of 2015 had stans suspicious, so the news that they'd be dropped from AINS and losing two founding members to retirement wasn't all that big of a shock. That said, they chose to continue independently* on their own label Yamikakumei with a four member lineup, recruiting a support drummer. What did the future hold for a once very promising band on one of the best labels in the scene? Kuroyuri to kage return from flopsville after some label drama and losing two original members, releasing Zouki no nozokiana and Toshabutsu in 2016, slaying our existence. What could have been a recipe for disaster has been whipped into a yummy two course meal by the master chefs behind KTK, albeit made of human flesh and blood. Dinner is the mini-album Zouki no nozokiana, the band's second mini album and first formal release after the departure of guitarist Koyomi and drummer Mutsuki, released on the 10th of August, 2016. Dessert is Toshabutsu, the band's second single, released on the 2nd of November. So without further ado ladies and gentlemen, let's say grace and sink our filthy forks into this! These releases are similar enough stylistically to fall under one review, they could have been recorded in the same sessions—that said, Kuroyuri are quite consistent with their sound. Make no mistake, this is the same band from 2015 for the most part, the differences from their prior output are quite fine, but still prominent. The most notable difference is the more direct sound: all the tracks here follow the same mid-tempo crawl Kuroyuri have been known for, shedding the ballads and faster songs from their debut. The blast beats are entirely gone, and so are the eerie music box ballads. The single guitar setup has pushed more of an emphasis on electronics and less on lead guitar parts, the surprising old-school solos Koyomi whipped up in the past are noticeably absent. To compensate for the missing guitar, along with the newly added bleepbloops, the bass is turned up to 11—and I mean it. The bass pummels like no one's business. I haven't heard basslines this obnoxious since like...ever. The way the bass is mixed is also fascinating, on the surface it's just a lot of clacking, trembly bass work. The magic comes when you crank the volume up; the low end is massive, almost like a subwoofer was dubbed over the bassline. The bass and guitar almost occupy the same amount of space in the mix, so you will hear every bass hit and every note K plays. The end result is a more pummeling sound, less Kagerou and more Slipknot or Korn. It's all less dynamic than their first two releases, which is a bit of a loss for me, but it's an interesting way Kuroyuri have chosen to advance their sound and adapt to the member changes. Onto the individual releases, Nozoki... is a 6 track mini, half featured in the prior mail-order/live-limited singleうろんなチョコ冷凍。(Uronna Choko Reitou.) from April 2016. “Chocolate kaidan”, “Zetsurin full course” and “Suteki na uta” are all remastered from their original demos, sounding noticeably sharper and less lo-fi, while the rest are new tracks. That said, the production job on the mini is far from perfect, it's rather obnoxiously clipped. “Chocolate kaidan” isn't too notable a track but serves as a solid into for the rest of the album. Tt follows from Kuroyuri's original formula of clean, reverb-y guitar parts paired up with a heavy chorus and clean vocals, originally featured to brilliant effect in “Yokusou”. “Sennou” takes no prisoners, melding djent-y riffage (!!) with an alt-metal crawl, dubstep breakdown (??) and insane vocals. The subtle shifting of the track's rhythm and Mei's contrasting vocals make it an album highlight and totally addictive. “Ekijouheya” isn't as interesting as the rest, but is notable for the wild Korn-esque scat vocal breakdown and amazing slap bass solo in the middle. The new emphasis on electronics/manipulation is on full display here, as the buzzy synth duels against the guitar and bass in the verses. “Zetsubou full course” features some disturbing child choir echoing Mei's vocals in the intro and chorus, and is home to the sole guitar solo on the album. The track overstays its welcome at just over five minutes long, but it is one hell of a freaky track. My favourite track, “Furanfuran” follows right after, opening with a barrage of alt-metal riffage and slap bass all while Mei goes insane in the back. I'd like to think this is a really fun live song, as the rhythm goes perfectly with moshing furitsuke, or choreography. The track builds in its noisiness while Mei goes back and forth between a hypnotic vocal melody and utter madness, all before coming to a pretty end. “Suteki na uta” is more or less a different variation of all the flavours already offered on the prior tracks. Toshabutsu is where shit hits the fan (harharhar), by way of the title track; the best song Kuroyuri to Kage have released since “Yokusou”. The track opens up with trippy, oddly manipulated and dissonant chords (Inquisition, anyone?) backing the usual alt-metal crawl. It segways into the typical effects-laden clean guitar+bass passages Kuroyuri have basically trademarked at this point. The tension mounts with some operatic vocals, all before melting back into the same intro passage while Mei delivers the chorus. It's an odd chorus in that it's long and not all that catchy, but the way the guitars drop and Mei comes in with the lyrical delivery is so fucking addictive. Listen to this on blast and I guarantee you'll be slow headbanging like a maniac. This is so, so heavy in a way only Kuroyuri can do. Also notable is how Mei sticks to mostly clean vocals throughout the song, but ends up heavy enough to demolish your head. “Benjo2” is the b-side for “Toshabutsu”, and it sounds nothing like the original “Benjo”; rather serving as the manic release for “Toshabutsu”'s composed heaviness. These releases aren't enough to convert Kuroyuri naysayers, but definitely warrant a listen from people who might have written them off in the past. In that same length, Nozoki... and Toshabutsu are stripped down enough to possibly alienate old fans who might not like their new, meatier sound. That said, if you're tired of the mass spawning of Deluhi clones, try-hard deathcore bands and oshare kei, and you reminisce about the days when MUCC were actually heavy and when Slipknot and Korn ruled MTV, then give this a listen. Dinner and dessert were delicious today, thanks for joining in on today's feast. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to the wipe the blood off the corners of my mouth and get to cleaning up this mess. I think i'll need more bleach. Until next time. Both Nozoki no nozokiana and Toshabutsu are available for sale at CD Japan here and here respectively. 8/10 *the question remains as to whether they were actually dropped by AINS or whether something else is going on behind the scenes that we don't know; so for the intents and purposes of this review assume they're independent
  3. 4 points
    The title of the single has been finalized as "傘と雨" (kasa to ame) and it will be released on February 1, 2017. It will come in 3 types (type A ¥2,315, type B ¥1,800, regular edition ¥1,204) Type A tracklist & DVD: CD 1. 傘と雨 2. 傘と雨 -Acoustic version- [DVD] <ライヴ映像> Merry Halloween Party 〜Trick or MERRY〜 2016.10.29 クリエイティブセンター大阪 1. イエローガール (Yellow Girl)* 2. 赤い靴 (Akai Kutsu)* 3. バイオレットハレンチ (Violet Harenchi)* 4. ビニ本2丁目八千代館 (Binihon 2-chōme yachiyokan) 5. 絶望 (Zetsubou) 6. Carnival 7. 千代田線デモクラシー (Chiyudasen Democracy) 8. 平日の女 -A面- (Heijitsu no Onna -A men-) OFFSHOT *O.A. スーパーメリーズ (Super Merries) Type B: [DVD] 傘と雨 (MUSIC VIDEO) MAKING OF 傘と雨 Regular edition tracklist: [CD] 1. 傘と雨 2. Happy life -幸福論 Acoustic version- 3. Zombie Paradise ~地獄DISCO mix〜
  4. 3 points
    I'm enjoying this read a lot, particularly the historical stuff. It's funny to see people admit to thinking fondly of this stuff, because I loved this sound when it was current and I assumed I was in the minority. Around 2004 when I was just getting into VK, I was exposed more to D'espairsRay, UnsraW, Gazette, and of course Dir en grey, and that was the sound I associated with VK. I really didn't discover the "classic" sound beyond Dir en grey's early stuff until a few years later. I played in metal and -core bands in late middle school and high school so the heavy vibe spoke to me more. Truthfully I did listen to some nu-metal like Mushroomhead and KoRn but I didn't see much similarity between those bands and this style of VK until later. I'm not entirely sure why. Where does stuff like early Devil Kitty fit in? It has some odd turntable usage (0:43) and some awkward, sort of metallic riffing but I have no idea what to make of this weird garbage. While not as nu-metal as most of this thread, it's a fairly early example at 2003, and I always enjoyed this song more than I care to admit: I'm not familiar with this version of the song which is apparently a more recent re-recording, but I always dug the original's riffs: This is a good example too. It's like if Coal Chamber was fronted by a child:
  5. 3 points
    Only one new song ? I need more new MERRY !
  6. 3 points
    It's the same cesspool it always has been, we just now know more details and can follow all the dramas, thanks to social media.
  7. 3 points
  8. 2 points

    LIRAIZO new releases

    LIRAIZO new mini album will be released on 2017/03/22. Additionally, 2 new full albums will be released in 2017 summer, and their new maxi single will be released in 2017 winter. They will hold their 3rd anniversary one-man live at Takadanobaba AREA on 2017/11/18.
  9. 2 points

    Any old school bands?

    i think l'eprica is a good examples of what you're looking for. zodia are more heavy and less atmospheric, but i think this song of theirs might also fit into what you're looking for. if anybody else knows more i would like to know as well.
  10. 2 points
    I expect a new single announcement during the time period after the last 2 STUDIO COAST shows.
  11. 2 points
    I know... On the one hand, their last albums got some criticism for half of them appearing on singles first, so if they are saving their song ideas and an album appears soon, it will be fine. If they simply can't come up with anything though, that spells trouble.
  12. 2 points
    The single sounds perfect and I am dead. Acoustic! And I wasn't even hoping to see from the Halloween live!
  13. 2 points
    Since it hasn't been posted yet: They will hold their 4th one-man "GAK祭" at 2017/01/13 at Shinjuku Ruido K4
  14. 2 points

    The Nu metal 00's in Visual kei

    These guys always seemed pretty openly influenced by MUCC's older nu-metal-influenced sound, so I think they deseve to be mentioned here. There's 100% better examples for these dudes out there on the YT-sphere as well, they were basically to old MUCC what Grieva was to old Dir en grey at some point, so similarities are inevitable. heidi. sometimes went full nu-metal as well. As far as I know, it didn't happen too often tho. :^) And since I posted the previous one, I feel like this band also brought the nu-metal riffage from time to time. Just fucking come and DARE tell me that that bass doesnt have the nu-metal sound my dudes. Honorable mention also goes out to the angura band Uma, I remember them having a rap rock/nu-metal type sound as well, can't find any samples on YT though, sadly.
  15. 2 points
    MERRY and rain usually means retro-goodness. Let's see just how much the new single changes in the studio version.
  16. 2 points
    Brasileiro fazendo tutorial de maquiagem de visual kei old school? Nunca na minha vida eu pensei que veria uma porra dessa. "...e um vestido vagabundo, mas que tenha alguns detalhes. Bom, mas os detalhes podem ser vagabundos também. (...) Eu já passei o pancake por causa que, senão, ia ficar muito comprido o vídeo, e eu detesto ficar enchendo linguiça com coisa inútil." KDFGKJERNFJSNFGORFGVJOKDSNFHVIUSDFBGIDFSJIDFOGJNVOFIDGJPERGJOJOIDRJKGPOIFJGOIDFKGPODFKPSDLPOFSDFVHDIUGHJKGHFDFGEIFGLKJSDFREIFKFDJFIPODFSJSÇDFOSD
  17. 2 points
    Eu só acompanho canal bão: hehehe XD
  18. 2 points

    The Nu metal 00's in Visual kei

    Since this topic is about nu metal in visual kei worth to mention also korean bros - the Trax
  19. 2 points
  20. 1 point
    Consider it a sister thread to the oshare kei one. I think this is a delightful dualism to make, and I am all about that vkei history anyway so I'll take any excuse to make another one of these. The adoption of the nu metal riff and attitude into visual kei's musical framework happened just when the scene changed forever with the implosion of the old labels and bands. In the usual visual kei fashion we were late to the party just about a good five years too. It snuck itself in slowly, making cursory appearances at such places as MUCC's Antique from 1999, Kagerou's Biological Slicer from 2000, Aliene Mariage's farewell album 21st Century from 2001 and probably in retrospect most importantly, Dir en grey's Six Ugly from 2002. By the year 2006 ( which saw the release of both eight's ILLATIONAL and Girugamesh' 13's Reborn ) the nu metal riff had fundamentally transformed the landscape of visual kei. Below are some examples of the development that took place. Before I get to that though, I have to say that there's not many scenes that can even begin to rival the longevity that visual kei bands, venues and its marketplace have enjoyed throughout its history. Still living both in the underground and occasionally even willing to take the L of performing at a half empty Budoukan, it ceases to amaze the spectators that stumble upon it; all the while all the goths of the bat caves, punks of 77' and dadrockers of the whatever, live out their legacies either through grandfathers or hack retro acts that suck by default. Granted it doesn't look the same, but indeed the willingness of its adherents to assimilate new currents have kept the hangman at bay and those nails off its coffin at least for now, which has allowed visual kei to remain a relatively recognisable brand for just about a few years short of three decades. This thread while also about the seminal bands that managed to break through, is just like its oshare counterpart moreso dedicated to honor and celebrate those little bands that everyone other than south american blogspots from 2007 forgot. If you were that angry young man in your mid teens back in 2008 you ought to know this stuff by heart If anyone can name an earlier instance of a just straight up nu metal riff I'd appreciate it greatly. Early Mucc is of course classic vkei and Tatsurou puts in just a canonical performance as the narrator of desperate hearts. Their nu metal sound would get thicker and thicker up until 2004, when they went literally out the deep end, supposedly almost disbanding by the sheer weight of the recording process. My preference however remains the very earliest releases up to 2002. From the band that made one of the best visual kei albums of all time comes a ripoff of "Eyeless" by Slipknot - that's the sound of Aliene imploding into disbandment. While I think it's undeniably shit especially considering merits of their career up to that point, they lowkey took part in pioneering the nu metal sound in visual kei. Keep in mind that at the time of this recording Slipknot's s/t wasn't that old, and it is a sound that vk bands would keep on ripping off for almost a decade afterwards. Another thing of note was that the vocalist Kyoka also ditched the frilly dresses and adopted the nu metal fashion! While his sins are numerous, this has to be his worst offense. Either way an important document for visual kei's metamorphosis. If the disease had only previously been a cough, after Dir en grey got through with it the scene quickly became hospitalised by it. They would continue riding roughshod over the genre until 2008's Uroboros where they'd go on to do more of the scene's pioneering work. Say what you will about them, they've continued to stay relevant through all these years and I think it's only very recently that the scene has stopped riding their coattails as much as it has. I'll keep it at that, though rest assured there's certainly numerous other examples of the early usage of the nu metal riff from around 99 to 2002 of varying importance in the canon. Early Girugamesh is what most people have their fondest memories of, and everything up to 13's Reborn is as good as gold as far nu kei is concerned. Their suit wearing while certainly not the first time it had happen in vkei, it was probably the context in which girugamesh presented it that made all the difference for the future: the blackclad angryman playing just nu metal influenced visual kei. Oddly enough I despised Girugamesh as a child EVEN THOUGH THEY SOUND EXACTLY THE SAME AS ALL THESE OTHER BANDS and it took me deep into adulthood that I finally warmed up to them at all. Unsraw was my Girugamesh in a sense that they were the filthiest band I knew in my seminal vk years. Hearing Unsraw sent me on a quest of finding the most rad nu metal vk band out there, and more often than not it just led me to the disappointments that contributed to the failure I am today. Yuuki's vocals made a huge impression on me and it was ever the more bitter pill to swallow that they got very boring very quick. Their Core the Child hits being contemporary with Girugamesh' early ouvre, they can also be considered of relative importance. This is what this thread is about. Look at those clothes, that breakdown from 2.10 that lasts for an eternity and Since1889 was in general just the quintessential nukei vk band. So bad it's good. Despite this band having just about eek'd past the 2010 limit, they deserve mention being one of those final bands at the tail end of this fad. The look is still very much 00's and not the glitz of the 10's, and more or less free of the soon scene dominating metalcore riff. Glorious vocals as well. There's a million of these bands, AND THEY'RE ALL GREAT. Post favs, early specimens in the scene, anything that fits within the parameters.
  21. 1 point
    Hi, I found the lyrics in kanji from DEZERT - 「変態」 and I romaniced it (?? what?) Though is written "ヘンタイ" , might be "変態" as the title. I guess xD ヘンタイ ヘンタイ もうたちまち僕ら少数派です ヘンタイ ヘンタイ そうたちまち君も少数派です ヘンタイ ヘンタイ もうたちまち僕ら少数派です ヘンタイ ヘンタイ いずれ君も少数派です Hen Tai hentai mō tachimachi bokura shōsū-hadesu hentai hentai sō tachimachi kimi mo shōsū-hadesu hentai hentai mō tachimachi bokura shōsū-hadesu hentai hentai izure kimi mo shōsū-hadesu 壊されないように 傷つけないように 歌う未来じゃもう誰も救えやしない 踏みにじられようと くたばりそうでも 耐え続ける 本来そういうもの 嘘つきでいいや 今 僕は叫ぶ「ヘンタイ !」 kowasa renai yō ni kizutsukenai yō ni utau mirai ja mō dare mo sukueyashinai fuminijira reyou to kutabari-sōde mo tae tsudzukeru honrai sōiu mo no usotsukide iya ima boku wa sakebu `hen Tai!' ヘンタイ ヘンタイ もうたちまち僕ら少数派です ヘンタイ ヘンタイ そうたちまち君も少数派です ヘンタイ ヘンタイ いずれ君も少数派です Hen Tai hentai mō tachimachi bokura shōsū-hadesu hentai hentai sō tachimachi kimi mo shōsū-hadesu hentai hentai mō tachimachi bokura shōsū-hadesu hentai hentai izure kimi mo shōsū-hadesu 壊されないように 傷つけないように 守りたくて まだ進めずにいるの? 口に出せばいい ほら やりたいようにやって死ねばいい。 本来そういうもの 嘘つきでいいよ ほら 君は叫ぶ「ヘンタイ」 kowasa renai yō ni kizutsukenai yō ni mamoritakute mada susumezu ni iru no? Kuchi ni daseba ī hora yaritai yō ni yatte shinebaī. Honrai sōiu mo no usotsukide ī yo hora, kimi wa sakebu `hen Tai' 例えば嘘が蔓延る世界でも全部スルーしステージ立つ 殺したい程の悪意を喰らっても全部許してステージ立つ 起死回生 なんてどこにあるの? 疑似更生 なんて 言語道断 いっそ もっと 苦しみが増えるだけ tatoeba uso ga habikoru sekai demo zenbu surū shi sutēji tatsu koroshitai hodo no akui o kuratte mo zenbu yurushite sutēji tatsu kishikaisei! nante doko ni aru no? Giji kōsei! nante gongodōdan isso motto kurushimi ga fueru dake. ほら また聞こえてきたよ 意思のないプロモーション 本質を濁したまんまで まだ踊り続けるの? hora mata kikoete kita yo ishi no nai puromōshon honshitsu o nigoshita manma de mada odori tsudzukeru no? 壊されないように 傷つけないように 守るために今 意思を叫ぶべきだろ 口に出せばいい ほら やりたいようにやって死ねばいい 本来そういうもの 嘘つきの歌がほら 嘘つきの君を抱きしめて 嘘つきの僕ら さぁ あえて叫べ「ヘンタイ !」 Kowasa renai yō ni kizutsukenai yō ni mamoru tame ni ima ishi o sakebubekidaro kuchi ni daseba ī hora yaritai yō ni yatte shinebaī honrai sōiu mo no usotsuki no uta ga hora usotsuki no kimi o dakishimete usotsuki no bokura sa~a aete sakebe `hen Tai!' ヘンタイ ヘンタイ もうたちまち僕ら少数派です ヘンタイ ヘンタイ いずれ君も少数派です Hentai hentai mō tachimachi bokura shōsū-hadesu hentai hentai izure kimi mo shōsū-hadesu.
  22. 1 point
    nicely written! i was gonna expect toshabutsu to be mentioned in this month's rec, but it's even nicer to see a review of their two recent releases in its entirety! you're right about them turning up the bass like crazy. i love it when i can hear the bass loud and clear, which might also be why i love these two releases so much. definitely their best stuff by far, with toshabutsu blowing me completely away. can't wait to see more reviews from you~! ^^
  23. 1 point
    i was skeptical of the rumors at first but now i'm excited T_T one of the best news of 2016
  24. 1 point

    Copy Pasta'd Classical Melodies Thread

    This is super late, but here’s my contribution~ A ton of SEs contain classical music. I’m not sure if they count but I included those anyway >< Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D minor マステマ†ドルキーム (Mustema†Dorcheme): “理想と現実の硲で・・・” Diaura: “C.O.R.E.” (SE) Chemical Pictures: “Schwarzwald” I’m not sure if this features a slowed down version of Toccata and Fugue in D minor, or something else akin to Air. Meku/Schwarz always seems to mix influences from different composers into his classical guitar instrumentals: Beethoven - Für Elise (0:52, 1:42); maybe Vivaldi and Bach (1:07) sprinkled in too GALEYD: "Op:1" Beethoven - Ode to Joy GALEYD: "infitium" (Starts off with Ode to Joy, but I feel like it’s a medley of other classical pieces as well) Madeth gray’ll: “Evil en Lucifer” (SE) Liraizo: “序章” (SE) Beethoven - 5th Symphony (1:10) ; Jingle bells (1:17) My Dragon: “カオス~意識不明~ “ Dvorak - Symphony No.9 “From the New World”, 3rd movement Nozomu Wakai’s DESTINIA: “Breaking the Fire” (1:46) Mozart - Fantasie in D minor AFTER IMAGE: “AFTER IMAGE” Mozart - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star LM.C: “Minor Leaguer’s Song” (0:54) Pachelbel - Canon in D LM.C: “BOYS & GIRLS” (2:39) Strauss - Also Sprach Zarathustra, Op. 30 BugLug: “超新星~2010 A Space Odyssey~” (SE) (0:33) Tchaikovsky - Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy from the Nutcracker Suite ACE (anonymous confederate ensemble)’s cover of hide’s EYES LOVE YOU (0:55-2:55) Vivaldi - Summer HIZAKI: “Presto” (this one’s a cover of Vivaldi) Wagner - Bridal Chorus EsoLLa: “ざくろの部屋 (introduction)” (SE) (1:13) And if we’re to extend classical music to folk and nursery rhymes, there are: Auld Lang Syne R指定 (R-Shitei): “メジャーデビューなんてクソくらえ!!” (3:05) Korobeiniki Kiryu: “Another Side” (2:08) Sakura Sakura BABYMETAL: “Megitsune” (2:05) Kagome Kagome Kiryu: “魑魅魍魎ノ跳梁跋扈” (1:55) MoNoLith: “warabeuta” (2:28) Grieva: “鬼ノ犇メク籠目唄” Memento Mori: “乱歩絵図ノ子守歌” (1:33) sorry to be sitting on these for so long
  25. 1 point
    Great Review! I checked them out during their earlier releases... but I'm curious about this one now. Definitely going to check it out. :'3
  26. 1 point
    This review was perfect~ I couldn't have said any of this any better. For me though, Zoki No Nozoki Ana was ehh for me, though I do like the songs Zetsurin Full Course (That's the actual name, BTW. Though I can understand why the mistake in the romanisation was made) and Furanfuran very much, Toshabutsu for me really gave me more hope. I really miss their days of Memento Mori though. That's how I got into them. Though I guess AnguraKei doesn't allow the same amount of creativity as a Neo-Kote Kote Kei/EroguroKei crossover does.
  27. 1 point
    i guess we can call that simplicity or irony,or both xD
  28. 1 point

    Pets and animals

    My new baby <3 Salem ~ kuroneko ~ nekozirushi
  29. 1 point

    Any old school bands?

    ^ that hurr-durr-deathcore vk band is deviloof LOL and they unfortunately don't fit into the description sume7 posted
  30. 1 point

    Oshare of the 2000's

    There was also that fad of oshare kei bands having visual kei alter egos (other than panic channel). Ironically some of them made [arguably] better music than their regular stuff. Ayabie → DEATHBIE DaizyStripper → Frantic Emiry Serial⇔NUMBER → Gothic†Number ZUCK → waruZUCK
  31. 1 point
    There's a Kuroyuri to kage session today as following: Nihilizm LAST GIG 4MAN 『Nihility of the Explosion』-爆音の虚無- EVENT 2016 年 11 月 28 日 (月) 開催日 2016 年 11 月 28 日 (月) アーティスト Nihilizm 【GUEST】MORRIGAN / 黒百合と影セッション(voナメクジgtメガネba二頭筋drミッキー)/ LIRAIZO / (O.A)LANTANA The members are as following: voナメクジ (slug) gtメガネ (glasses) ba二頭筋 (biceps) drミッキー (mickey mouse) the members have tweeted the following: Karasuna mei: Oh by the way, I heard there's a Kuroyuri to kage session tomorrow, what's that about... Kuro: I guess I have to put on my glasses tomorrow K: I really need to flex my biceps tomorrow at Shinjuku right! Haruka: I'll be Mickey tomorrow so I'll have to wear some disney goods. Let's create an atmosphere filled with dreams and magic! I'm really curious to what they'll do.
  32. 1 point

    Any old school bands?

    That was an interesting quote, haha. Never actually heard a Nagoya kei (let alone angura kei) band with so-called 'extreme metal' stylings. In any case, if I just expand the whole thing to the whole of vk, I can only think of FAR EAST DIZAIN and maybe My BACTERIA HEAT IsLAND (maybe that new hurr-durr-deathcore vk band too? can't remember their name atm, they have a mini album called "PURGE"). But you prolly already know those. :<
  33. 1 point
    Disbanding by Christmas
  34. 1 point
    According to the members there's supposed to be something inside the brackets (meaning that it actually means something) what it is will be revealed at the tour final.
  35. 1 point
    first they stole lycaon's wardrobe (slightly tattered, parts missing) next they stole lycaon's rejected demos from shimizuya's backalley garbage dumpster at this rate the only thing they yet have to steal is bl*ckdoll's heart
  36. 1 point
    I hope they will keep that name - and twitter - after reveal.
  37. 1 point
    This is the best tour name I've seen in my entire life
  38. 1 point
    @doombox I definitely agree on EYA and it's a bit peculiar why not many other bands went as deep into the sound as they did. I presume this is because after the dust had settled from the initial nu metal phase in vk, most upstart vk bands started taking cues from other vk bands instead of the American originators - with EYA being the exception. I also had the fortune of seeing them live and being a part of the saddest pity circle pit ( on the band's insistence ) of out of shape weeaboos you'd ever see. Meth is definitely another blogspot stalwart that stuck around for a uncharacteristically long amount of time. My first time hearing them must have been on one of those MOST BRUTAL VISUAL KEI METAL BANDS videos that you'd might still find on youtube. The nu metal riff is so characteristic to visual kei now that it's never going to go away as long as they have guitars on hand. Now it's a co-existence of the newer core influences with the traditional use of nu metal that's been present for a long time now ( which is something that is quite apparent in a portion western metalcore as well. Back in the latter half of the 00's most the new core musicians had grown up on Slipknot which clearly showed through ). Visual kei is an unique mix however from the melodramatic X chorus to Luna Sea's soundscapes, and stuff just keeps piling on it. @aetarnaYes, it's good that you mentioned Vulgar because there is a good chance it really was the most influential album released in the tradition. Iirc mejibray's tsuzuku said it's what got him to vk ( or at least made a lasting impression- CURIOUSLY ENOUGH he was also keen on having a band that played baroque's brand of vkei, so now we have these two traditions coexisting ) As an aside If you don't remember these kinds of videos then leave this thread. I reckon the lot of them have been deleted and this is a fairly new one as well from 2010, but at least the spirit lives on in the rad editing and bad english
  39. 1 point
    Karma’s Hat

    The Nu metal 00's in Visual kei

    @robkun That's one of those bands I always knew about, but never listened to! I always put it off for some reason even though I enjoy the pv songs... @itsukoii Gregory was great for the couple of songs they put out. Really a shame that the band petered out so fast and the members seemingly went nowhere, which seems endemic to these bands. Here's more contributions of my curatorial genius A band time will certainly forget. Yaminade sporting the most generic fashion and sound of the era and what happens at 0.53 is one of the most nu kei things ever ( in fact the only thing that's more nu kei, happens at the beginning of the song DESPERATE GAIN by a band called Hated. I was unable to find it on youtube but if you manage to get your hands on it, you will not be disappointed. ) Should be recognisable to anyone who scoured through blogspots at the time. Considering that they made it to like 2013, they must have been the last one of their kind to disband. Born in the heyday of the fad, there's probably a box that they don't manage to check. Also named after one of the most classic songs in the genre: Blind by none other than Korn from their s/t that's a western vk album if there ever was one.. I remember when Sadie was referred to as Dir en grey's juniors so much so that you'd think they were stealing riffs from the left and right like Grieva. That's not exactly true, and while the influence is certainly there ( l does that drummer remind you of anybody? ), this is more a case of the musical illiteracy of the dumb western weeaboo who can't discern a clear case of the nu metals from just music where a boy with big hair yells a lot. Sadie is also a band that stuck around for way too fucking long instead of just disbanding the second they had conclusively blown their nu metal wad. Although nowhere near their best releases, Neo destruction deserves a mention because that riff is still being ripped off to this-a-day. I must have counted four instances of having seen it elsewhere, although the only ones I recall off the top of my head now are DEZERT and Mediena who took it wholesale. Nega got nu metally right after their first demo ( their best release ) and more or less stayed so until their disbandment. This goes to show that Kyoka wasn't the only one with nu metal aspirations towards the end of Aliene, and it's strange how they were suddenly unable to work together despite being into the same music. Maybe that just has more to do with that Nega actually started out really good and Kyoka hasn't been a part of anything even remotely decent since like, 1999... Because he sucks.
  40. 1 point

    The Nu metal 00's in Visual kei

    oh, this is a thread i'll be paying close attention to. i love this stuff yet my library is deprived of it,,, therefore i can only offer this:
  41. 1 point
    Яyu's look slaaaaaaaaaays
  42. 1 point
  43. 1 point
    SE why are you making me chooooooose?!?!? Aranea's sexy voice doe hnngggg
  44. 1 point
    lmao, and adding the japanese ending particle "ne" to a full english sentence isn't weeaboo behaviour. "And I don't give a fuck about if your band is based in Japan or not, you are still not JAPANESE." pretty sure nobody claimed that they were but yeah. anyway, you're obviously free to have your opinion, i think most ppl dont agree with you though.
  45. 1 point
  46. 1 point
    I support this idea and I propose that we take it one step further by imposing strict eugenics on all bands, since there might be members of not 100% pure Japanese descent who mask themselves as members of the purported master race. It's time we start a fund to send one of the fine gentlemen who are an expert in this field to Japan in order to meticulously measure the skulls and ensure the racial purity of our Japanese musicians. Perhaps we can make various sub-forums for degrees of Japanese-ness in order to let people decide on their own tolerance for racial deviation? Maybe they're fine with bands who have members who show slightly Caucasoid/Negroid facial traits but not so much as it shows in their skin tone for example? ...Or we just don't care. I'm the last person to think swede-kei and the various other weeaboo scenes are anything to listen to, but honestly, if a band is based in Japan, sings in Japanese, has it's social circles in the Japanese Visual scene, the only thing separating them is race. Kind of silly to make a deal out of, in my opinion.
  47. 1 point
    To be completely honest, this is a non-issue. There really isn't an “foreign VK scene” to speak of. Lilith (and maybe DISREIGN) is the only band with consistently news-worthy announcements, and they're active in Japan so the point is moot. No one cares about BATAAR or Seike enough to even post about their projects. No one is “confused” about a Finnish vk band appearing in the vk section once every six months. But I agree, if you're posting about a Finnish band, feel free to tag it (which you already have the power to do) so that everyone knows they can ignore the post.
  48. 1 point
  49. 1 point
    Re:Re:MY BACTERIA HEAT ISLAND is gonna be their new band name after this.
  50. 1 point

    new band "NEVILIA" has formed

    I'm a fan of the hair and makeup save for ANOTHER Koichi-inspired aspect... LIE and Mese I guess I like the most. The former for the eye makeup and color scheme reminding me of VARYL at least on a glance and latter for the simplicity but marvelous shape of those brunette bangs..
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