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Posts posted by cvltic

  1. i hate shit like this:

    ??? (read "hatena")
    Uma ("yuuma"... how is anyone gonna think anything but horse)
    麺’s卵 ("men's egg")
    彡 ("keno")


    DragonWAPPPPPPER, Berallwarp Rheim, P*Route, ギャックメン (gyackmen, sounds like a hairball), Guy's Family, PIECElang were all p bad

    キナルラ/kinarura as "kenllre" is awful

    Develop One’s Faculties and breakin' holiday sound dumb as hell too.


    i think you can't beat a punchy one-word name that doesn't have some ridiculous reading.

  2. Kiryu - irrational hatred, i just can't stand Mitsuki

    SID -  boring
    Kra -  boring

    THE MICRO HEAD 4N'S - tragically boring

    0.1g no gosan - boring and douchey

    anything with Mashiro in it - Mashiro sucks


    edited to shout out:

    not - the only band i've seen that sucked so bad that literally everyone sat down for them

  3. Clash Against Commercialism (ANTI-FEMINISM, Rentrer en Soi, 12012, the studs) got cancelled after I bought tickets/arranged travel, it's not my fault but I resent this happening constantly lmao

    I missed seeing lynch. in 2009 because of a flight delay, also missed an instore live they did in 2013 when I had to fly back home on that day...

  4. 15 hours ago, Doesn'tEvenGoHere said:

    I've always wondered how old Ryoga from RAZOR (ex BORN) is. If I had to take a guess, I'd say he's in his early to mid 30s, but I could be horribly wrong. 

    he's mathematically at the lowest a 1986/1987 baby; i've pegged him about 2-4 years younger than Hazuki from lynch. (1982) based on their discussions about the scene in their youth, so i think you have a good guess

  5. 2 hours ago, Komorebi said:

    I saw rumors going around about A & B being Hiro and Masa. 

    masa might be president but it kind of makes no sense to go out of your way to found a label and then have yourself and  hiro in charge of finances?? masa is certainly to blame for letting it go so far as to require legal intervention tho

  6. http://www.nocturnalbloodlust.com/news/0/43463/


    Cazqui and Daichi will leave Nocturnal Bloodlust as of their 12/16 performance at Shibuya STREAM HALL.

    The reason behind their departure is due to financial issues between Cazqui & Daichi and two employees of their label, as described here.
    "Two individuals involved in the financial management of Nocturnal Bloodlust's label (henceforth A & B), were previously negligent in the disclosure of income & expenditure pertaining to Cazqui & Daichi. With a growing sense of distrust, both parties requested disclosure of income & expenditure from A & B through a lawyer, where personal usage of money and large amounts of unaccounted-for expenditures by A came to light.

    In addition to the unacceptable behavior within the label mentioned above, Cazqui and Daichi have not yet been paid song production fees and merch design fees, and on the basis that they feel that can no longer continue NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST's activities in such an environment, nor provide high-quality music or performances to fans, they will be leaving the band as of the end of their scheduled activities within the year."

  7. 48 minutes ago, Seelentau said:

    Being invested in the band to the point of fetishizing its members is definitely no normal fan behaviour.

    saying this about a vk band seems a tad off base 😉

  8. Matenrou has had pretty major venue size decline over the last few years, so for me i don't think it's totally as random as the others -- an Operer friend or two has expressed worries to me to that effect. if Matenrou disbanded i feel like it would be because of label issues stemming from profitability rather than lost passion since clearly the remaining members want to go on despite major member losses.


    lynch. and D are fine bar some kind of internal strife, lynch. sold Tokyo Dome City Hall for November and D are still playing huge venues like Toyosu Pit for their finals. i don't understand how Daizy operates at all so no comment there...


    by the way, tanuki has a similar thread.
    here's some of their predictions, for fun:
    Kiryu, Pentagon, Initial'L, Liphlich, DaizyStripper, 0.1g no gosan, R shitei
    Kra (possibly next year), DIAURA, A9, Kizu, Vexent, Grimoire, Doubt/D=OUT
    the Raid. (one prediction that a member will be leaving on their anniversary live next year)
    Blu-Billion (mentioned a LOT, one poster claiming it will be announced at their tour final)

    correct predictions:
    FIXER (this prediction was made 7/30, hmm...)
    Gossip (this prediction was made 9/24, HMMM)

    meme prediction:
    Starwave bands

  9. >be a bandman
    >play shitty american cons for years
    >no one cares about you in japan
    >finally start to come up, band does well
    >almost make it to your 20th anniversary
    >vocalist gets a bunch of absolutely heinous vocal conditions
    >forced to disband
    >over two years later, he's finally better and you can keep doing what you love
    >some guy on a forum calls you cringey for taking a cute photo with your bandmates

  10. unfortunately i don't have the free time i did when i started this thread, but here's a summary of the new tweets since the restoration until now:


    -Employees from child welfare and city officials have visited her
    -Her child is mentally unstable
    -Received some amount of settlement money but is considering a lawsuit as she takes some kind of issue with the amount. She wants him to sign some documents (including a restraining order that will forbid him from approaching the child and a written acknowledgement of a telephone call where he said he wouldn't make any claims damage or sue for defamation), but...
    -Kisaki changed his number and is refusing contact, she implores him to respond
    -Her ex husband was upset about the fact that Kisaki and the woman were briefly in an adulterous relationship and allegedly wants to sue. (He only wants to sue Kisaki over this.) She amends this to point out he's also mad about what's happened with the child later.
    -She was requested to withdraw her criminal complaint to police as part of the settlement money negotiations.

  11. @platy I thought I explicitly acknowledged this when I brought it up. Let me reiterate that I understand that, and that my point is not that you have to believe in all rumors or believe in no rumors. My point is if you're going to smugtweet about how correct and smart Dir en grey is to have ditched Kisaki you should at least demonstrate a semblance of awareness that the Dir house isn't exactly clean when it comes to allegations even if you don't weigh them the same. (This should probably extend to trying to hold up "vk celeb you like" as moral over "vk celeb you don't like that has been implicated" in general because you don't fucking know them or what they've done anyway.)

  12. You can check the details of & discuss the Kyo (Dir)/Daisuke (Kagerou) & co. incident in this thread:

    The title isn't as straightforward as this one so I understand why it got less traction despite being about bigger names, and that people may have missed it. But it covers some fairly famous stories from the anonymous rumor landscape of the scene so if you're interested in these things you should check it out... preferably while remembering to think critically about everything you read in the Rumors subforum and your reaction to what you've read...

    edit: Forgot to mention that Kisaki dropped out of an event. It's unclear at the moment if it's because of the impact of these accusations or some other circumstance.


  13. All the photos prove (granted by my own interpretation) is 1. the woman definitely knew and had some sort of relationship with Kisaki thatw ent wrong, 2. that the woman was definitely injured, 3. that Kisaki at the very least doesn't know how to handle a child/respect a child's physical boundaries, 4. that Riku doesn't trust Kisaki, and 5. that Kisaki ran some kind of Y!JA price-boosting scam. Many of these reflect really poorly on him anyway: 4 and 5 completely match his known behaviors, and the 3rd one is a big ass red flag that would seriously worry me even if the other allegations were somehow proven 100% false tomorrow. But there is still room for being critical of the claims as they've been presented without assuming that anyone doing so is caping for Kisaki/bandmen everywhere so try to keep your heads screwed on when it comes to throwing around words like 'innocence'.

    I know there's a difference in the quality and detail of evidence provided. I also know that Kisaki is a proven dickhead with a literal rap sheet and that people will understandably weigh that into their judgments. But there are translated assault/rape allegations ostensibly from multiple people against Kyo & Daisuke in this same subforum that have been treated with kid gloves comparatively. I have my own assumptions about Kisaki's guilt like anyone else but it's been annoying me to see not strictly MH members, but off-site people who have jumped on this story as undeniable fact but also decrying tanuki/anonymous sources when it comes to bandmen they actually like because ???.

    Unless this manifests as an arrest or court case, I'm leaning towards thinking the woman deleted the account because of tanuki scrutiny or regret for posting the pictures of the child. A lot of the posts I read were quite harsh on the mother for taking pictures of her kid looking distressed, and for posting them on social media. I'd also seen some throwaway accounts reply to to her last tweet about deleting the pictures of the kid and criticizing her for originally only deleting a portion.

    ^^ @Chi I was just searching and a user posted a DM convo they had with the account OP who said that multiple people supposedly helped report him and also said she believes it will lead to an arrest. I hope she's right and that it does go to a court...

  14. 3 minutes ago, The Piass said:

    There are other pictures/tweets here





    Timing is everything... Thank you for sharing the link.

    Images #2 and #4 contain new information/tweets that were deleted at the time of the original translation.

    Image #2 new info:
    KISAKI暴露‏ @KISAKI54175241
    He'd throw the child under elementary school age on the bed and she got a blue bruise on her face.

    [Cut off picture of what appears to be a circle highlighting an area of the child's skin.]

    Image #4 new info:
    KISAKI暴露‏ @KISAKI54175241
    He would try to forcibly kiss the sleeping child and persisted even when she'd scream and cry.

    [Four pictures of Kisaki and a seemingly upset child -- some of which can be seen in the imgur link from the above post: https://imgur.com/a/Xroy0eN ]

    +The picture & tweet about the child in the costume bin as mentioned above.

  15. https://imgur.com/a/Xroy0eN

    Here's an album with some pictures that were deleted before I ever saw the account but collected from tanuki.
    One of them is a capture of a quote tweet where the 🐔🐔鶏肉てゃん🐔🐔‏ @_Lv114514_ 20h asks "Isn't she laughing?" in response to a pic of the child inside of a large storage container. The KISAKI暴露‏ @KISAKI54175241 tweet quoted says "The crying child was also forcibly trapped in his costume case". I also included screencaps from the original twitter feed as it was when I did the original translation, minus a few of the beginning tweets because I fucked up my screencaps (oops).

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