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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. 22 hours ago, platy said:

    I'm still unsure whether I should buy a ticket or not. 

    I'm not a huge dir en grey fan and the fact Kyo can barely keep up his performance with this band puts me off. But I also haven't been to a vk gig in forever and at this point I wanna take what I get. (not desperate enough to see kamijo tho) 

    Arguably he has been better live than on CD for a while now. The Sukekiyo lives have been incredible and the mode of Kisou & Vulgarism dvd’s are really good

  2. 1 hour ago, Saishu said:

    I don’t know if I should be worried or excited that the limited edition has more shit than the limited edition of Ninth, but costs less. 


    Well The Gazette had their best live in ages on that limited edition, while deg is more likely to have more live renditions of sustain the untruth and utafumi if anything

  3. 3 minutes ago, saishuu said:

    Indeed they are. Their early stuff is undeaniably their best, but some of their new music is super fun as well (ie. their latest EPs).

    Yeah that may well be I have listened to nothing beyond the first LP.


    This thread brings me back to the PSC carnival lives.  They had such an interesting roster once upon a time and they got shat on with accusations of ruining bands or whatever, meanwhile bands were ruining themselves even without the help of PSC somewhere else. Although I do think even gazette alluded to the shadiness of their management in some interviews ( don’t quote me )

  4. 32 minutes ago, saishuu said:

    Poor Kra.

    Whom still are, according to some accounts, still consistently interesting and good. Idk personally I just like their early stuff and am amazed that they’re still around to the interest of a handful

  5. Does PSC have anyone left? They went from having a roster of fairly big and up and coming names to Lotus and whatever the other one was, and on the gaijin net they generate 0 buzz. I wonder if this was a conscious decision on PSC’s part to leave the biz. 


    This will not affect gazette’s music in any way. If anything the split is probably over stuff like merch, touring, appearances etc. 

  6. So this now makes it their worst selling major album.


    I wish I knew how and why their sales from DIM to TOXIC sunk as much as they did, because they were probably lowkey positioning themselves for that SID & L'arc spot with the dome show and anime OP. Before anyone says it's the quality of the music they should know that has literally never mattered when the bands on top are L'arc ( numerous years if not two decades since last decent release ) and SID ( never released anything good, unique or groundbreaking outside of like their fucking first single or something ) 

  7. 5 hours ago, ahnchc said:

    I keep trying to tell myself this, but knowing that Tsuzuku composed relatively decent songs from MEJIBRAY (such as baby crossing, 躁と鬱と境界 (Sou to Utsu to Kyoukai), 【worms】, -XV-, EMILY, amongst others) I'm not even sure it's a valid excuse for the less-than-mediocre composition of this song. This song was just completely uninspired in a way that I didn't even think was possible. Even if Koichi composed it, it's still pretty bad lol.


    Mejibray's riffing style was always very uniquely MiA though, so there's must've always been massive contributions coming from him for pretty much every song. 


    The only hope I had left is that they'll somehow end up coming back in an year, but seeing this and MiA's project I'm not sure if I want to. I don't even know what happened to this band in the first place, like they were totally going to places around 420 Roses playing at decently sized venues and pretty much being the talk of the town in the internet community... and then after shitting out a dozen singles campaigns they cap off their career by playing at the clubs bands like Kizu and Mamireta are already at after an year. What happened 

  8. 2 minutes ago, frayed said:

    The writing was on the walls for awhile; I literally ‘jokingly’ guessed this back as far as January. Tsuzuku used to go on tirades on those tweet-casts about why people actually liked visual kei and kept referring back to jpop, like, “Why is Arashi so bad? Jpop is awesome. Why do you only listen to visual kei? Is it just for the make up?” (Obviously this is super abridged.) And I remember wondering back in the November of 2016, “well why are you doing visual kei then?” I’d heard from other people that his anti-visual rants dated back way further than that.


    It’s like I don’t want to be pegged as close minded for not giving it a chance, because I am. I like a lot of genres of music, and I’m super invested in Tsuzuku as an artist. But it’s super weird to hear him use his voice like that, and it’s not like I hate it, but I don’t love it. I just hope that this leads to more experimental pieces in the future since Tsuzuku himself likes so many different kinds of music. I want to believe he won’t limit himself. Otherwise it’s kind of a waste.


    Yeah the weirdest thing about him is how fucking hard he went at the lives, in the lyrics and the music and allegedly in his personal life; and then all he wanted to do all along was to play baroque covers. 

  9. 1 minute ago, colorfuljinsei said:

    Artists get tired of doing the same stuff.

    Tzk is a big fan of oshare and all that, and they probably figured that being an IG model with a who gives a shit music project will rake in big bucks far easier than doing all the rigorous touring and whatever else it is that VK bands have to do just to scrape by. and tbh I don't even know what direction they could have taken VK to after Mejibray without MiA also being on board. That's why the thought of a post-mejibray project with just the two of them was so exciting, but impossible to imagine

  10. 16 minutes ago, Nagisa said:

    Looking at other people's reviews, it seems like NINTH is like BEAUTIFUL DEFORMITY with more variation in the tracks and no standouts.


    I would go as far as to say that Beautiful Deformity might have sounded they even on its release, it had way more variety than DOGMA or NINTH. The ballads and IN BLOSSOM might even be a little underrated in the gazette ouvre. 


  11. 3 minutes ago, Saishu said:

    Yeah, Babylon’s Taboo sounds like it could have been written by any number of western nu metal bands in the early ‘00s. 


    And I wonder of Ruki is still using the Kiyoharu song title generator ironically or not


    I pretty much agreed with everything you've posted on this album so far tl;dr: I can listen to this album even though it's a whole bunch of nothing. Everyone except Ruki performs better than last time around. The album itself is lacking in any standouts that'd make you think this is Gazette in great form ( although arguably Falling is top tier new gazette even if it is as light as a souffle. ) It does entertain a fair bit. Whether it'll have any lasting value to me personally remains to be seen


    And i'm betting on that it won't. New GazettE just is not great metalcore, it's not great gazerock either. It's great at nothing while being ok at a few 

  12. Ruki has been on cruise control since Shiver. I still remember the time when he used to do different sounds for different tracks, like compare the vocals in the first four albums even with songs on the same album.


    I wrote some thoughts on Word that I might eventually make into a review, but it's just so fucking hard to say anything about this album. It's not, as far as gazette goes, horrible. It's not great either. It's just them continuing from BD with the things they acquired and learned from DOGMA. It's the Gazette doing The GazettE and what can you really do with that without tearing into the entire genre as it is. How I'd describe this album is DOGMA GazettE finally committing to larping Manson's Golden Age of Grotesque 

  13. We've seen them: on our feed, on our related and recommended videos. Reacts, reviews and today I even saw a podcast while I was out hunting for the The Gazette's anniversary live!


    I remember VK reacts being around for way longer than the recent "boom" ( probably caused in part by the one big react video an year or two back featuring such scene stalwarts as Insanity Injection, who are now off to headlining at the dome or something ), but usually they were both awfully made and nothing to say even to the low standards of the crowd those generally cater to, so it wasn't that big of a deal other than the occasional laugh. Now, I don't recall how long ago this was, I remember the first one I kept seeing frequently was that baldman doing reacts to The GazettE and Dir en grey songs, and I found them such fiery motorway car wreck that I kept going back for seconds to the point where his, and other peoples, videos would show on my feed and sidebar all the fucking time. (Oddly enough baldman actually kind of grew on me since he seemed like the type of guy who'd check out stuff like that anyway, while for the rest of them I still wish nothing but pain and misfortune.) These days they are all over the place with new ones trying to fish out them youtube hunnid views a Gazette react will get you. I've been a bit shy in checking them out since I don't want to give them any traffic no matter how tempted I am. I'd still go ahead and say it's worth making a thread on since everyone is exposed to the phenomenon by this point.


    Do you tolerate them, or even enjoy some? I reckon one or two of those people even lurk on this forum. Thoughts anyone?


    ~didn't post any links 'cause I don't want to give them any views. anyone else is more than welcome. and this thread isn't too much of a mess since I'm very drunk as of writing this~


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