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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. On 9/28/2018 at 4:42 PM, meat said:

    I'm a bit worried about the ticket I bought for the Warsaw date. I bought an e-ticket from a company called Go Out when they were first released but when I checked Progresja's website last night, it says the ticketting company is now called Knock Out Productions, which is a totally different company. Is my Go Out ticket still valid? Anyone else bought one through them? 


    I mean usually when I’ve gone to these third world shows there are multiple sites selling the tickets and you can’t make heads or tails which is the official one. If it has a barcode or anything like that then I’d reckon it works. Either way it’s not going to sell out so if they tell ya to fuck off at the door then you can just take the L and buy a new one lol...


    also going to the warsaw show so if anyone wants to crack some cold ones wif the bois then I’m down 

  2. I thought the album they released was fine


    and then i just forgot about them. I hope the vocalist comes back with a maybe a little bit more interesting concept than the one this band had 

  3. In defence of deg and this album in particular, I always seem to go back and forth with them throughout the years. Even on this forum everyone lists their favourite songs and the ones they dislike with the tone that as if it were the general opinion, and that's the sort of strong opinion they get out of people. It's early, but I think this is going to be one in that line of work; today I think of one thing and three weeks another and in two years something else. Applies to many bands surely, yet not this strongly.

  4. 2 minutes ago, blacktooth said:

    I have a morbid curiosity... can you pinpoint the moment this thought crossed your mind?

    it must have been one of the dumber heavy alt rock riffs that were featured in the previews with the shit mallcore guitar tone and trying to ignore the shit album cover


    and my alcoholism 



    edit: the intro riff from rubbish heap could have been straight from NINTH. somehow, gazerock caught up to 

  5. mixing ranges from dumb loud but cool to weird to just shit

    love the lyrics

    kyo's on fire, although not as much as I would have liked him to be. well we have the next sukekiyo for that and this is going to be this

    moab comparisons apt i think


    but the album was ruined for me at least for the time being when the thought passed me that this sounds like muse doing heavy gazette covers

  6. Totally missed this thread. Last night I was laughing my balls off at that fucking Satsuki rapping in european dives for ten odd people.


    If anyone is curious how the Satsuki live experience was then I wrote a report on it here, but tl;dr: no one in the audience knew the songs that Satsuki did karaoke to, and as that one finn said previously all Satsuki did was complain and beg for reactions from an audience that really was trying their best to seem enthused, which is very uncharacteristic of the generally cold finnish crowd. It was an unmitigated disaster that I recommend anyone to check out as long the venue serves drinks/you get drunk enough beforehand. 


    All the best to SNAKEZ and Satsuki & his backing track

  7. I mean he'd have to do something akin to tzk and koichi if he wants to alienate me. I kind of almost want him to do stuff like what was it on the first album... child mother? No nu-metal riffs but just the same grotesque imagery and him crooning. 

  8. 16 minutes ago, Kelrya said:

    I accidentally wrote tougher when I meant rougher, I edited the original post.


    IIRC Kaoru used the word 荒い which to me is a word I would use to describe TMOAB.

    Dare I say that I kind of feel this from Utafumi and Kaburu? I'm still moderately excited for the new album and I reckon Ranunculus will grown on me within the album itself, as had happened with pretty much all their singles since I've followed them with the exception of Rinkaku that hit home immediately. 

  9. What a sad fucking ending for the entire Mejibray saga.


    In a way it's almost poetic lol. Like now I'd like to imagine Nanaki sounding really foreboding and prefacing this breakup and the disaster that ensued 

  10. Went google translatin' on his twitter and there's already mentions of pedophilia and retirement by the japanese leaving tweets, so even if this woman drops charges and disappears as they often do in the west, Kisaki is still most likely more or less finished in the biz. Then again even Woody Allen and Polanski are still around so who knows


    what really matters to me tho are all the pedo puns I can make with phantasmagoria songs !!

  11. 29 minutes ago, kuyashii said:

    Some of their best stuff wasn't included on the "main" albums though. . I don't promise it though, I'm not sure it still exists but I think I still might have a list of the songs I liked written down somewhere, since i'm into the heavier stuff I think it can be useful to you.

    I fuck with 420 really, really hard. I think it's one of the best 2010's vk albums even. 


    But other than that there are a lot of B-sides that are definitely worth knowing like black baccarat, sou to utsu no kyoukai, gesshoku and so on. This is one of those bands that really grew on me, and now that I have become very biased to their sound I tend to like most of the stuff they did. If there's one thing that they are then it's unique, with the faults and all it's the whole what makes the mejibray experience. 

  12. they have two albums it'd take like 5 minutes to browse through them dude


    their "heaviness" remained consistent throughout and it's pretty much like kuyashii said. they had a style and they stuck by it with slight variation. 

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