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Karma’s Hat

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Posts posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. 9 hours ago, nullmoon said:


    This is why I can't comprehend people disliking Toxic. 

    To me it's all the fucking same too. It might be the most SADS influenced with a certain effort in having lamestream appeal, but you know that's a side of the gazette that was always there, if not present then lying dormant. DIVISION is the one I think has gotten the most unjust treatment as it really is in the continuum of the latest albums from the first song to last. I understand not being into some of their albums if your relationship to gazette is lukewarm anyway, but having a hard-on for any post-DIM album while despising another is just silly. 

  2. The PV track is aight, but at this point it’s always the same blastin’ riff to the same chinese restaurant OST instrumentals, with vocal melodies about as varied as the tones of gray on concrete slabs. A band of impeccable musicians throughout, reduced to treading waters that’ve other times slightly risen, other times slightly receded. As as mentioned by someone else in this thread before: they used to have riffs that one could discern, changes of mood and colour. 

  3. 10 hours ago, saiko said:

    Any thoughts on why Diru never plays their pre-Withering repertory? Unlike almost all the bands in the scene, they could have not played them never ever again if it weren't for the MODE OF... tours. (Still waiting for the MACABRE one, also! Why did they ignored it?) Dude, I'm glad they decided to put out a DVD of these lives! The VK-eras are still my favorites, despite I generally praise every album from them... I wish someday we'll have decent quality videos from their performances MISSA, Gauze and Macabre eras (2 Budokan gigs, and almost no records of them! Only seconds-length clisp... That's a fucking shame!).


    This was literally like, only a teeny tiny period during WtD and MOAB eras when they mostly played their newest material ( as most bands around the world usually do while promoting an album. ) Before the Mode tours were even as much as a thought, even the fine people of Finland had the chance to hear the tracks Zakuro, old Karasu, old shokubeni, Wake/Riyuu, 24ko Cylinder and Drain away played live in 2007 and 2011. They got a gigantic repertoire and still there was only a small handful of songs they didn't play after 2006

  4. Jesus christ dude. Their latest stuff is not great but if this is because of entitled fangirls hating on my boys just keeping it real them fuck ’m!!!


    come of finland gosan I promise you’ll get 20 people instead of 15

  5. I liked the mention of DIMLIM, because whenever I get out of my vk bubble or one band shows even a bit of ambition it does bring into perspective just how much same shit these bands end up churning out, and just how much I tolerate it, being a man of lower standards. Idk I kind of like the samples, but it's just the DADAROMA ersatz factory in full swing, putting out another single because it's that time of year again. 

  6. Nice the BMTH rip off is on there. This album is going to suck.


    and the production on the first album is fantastic. Now they sound like all the core bullshit around but remarkably with even less testosterone*


    *the production I mean. The music itself is even worse than the average glitzy loudness war corebands

  7. The comment about the lyrics probably came off a bit harsh, or as an exaggeration rather. It's just blase, and the groaning disappointment is just multiplied when coupled with the blase music. Shiin Kurashi, Tabetai etc. went fucking hard and now we got this crap.


    also is it just me projecting or did their production get worse with these two songs as well? 

  8. Within the span of two PV's they went from being one of the most talked about bands on the forum to no one giving a shit about the new song, and I can't blame yall for it because this track sucks even worse than the last one. It's a fine line they treaded, and now that their musicianship ( they used to sound really tight despite the generic riffs, or at least they didn't sound this sloppy ) and PV budgets take a slump they've managed to wander off to the wrong side of that said line. Shoutout to the lyrics also that some kind soul translated in the comment section. They're embarrassing. 

  9. If it's any comfort I think the seemingly disproportionate amount of westener feedback on their social media is more indicative of Japanese people not being interested, rather than massive worldwide support. For example the dead account of Karma has almost twice as many twitter followers as Koichi, and Raid's Sena has three times more ( while all the other members have at least twice as many. ) This shite muzak project is bound to sink, and both of them will be working as hosts and living without electricity and running water in no time. Not even the lady working the corner shop will recognise them as they try to shoplift mandarins in an effort to not to starve to death with the rest of the homeless people sleeping under the bridges.  

  10. It's very hard to tell what exactly is their style right now before the album comes out, because that's when they break out of the three minute single formula with the growly verses and poppy chorus melodies. There are hints, and I agree with Geist that some, even fairly major things have happened and Kyo's vocal performance is the biggest one. He has really let loose after Arche on Sukekiyo and on the Dir en grey singles, and I can't wait to see whether the compositions can hold their end on that front. I don't care about the "style" of music they play as long as they just manage to let go and experiment with the style and be spontaneous, different etc. Much like Sukekiyo did with their last album ( and that album still is so fucking good and it has held up 100% since it's release. There's just no way the well insulated room can ever live up to it  ) 

  11. 5 hours ago, Seelentau said:

    29.06.2018 Shinkiba Studio Coast






    FUKAI (Vestige of Scratches ver.)

    Ash (First time since 2002 ; 2018 ver.)


    New Song (Ranunculus)


    audience KILLER LOOP



    Beautiful Dirt



    Behind a vacant image

    THE FINAL (2013 ver.)

    (New Song)



    I mean it’s not exciting, but that’s a decent set

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